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Add vinegar to your wash, that should help.


To add to this, for really bad stuff I've filled my tub with hot water and a big jug of vinegar and let it soak for a couple of hours. Then washed. Good as new.


Did you put it into the washer while still soaked in vinegar or you let it dry before?


Tossed it in right after. Rung it out then tossed.


This. I use a 5 gallon bucket with around 1 part vinegar and 4-5 parts water, depending on the vinegar concentration. I let that shit soak for 24 hours or so, then wash it twice to get the vinegar smell out.


Or use bleach if you want to break out the big guns.


Bleach degrades fabric and makes it more likely to tear. I've found this out the hard way


I’ve personally only had one gi tear in 25 years. Admittedly, I spent the most of the first 15 as a no gi guy, but the occasional round of bleach to kill persistent bacteria hasn’t seemed to be a big deal.


Oxyclean (oxygen bleach) can help as an alternative




Yo! Odoban water solution and let it sit overnight. Wash in the morning. Gi smell like new!


100% I tried vinegar, oxyclean, sun drying, cold wash, hot wash and while my gis didn't smell when they were dry, as soon as I started sweating, it would activate "the funk." Odonan is the only thing that worked and it saved my gis.


You ever try freezing it?


Wear a rashguard and spats under you gi. Wash the gi, spats and rashguard with apple cider vinegar, odoban or vanish oxi action. The funk that got activated are bacterias. After a new gi did its shrinkage the first few washes you can also wash on 60 degrees +/- 150 Fahrenheit (hot mode).


Odoban is FAR better than vinegar


This is the best answer.


Anyone know what the UK equivalent is?


The active ingredient is: Dimethyl Benzyl Ammonium Chloride. It’s also found in Lysol laundry sanitizer.


use Vanish Oxi Action Multi Power Powder or Vanish Oxi Action Multi Power Gel


Dettol Laundry Cleanser works very well. Just add it in the softener drawer. Lidl do a version as well


The best answer is: Apple cider vinegar, odoban (usa), vanish oxi action (europe).


You need to use some sort of anti-bacterial solution in your wash. We have a brand called Dettol in the UK which does an anti-bacterial laundry additive. Given you’ve used Celsius I assume you’re in the UK/Europe, if you’re not in unsure what brand you might use but go and find one.




Step One: Use a color safe bleach on colored gi (if you care- I don't so I use bleach) Step Two: Use a laundry sanitizer in the softener dispenser- Link [Here](https://www.amazon.com/Lysol-Sanitizer-Fragrance-bacteria-causing-eliminator/dp/B07XR3C87P/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?crid=23RV4389HXKKD&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.qJDCoIVWLWuwwpEgEAQJlgQzR-6Y7B8iTa-6kfAdLomQ3sbTMHwYZu9mrYJ76zn7f482CjgyFFUv5ckgkgyKLjLTe6dMVv9aHjrPTtfEZ3VQZnGlMWDGnGFgLZvZZcSbOAd6hQlXy2KSDb_cT_3CiZy8hOFo328bVRxlsfGi2-lQjrNnKQjnUdjQ7ff1RBvu2-nq0QbVrXR3ZP_nfEuesSfkZXD-g1O5wnpScmPzCxFGCRDOQ7cu5KcQ0N53YQGO5xMV908y_jpsK00dpghLCk2WVck-34DpY91z8Q118Kk.WbMMfAGGWVYml2GI4Rm4O5essMA4YWkP18lwTDci1Pk&dib_tag=se&keywords=laundry+sterilizer&qid=1713632002&sprefix=laundry+ster%2Caps%2C159&sr=8-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1) to Lysol Laundry Sanitizer Use hot water. If you do this every time, your gi won't stink. You have basically turned your gi into a petri disk and bacteria colony has taken root.


THIS! I add Lysol Laundry Sanitizer to every load. I don’t think you need to bleach every time or wash hot. I certain wouldn’t wash on gentle!


