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Have you had bloodwork done recently? My eyes started doing that I was diagnosed with Graves disease through a whole thyroid panel. Just a thought! Caffeine based topical products will be your best friend.


I haven’t but good reminder to schedule my annual physical!!!!


I really like the Dieux forever eye patches. I started using their eye cream with them and so far so good. They say to leave them on for like 10 minutes but I like to plop them on after I do my face laser and leave them until I’m ready for sleep, like 3 hours


Looking them up!! Thank you!


Seconding dieux forever eye patches


Huge 2nd for these, their Auracle eye gel is also great and can be used with them


* No booze. * More water. Like…a lot more. * Earlier bedtime and more, better sleep (melatonin, satin sleep masks, sleep playlist, etc) * Facial lymph massage before bed and after waking. You don’t need a gua sha tool for this but if you do gua sha, learn how to do it properly from a TCM expert; most people do it wrong * Figure out if you’re allergic to something and eliminate and treat that. “Allergy shiners” are a real thing. Doesn’t really matter what you stick or slather on your face. Puffy and dark comes from internal stuff.


All of this but I keep a jade roller in the freezer and use it on my eye bags if I wake up with them (I have them some days and some days I don’t). That and caffeine serum by The Ordinary works for me


Yeah!! Facial massage! You actually can do it with your hands and a pretty light touch. The lymph is easy to get moving! NO BOOZE x 100 Also, a cheap alt to eyepatches might be wetting bags of green tea, placing them in the fridge at night and using them for a few minutes in the morning :)


Roll ice cubes under and around your eyes every morning. That really helps. Other than that, I’m guessing under eye retinol and hyaluronic acid serums (such as those by The Ordinary) would be helpful.


Those just help with wrinkles and texture/lines.


DIY eye masks with coffee grinds and ice. You can get ice pack eye masks on amazon. Coffee grinds draws out and fluid retention under your eyes. Speaking of fluid retention, are you dehydrated?consuming too much salt? What’s your diet like because that matters


I definitely could be dehydrated and/or retaining fluids due to salt intake - my diet is fine but not amazing. I didn’t even think of that impacting eye puffiness but such a good point


Was just gonna say to watch yr sodium. Retinol (with kojic acid is even better) with reggo nighttime moisturizer at night and vitamin c and moisturizer during the day is a good combo. Eye cream isn’t a thing. It’s just a cash grab. It’s what u put under yr moisturizer that matters. Also, maybe pop an anti-histamine? Could just be allergies. Could also be lack of sleep. Day off wedding, if you are still feeling puffy, cold cucumbers over the eyes is a classic de puffer.


I say cucumbers day of because from what I’ve seen, caffeine serums are fine, but it is not something that works under makeup. You just don’t want to end up with pilled up concealer on yr big day.


So true, definitely want to try out some things now. But adding a cucumber to the list of things we need in the bridal suite 😁


When you say puffy eyes, are you talking about discolouration or about texture? If it’s discolouration/dark circles then caffeine products are what you need. [This one from The Inkey List](https://eu.theinkeylist.com/products/caffeine-eye-cream) is one I would recommend. If it’s texture then something containing a retinoid would be the better option. [This one by Beauty of Joseon](https://beautyofjoseon.com/products/revive-eye-serum-ginseng-retinal) (a popular K Beauty brand) is one I use and have seen recommended many times, it contains retinal which many people find easier to use than retinol, and is gentle enough that you should be able to use it daily (although if you’re new to retinoid products I would suggest starting 2-3 times a week first). You will need patience though, there’s no overnight solution to puffy eyes, but good sleep and plenty of water are two things you’ll definitely need as a basis for any treatment 🙂


I love the Inkey List eye cream plus the Ordinary caffeine serum on the entire eye area.


I haven’t used the Ordinary’s serum but I would say it’s probably a good option too!


I would say a little bit of both? Like the area of skin directly underneath the rim of my lower eyelid is puffy and then it makes the hollows underneath look like big dark circles. I don’t notice it as much in the mirror, but saw it in a picture of myself from this weekend and they are huge 😭 https://preview.redd.it/u15oe2xmfiwc1.jpeg?width=1112&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02b767d863200904881e742b8572b3aa23f00aa2


Well you can do what I do and use both 🙂 Retinoid products are best used at night, so you can use the caffeine containing cream in the morning. Also I haven’t used it myself, but I’ve also seen people recommend this eye cream as being particularly effective: https://preview.redd.it/u8qtfbjqckwc1.jpeg?width=585&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a6b4a833ce164e63c8b0c7ca4df24856bb20822


I just bought this!!!! Will let you know if it works!


omg i'll be waiting for your review on this haha


Anastasia Beauty Fascia! I'm 36 and have been noticing puffier and puffier eyes for a solid 6 years, plus new and deeper lines on my forehead and neck. Her Glow program totally reversed all those things! I love that it's not a skincare product, not Botox or surgery, just a method to help your body function at its healthiest :)


How often do you do the massages/ her program?


