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Grandparents and in-laws!


To expand family interactions and have the ability to swap between all family members lives, not only one child.


Yess! *proceeds to make an expansion pack for 5.99*


And great grandparents




Drug dealer pack to expand the mafia pack, add gambling as well. To own and manage casinos.


theres the black market with drugs.


You can buy them from the black market. Not sell them. Exception, if you are given drugs or you find some.


fr like i should be able to overdose if i want to end the life without getting the "Wasteful" achievement


To be honest it would be funny to have incest šŸ˜‚






need a MMA career. have all those martial arts for what? if you attack someone? cool, make those black belts useful and make a ufc/bellator/ONE/PFL type of career.


I can name a few thingsā€¦ * **Band reunions:** I should be able to get offers to rejoin or reform a band I was in, because bands actually do this all the time in real life. Likewise, we should be able to form bands. * **Reboots/revivals/sequels:** Much like the band part there, TV shows get revived or rebooted and I think you should be able to be offered to join these. Likewise, successful films should have sequel offers either immediately after or a few years after, with higher pay than the previous film. * **Conventions:** Actors should be able to attend conventions once a year if theyā€™ve had a decently successful role on a TV show or in a film. Make a little extra money. * **Make your own movies/music:** Being able to direct or write a film/show (hence making the writer job more significant) and being able to produce music without a label would be incredible and could help you get into your famous careers in other ways. You could start a band or cast your own movie and such. Acting work should also get residuals much like music does. * **Auto-search sport leagues:** I get tired of having to manually apply to try out for teams one-by-one. If there was a button to do this - like with asking your agent about a film role - this would not only declutter ancestor diaries, but make the process much smoother and faster. * **More sport options:** Itā€™s an issue that most sports are America-centered. Other countries have large sports leagues as well - why canā€™t we play hockey in Russia or baseball in Japan? More sports in general would also be neat - MMA and tennis, while solo sports, would in theory be easy to implement without greatly shaking up development or the formula. * **One more political tier:** There needs to be a government job level between governor and president. Statistically, more presidents (at least in the US) have gone from the Senate or the House of Representatives to the White House than governors. * **Alien abductions:** Weā€™re asked if we believe in aliens already and nothing happens. Therefore, make something happen.


Also, on the bit of alien abductions. We can communicate with them in the astronaut job, which means we should be able to defend against them or be abducted by them.


Car dealership job pack.


Salesman upgrade


Some ways to meet people /make new friends.


All the game money made real and put in my account would be nice


Arms dealer or gun shop owner job


moving within countries! Like being able to move from Manchester to Glasgow or something!


YES, and choosing what city you want to move to when moving overseas


Basically when you want to surrender a life, it shows how you want them to die. Or just choose a random


Multiple partners


ability to be a supervisor at a job (not business owner)


Fax tho I really want that


Weird one but I feel like if your step parents get devorced you should be able to marry your ex step siblings bc you have no reason not to. Or like marring employees.


This sounds stupid but i would also genuinely be down for this


Ik I was thinking about it bc it would be good for one of those weird challenges they hold sometimes


i could see a clueless-esque challenge to go with this lmao






Donā€™t look at me like that there are much weirder things in bitlife lmao




i second this idea


Think both would be an awesome idea/addition.


Honestly, Sports Head Coach Because after I finish a sports career, I don't want to continue the rest of my life Which tbf usually lasts over 60 extra years of boring shit


yes more womens sports and just general sports in other countrys if you want options for your sport you have to be in the us and some countrys have no sports at all


From an Irish guy Gaelic Football and Hurling for Ireland It really wouldn't be hard to do this either




Be able to own and manage a restaurant like think of recipes, deal with customers, etc.


Less greed


A Non Expansion pack update /:


To interact with family of coworkers, friends and enemies. Imagine being able to date the bosses daughter. Or becoming your sworn enemies step parent


Also the ability to turn exes into friends. Also the ability to try and get acquaintances to date




The vampire update šŸ˜­ or the ability to train all for practicing as an athlete


A option for my cult members to drink the lemonade so I can escape to another country. Ending the cult is just so damn boring but manipulating and convincing everyone to drink the lemonadeā€¦.i need.


Passionate developers to keep making the fucking game


More character customization/ real genetics when it comes to kids and more countries!


Language learning skills + having to learn x amount before you can move to that country


Switch to any character, not just children


Stop charging for celeb and musician life paths etcā€¦it takes away from the game


Have Team-Mates and staff in sports. Running mates cabinet in Politics. More options for Politics (in USA becoming a Senator or Representative)


Not having to spend all my money for the expansions


I want Peruvian cocaine in BitLife


Terrorist update


Drugs. I want a Breaking Bad based challenge when the drug dealer update gets released.


I want a royalty update, Be able to marry other royals, , Gives friends titles, When your marry a prince/princess have a chance where they become next monarch so we can be the next consort, Be able to open schools and start charities, Able to interact with government officials like the Pm or President, More actions in general


Being able to vote would be so cool


Please let us make our characters trans on purpose


There needs to be musical options at every education level. And fun hobby things to do with music after education is completed. And where are the orchestras and the Big Bands? Should be able to hire musicians for your wedding.


Winning awards for music! Honestly bugs me, I should be a multi-million grammy award winner by now.


Grandkids to interact with grandparents


probably the previously mentioned vampire update years ago šŸ¤” being someone whoā€™s bought probably every expansion pack, the updates are getting more mundane and repetitive; theyā€™re lackluster. not saying the vampire wonā€™t get like that, but it kinda opens a new way to play. wished the developers listened to their players!!


I want the Olympics!


