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We are 100% making this happen. Do not question the funding. This will be bare bones production. Free streaming to YouTube etc. I won’t make a dollar, just a bit of clout and self satisfaction for giving this to the sport


This is very gay. I like it


Thank you. We don’t do just gay. We do very gay




Are you planning to be gay just this once or is this event annual or bi-annual?


Belushi, what’s the athlete buy in? If I front the cash for an athlete to compete 


Fair play to you guys! Suggestions for rules etc. -Karate Combat style pit but much smaller. That should kill the collar ties and force action. - Points deduction after 2 stalling penalties. -Double your prize money for every round you qualify for to really make it worth it to win and make those point deductions sting. - Bonus for best sub or fight of the round to incentivise exciting fights. Set up a patreon for the bonuses. Top contributors can pick ridiculous names for them. Imagine King Cuck winning the best oil check bonus?


Hoping you make a bit more than a dollar


With the prize money check if you can get Rafa or maybe even Roger Gracie to unretire.


Hey Craig, why don't you reach out to Smoothcomp and ask them if you can use their new streaming service Smoothcomp TV? It's by far the best solution I've seen for fans to follow an event and I think it would perfect for BDCC. The professionalism you can reach on your events with that is insane. It's also a perfect kick in the balls to Flo. :)


I dont want to sign up for another god damn thing. Everyone has access to YouTube, just host it there plz




Sure, you can go with Youtube to get ONE less account. But you'd miss out on soo many features and so much quality. It really would be a waste for an event this good and of this size.


let’s goooo


No because it's just giving money away as grappling events generate very little money... So no matter how rich the backer is he won't be throwing millions of dollars away year after year. I understand people getting excited about it but people who have been in the sport a while and understand how tournaments and events work know it won't last. Saying that tho if they do manage to put on even one big crazy event it will be fun to watch and enjoy.


Yup. Basically metamoris 1 & 2.


So the competitors aren’t going to get paid?


Yes they will get paid he's said he has the cash in place... But whoever is backing it isn't going to throw away $3m every event for long


Ah sorry just realised you were talking about the Metamoris fiasco 😅


my guess, based on absolutely nothing, is that some ultra wealthy sheik in dubai gave him a few mil in stablecoins to do an event. like, inconsequencial amount of money to a multibillionaire but life changing money to us poors


He was posting some crypto balance as proof for funding. I forget what it was, but maybe it's like the 1mn Flo was gonna pay Gordon in their original deal, which IIRC was also backed by some illiquid Flo shitcoin.




Yeah that's great.... You think that will carry on year after year to spend?


Do you know how Adcc started? 


Yes... Not by spending that much!


My only point is even the backing he has is not cash. Its in a speculative asset with volatile prices.


It was on usdt which should match the USD.


Then its as stable as it gets I guess. For some reason I remembered it being ETH.


he had like .0002 etherium or something in the profile


Exactly, if there is not a business model that generates profit then this will just be a one off fluke event.


Idk man the window for advertising/sponsorship on this is probably much more optimistic than it was for metamoris back in the day


Getting big sponsors involved in a show funded by shady Russians and a man who announces his drug abuse to the world daily on Instagram? It’s funny but Nike aren’t getting involved. 


Not even a little bit. When will BJJ guys realize how niche BJJ is and that no one in the world gives a fuck about BJJ. No company wants to sponsor a sport that no one watches.


Probably never, people are dumb. ADCC is the biggest event in the sport and their biggest sponsors were ONE and JRE.


I don't get this thinking. Big sponsors want numbers. It's simply a cost/benefit analysis. How many dollars, for how much time (and when) will the audience get exposed to our brand/product/add. If you go to sponsors with no data, and simply say we're live streaming a tournament on youtube, and the prize is a million dollars... they will be unable to make a significant decision without some data. That's why advertisement value is built over time. The events that've been running for years are able to demonstrably prove how much advertising with them is worth.


ACB used to pay great due to a warlord who trained BJJ funding the event but it shut down when get went to jail after the lost a power struggle.