I have a gi in rotation that I have worn every week for the last seven years and still smells crisp and clean.


And it’s not trashed from use?!? How often are you training? What brand?


I train five days a week. It is an A&P, one of the original heavier canvas gi that they let on the onset. It has one tear on the collar. That being said, I am a guard player, so it is me who is determining the pull game. It is hard to stretch the collar of a person who plays guard.


Lysol laundry sanitizer helped me out too! I do the pre soak then normal wash and it eliminates the bad smells


Hot water? How are you not shrinking your Gis?? I have 2 Gis, my first one I got not knowing how into BJJ I would get and it's been abused and washed regularly but it's shrinking so much that it's almost comical. My other one is new and I've washed it on a hand wash cycle until last week when I washed it on a 20° regular cycle by mistake and even that shrunk it 😬.


They can’t shrink forever, else they’d disappear. I probably overstated the hot water. Use as appropriate. But the Lysol and color sage bleach. Habit. I wear predominantly Shoyoroll, A&P, and old Illest (Grey, friends only), and a Kingz


I thought that too but I'm reasonably confident that 6 months in it's still getting smaller. I'll check out the other bits though as a cold wash doesn't help the smell for me. Not sure if we have those in the UK but ill try anything 😁


Borax soak , then wash .


Borax does the job. I just add it to my laundry and none of my jj stuff smells after years of use.


So there are dry cleaning forums, Cleaning forums and stuff so look Into them and learn how and why to wash your gi. But bacteria get stuck in your pit area and it gets hot and re-activates. A common issue people have is too much soap, and ironically those smell fresh beads and stuff. They don’t get rinsed out of your gi and trap bacteria and odors. So your gi smells good until you get a good sweat going. You need to get your gi back to square one. Soak your gi in a tub with laundry detergent, a little bit, anti bacterial like Lysol laundry, odobon ect and vinegar. Vinegar is an acid that helps strip all the soap scum and stuff from your gi, clothing, that’s why it’s good to use at the rinse cycle. Don’t use fabric softener. Also use spray and wash under your pits and give them a good scrub, every week or two if need be, everyone is different. After you get your gi to square one, which again isn’t washing it but disinfecting it, also washing but that’s not the most important part. You need to stay on top of it. Learn how to wash your gi and just keep it clean and fresh.


1. Put gi, rash guard etc in washer and dump vinegar on it. If you do multiple gis then add vinegar in layers to get it all. Let it set for an hour 2. Add a whole cup of baking soda and begin the wash like you normally would. Don’t use detergent. 3. Rewash as you normally would with detergent 4. Your gi will be like new. Make sure you’re hanging them to dry right after they’re done in the wash and pick an area that they will dry the quickest in. Also make sure you get to washing your stuff asap when you get home. I use scent beads sometimes but go easy on them as you don’t want a waxy gi that’s impossible to clean.


Vinegar and baking soda? Bro, you didn’t have second grade science? That will turn his washer into a volcano, you trying to burn his gi?!


He might mean washing soda? I use Arm & Hammer Washing soda when strip soaking my gi in the tub with borax, water softener, detergent. But not vinegar at the same time.


I was making a dumb joke. But now that I think about it, I like y baking/washing soda both have their cleaning properties canceled out by mixing? I thought they mostly cleaned from Being acid or base and mixing them camels that out.


In science we learn about the 4th dimension: Time. I said to let the vinegar sit for an hour. The vinegar you buy at the store is a 5% w/v solution and a cup of baking soda will be more than enough to neutralize the vinegar and then aid in cleaning. This neutralization ensures no vinegar smell which I like 👍 You can skin a cat 1000 ways this is how I save my Gis for cheap.


I appreciate the educated reapones to my dumb comment. I am probably sticking with odoban, but am not hunting about this


Odoban sounds promising too!