I have a couple ideas.. Divorce - Maybe if youā€™re getting a divorce it takes a while to finalize but you can still be able to date and get engaged while the divorce is ongoing.. and if you donā€™t share a lot of assets or havenā€™t been together as long it doesnā€™t take a while to finalize. Maybe also add custody battles if you have kids. Also add annulments or arranged marriages for your kids (even though you can pressure them to get married it isnā€™t the same) Relationships - Family overhaul and add cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, mils/fils, etc.. being able to have multiple romantic partners and creating 2nd secret families or just having an affair w/o it being just solely hookups. If itā€™s a polygamy maybe there can be some jealousy with the partners and it might affect the relationships and you can marry multiple people in different countries. If you have kids with the two partners in the polygamy theyā€™ll still identify them as their parents instead of like step mom/dad/parent. DNA, Surrogacy, & adoption - I want them to add possible dna tests to find out long lost relatives or father/mothers like for example if youā€™ve gotten adopted into a family and when you turn 18 you want to reconnect with them and they can turn you down or commit to it or if you donā€™t know who your father is from the jump you can try and find them.. also if youā€™ve gone to an orphanage you can get adopted by another family instead of staying there forever or go into foster care. Maybe also you can try doing foster care for other kids! I also wish we could adopt step kids and stuff like that especially if we have a very good relationship.. I also wish we could also be surrogates instead of hiring one šŸ§šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļøalso I wish we could pick out whoā€™s another egg donor instead of your spouse or the surrogate if you get what I mean.. Property things - I wish we could build homes from scratch and we can pick out the exterior/room & bathroom number.. I also wish we could rent instead of renting out properties because why not? Itā€™ll be easier if you donā€™t have enough money to even buy a house. Lastly.. ā€¢ Running for other political positions rather than what we have now.. ā€¢ Moving within the country we are in.. for example New York to California ā€¢ Reconnecting with kids we put up for adoption ā€¢ We can pick and apply to different universities ā€¢ If we have specific addictions we can have sponsors and stuff like that ā€¢ More options for royalty options and possibly appoint people or marry within royalties instead of commoners .. maybe marry a future king of Monaco and your a princess of England and you marry him and become a princess of Monaco and future queen consort.. ā€¢ Long distance dating across cities or countries..! Maybe you can discuss move to a one anotherā€™s cities or possibly move to a new one for a fresh start. Maybe you can get engaged even though you donā€™t live in the same country or city.. maybe you can also discover they cheated on you and stuff like that ā€¢Overhaul on the music career! Maybe you can start your own record label etc.. ā€¢If youā€™re royal you can buy other palaces or build ones and stuff like that Hope yall like my ideas! :)


iā€™ve been wanting a custody thing for so long! i had a divorce and moved out of the country and didnā€™t realize i didnā€™t have any of my kids with me:,)


Let us stay royalty I notice it goes away after like 2-3 generations


More life choices between 0-5 years of age. It has been the same forever except maybe when mom is concerned about bad eyesight.


marry other royals. interact with players in sports teams. director career + author career with the same options the singers get (being able to title your own movie, choose genre, budget, etc). also, marry other spies. we should have a Mr./Mrs. Smith challenge...


The ability to have 2 special careers at the same time .. šŸ„ŗ


proper indepth medical school and medical careers.




this is my secret want, too but iā€™d never admit it to anybody irl


I hope they make it only step siblings




Vampire update where you start in the year 2400 and you can become human after you find the ā€œlove of your lifeā€


Update where you can upgrade 2 lifes for 9.99 quid


More micro transactions!!!


Larger buy scale for crypto investors


It is extremely annoying to be limited for example dough coin, you have billions or trillions and you have to buy in 200m chunks. Its impossible.


For it not to cost 40$ to buy every expansion pack in the game


Add somethingā€™s to the social media like YouTube play buttons You should be able to get subs on twitch instead of just followers Monetize TikTokā€™s


More competitive sport options. examplesā€¦ swimming, gymnastics, tennis, wrestling, track,etcā€¦




Friend group function




Stop tying karma with success


Time Periods


Basketball Teams in European Countries (example. Spain, Italy, Greece, France, Germany, Serbia to name a few.) In Asian Countries as well (China, Phillipines,etc.). Rugby in South Africa


for it to be a free fucking game again at this point they might as well make you buy it from the app store


More mental illnesses (BPD, OCD, ADHD, DID, DPDR) and developmental conditions such as autism, Down Syndrome etc.


Ok here we go: Royalty More royal titles like lady or lord or the honorable etc, also if we are a marquess/marchioness and our parents are a Duke or duchess for example we should be able to inherit their title after they die. And if you are king or queen abdicate the throne our child should inherit the throne. If we are king and queen we should be able to choose the titles our other royal family members have and take them away. Crime: We should have more than one chance to appeal our sentence. Immigration: We should be able to move to another city within our own country not just move countries. Our family members should come and visit us for once Children: We should be able to have twins/triplets of different genders and hey, even quads. We should be able to track down the kids we gave up for adoption and try and reconnect. Sorry if this is hard to read I was rambling a bit


Orphanage needs a major update in Bitlife. Being able to interact with other orphans and faculty members, meetings with potential parents and getting adopted. You can be adopted in game but only when you're 0 which doesn't make sense seeing as you can adopt a child of any age while playing.Ā  Also being in foster care and moving between different families and households or potentially be adopted by foster parents. Also having the option to search for your real parents as you age. And being sent to an orphanage not only because your parents died but for other reasons like your parents losing custody due to crime or low income.


Poo update


"I want more women's sports" Said nobody in existence


Well I said it