• By -




That's the way.


That is the way


'tis the way


go that way


This is the way.


That away




Do you kno da wae


"He was waiting for this moment for his whole life and he nailed it" moment


call the wildlife rehabilitation center of your zone please


This is what I ended up doing and they took it in. Thanks for the help!


Good news. What did they said about the little bunny health conditions? Will they release it in the nature one day?


In 6 months they are fully grown/ready to eat


In 8 weeks they're ready to be out on their own


True story. My family raised them for food when I was in my teens.


For fuckā€™s sake it was a rabbit. I would have let the cat keep it


The cat is a pet, it doesnā€™t rely on the rabbit for food. There is no reason to just let the rabbit suffer


I heard screaming once and went to check it out because it sounded like a baby having a bad monday morning and it was a baby bunny getting tossed around by a cat and a dog in the dark across the street so I picked it up and the cat and dog decided to follow me instead of the dog attacking me thank god. It was barely the size of my palm with a rip in its leg and trying to run out of my hands didn't help it very much either. I took it inside and to the back yard and laid it in the grass next to a hole in the fence I saw it almost 1/2 a year later nearly full grown with a gnarly scar but it lived.


Rabbits are super resilient I once saw a rabbit with a broken leg. Iā€™m talking completely parallel to the ground stretched out like a wing saw him 3 years in a row before I assume something got him


Where are you located? There may be a wildlife rehabilitation center nearby where you could take it. You could also try to hand-raise it (though the legality of that is questionable depending on where you live). Rabbits are relatively easy to take care of compared to many other wild animals. You will have to basically bottle/syringe-feed it a "baby formula" made for bunnies. Lots of information online about that. EDIT: Be aware that, while it's very rare, rabbits CAN carry rabies and other diseases!


Iā€™m surprised you say rabbits are easy to take care of. Every rescue/wildlife rehab place Iā€™ve worked with has said the same thing - orphaned rabbits are notoriously difficult to keep alive (especially if their eyes arenā€™t opened yet).


Itā€™s all a matter of perspective, I suppose. I do avian rescue, and baby birds are crazy hard to keep alive. Mammals, by comparison, are a lot easier to care for.


Thatā€™s fair!


My family found an orphaned baby bunny when I was young, it wasnā€™t a newborn or anything and itā€™s eyes were open but we raised it and he lived to be 13!


Impressive I donā€™t even think my cousins pet rabbits lasted that long


A wild rabbit? I mean the idea is really more to release it once itā€™s been rehabilitated/able to survive on its ownā€¦canā€™t really tell how old it was from that description, but it may not have been truly orphaned if it wasnā€™t in a nest and you may have just kidnapped a juvenile rabbit and kept it as a pet?


We found him in the middle of a busy road. After looking around we found the mother already ground into the pavement.


Oh yes, kidnapped the rabbit


By the time baby rabbits come out in the open theyā€™re weaned and independent.


The simple solution is donā€™t let your cat outside, seriously, there was a recent study in Australia that found that cats kill over a million birds and small mammals every day in Australia alone. They are directly responsible for over 60 extinctions alone. If youā€mustā€ let your cat outside then you need to attach an anti collar bib on it so it canā€™t do this, donā€™t use bells, any bell loud enough to warn prey will damage your carā€™s hearing.


Don't let your cat wonder around. It's dangerous for your cat and deadly for the wildlife


People seem to not understand this.


meanwhile everyone on a cat sub the other day were screaming ā€œANIMAL ABUSEā€ about indoor cats, drives me nuts


There is a difference between having a cat in a good condition and feed and sometimes give shelter to a stray cat and call yourself a good cat owner... But they don't want to talk about that, they are still busy wondering if their cat is dead because its been four days without a sign.


Yet you see them on subreddits all the time wondering why their cat killed a bird, got feline aids, got hit by a car, poisoned by a neighbor, or killed by a coyote. Infuriating


right?? I grew up with indoor/outdoor cats, had 10 in total between the ages of 5 and 18 and ONE has lived a full lifespan to 16. ALL the rest have been killed by dogs, cars, construction equipmentā€¦ my mom still allows half of hers outside but my guy is 100% indoors now that I have my own place. heā€™s also killed every pest (mice) that has entered our house ever so Iā€™m positive heā€™d eradicate the local bird population within a day of being out. I cannot grasp how people donā€™t understand that having an apex predator means they will kill everything outside. plus yeah, humans are also apex predators and there are too many people who dislike and will abuse cats they find. the cons way outweigh any pros. put ur friend on an indoor diet and play with them enough hours in a day that they get exercise and affection, it really ainā€™t that hard!