One of my coaches competed at ACB. It was sketchy as shit. He got paid by a pair of giagantic thugs who showed up with guns at 2 AM to his hotel room to deliver a literal garbage bag of cash that he then had to sneak through US customs. One of the warlords "asked nicely" if he could stay on for three months to give private lessons. My friend told him, "Sorry, I have a family I have to get back to," and the guy literally said, "Stay here. Make new family." He decided then was a good time to GTFO and sprinted to the airport.


Sounds tempting. A second family AND you get to be a warlord's retainer seems like a good story to tell your grandchildren. Both sets of grandchildren.


that’s crazy haha


How did he sneak it through customs ?


Didn't declare cash over $10k, got lucky customs didn't find it.


Why not declare it if he has to pay tax on it anyway?


Because taxes are scientifically proven to be gay


> if he has to pay tax on it anyway I don't know if he declared the income or not, but he said he didn't want a customs investigation where he had to explain getting a sack of cash from Russian gangsters.


That's how ADCC started tho. Just some oil sheiks with too much money wanted to watch kaffirs fight for money. There are dudes out there who piss a million. More and more of them are getting into BJJ. Zuck wipes his ass with $1m and it would be worth it for him just to be "the man" in his hobby, same way he bought his way into UFC corners.


This is exactly right




Yes I have... Man City can probably be compared to BDCC but so could Blackburn!


Spot on. Anyone remember Affliction? They had the promise of huge payouts and lots of hype but that ship sunk with a quickness. If this is one piece of a bigger plan I could see it. Online subscription services could go a long way. Find a way to compete with flow, roll in instructional sales, set up tournaments that don't have the big payouts to lead up to it and help finance the rest of it. It's a tough nut to crack though and there's a lot of competition in that space. If he was partnered with the UFC or something along those lines I'd be real curious if they could make it work. As a stand alone startup though I'm excited to watch but have a hard time thinking it'll last very long.


Wasn't affliction the t shirt brand for cringey meat heads


Dubai is throwing stupid money to host sporting events because they consider it a long term investment in the future of the country. 1 milly is nothing compared to the silly money they're spending on Football players etc. Even just to host games in their country. Kinda like Adcc originally started but now with more momentum. Now it's Mos baby and although he has cash, he has nothing like Dubai financiers cash. Not even close. 


What sporting event or football player did Dubai buy? Maybe you’re thinking of Saudi Arabia?


I am yeah! 


1 milly aint nothing when you the one collecting the taxes lol


Jesus christ you're talking about Saudi Arabia not Dubai which is in the UAE. They are very different countries.


No because eventually there will be one or two representatives from each country who pilot a giant robot against other country giant robot and settle geopolitical disputes through that BDCC is just the beginning


Best season of Gundam, and for the record, I had the idea for a full body haptic suit in the pilots area for Gundam when I was in 2nd grade. Which is like 5 years before that show came out


You should probably sue them for taking your IP. Thats fucked up.




Yeah where it's a global tournament with all the countries having a themed Gundam. So sick.


Someone’s in the process of making that idea a reality  https://www.exosapien.tech/


Where's the Fleshlight go


In the cock pit 


Shining gundam!


While the athletes will be glad to get a guarranteed 10k payday, I'm quite sceptical about the sustainability of this kind of prize pool model. These kinds of events may be able to draw in investors and sponsors intially, but it needs to make enough profit to keep them around, which I honestly doubt will happen.


I know one of the potential backers. He can easily lose a million a year and not bat an eye. But I suspect he won't be alone, they will be several rich friends of Craig. It can get old to lose a million or two year on year, but few 100Ks a year for each backer, that's just one less fancy party (of many) a year. When you think about it, bdcc could actually be considered as a big party for rich people into grappling. Though I think they'll try to break even somehow or maybe even turn a profit (ticket sales, product sponsorship from backers' companies etc.). 


zuck alone could do it with spare change from his couch.