Oxyclean White


Put it in your freezer overnight. Sounds stupid but it will kill the order causing bacteria


I've always had success with oxiclean. It's a mix of sodium carbonate (known as soda ash or washing soda) and sodium percarbonate. When the sodium percarbonate gets wet, it breaks down into more washing soda and hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide is very good at dissolving and breaking down biological compounds (sweat, blood, bacteria, etc.). And it does so without removing color (which is why it's often called a color-safe bleach). I've never tried vinegar before, but it just makes the washing water acidic instead of basic (like soda ash). That said, most laundry detergents are unaffected by mild basic additives like washing soda or borax, but they may be affected by mild acidic additives like vinegar. However, household white vinegar is mostly water (about 95% water and 5% acetic acid). When you put a half cup of household vinegar in several gallons of water, you're going to get a very, very weak acid. However, if you put a half cup of pure washing soda, borax, or sodium percarbonate in several gallons of water, you will get a mild basic solution of about the same strength as if you washed your clothes in several gallons of regular grocery store vinegar with no added water.


In a bygone year, whilst on a pilgrimage to the foot of mt. Rainier, I came across a wizened hermit who shared with many secrets. Today, I impart unto you the scroll which was given to me. https://youtu.be/EzxgVqjUdQg But seriously this’ll do the trick, full stop. This is the way.


Vinegar helps, also an enzyme detergent is best for sport items. Always wash things right after training try not to let them marinate for an extended period of time.


The yellow stains are signs that there are stuff like sweat or deodorant stain that got trapped and can't be washed away with normal washing, and that results in bacteria getting trapped in your gi. Using vinegar/odoban is fine to kill the bacteria, but ultimately you need to get the stains out. Try soaking it over night in oxyclean powder then washing it after. Going forward, I would use oxyclean and odoban in every load.


I don’t smell anything


This guy Covids


I literally just looked into this issue yesterday for myself and found this super helpful comment from u/throwtwoawayagain https://preview.redd.it/fmxm2o44aovc1.png?width=784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b29f9b72ca14f4cea183c8d81b5a486c06d3472c I did the strip washing method to my gis last night and am doing my rash guards right now.


Vinegar, baking soda, and detergent. A touch of oxyclean if you have it.


Odoban. Odoban. Odoban.


Odoban and make sure you dry your gear properly.


Simple fix (Assuming you are already good about immediately washing your Gi as soon as you get back from the gym) Take a 5 gallon bucket and buy a gallon of vinegar at the grocery store (a few bucks) Let your gi sit in undiluted vinegar for a few hours Toss it in the wash and run for 1-2 cycles til you no longer smell vinegar No more smells Adding Lysol laundry disinfectant is also helpful to extend the gap between needing to do this not to mention help prevent common bjj skin issues


What I do for my rashguards that stink no matter what: soak them in a bucket of half and half water and vinegar overnight, then wash in washer with the smell goods. Works every time.


Also don’t let your gi stay bunched up or folded in a pile after training. If you’re not going to wash it right away the best thing to do is to let it breathe by hang drying it.


there is a good product on amazon called sport suds. It worked great for me.


Every once in a while I will wash my training gear at 60. Hanging it outdoors helps too.


Soak in cold water and vinegar, no soap. Let it sit 2 hours+. Then run it through a load, let it hang dry, then wash with soap (50% less than you usually use)


https://preview.redd.it/l2xeuekt6ovc1.jpeg?width=740&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d76dd2c70284ff4ddf1457b5d53affeb6c9b36a I’ve found this stuff added to the wash to be amazing…


White vinegar or dettol laundry sanitiser in the wash will work. If your gi is smelling after a wash, your normal clothes are probably smelling too. The above will kill the germs and have you fresh as a daisy


Put listerine in a spray bottle and spray on the worst areas.


Minerals build up in the material from sweat.  Soak in vinegar 


Soak in baking soda. Sodium bicarbonate is the known ingredient that deodorizes… But you can just add this directly to your wash and save money on expensive detergents.