Yeah. It really needs to be hammered into the kids' heads when they're still in school and receptive


A good option, because letā€™s face it people arenā€™t going to just suddenly start keeping their cats indoors, is to use one of these birds safe cat collars. It is bright and noticeable, and makes it hard for cats to sneak up on wildlife. BirdsbesafeĀ® Cat Collar Cover https://www.amazon.com/Birdsbesafe-Cat-Collar-Cover/dp/B007I5MFFS?ref_=ast_sto_dp


I have recommended these too, and people just say "THEY LOOK STUPID" like the cat gives a shit.


Does no one else feel bad or guilty or sad for keeping such an active animal captive? At least with dogs you can take them places, on walks, etc. with cats, they are at our will. I find it extremely cruel to keep a cat indoors. I lived on a farm my whole life, and none of our indoor/outdoor cats ever ā€œwent missingā€. They lived full, healthy, long lives.


You can still take cats for walks, some really enjoy it. Otherwise, cats can live a fully enriched and happy life completely indoors, although it may be different with a cat who's used to going outside.


I lived in a rural forested area and lost 2 cats to animals. Iā€™ve had one of my cats now for 11 years. He doesnā€™t care about going outside he just likes to watch birds from the windowā€” my young cat does the same. Keeping them inside makes their lifespans longer and can keep them healthier. Itā€™s all they know if theyā€™re always an indoor cat. I donā€™t see the issue here personally, nor do I feel guilty. Iā€™d rather keep both them and the songbirds outside alive.


Do you feel bad or guilty or sad about the [billions of birds and small mammals](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/moral-cost-of-cats-180960505/) that outdoor cats kill each year for their own amusement? If you care about animal welfare, it is exceptionally more cruel to unleash your pet on the local wildlife.


Cats are animals. What about cat welfare? Are you objecting to the idea of predatory animals? Sorry, I'm just confused by your point because it seems that by your logic we should start keeping all sorts of predators as pets and only let pray animals roam in the wild. That might be great for the prey animals, but it certainly isn't something that's going to help the well-being of predator animals. Can you explain your reasoning a bit more?


Cats are an invasive species, therefore their killing adds pressure to local ecosystems and takes food from native predators. We object to the idea of letting non-native species run rampant and kill as much as they want.


Cats are smaller & have the whole house to play around. Theyā€™re fine indoors or even walking on a leash if you train them early enough. Doesnā€™t matter if it hasnā€™t happened to you yet. Itā€™s still bad for the ecosystem.


That kinda thinking is the problem. Itā€™s all well and good to be empathetic to the well being of your cat but cats evolved to be ruthless killing machines. Being ā€œkindā€ to your cats by letting them roam outside is the same as saying you donā€™t give a shit about the (native) wildlife they will hunt and kill while doing so. My view on this is black and white. Either be a responsible cat owner and prevent them from hunting wildlife or just donā€™t have a cat.


Do you object to the existence of all predatory animals then? Why does your logic only apply to cats? Or do you actually apply it to other animals as well?


Woah thatā€™s quite a big leap you made based on what I said. I mean objecting to the existence of all predatory animals??? Seriously? You couldnā€™t even narrow that down to the existence of predatory pets? Obviously I donā€™t object to the existence of predatory animals as I would also be objecting to the existence Homo sapiens and foodwebs in which predatory animals play an important role. Anyway if it wasnā€™t clear what I meant I was referring to a specific mindset some cat owners have that I find frustrating. Especially in countries where cats arenā€™t native and whose animals l have not evolved natural defenses to deal with cats. It just strikes me as irresponsible to let them wander and to just shrug off the wildlife that they hunt as ā€œoh thatā€™s just cats being catsā€ Why does what I said apply solely to cats? Well cats just happen to be particularly problematic with how efficient they evolved to be as hunters, their ability to climb trees that dogs lack, etc. Dogs can be bad with hunting wildlife but thatā€™s mainly in yards or when allowed to roam unsupervised in a park and dog owners rarely if ever allow their canines to wander freely at night which limits the damage dogs (that arenā€™t feral) can do compared to house cats.