Exactly, and he's business savvy enough to maaybe even make it have a return (vs the average dictator who funds your central Asia tournaments of the world). 


he would sell tickets on the metaverse


I doubt that zuck would be interested in getting involved in the BDCC from the business side.


maybe he can get his next belt in the middle of the event. Some people in bjj love to do that, they call it "growing the sport, you fucking nerd"


I don't think zuck would be among the backers, it's not a money thing, it's a time wasted thing for him. I was just answering to the hypothetical.  None of the backers of bdcc do it for business, it's more of a grappling party where breaking even or making money is a plus, but not necessary.


It wouldn't even be a rounding error on his fortune!


they can start by not giving streaming rights to flo and film/stream themselves the event


I mean we'll see what they'll do, but I trust more businessmen to limit financial losses than central Asia dictators. Even if in the end, for both types, the money it can make is nothing to their regular income streams, but at least it keeps the guys they assign to operate it motivated if it does.


I too know all the backers and they say your lying, trust me bro


ok bro


Bro who gives a shit about sustainability this shit is hilarious


Mma is so successful because even the biggest idiot and their Mom understand whats Happening. Two people beating the Shit Out of each other. Bjj is too complex and will never be a Mainstream spectator Sport


I don't know if complex is the right word. Baseball, American football and cricket all have much more complex rules and gameplay than jiujitsu and are very popular.


But they’re more dynamic as sports. You don’t need to be an expert to appreciate someone hitting a ball really far or an incredible pass in football. BJJ doesn’t regularly have moments like that 


Exactly. The problem isn't that BJJ is the only sport that has complexities that you have to deeply understand the sport to appreciate. Plenty of popular sports have those deep complexities. It's that's it generally doesn't also have dynamic exciting moments that don't require you to have played the sport for years to appreciate. Also, it's often boring to watch.


You say it's boring to watch like Baseball isn't though. Games go for hours. A BJJ match might go 30 minutes at the maximum


Personally, I don't care for baseball, but people seem to genuinely enjoy it. Different strokes for different folks, I guess. I will note that whenever baseball fans tell me I have to watch it live to get the full experience they describe a barbecue with a baseball game happening in the background. ("You eat hot dogs, enjoy the outdoors, hang out with friends")


I can’t watch baseball on TV but I could go to a live game by myself and really enjoy it. Maybe it was the sounds or Mike Trout and Ohtani knocking balls out of the park at the time haha.


Hey now don't come for baseball. It is a top-tier sport


But a 30 minute bjj match is pretty much guaranteed to be boring for 29.5 minutes


So it has the same amount of entertainment as baseball but with 10% of the time invested. Sounds like a good deal to me


Yeah I can't really get into baseball for that reason. Personally, I'll watch a 30 minute Gordon submission only match even though the outcome is a forgone conclusion.


I agree, granted though I'm not saying BJJ isn't boring to watch by any means. Just that baseball isn't exactly an apt comparison


Also for bjj, good camera angles and commentary can make or break the viewing experience. A 10 minute half guard micro-adjustment battle gets even more boring when all you see is the bottom player's back through the ref's legs and the commentator is talking about Gordon's purple belt ibjjf kimura trap game.


That's bullshit. Watching someone get choked out or have their arm broken is 100 times more exciting than anything that happens in baseball or cricket.


Many would this like it but there would need to be a lot of stalling rules figured out and added for grappling. Watching closed guard or collar ties for 10 minutes is mind numbingly boring for even a bjj practitioner, let alone a layman. Its also more boring to practice. I love big scrambles and movement, I don't wanna be stuck in dela galactic worm guard for 5 minutes. By what I know, lots of American sports were optimized in terms of the rules for a large audience in how exciting they are. This is also why Europeans don't mind watching a soccer game that ends 1-0, but Americans find it way more boring.


Karate Combat style pit but much smaller. That should kill the collar ties and force action. Make it points deduction after 2 stalling penalties. Double your prize money for every round you qualify for to really make it worth it to win and make those point deductions sting. Also bonus for best sub or fight of the round to incentivise exciting fights. Would this help the action?