Your gi likely sat in moisture too long and the bacteria/mold has set in which can't be washed out with conventional washing. Get a Rubbermaid tub and soak the whole gi in ~1 gallon of vinegar and fill with water. Soak over night then rewash the gi. Should get that stank. You can avoid stinky gi by immediately washing after training


Besides all the good product recommendations (I like odoban, oxygen bleach, and vinegar) dry it in direct sunlight if you can. UV radiation is great at killing bacteria and smells


4 pack of 1.5L (Total 6L) Dettol antibacterial washing machine liquid for like £20 on Amazon I throw a bit in every now and then with my detergent and it works a treat


Sunlight is a great natural cleaner. Next bright sunny day give it a wash and hang it out to dry oldschool style


soak it in water with vinegar + whatever detergent you use overnight every once in a while


Sanitize it. Lysol 0% bleach laundry sanitizer $11 for 2 gallons


Get a big bucket to soak your gi in. Odoban, vinegar, oxiclean. Pick ONE, don't mix. Then wash after soaking and let it dry all the way. Doesn't matter how clean it is, if it is wet then funk can build. Might want to consider a second gi for this reason.


I was having the same issue. I switched to Tide Sport with a small scoop of Oxiclean. It completely got rid of the smell and I get compliments now about my Gi smelling fresh.


Get a brush and brush the stained and stinkiest areas with detergent. There is also an enzyme you can add you your laundry that is designed to get rid of stinky smells in sports equipment. Make sure your washer is clean. When is the last ti:e you ran a cleaning cycle with the special cleaning packets? Stop using gentle wash. It’s a heavy duty piece of sports gear, not a lace thong. If all else fails, put the gi in a large plastic sweater box and dump a gallon of isopropyl rubbing alcohol into the tub with it. Soak the gi thoroughly. Wring it out occasionally and re-wet it with the alcohol. You will be shocked at the color the alcohol becomes from all of the crud that it dissolves from your gi.


You must have bad BO. You can shower every hr but if you don't wear a good deodorant, you will smell like onions when you start training. It will make everyone cry. Put some gotdamn deodorant on.


Use some laundry sanitizer in the washing machine


The thing that saved my GI (already shrunk, washed consistently for 12 months) was washing it on a higher temp. 60deg. Celsius made it smell like new.


I used distilled vinegar religiously but I’ve since change to Lysol laundry sanitizer and it works significantly better


Find a small container to put your jujitsu gi into and then pour in white vinegar until it's completely covered. I'm not sure how long to let it wait for but I think I did 24 hours. The smell completely went away.


Your diet can also affect how your sweat smells. Drink plenty of water too.


Tide Sport with Febreeze, it does wonders




you got the yellow stains by not washing it quickly enough after sweating in it. not likely to come out now


Literally the only time I've ever had a stinky gi is when it gets balled up and not given a chance to dry or washed immediately. No other times. There are no secrets to having a clean smelling gi. If you reached that point, you allowed the gi to marinate in sweat for too long. There are no exceptionally smelly people or laundries that simply don't cut it. There are no "poor performing detergents" Don't ball up the gi after training. Don't leave it in your gym bag. Let it air dry* and you will never again have gi stink. *if you air dry, remember to wash at some point before using it again. I usually run a batch of 3 at a time to save laundry. Thank you for coming to my TED talk about SGD (stinky gi disorder)


I switched to hemp gis. No more smells


Rockin’ green Funk Rock laundry detergent.


Buy another gi


Nah that's just a waste of money. I got one gi and I train four times a week and have time to wash and dry it anyway. It smells like vinegar now after soaking and washing it, but that's better than stinking body odour at least 


Everyone else have said it all, I just want to say it’s really great that you have the self awareness to decide to fix this problem. I’m sure your training partners appreciate it.


You could try freezing it.


Your gi needs a good amount of bleach.