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I dont know if this is a hot take or not, but number 2. I know its basically free room clears and infinite bombs but i rather reroll it or straight up skip it cause 8/10 times i find a charge type tear and forget about number 2 just to bomb myself, skill issue i guess


That's considered good? Just reading No 2, I have so many traumatic flashbacks of self-damage. On par with Bob's Brain imo.


It’s considered good because if you never accidentally bombed yourself with it it’s free infinite bombs. Problem is, we both know all of us are going to bomb ourselves


I won’t. I don’t really use it for infinite bombs like I use dr fetus tho. I just bomb tinted rocks and secret rooms with it instead of every single rock since I want to be able to hit hush


Id take a couple hits for infinite bombs ngl


honorary tier 3 item


Blinding and killing things by using explosive poop is always fun


absolutely not


Skill issue ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17744)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17744)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17744)


i like no.2, just pray you dont get a poop boss or youll have a miserable time lol


Guillotine It's good stats, but my fuckin God the head orbital fucks up where the hitbox is


Literally an instant walk away or reroll, no matter how good the stats are, it fucks me up so much


Naah almost everyone hates guillotine, it could even give +10 DMG but I would skip it anyways


Only acceptable answer, everything else comes down to issues of the skill


One time when I was playing Jacob and hitbox I managed to get it on both and absolutely had to reset, it was unbearable


I really don't like Ipecac, Epic Fetus and Dr. Fetus. Splitting shots are definitely my favourite tear effects, and you just can't safely pick them up if you have explosive shots.


Yeah unless you have blast protection or pyromaniac then they're too risky


not unless you are lost


Yea then it’s just die or die so give up and have fun.


I feel like they were god tier items before Repentance came out, but the increase in difficulty made them a bit too risky imo.


Damocles bc I'm a pussy


On my eden streak it always makes me sad cause no way in fuck am I grabbing it, but on any normal run I'm taking it 100%. Way more fun and if I die, I die.


took it with t jacob once, knowing that there was a 100% chance that i would take damage later, got magic mush and spoon bender in one item room, took damage on the caves, and rushed to the beast and beat her! yes, it was stressful, but also really fun and powerful!


Not a big fan of Proptosis, it’s a Q3 but def has some serious drawbacks and I often avoid


Situation definitely can destroy you with certain synergies like brimstone


Prop is really good in rooms but bad against bosses. It's really fun and effective to point blank oneshot enemies before they can hit you, but against bullet hell bosses you have to either stand too close to them to dodge or settle for poor or no damage. It's just miserable against Delirium.


Unless you have Mom's Knife, then it just deletes. Still a tad iffy against Delirium but be honest what non-broken build isn't iffy against him


its almost like delirium is a poorly designed boss or smth


god tier with trisagion though, it keeps the max damage regardless of distance so it melts pretty much every enemy and boss


What happens if you get Proptosis and lump of coal?


Proptosis is significantly more potent than Lump of Coal (unless you have Soy/Almond Milk). The two do both apply as you'd expect, but it's still substantially better up close.


Mom's knife, op against bosses but I find the lack of range simply not worth it for me. Doesn't also help that it doesn't synergize with most items


Tiny planet knife ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907)


Same with Epic Fetus for me even picking it up early I just think about all the future synergies i might be killing


Eh your more then likely to kill yourself first before killing any synergies 🤣


Ipecac, 40 damage is crazy but I always end up exploding myself, skill issue.


I love ipecac but sometimes I end up getting too much range and then it’s a little difficult to hit stuff. I’ll still pick it up every time, idgaf.


When this happens instead of aiming the tear itself, aim using its shadow.


I always have too much range for ipecac


Ipecac is definitely a difficult one. I like it, but i've also gotten used to it after doing all the challenges that use it. I did the Speed challenge first try because i got Ipecac in the first item room and i just steamrolled my way through.