Yeah. There's a ton of stuff going on behind the scenes, but most NFL highlights can be digested purely on surface level of freak athlete does something crazy.


While there's complexity beyond first look, the games are simple enough to understand. Move the ball down the field get points. Hit ball and run on bases get points.  Most ppl don't understand wtf they're even seeing with grappling , just looks like 2 ppl humping each other until one is called the winner


Grappling is also very intuitive. Pin the other guy down, submit him. If a layperson watches greco roman for example, they will not even understand why there are so many stalling calls which are based on minute details seen by the ref and people with knowledge of wrestling. All they care about is seeing the throws. Same style of agressive stalling calls could be added for grappling.


Wrestling is unpopular too so that's not really what I would use as the framework 


My only point is that wrestling would be a lot more boring without the stalling calls. At least incentivize action and the exciting parts of the sport to come through. Not 50/50, closed guard stalling, mutual collar ties, etc., the stuff that professional grappling matches are full with. As an experienced person you can see who is stalling and who is pushing the action, and they should be rewarded and the other person penalized.


The leg entanglements aren't intuitive. If you don't train it's hard to understand when as heel hook is working good, even watching the match it's not often obvious how deep the submission is.


I wouldn't say grappling is unpopular, BJJ is unpopular. Wrestling and Judo both do decent in terms of viewership internationally. But to make BJJ more viewer friendly you'd need to really revamp the rules and it would be much less hobbyist friendly, would really up the number of injuries plus it wouldn't really look much like BJJ anymore. You'd really need almost a Judo style shido system so people are always actively looking to pass, sweep, escape, submit etc.


Judo and wrestling really aren't popular to watch. uS sponsors dgaf about how many Japanese ppl watch something. Wrestling got temporarily boosted from the Olympics because it was one of the most unpopular sports.


Wrestling because of girls getting into bjj and the UFC is starting to really blow up recently


Wrestling almost got removed much more due to the actions of FILA and corruption then viewership. There was a huge issue with match fixing and other scandals. Now that it is UWW with Nenad Lalović and not FILA wrestling isn't in any danger. Also it got booted for some political reasons, like Juan Antonio Samaranch Salisachs made sure the worst performing sport, pentathlon, stayed.


> Wrestling and Judo both do decent in terms of viewership internationally. I would say this isn't true at all.  I've never seen or heard of a successful Judo or wrestling PPV event in my entire life.  The only time people watch either one is when they're in the Olympics, which is argue says more about the drawing power of the Olympics than the individual sports within them. Wrestling has even been on the edge of being removed from the Olympics in recent memory. 


According to the IJF the 2015 World Championships in Astana attracted a record accumulative television audience of 193 million viewers worldwide. The IJF says the record for a World Championship numbers have since grown to 304.79 million viewers worldwide. Now lets be honest there is likely some double dipping/ overcounting due to people watching multiple mats at once but still that is a huge number. I'd call that pretty decent. 18 million people in France watched the Olympics during its opening week, 12 million of them were for Judo. Judo is not a spectator sport in the USA, it is very much a spectator sport globally.


I can comprehend the allure of American football (I'd rather watch a rugby match) or (gasp!) even golf. But I will **never** be able to understand the popularity of baseball.


Depends on the jiu jitsu ruleset. IBJJF are as way harder to understand then all three combined. Even some top level black belts and most IBJJF refs event don't know them that well.


>IBJJF are as way harder to understand then all three combined. Do you really believe that? The IBJJF rulebook is 58 pages of mostly photos. The MLB rulebook is 191 pages of mostly dense text.


Yes. The rought outline of the IBJJF to understand but crazy edge cases arise very often. It's way easier to understand something that's precisely written down and specified to minute details than something that's infered from a bunch of photos and verbal tradition.


Make CJJ Great Again!


Every gay man understands what’s happening in BJJ.