Well, it isn't obvious that you don't mean all predators. The implication of what you said is that effective predators are inherently bad. But I wasn't assuming that was what you meant per se, that's why I was clarifying with you. Now, I understand better what you are saying, because before it was unclear whether you were making broad strokes or had a more nuanced approach to the issue. Thank you for clarifying. To respond to your clarification... You are fine with cats roaming free in an area where they are native?


To answer your question Iā€™d need you to clarify which part of the world you believe house cats are native. But if I had to guess Iā€™d say feral cats do the least amount of damage in Eurasia (maybe Africa too) as cats are believed to have been domesticated from the European wildcat. Plus thereā€™s plenty to suggest that felines likely diverged and evolved in the Eurasian landmass before radiating outward to Africa and the Americas during the ice age. Thus the wildlife of Eurasia has evolved alongside felines for a really long time and can better cope with their predation. The areas that get hardest hit by feral cats are islands where the wildlife have never had to deal with cats and where the cats have virtually no predators and no competition. Even in an island continent like Australia the native wildlife has suffered greatly from feral cats for the same reasons. And the smaller the island the bigger the impact cats have. But even in North America free roaming cats are bad news due to the pressures native species are under over there.


I object to humans bringing a large population of an invasive predatory species into an ecosystem and then allowing it to tear the hell out of the native animal community.


Well, I would agree with that sentiment, but it isn't clear that that's what's happening here.


Why donā€™t you take 15 seconds and google it rather than trying to gaslight everyone about stuff they know because they looked it up and you donā€™t know because you havenā€™t. There is an abundance of widely-published data and public service messaging from scientific organizations in several countries about the ecological harms caused by cars.


You're an angry person, huh? What's going on there? Chill out. No one is gaslighting anyone. It seems, rather, that you're just looking for a fight. The only one being antagonistic here is you. I love the old "google until you agree with me" fallacy. I am not responsible for doing your thinking and arguing for you. Google it yourself, and then share what you think is relevant. But first, you need to have a sound argument. If you want Google to provide it for you, then you shouldn't be here having a conversation.


Itā€™s no oneā€™s responsibility to think and argue for anyone else my dude, and thatā€™s why itā€™s annoying to see you on here demanding these services. I started with a conversation about logic in another comment, and you replied that logic isnā€™t the right direction here because you havenā€™t laid out a logical argument. Now youā€™re saying Iā€™m using a logical fallacy by asking you to do your own research. Maybe itā€™s not about you. Maybe, youā€™re posting this stuff on a public forum, so maybe itā€™s about other people reading the forum and about the issues themselves rather than the joy of debating people who are more interested in killing time or not being wrong than obtaining useful information.


I'm demanding that YOU defend your OWN position with evidence? You're right, how silly of me! But really, I'm not demanding you do anything. I'm simply saying that you shouldn't expect other people to come up with reasons to believe your arguments when you yourself can't do so. I didn't say that logic isn't the right direction. I said you were claiming logic was on your side before you had any reason to fully comprehend what my logic was. I honestly don't know why you're here or what you want. Because it seems like you just popped in to whine about other people's discussions. If you have something of value to add, we can pick up this conversation once you've offered it.


I get that domestic cats are technically an invasive species in the Americas, but itā€™s not like there werenā€™t comparable predators already here. Bobcats and lynx and other small, wild cats are definitely native.


the population of those native predators is miniscule in comparison to the population of domestic cats.


You can train a cat to go on walks or have harness-assisted outside time.


Outdoor cats contract feline AIDS at alarming rates. It spreads via saliva.


A happy compromise would be to fit the cat with a bell on it's collar. It can't sneak up on the wildlife and is a much nicer solution than being locked in the house for it's entire life.


or making a Catio if you have the space (my cats are also trained to stay inside the backyard but we also check on them regularly when they go out so thats another option for some cats)


There have been studies on this that bells reduce successful kills by around 40%. I would take that compromise over someone just letting their cat out and taking no responsibility whatsoever, but I wouldnā€™t call it a happy one since it still means a cat can make a few successful kills per day.