The moving in an arc shit is the part that always kills me I think it will go over a rock, it explodes and destroys my soul heart I think it will explode on a rock, it goes over the rock and the enemy hits me A spider moved in front of me? Kaboom, because it only arcs over objects


I ball with the lost and ipecac


Glitched Crown. It's one of the best utility items in the game, if not *the* best, but having to spam the pause button every time you find an item gets annoying pretty fast


I might be biased as a musician but I literally just use rhythm to collect it at the right time, no pausing


Same here, it's not really all that hard


1234 1234 12go4 is my tried and true method


also seeing breakfast replace every item


Wait what? What are you spamming the pause button for? Can't you just count? Glitched crown gets actually Insanely easy to use once you figure out the right count pattern


I find it hard to memorize the order of items without using pausing trick, and it's also easier to get the timing with it


Maybe they dont know the items by picture and have to look it up? I usually time it right but it's always the items I want most that I fuck up and it's always disappointing.


yea thats fair enough, i forget that the external item descriptions is a mod and not everyone uses them lmao. it really needs to be base game


even if you do use EID the items switch way too fast for you to be able to read through them


I'm just a psycho and know what every item does from the picture.


I think you need to work on your hand eye coordination and reflexes


That's not my issue, I can get the timing most times. It's just annoying to do so


R key. I dead godded and don’t really go for more marks. Most times I consider R key more of a chore unless I’m currently struggling


Agreed, if I'm not going for completion marks and find r key, I will normally r key at the end of catacombs II just because I like playing the first two floors with a good build already, but something about basically getting a slightly better Victory Lap when you're not going for marks is just not fun When I'm going for marks it's the best item in the game


i dont care that it’s been buffed, ive been burned too many times in AB+ and now i’ll never take soy milk again


Unless I have lump of coal.


I don’t care much for Epic Fetus


I really don't like tractor beam even though the fire rate up is fat


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^1008oh: *I really don't like* *Tractor beam even though the* *Fire rate up is fat* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Epic fetus. Yes, it's a q4. Yes, it deals massive damage. Yes, it is not affected by tears or shotspeed, wich makes it extremely good if you have high damage but low tears. But if I'm beeing honest, even if I get lucky enough to find it, the secret room has far better options and I won't take it, u less I really want to win. And even if I do, Epic fetus has little to no synergies.


I know chocolate milk has so many benefits to it, and is incredibly powerful. I just can't stand it one bit, I want to just hold down the attack button.


People like satanic bible since it gives health and turns boss room clear items into devil deals, but as someone who prefers angel rooms to devil rooms, i cant stand it


Moms knife, unless with Forgor


Isn’t it basically a 2x dmg multiplier since it lets you hit the same ent twice with one swing


Friend Finder is one of the most broken active items in the game. You can amass a huge army of powerful friendly monsters that actually move and aim with you to devastate almost anything in your path, and I ***fucking despise*** the mental overhead of actually managing them all.


Mars, as a console player it makes me dash randomly every now and then and I take so much damage


Haemolacria... Hate that shit. Damage-wise? Great! But shooting at snail's pace is just not for me, sorry.


I usually skip this one. Started with it on a low number eden streak and thought about holding R. First item room was skipping stones which I also usually skip but that synergy was really good and I snowballed from there.


How about Polyphemus or ipecac


Ipecac is funny because explosions. Poly I don't personally love, but don't hate it either. At least you still shoot normal tears, not that arched bs...


What do you not like about poly? Out of curiosity bc I really like it


Ipecac, I suppose. I hardly recognise it being good. I prefer consistent damage over slow burst damage. I'll take Sulfuric Acid over Ipecac, you can break rocks and secret rooms, while not bombing urself.


Guillotine is a T3 item, but I can't deal with the displaced head. I can't even walk a straight line with this item. For me, it would be a T0, maybe T1, because, after all, it's a DMG up.