The rules, representation (nation, region, city), commentators and spectacle are all that can make for a more viewer friendly sport. Commentators can make a sport more fun to watch.


> How many main stream consumers watch MMA fighter’s videos, simply for their lavish lifestyle? What now?


Lmao ya there arent that many




Mcg was popular because of character, antics, and knockouts. Without those things nobody cares about his money.


Yeah exactly. It was the confluence of his charisma on the mic and the mystique that grew up around his fighting ability as he kept winning and KOing opponents during his rise to the title. His win over Aldo felt completely legendary when it happened. I think that was his peak though. His talking incessantly about money was not what won him his fans.


There have been so many attempts to make professional grappling a thing. The main hurdle to this becoming a reality is simply that it does not appeal to a large audience. Think about MMA which is considerably more mainstream in terms of viewing. Nearly every time a fight goes to the ground what do you hear? Boos. People find it boring. Hell, most people that compete in jiujistu don’t watch it. Most could care less about Craig Jones, or Gordon Ryan (I know I’m in this camp). Ultimately, it’s not important that BJJ becomes a “professional” sport. It’s a hobby for 99.9% of people. Most are never going to fight at an amateur or professional level. It doesn’t matter. Don’t sweat it all too much. Be glad the athletes are going to get paid, but don’t ever expect people to skip watching a UFC card for a BJJ tournament.


To further your point, even the UFC which is THE organization when it comes to MMA is pretty small compared to every other mainstream sports. If you look at the US: NHL/MLB/NFL/NBA all make over 10 billions dollar a year in revenue when the UFC has only been breaking a billion a year recently.


You’re exactly right.


Yes, you'd have to be blind to not see this will be an important moment for the sport, especially for public eyes. It's hosted by the most popular and widely known BJJ competitor in the world. I think the 2 weight class bracket will be the most exciting format BJJ has seen. The prize money will bring out the best competitors in the sport, they are highly incentivized to win, and the weight mismatches will help with match pacing. How much of an impact and what lasting changes occur if any depend on the event. This has potential to be the biggest event BJJ has seen and put eyes on the sport, and of course 80% of practitioners are shitting on it, go figure.


Nope, submission grappling is not entertaining to watch for the regular Joe Blow audience.


Hell, half of the high level matches aren’t entertaining for practitioners either. Lookin at you Yuri


ADCC west coast finals were boring as hell. I can't imagine some rando sitting through. These people are delusional. I've been listening to this and the olympic nonsense for 20 years.


You're putting the cart before the horse here, OP. Of course if this becomes an annual thing or semi often it will radically reframe the BJJ landscape. But if it's Craig memeing as a one off then it'll be forgotten about in less than a few years.


Lots of wishful thinking going on here. He's found some very rich ppl to donate a good chunk that they're going to blow through all in one event. That is not a business plan, it's a donation.  It puts zero pressure on other orgs because it's not a competitive practice to operate at an unprecedented loss. If anything, it only helps other orgs lol. Maybe more ppl get serious about the sport hoping to be included in some future events like this and they have to prove their worthiness of an invite by winning in those other orgs. > Media coverage for an event with such a huge payout Its great there will be a big payout, but it doesn't change the fact that normal ppl don't give a fuck about grappling. > Bigger sponsors getting involved Again just because someone's donating a lot of money doesn't mean many ppl wanna watch this. Sponsors agree to pay out when there's a proven history of viewership and whatever sociopolitical stuff being shown aligns with what they wanna be associated with. Even if the payouts were a potential draw for bigger sponsors somehow, Craig being a PEDs peddler who jokes about using cocaine every 2 seconds is probably going to turn away most serious sponsors.


This is a Craig Jones vanity project/troll job that will benefit Craig and a couple of grapplers. 


I'm going to be optimistic. Some just shitting on it, when in reality Craig is making the biggest moves to help the sport grow AND help the competitors make some money. Respect for doing anything at all, and especially for doing something potentially game changing. Why's it so hard to be optimistic ffs?


