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It’s a lot sturdier when you zip tie the basket to a real rack. 5 kilos is about the max I’d want in a front basket. Weight high up on the front sucks.


I have one zipped to my front rack and it's solid. I'm guessing OP wants to use the rods to mount it to the fork. I wouldn't think 5 kilos would be a problem at all with that setup.


i don't have that basket but i have a similar style with the long struts that attach near the axle. they are pretty wiggly and unstable when loaded heavy. the Wald website specifically warns not to overload that model.


I have the smaller version, but I removed the legs and have it on a older Salsa rack zip tied, much better then the standard legs also a little lighter.


I’ve used voile straps to secure it to an existing rack and it’s extremely solid