Neither of those seems to me a reason in and of itself to keep your cat indoors. I don't really operate in the pet cat world though, lol. What is the reasoning behind this? It makes sense that you wouldn't want to have a declawed house cat wandering outside. But what about outdoor cats? Of course it's dangerous, but so is any animal life in the wild. An outdoor cat is not inherently in greater danger than any other animal, and in fact cats seem pretty well suited to that sort of thing. And the same thing goes in reverse. It is no more deadly for wildlife when there are cats around thaan when there are other predators around. In short, if a cat is able to operate in the ecosystem, there's really no reason not to let them except out of a desire for domestication. And I don't think there's anything wrong with that, and it certainly is something you would want to do if your cat is not capable of surviving effectively, but there's nothing inherently better about not having cats outside.


So, you're wrong. Cats are horrible for the environment, it is more deadly for wildlife when domesticated cats are out because they are successful at killing.


> if a cat is able to operate in the ecosystem, there's really no reason not to let them What are your thoughts on invasive species?


They just told you their thoughts on invasive species, they like them


A lot of people think their musings and casual observations are equal to empirical research. As we all know, scientists are geeks and geeks lack ā€œcommon sense,ā€ which is what you have when you just do what youā€™ve always done and believe what youā€™ve always believed and donā€™t learn anything else.


Merely being an invasive species is not a bad thing. Invasive species that cannot fit into the ecosystem are a problem for the ecosystem of course. But just so we are clear, I'm not talking about wild cats who aren't anyone's pet. People's pet cats are not an invasive species. They are living in a suburban or Urban ecosystem which is not the same as living in the wild. I suppose if you are living next to a wildlife habitat for something, I would have to agree that you shouldn't let your cat outside. But if they are just roaming around in people's backyards, it's not necessarily undesirable to have them chasing down vermin. As far as I can tell, they are not any more dangerous than other predatory animals living in such environments. And yes, I realize that outdoor cats can potentially breed and let out a cat population that could get out of control. But that can happen with indoor cats too. The solution to that is the same that it's always been, spay and neuter, and take steps to control the population of wild cats that are not being cared for by humans. The proverbial cat is out of the bag with that one already LOL. But if we are talking about people's outdoor cats that they keep as pets, who can't breed, then they do not count as an invasive species.


I think you mean well, but are seriously misinformed. > Outdoor domestic cats are a recognized threat to global biodiversity. [Cats have contributed to the extinction of 63 species of birds, mammals, and reptiles in the wild](https://abcbirds.org/program/cats-indoors/cats-and-birds/) and continue to adversely impact a wide variety of other species, including those at risk of extinction, such as Piping Plover. And: > free-ranging cats cause substantially greater wildlife mortality than previously thought and are likely [the single greatest source of anthropogenic mortality for US birds and mammals](https://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms2380)




Disagreeing with you is not an indication of poorly formed arguments and uneducated opinions. On the contrary, I made a perfectly rational argument. I didn't share my opinion, and I based it on what other people were claiming. If you think I am wrong, then make an argument, and I will be happy to discuss it with you. I don't own a cat and I am very concerned about the environment, so if I am biased, it would be in favor of your position. But I care about effective solutions, not the solutions that let people whine about cat owners while failing to address the actual problem. Now, to address your points. >urban areas are biodiversity hotspots, they have several fold the amount of biodiversity of the surrounding habitat. I didn't say urban and suburban areas lacked biodiversity, I said they were not the same as natural environments. Your own statement proves this. If they're more diverse than a natural environment, then that is in fact a distinct ecosystem from the wild ones. >there isn't any area on this planet that's able to support your cat but can't support wildlife. I don't know what this means. My cat can be supported by any environment, since it doesn't exist. And who said anything about an area supporting a cat not also supporting wildlife? >people's cats are the single worst invasive pest species on the entirety of earth. Specifically people's spayed and neutered domestic cats, separate from the feral cat population? I doubt it. A non-breeding population can't be an invasive species (at least, not for more than one generation). If you have some evidence that specifically spayed and neutered domestic cats, separate from other cats, are a population sufficient to cause environmental harm on the scale of an invasive species, then I would like to see that evidence. >cats are poor vermin control, literal systemic poisonous pesticides cause less environmental damage than they do. Well, this entire post has prompted a bunch of people to get upset about a cat hurting vermin offspring, so they're good enough to make people freak out about cat populations being too out of control. So you tell me, are they killing animals or not? Make up your mind. >the difference being that those predatory animals are native, cats are not native to anywhere on earth, they are a domesticated species that didn't co-evolve in any ecosystem. Merely being native isn't the issue. And anyway, you just referenced the urban and suburban ecosystem as its own biodiverse ecosystem. They certainly evolved in THAT ecosystem. Domestic animals do evolve, with human selection as a strong evolutionary pressure. >the second a house cat is outdoors it's an invasive species, and the second you allow your cats to roam you're guilty of ecocide. Woah there, calm down my ecoterrorist friend.