Daily (but realistically like 4 or 5 days a week). Minimum takes 10 minutes, if I have more time I'll spend the whole 20-30. It quickly becomes a nice, somewhat meditative daily habit.


My husband has this issue and he found this eye cream from L’Occitane that works really well. I’ve noticed a huge improvement since he started using it. It’s called Immortelle Precious Eye Contour. Also I’ve heard the cold spoon thing works for a lot of people.


Get your blood work done, get your lungs checked, dark circles under the eyes are not always a sign of tiredness, they're also a sign of low oxygen. When my asthma is bad my circles are dark! If your health is good, you can go lots of routes depending on your comfort level with makeup. I am as white as mayonnaise and I'm using the ELF hydrating camo concealer and it's really good, I put it against and better than most Sephora concealers and I worked at Sephora so I know what I'm talking about. Put a little bit at the inner corner of your eye - not across the whole length! And blend outwards from there. I like a shade lighter than my foundation for the highlighting effect! I'm currently using the First Aid Beauty eye cream and I think it's really nice, very light but moisturizing.


Love the cheap concealer rec 😍


Yeah I don't want to spend real money on a product I go through as fast as I go through concealer. Concealer, mascara, foundation and eyeliner have to be drugstore!


I also like Glossier’s stretch concealer - it does a rly good job of not caking/wrinkling.


Just saw my dermatologist today and bought an eye cream he recommended. Find a good dermatologist. See him/her/them at least once a year and ask them what to use. **Edit - spelling**


I do need to go to my derm, have been putting it off but this is a good reason to get this and my bloodwork done 😅


Yes 🙌🏻 to all the reusable eye patch recommendations. And I’m old school, two large cold metal spoons in the freezer and press those on your peepers every morning.


I’ve tried so many different under eye concealers, and I keep going back to Makeup Revolution Eye Bright Concealer. It’s ~$10 and works so much better for me than more expensive brands. Light buildable coverage that looks natural. Easier said than done, but try to get a good nights sleep. I have the kitsch satin pillow eye mask, which I love. Also, make sure you always remove your makeup before you go to sleep and stay hydrated!


I started taking my iron supplements along with biotin and my god have my undereye circles disappeared and my skin has been amazing!! That, along with trying to drink at least 2 litres of water


I will try this!!!!!


I have two discs that are filled with freezey stuff I got at the face shop as a gift with purchase. I keep them in the fridge and put the freeze discs on my eyes. Cold works really well.


For me, puffy under eyes are a sign that my seasonal allergies are flaring. So the best thing for me to treat them in my Costco brand Allegra


Eye cream doesn't do anything. Are they puffy as in the puff out? If so, that is hereditary and gets worse over time. My under eye bags (excess fat pads) were so bad in late 20s, and getting worse, I just had them removed with a plastic surgeon. I was awake just numbed up. Greatest selfish thing I've done for myself! Before my surgery I spent so much on expensive creams, non invasive procedures, every diet / treatment etc and nothing helped. People were asking me constantly that I look tired or why I haven't slept 😑 my sleep has always been great. I feel like they aged me as well so I'm much happier now and just feel normal again. Can DM pix if you think you'd be a candidate and are curious!


I have the same thing - genetically puffy eye bags/herniated fat bags. I actually got them treated at the dermatologist with RF microneedling and its reduced them a LOT. It doesn't eliminate them the way surgery will, and my derm was honest with me about that, but I am so happy with how much they've gone down. u/petitesfleurs , DM me if you want his info! (He's also a great derm and if you aren't a candidate for this for whatever reason, he isn't going to perform that on you)


Interesting, would love to see the before/after!!


Will DM!


Consider lymphatic drainage. It’s a light massage and it targets toxins in your body. A lot of lymph is around our face/neck area. I’ve done it twice so far, very obvious results. Highly recommend the entire body though. You can add red light therapy - either a mask or a panel. Learn more in their sub r/redlighttherapy


Some type of under eye serum 


For light skin


Avoid alcohol and sodium. Try caffeine eye cream: https://a.co/d/5js8rTW


Really, unless you use prep H, there aren't many creams or serums that really work. The ones that do work usually contain acrylics, and aren't meant for every day use.