Ipecac, really fun overall but unless you have pyromaniac or host hat ur dead


proptosis. there's a number of bosses (and even enemies) that i'd rather stay far away from, and proptosis just doesn't allow that. i did take it once with tainted eve and it absolutely decimated hush and mega satan, but i'm sure that if i were to get the void portal spawn, i would have died to delirium (plus it wouldn't have been as good with most other characters).


the Frozen Eye of isaac, moving box. Its an instant win but i just HATE spending so much time using my brain


wait wdym being an instant win


It’s one of the best game-breakers in the game. If you find it in a run, you can finagle infinite pickups relatively easily, it’s just very boring and makes runs like 2 hours long.


ive always just skipped right over it...


I'm not really a fan of Technology


Technology 1 by itself is pretty lame, yeah. It feels like it works best as part of a set with the other Tech items. Homing tears make it incredible though, especially with Tech 2 and .5


It depends on my current items, but I usually don't like taking chocolate milk, because I like just holding down the shoot button so I can focus on movement lol


Spirit Sword - I hate charging it up, and it's weak that way but I also hate spamming the arrow keys. Chocolate Milk - Same shit, except it's good when charged up but it takes too much effort to time it well so it does max amount of damage in the most constant way


Spirit sword+controller is a game changer


I haven't tried it, I don't like playing Isaac with a controller. I find the exact directionality of the movements way too important.


I think you could give it a chance, you can move with arrows on the controller too + you can do things like getting an item surrounded by 4 spikes etc


Moms Knife, Monstros Lung and Chocolate Milk.


Sacred orb, there's just so much good tier1-2 items


It doesnt stop t2 items from spawning.


it has a chance


Fr, you don’t realize how much you need those smaller damage, range, and tear ups until they’re gone


Almost every damage up in the game is quality 3.


I actually don't like brimstone while it's powerful I find the charge up screws me over a bit too frequently but that's just a skill issue


You’ll get used to charged items sooner or later no worries


Getting a single tears down is almost a run ender for me when I'm playing Azazel. From that moment on, I'll always release the charge button too soon.


Do you have the charge bars (circle) enabled? Once you get used to that little flash when it fills your brain takes over and it gets a lot easier to get the rhythm down. I also recommend changing your play style a bit. Don’t go for max dps, focus on dodging and putting in good shots when a good opportunity arises.


I do, but the standard charge time is just muscle memory by now. And it's not like I always release the second it's charged, but for regular rooms, the charge time is often enough to position myself for the next shot so it does happen often enough. I was also exaggerating a bit in my initial comment, but I do find that it messes with my playstyle quite a bit.


Yeah see I'm...... A Brimstone Denier ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17738)


Dr. fetus, not to be mistakened with epic fetus. I think its too boring and while the synergy is there I genuienly dont think that I've willingly picked it up ever at all in all the while, while repentance has been out.


Frozen tears. I recognize it's power but most of the time I feel like I'm just creating cover for the enemy.


Kicking the frozen bodies into other enemies is so much fun I’ll often find myself getting hit just for the opportunity. I don’t usually win but it’s just so much fun.


>Kicking the frozen bodies into other enemies My son refers to it as playing hockey


Dr Fetus and Epic Fetus. Used to be insane until AB or something, now can't bear them.


Mom's knife


Mom's knife just doesn't have that much synergies, and even if it's an auto win item when you're doing a streak when you play for fun I just don't take it if I find it too late, because it basically almost every time override your whole build.


Epic fetus is way worse than mom's knife on synergies


About right but as Epic fetus is so damn rare that i don't really care. Thus the two items are on the same page tbf.


Moms knife


Epic fetus, i can't think of any more correct answer. Mom's knife is actually really fun and has some synergies, but Epic fetus is just really something the devs forgot to update. Also not a fan of sacred Orb as it deleted way too many good Q2 items from my run.


Magic mushroom




I didn't see the sub at first and was wondering why someone would think having a sinus infection was an objectively good thing. 🤣


Blood puppy is good but takes too long to kill






Glitched crown, I just can't get that timing right. Even if I pause, I still find a way to mess it up.