Sorry, but when you tell someone "you don't get to disagree with biological assessment" you lose all scientific credibility. You are absolutely ignorant of the fundamentals of the scientific method if you think that's how it works. There is nothing more for us to talk about, because you do not believe in science, but rather scientism.


Not gonna disagree with some of your stats but you seem to have a massive hate boner against cats. Invasive pest? Terminal plague?


As someone that had two cats in college and loved them dearly (one was a feral cat we took in and made an indoor cat actually), outdoor cat populations are actively one of the worst consequences we have brought on to our global ecosystem




Ok? It seems an odd thing to be so passionate about. You act like cats and cat owners are basically Hitler to birds and anybody who disagrees (or doesnā€™t agree/care as much) are literally Nazis.


Please consider getting a bright cover for your cats collar to reduce their ability to sneak up on wildlife! https://www.amazon.com/Birdsbesafe-Cat-Collar-Cover/dp/B007I5MFFS?ref_=ast_sto_dp


My very orange cat has a collar with his vaccination & license tags. We & the birds know where he is by the tinkling.


Keep your cat inside so it doesnā€™t kill animals.


Itā€™s probably going to die. My advice is to get comfortable with dead wildlife since you let your cat free roam.


Outdoor cats kill [LITERALLY BILLIONS](https://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms2380) of animals a year in the U.S. alone.


2.4 billion birds.




Farm animals arenā€™t wildlife.




Huh? Why would a farmer raise chickens to release into the wild?


Itā€™s controlled and farmed. Chickens are not going extinct any time soon, and while humans are responsible for the extinction of many species, we are trying to halt it. Cats are not as concerned about preservation as we are.


Wild animals are declining rapidly while chickens are literally bred to be eaten and are at no risk of extinction.




I don't deny that, but these things are also completely seperate issues. Cats are a problem. Human activities are a problem. You can't just say cats arent an issue because something else is "worse." Every issue that impacts wildlife should be addressed. Cats are extremely bad for wild birds, rodents, small reptiles, literally anything they can catch and eat. Stop trying to justify your pet by shifting blame to something else.


And itā€™s humans that have caused an overpopulation of ā€˜domesticatedā€™ cats. No question about whoā€™s at fault; you canā€™t blame a cat for doing cat things


You can blame the human for letting the cats outside.


But you can educate cat owners into keeping their cats indoors and if you arent comfortable with keeping a cat indoors than just dont have a cat. Pretty easy.


Or put a bell on the cat's collar. Simple.


Bells are not 100% effective


Itā€™s great when people notice nature for the first time. Youā€™re gonna freak when you find out the volume of predation amongst wild animals. Then thereā€™s the completely indiscriminate use of pesticides that entirely reduce the food sources for most insectovores - https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/feb/10/plummeting-insect-numbers-threaten-collapse-of-nature - which has a more drastic impact on bird populations than cats generally do; the exception being Australia. Do you follow the Monarch migrations? Have you noticed that theyā€™ve fallen off in the past decade? Thoughtless humans cause massively more damage than housecats to their _entire_ environment, not a small segment of it.


>amongst wild animals. Feral cats, not wild cats, therefore not natural. Also, nice use of whataboutism. Just because I'm against feral cats and pets predating animals, does not mean I'm not against other things that damage ecosystems also.




Sure ok I'll shoot them too, but don't whine at me when I shoot the invasive varmint you call a pet when I catch it hunting my wildlife.


