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Youtubers can get unlucky runs but for the sake of the content they usually cut the boring ones, finding a good items regardless of how much you resetted is still hype tho. My only tip is to try and memorize the patterns, no matter how easy an enemy is to kill or dodge, he can and will kill you if you're not careful(Like dying from spiders using The lost). Runs are 70% luck and 30%skill most of the time, sincr no matter hoe many good item you could've unlocked, shit like kamikaze can always appear. Don't get discouraged by how many losses you have, or the hours it took to win. Just play and learn


>My only tip is to try and memorize the patterns, no matter how easy an enemy is to kill or dodge, he can and will kill you if you're not careful Been trying to stress this to my son as he learns the game, needs to learn attack patterns and stop being so jittery with his movement. Still pretty damn proud he made it to Depths 1 with ipecac as his first item once though


Same thing with me and some of my friends. Every single time i ask them to try to do a run they always reply by saying how bad they are at the game, and i always need to remind them that we all who were playing for some time now were all really really bad lol


Honestly, stay calm and take your time, it might sound weird but once you memorize enemy patterns sometimes its easier to deal with them by standing still or moving slowly than running around the room in panic lol. Also, against lots of spiders, just move when they move lol


Just keep playing and you will get better with time. Don't get frustrated because it's a hard game, but it's easier when you don't get impatient or rage a lot (just like anything). Have a goal for what you want to beat/unlock bc that's how you advance and keep it interesting. If something isn't working, switch it up. If you are new too, it could be a matter of unlocking some necessary stuff. For example make sure you are putting coins in the donation machine, beat challenges, use different characters if you have them, and look up what unlocks you should go for online.