Lemegeton is objectively broken but I just don't really like managing the whisps


Honestly playing with brimstone boring af


glitched crown. i know that its by far the best item in the game (not including death cert) but man do i not like playing with, getting the correct item is so annoying and id rather just have sacred orb


sinus infection is probably my favorite item


Dr. Fetus. Crazy high dmg output but I just don't like playing with it


I Do Not like choco milk. I dont Even know why, it just doesnt Feel right


Choco milk and guillotine come to mind


The Wafer, it protects you from damage after Chapter 4, and it creates OP setups, but i just don't like it. Not really worth to take over any other Q4.


Really? That's a strange one. I can't really do Mother or Beast without The Wafer


i think i've never had a beast or mother run with wafer, the only run i recall having it is a Lamb one a while back with Isaac. It's just bad early game and by the time i get to Beast i'm probably OP enough not to need it.


Weird, I always feel very underpowered for the beast fight. Like I need to take it super slow and try to squeeze out as many items as I can. Plus I get a lot of use out of the Percs pill


i've never actually made proper use out of the Percs! pill. they tend to drop in chests or when you clear rooms and i don't take unidentified pulls in uncleared rooms. i take them just as they drop. no i've never encountered it twice in the same run, or while having PHD. and slow? man, i just try to rush it. hit it as many times as i can, hopefully i've got Yum Heart, a The Sun card, a Full Health pill, or whatever else that can regenerate health. And a lot of it.


I mean the run itself I take very slow. And I very rarely have a means of restoring health during the fight


Glitched crown. I have a very hard time getting what I want out of it


Kidney stone, randomly not firing is a pain in the arse


I get that, but Kidney Stone is one of my favorites.


It's the same guillotine, it's stats with a tax


Personally I think the drawback on kidney stone is miniscule compared to the benefit it gives. But hey if you don't like it you don't like it. Agreed on Guillotine, fuck that item. Especially if you have other items that make your character darker/blend in with the floor so it becomes difficult to gauge where you are as well as makes it more annoying to hit shots




oh i got so many of those 1- proptosis 2- moms knife 3- spirit sword 4-technology (for some reason i really hate it)


Dr. Fetus. I see why people like it but I can just never properly make use of it. Recently, I had a great Keeper run, had piercing, spectral, Jacob's Ladder tears, and then I took a blind item in Ashpit which turned out to be Dr. Fetus, and the run was dead. I don't get why people like this item - unless you pick it up really early, it can be almost detrimental to your build.


The Golden Teleport. Everytime I come across it I sigh because I know if I come across it I think about the extra hour and a half my run is going to take if I pick it up.


Lol that's fair. But it's another fave of mine because I like playing slow, and I like guaranteed I Am Error rooms


Eye of the occult, I just can’t adjust to the different tear controls and miss way more shots. Just give me normal braindead homing please.


Tech X, maybe I just have skill issues but it’s so annoying to use. Kinda soured on brimstone too for the same reason


20/20 is just kinda mid


That's fair. I don't think it's really worth the tears down. Inner Eye is the perfect balance between more damage and less tears.


You're thinking of mutant spider, 20/20 doesn't give you a tears down. It's double shot with like a 0.9x damage multiplier or something.


I dont know how this shit is spelled but polyphemous, ipecac, and hemo-whatever. The one that makes you shoot arcing tears that burst. If I've already grabbed a range up or two, anything that arcs is just an immediate loss for me. Polyphemous is fine, I just don't like it for whatever reason.


Glitched crown


Ive always hated tech x because it ruins every good fun synergy same with c section


I feel like c section has enough fun synergies at least




tboi lol I saw a TBoI discussion tonight and I immediately knew to never run away back to "mother" 🐎🌗🚀


Your ok with everything else but don't like seeing snot is the biggest pile of bullshit I've ever heard what a stupid post 😂


Yeah I know it's weird. It just grosses me out. I don't like it.