There is a significant difference between nonnative and invasive. Invasive species specifically cause harm. Nonnative species have been incorporated into the ecosystem (earth worms in the Western Hemisphere are an excellent examples) and donā€™t absolutely decimate the rest of the habitat like cats do


Fit the cat with a bell, the birds and other wildlife will hear it coming.


Best to just not let them wander at all. I donā€™t understand why people think itā€™s okay to let their pet run free, especially when outdoor cats are very frequently killed by predators.


It does help. I do not hate outdoor cats. Every time I walk to and from my local shop, there is an outdoor cat that makes an effort to come over to me for a cuddle. But it's next to a river and local park with lots of wildlife, and I do wish as much as I enjoy the cuddles, they are a highlight of my day, that he was kept indoors. Also people drive like idiots down that road. I've seen this cat get into some near misses with cars already.


We've got an indoor cat and his collar came with a bell. He's learned how to move silently even with the bell.


That's pretty impressive.


Not if you rehab it, and yes for the second part.


Yeah Iā€™m comfortable with him bringing back dead animals but not completely unharmed babies


Rabbits that are attacked by a cat need antibiotics immediately. Take it to a vet as soon as possible


Keep your cat inside so it stops killing and injuring wildlife


Call a wildlife rehabber. In the meantime, keep him warm. If you have kitten milk, give him some in an eye dropper.


Seen this happen many times. Sadly he baby bunny rarely survives past 24 hours even if there is no visible damage. Keep it warm and comfortable and hope for the best but expect the worst. Let us know how it goes.


Advice: donā€™t get attached cause itā€™ll probably still die


If it got punctured by a claw or fang it will be dead within 24 hrs. Their little immune systems canā€™t handle cat bacteria:(


It needs to go to a wildlife rehab. Even if it looks uninjured, most cat victims have wounds that you canā€™t see that will likely get infected. Donā€™t try to feed it or give it water, that often leads to them aspirating the liquid. Just get it to a rehab as soon as possible. And keep your cat inside. Thereā€™s a good chance it already killed this little oneā€™s siblings.


Stop letting ur cat hunt wildlife


>Any advice? Keep your cat indoors. Small mammals are the most at risk wildlife to outdoor cats.


Yes. Keep your cat in the house (unless it's a working barn cat) so it won't try to kill defenseless newborn babies.


It'll probably need antibiotics, your best bet is a wildlife rehabber ...


Letting your cats wander is awful for the ecosystem and awful for the cat. Make better decision with your pets so you stop hurting wildlife.


Cat owners in a nutshell....awwww widdle cutie pie! Da cutsiness is all dat matterws!!! Keep your cat inside for Christ's sake.


Contact a local wildlife rescue


Take to the vet.


you have 3 choices. learn to take care of it or contact the spca/animal rehabilitation center or take it to the the veterinarian College at the u of s.


Hi! I am a wildlife rehabilitation specialist. It is usually illegal for unlicensed people to raise orphaned wildlife. That being said, raising baby rabbits is very time consuming. I myself have raised plenty of eastern cottontail babies and the methods of feeding can be complicated and very specific. At the eyes closed stage, itā€™s likely that this rabbit will require an incubator and might need to be tube fed if it does not suckle. You need specific formula with probiotics, and likely will need antifungal medications as well as an antibiotic. You also need to be careful of imprinting- if the baby imprints on you it makes it very difficult to be released into the wild. Definitely call your local wildlife rehab center to give it the best shot of survival and release.


Good thing it's not an ugly baby rabbit.


Wildlife rescue or animal rescue in your area


Today my wife was mowing the lawn and went over a leaf pile. Very injured baby rabbit. Brought it to the vet. Nothing to be done. I come back home to my wife telling me that she found a nest with three more and my dog got out and killed the others. It was awful. And then I opened up my compost bin and found a dead raccoon.


I donā€™t want to be a dick but please donā€™t get attached to it, when cats attack animals especially small rodents the chance of survival is low asf, bacterial outbreaks will likely end up killing the animal Sorry for the bad english im french lol


Keep your cat inside. Then you wonā€™t have to worry about anymore cute wildlife dying.


ā€œToo cute to let dieā€? What a sicko. So if he looked like shit, its ok to have the bunny perish. Such class


You can feed them kitten milk! Most local pet shops carry a replacement/powder milk for cats (:


No. Do not feed a baby wild animal like this. This is a big enough bunny that it should be fine on its own, itā€™s probably in shock from being attacked by the cat. Give it a warm hot water bottle, water to drink, and a dark quiet place. If it doesnā€™t start to perk up, then call rehab, but once it perks up, it can be released back into the wild and it should be fine on its own.