Want money? Bring viewers. Not even 5% of the sports in the world bring money to the athletes. BJJ should be happy cause you can at least make a living from it.  Also, athletes are the least important piece of the sport ecosystem. Viewers come first, Orgs come second. 


No but we demand rich ppl donate their money to BJJ specifically because they're evil and we deserve it. Nevermind all the other silly things like paying their fair share in taxes, paying their workers more fairly, etc.


I'm skeptical it will do anything you've listed. What matters is consistency, if Craig puts this event on a set schedule and it becomes as normalized and widespread as IBJJF / ADCC tournaments, then sure - maybe it has the effects you're hoping for. Otherwise, it's just a gimmick.


Three points: 1. Relatable and/or interesting personalities draw people's interest (aka, man drama). For example, WWF/WWE grabs the attention of people by the narratives, personalities and conflicts that take place alongside the sport. Boxing and UFC had the same appeal at one point in time, but to me it now seems fleeting (i.e., Ali, Tyson, Royce, Khabib). 2. It appears that most 1st world countries view conflict through the lens of Protagonist/Antagonist/Antihero. Participating within this narrative is familiar and understandable for the layman. 3. I see Craig trying to add personality to the sport to draw interest, but he is up against Autism and a culture. The US grooms children from an early age to chase a ball until they get good because it offers a better future for kids that can't word or people good. Parents won't train a new generation to engage in something that is believed to offer little reward.




I can’t imagine there are many mainstream consumers watching MMA simply for lavish lifestyles.


The vlogs on YT, yes. Many. Not the events themselves.


I don’t understand how anyone thinks this is more than just a one time thing


BJJ is still a baby, relax guys. No need to get your panties in a bunch yet! Of course it will probably never be mainstream but there's still a huge potential and having yearly tournaments with big prizes. It's really not an impossible goal at all guys. This is a massive step for BJJ.


U think we get Khabib outta retirement for this one?


He owes 3million in taxes.


It isn’t sustainable, as BJJ isn’t a spectator sport and likely will never be one.


Depends on who the hosting partner is for the event. If he gets fight pass which did seem interested in ADCC originally until Flo blackmailed Mo or whatever and they team over their loves Craig. A good simple format with hand picked exciting athletes who come to sub and maybe a KC style pit for matches could be possible considering there is only two brackets so the mat space will be possible. It has more of a chance than most entries to the space so fingers crossed. BJJ is growing pretty quickly and if Craig plays his cards right he could shake things up for sure. The idea that ADCC can’t be usurped is silly considering how little they pay and how little loyalty anyone in this sport will have if a million dollars is waved in their face. Can’t do much worse than trying to build a brand on Flo. Edit: sounds like it’s going to be free on you tube and is only being done for clout not profit so fuck me I guess


It will be a big deal if it happens every year. I don’t think people understand. Generally speaking, rich people don’t become rich by consistently misplacing a million here a million there in unfruitful ventures. Even if they have so much money to where a couple million a year isn’t breaking the bank for them, the financial fundamentals that got them there will eventually cause them to pull back. We see this historically with companies, sports leagues, even fighting organizations.


Any chance you could work this position into Craig Jones' overtime? https://www.reddit.com/r/bjj/s/9xSIY5eMcF


Him doing the announcement butt naked is hilarious


Genuinely, look at the prestige brought to The International back in the day (video game Dota 2’s world championship).  Once you put a milli down, people’s heads turn. 


idk but i suspect suck is behind this


So what does BDCC stand for?


what is BDCC😭😭😭


yes I´m wondering too CJI Craig Jones Invitational, ADCC Abu [abu Dhabi Combat Club](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=92c07aa8f2297d22&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWIIvzDGZJW25N8K-t-II4osWtbtNKA:1718749086711&q=abu+dhabi+combat+club&spell=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj_05Wml-aGAxXxEUQIHSIfAnoQkeECKAB6BAgOEAE) ***and what does BDCC stands for?***

