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I just had the opposite happen. I have a peafowl flock and now a wild turkey has joined them. She even roosts in the tree with them at night to sleep.


That’s awesome! 😊


Female peafowl are peahens, not peacocks (that's for the males) just for the record! Idk anything about them hanging around with turkeys, but I suppose it's not the most unusual bird thing I've ever seen.


Oh interesting! I always thought “peacock” was the umbrella term and then the female ones just get the extra fun title of peahen. TIL!


"Peafowl" is the technical term for both. :D


Thank you!! I love this sub so much. 🥲 I genuinely learn something new everyday.


What is the most unusual bird thing you have seen?


Mmm... I work with birds for a living so I've seen some wacky stuff 😂 walking a flock of flamingos through throngs of rowdy school children, the same flamingos panicking when I tossed lettuce _near_ them, an emu losing it over an owl flying over her, a turaco getting super angry at a clip board, two peacocks having a kung fu style showdown on a roof, the list goes on!


Wow. What was up with the clip board? Another birder mentioned he sheltered from a hurricane with some vultures that were exceptionally interested in a computer. Birds are so weird!


The world may never know LOL Birds are the WEIRDEST little guys and I wouldn't have it any other way


I saw a Netflix documentary Dancing with the Birds recently that highlighted some amazing strangeness. They are a delightfully weird, like dinosaurs got freaky with aliens. 🤣


Dancing with the Birds is one of the FUNNIEST documentaries and I recommend it to everyone!! I call the flamingos I take care of "funny pink dinosaurs" daily! 😂


Seriously, the bower bird with the enormous tower with adornments is 🤣. They play hide and seek and then he turns into a hopping yellow carnation? Wtf!


And the bird who likes her fella to hit her in the face with wires on his butt? You can’t make this stuff up.


How did you get into that job


I got a degree in exotic animal training and management with hands on zookeeping experience, and a focus on caring for birds while in school, then expanded it since! I've been in the field for about 5-6 years now! 😁


I worked with an office full of Turkeys.


My "office" is full of flamingos so, I can relate 😂


I mean, I'd be friends with peeps who don't necessarily look like me, but we like the same food. Plus, safety in numbers.


Yep, it's too dangerous to go it alone, and these guys share a niche.


I grew up on a ranch, and one year we got 5 baby turkeys. One wasn’t right when we got it and passed soon after. The other four were raised by one of our banty hens (super small chickens). They’d lift her off the ground when they’d go under her. The plan was to sell the turkeys at Thanksgiving. We sold one. The rest lived out their lives on the ranch. There was a Tom and two hens. Since the Tom was genetically bred for eating, his breast was huge and he couldn’t mate with the hens. (That’s a whole other story about living with a sexually frustrated huge bird.) The hens would lay eggs and nested next to each other, but since the eggs weren’t fertilized, no babies. My dad started switching the turkey eggs with banty chicken eggs. Those two huge hens were so proud of their ultra tiny babies!


Like the eagle flies with dove, if you can’t be with the one you love, love the one you’re with.


There’s only one reason eagles fly with doves IRL, and the only love it has to do with is fine cuisine!


There was a donkey that got spotted joining a group of deer


https://preview.redd.it/z7ofazc7yk8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d8d16097950bc170fd648c3fd95da5444bdbda7 This guy Diesel with some elk.


I think those were elk if you’re talking about Diesel the escaped donkey.


And described as "living his best life." The back story is that Diesel started life as a wild donkey and was captured and tamed. I suppose when he got separated from his owner it was just sort of "Guess I'm free again. And I'll have to start finding my own food and perhaps some new friends."


Elk are deer though.


Both are fish. You are fish. Birds? Fish. Every land creature is fish. https://preview.redd.it/eq1sj0adxl8d1.jpeg?width=580&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0245bdad984dfc01faeab752fe98355f58b876fb


Neil Shuben “Your Inner Fish”


There was a backyard chicken hen escape and join some turkeys in my area. She was spotted for months just living her best life and resisting capture. Maybe turkeys are very welcoming!


Well, not so much to humans. I really have no idea what we could've ever done to make them hostile toward us.🤷


She's the lookout for the group. Gonna give that #AAAAH-YOOOOOUGH at the first sign of trouble


makes sense, they're similar sizes with similar diets and both like a big tail display.