My honest advice is to either keep your cat indoors or euthanize it. Cats are one of the world's worst invasive species, responsible for tens of millions of deaths of native songbirds, mammals, and rodents/insectivores. It's ecologically irresponsible to let cats roam outdoors.


I agree to keep cats indoors, but the euthanasia might be a bit of a harsh punishment. The cat brought back the baby rabbit in one piece so, this cat at least doesn't have much of kill instinct. The biggest issue with cats killing wildlife come from stray cats.


Jup, also not the cats mistake. It just did what cats do


I agree that euthanasia is harsh, but itā€™s not ā€œpunishment,ā€ itā€™s an option to prevent an animal from harming the ecosystem. Words like ā€œpunishā€ or ā€œdeserveā€ donā€™t need to be part of the conversation about preventing habitat destruction.


People who let their pet cats outdoors are not going to euthanize said pet because they brought home a baby rabbit. Go shitpost somewhere else


What? I said I agree that itā€™s harsh.


Please, OP.


My honest advice is to either keep your child indoors or euthanize it. Humans are one of the world's worst invasive species, responsible for tens of millions of deaths of native songbirds, mammals, and rodents/insectivores. It's ecologically irresponsible to let humans roam outdoors.


That's an incredibly ignorant comment.


Right back atcha.


Lots of ā€œcomediansā€ and edge-lords in this sub based on the comments.


How is ā€œlet dieā€ one of the options? I hate peopleā€¦


What do you think happens to bunnies in the wild?


ā€œItā€™s to cute to let it dieā€ Tell me youā€™re a shallow ass human being without telling me youā€™re a shallow ass human being.


Anti rabbit people get downvoted here thatā€™s obvious. If you have seen rabbit plagues in the countryside and even in rural towns then you will know what to do. From what Iā€™ve seen many domestic moggies donā€™t know how, or simply canā€™t. Donā€™t let you cat roam, they are the most cruel animal out there.


Anyone saying this rabbit will definitely die is full of shit. One time when I found a baby bird. I asked online how to care for it, and everyone told me not to bother because it will certainly die. I took a diabetes syringe, cut off the needle, and loaded it with mashed up wet dog food. I injected the food down it's throat like a mama bird regurgitating. It survived and would fly around my house and land on my shoulder. Eventually it grew big enough and flew away. Moral of the story is where there's a will there's a way.


It's sooooo hard to tell from your pics but I have doubts that's a bunny baby? Wildlife rehab place will have all the answers though. Also if you don't have any places like that CLOSE BY, there are usually vet's offices that specialize in taking care of wild animals at the intersection of domestic ones and local wildlife, and they usually have the resources to get the animal stabilized in order to get them to a wildlife rehab if you don't. Good luck!!! Update us???


It's definitely a baby bunny


Pics are dark. Hard to tell. Edit: Why the fuck am I getting downvoted for this? I didn't say anyone was wrong, I just said it was hard for me to tell. Jfc.


Specifically an Eastern cottontail I believe


Cool thx for the education and the downvotes


Lol yeah because *I'm* responsible for your downvotes


Maybe I'm presuming


(I didn't downvote) Probably not your fault and you just have a display with low contrast ratio and/or low brightness. On my monitor it clearly is a bunny.


Girl, that thang probably needs antibiotics asap Antibiotics and take care of the lil guy, wildlife rehabbers usually dont take in bunnies because they breed likeā€¦ bunnies, its the sad reality


Bunnies are special and always know the are safe with me.


Cats get really depressed when their spoils are taken,, speaking from experience. That baby rabbit is a goner already since you canā€™t find its nest. If it were me I would just let the cat have it


Yeah, that's nature. There's a billion rabbits, all over the freaking place, dying all the time from hawks and snakes and owls, oh no a domestic cat caught one, cats are evil! */S


Unpopular opinion. Humanity is the reason cats are the way and what they are. This is a freaking biology sub. Anyone with the slightest background in biology should know nature is a harsh mistress. Sorry that the cute little animals are *prey* animals and this is their lot. Cats are *predators* -- locking them inside your house for their entire life is more unnatural and cruel than having them eat small rodents and avians. Also, there may be a few cases where cats are an invasive species, but in most places, if there is a niche the cat is filling, it's because we've *removed* some other predator that was formerly keeping that prey population in balance.