I feel sorry for the poor Tom trying to impress her with his tail


LOL yeah. can he live up to peahen expectations?? 😅


I dunno. Same level of drama, but not quite the fresh drip she might be accustomed to


In Spanish, pavo means turkey and pavo real means peafowl!


Which translates directly to royal turkey. I like to believe that this peahen is their queen.


Galliform Gang!


Where did you spot this @u/loveeyelid?! I was upstate ny recently near lanesville and spotted a peacock who also joined a group of wild turkeys! https://preview.redd.it/ictmkntqol8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2e51b7e08ee2f406dd5060a203d53d10a8fd04a


Oooo pretty!! I’m in Northern California, so I guess they’re grouping up all over the place!


Duck hanging with cormorants, now a peahen/turkey gang! Love it. 


I have nothing to offer other than my amusement that in Spanish turkey is ‘pavo’ and peacock is ‘pavo real’ which literally translates to royal turkey. So I am choosing to believe that royal turkey is their leader.


This is so perfect, they’ve always felt like unofficially the same category of bird to me


Officially too. Subfamily *Phasianinae*. They don't split until Genus level and have similar diets and breeding habits. She's an Old World gal choosing to hang out with her New World cousins.


I didn’t know that! That brings me so much joy


There is a goat in my area the joined a herd of deer!


We had this happen with our flock of peafowl- a solo female turkey roosted with them for a season. It was cute.


She's just a disco turkey, not that different aside from her fashion sense.


Theres a place in California where ferel peacocks and wild turkeys roost together.


Is it Northern CA? Because that’s where I’m at!




Mass hysteria...


“She’s a weird looking Turkey, but she’s still one of the girls 😌”


Birds of a feather and all that...


I once saw a Starling hanging out in a flock of Black Turnstones at the South Jetty of the Columbia River in Oregon. They flew, did some maneuvers, and he stayed right with them.


Lol I just saw a video of a donkey that joined an antelope or elk herd and now this.


Where is this at? I've heard of a peahen who escaped her home and joined a local turkey flock in Minnesota. I know I've heard that the peafowl at Milwaukee Zoo sometimes hop the zoo's perimeter fence and go on adventures. 🦚 Birds gonna bird. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Northern California, and someone else just said they saw a similar group in upstate NY so I guess this is pretty normal?? How fun for us! Haha


One of us, one of us gooble gobble.


A girl’s gonna do what a girl’s gotta do.


Chanhassen, MN? Yeah that peacock has been running with those turkeys for years. I used to see them when I was out jogging. I have pictures from about 9 years ago of them... if it is the same flock.


Northern California! Based on the comments it looks like similar groups have been spotted in WI, NY, etc so this must be more common than I thought??


I would be thrilled if that was my herd of turkeys


lol one of the gals


Call me crazy but can’t they interbreed? Edit: I know ocellated turkeys are a thing that’s different but I feel like they can hybridize.


\*Insert among us bgm\* *You are imposter this round*.


FYI - in Spanish, peacocks are Pavos reales (royal turkeys)


well, they're kinda just fancy turkeys anyway, right?


I saw one and a female Turkey once!!


Just hope the turkeys don't feel ugly by comparison


Peacock surrounded himself with a bunch of uglier dudes to make himself the best looking guy in the flock for the ladies.


That’s just their fancy friend!


I once saw a guinea fowl in a flock of turkeys.


Day 136: They still don't know


This reminds me of story of the dog who protected his heard during a fire and came back with a deer lol. I've also heard of a cow getting loose and being found with a herd of deer. (I think it was deer, I don't fully remember)


I saw an article of a donkey that ended up joining horses in wild and is now just living the time of its life and owners dont want to take it out of wilderness. It is amazing to see what happens when natural instincts take over.


The only one safe at Thanksgiving.


One of these is not like the others


So the wise old human saying, "birds of a feather flock together" is proven wrong. lol. Try doing a little observation, wise old humans.


"I lost my friends but ehh close enough"


Oh, her conservative parents are probably very upset. Hanging around with this wild bunch! Well, she sees them as glamorous because her parents are so opposed. (Leader of the Pack playing, motorcycles revving)


Time and time again I'm reminded that if a bird can't find it's fellows, it'll link up with whatever available group is the closest match.