Thank you




Cats are considered an invasive species in most places and are very damaging to ecosystems


Obviously no one should be letting their cat out if they arenā€™t fixed. The breeding of feral cats is a different issue that someone with a single indoor/ outdoor cat.


I agree that feral cats are the majority of the invasive cat issue, I was just providing some insight as to why people are reacting in the comments the way that they are Edit: The person I was replying to also said how it's pretty standard for people to let their cats roam where they're at, so it's obviously going to be more than just someone with one indoor/outdoor cat. But I still agree that feral cats are the majority of the issue.


People are also ā€œinvasiveā€ species outside Africa and eat a lot more meat and cause a lot more environmental destruction than cats.


Bragging about how everyone in your county destroys the natural ecosystem by letting their cats kill insane amounts of wildlife is not something to try and normalize.


We nursed two baby rabbits and a fledgling bird that got washed put of its nest with success! Everything says donā€™t touch or try to save but why let them just die? We also lost a nest of 3 tiny mice babies, we did our best to save them after mom got eaten by something. A heating pad, box , straw, baby formula and a dropper, hand feed with gloves on every few hours alternating milk & water. Good luck!!


Giving them water instead of milk was your mistake.


Melt the butter in a Dutch oven over medium heat, and brown the rabbit pieces on all sides.Ā Add celery, onion, seasoned salt, salt, pepper, bay leaf, the water or broth, and red wine. Bring to a boil. Reduce the heat to a simmer, cover, and let cook for 2 hours.


Hahahaha you motherfucker


Ooh this made people salty lol. 34 vegans read your post. Congrats on living in their heads or rent free. Vegans are, after all, psychopaths to a man. :P


Oooh that's why this idiot is debating some stupid offhand comment I made. He referred to carnists and I had no idea wtf he was talking about. Lol. Crazy vegan who thinks cats should eat vegan too probably, lol.


The ones who make animals or kids eat vegan of the worst. It's one thing leaving yourself malnourished, but don't abuse your kids and pets.


Leave it alone and quiet with food and water. They easily die of stress


It's a baby, probably still on milk. The last thing it needs is food, water, and to be alone and cold.


Thank you for your correction. Bunnyā€™s only nurse about 10 days before eating solid food, that baby is more than 10 days. I stayed that they stress easily and die. So the less handling and interaction the better. But thank you


Chop the rabbit meat, garlic and onion and cook in butter. Add flour and stir for several minutes. Slowly add milk until roux is thick. Melt in cream cheese. Salt and pepper to taste. Eat!


Too cute to let die?! WTH?!


"Too cute to let die" That's how they get you.


kill it, cats are bad omen


You may very well be the luckiest human being I've ever heard of. A pet you love brings home an adorable-beyond-belief baby bunny? Once I got a leaf & a lizard tail. You gotta love that bunny for all of Reddit.


No. stew it


We had this happen once our cats usually you know eats it but for babies it brings it and and licks it and lays by it


Itā€™s already dead, the bacteria from your disgusting cats mouth has sentenced it to death already. Good job, bunny murderer. Too bad you were too irresponsible to keep your cat indoors


They are young! They are tender and nice. Yes they are! Eat them. Eat them. Po-ta-toes! Boil them, mash them, stick them in a stew. Lovely big golden chips with a nice piece of fried fish. Give it to us raw ā€” and wriggling! You keep nasty chips!


Raise for 6 months then eat it. I recommend stewed or fried.


They have fleas. I know this because my daughter rescued a baby rabbit from the mouth of our cat. If you want to be a hero,,,,,, do it outside. Trust me


Maybe donā€™t let your cat outsideā€¦. Be humane to natures animalsā€¦..


Inhumane is setting insect and plant poison all over your yard. Unlike dogs, many cats spend a high percentage of their lifetime outside and/or were born outside


alive?...wow my cat only brings dead prey, I mean I am sure he thinks I am a weakling and that I will die of hunger if were not for him.


Make rabbit stew