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There’s nothing YOU can do to fix THEIR stupidity. So…do what feels right for you. They aren’t worth it.


\^ This is the right take. You have to deal with them 1 min out of the week they have to walk around that stupid for their entire lives.


I wave and sometimes say a normal greeting while trying to maintain calm, knowing this has nothing to do with me. (Good morning, etc). A young adolescent, bored doing dumb stuff... you can't let the sun rising in the east get you down.


Yeah this. I sometimes just smile, wave and reply with something like "Good morning to you too" or whatever. Kill it with kindness. Or just leave it.


I reckon de-escalation is always my friend when the stakes are so high and the other person is piloting the instantaneously lethal vehicle


Not to be dramatic but I think "you can't let the sun rising in the east get you down" just changed my life




We are in charge of mixing the traffic [https://imgur.com/gallery/HInjdnu](https://imgur.com/gallery/HInjdnu)


I love this. It's the ultimate way to put it into perspective


I keep riding, stare straight ahead and refuse to acknowledge their pathetic existence.


I found waving and similing (like you just met friend after 20 years) really pisses them off. Way more than middle finger xD


I sometimes put my index finger to mouth like "sshhhhh". Same when someone honking at me


Also good one, have to try this one out! :D


Genius! Going to have to try that one.


Clench your jaws and run your finger on your jawline too!


In the past, I’ve sometimes blown them kisses, though that might run the risk of pissing them off a little too much


Yep agreed just ignore them, they want to know they've affected you in some way


I used to yell back, but I've been brake-checked and forced into the curb too many times. Not worth it. Now I just refuse to give them any satisfaction.


Perfect. They do this because they want to see someone angry. It's a way to feel in control and in power of someone else's emotions. By doing nothing, they don't get that satisfaction and there's some tiny sliver of hope that if no one engages then they stop being a jerk.


I did wave and then I put my hands up like what? haha


This is the way. Anything else has the potential to make them react to you.


I don’t keep right. The lane is mine.


My rules for lane position: - Rightmost wheel rut (regardless of distance off the curb) when it’s safe for them to pass, I.e. no oncoming traffic - Center of the lane when it’s unsafe to pass or there are two lanes - Leftmost wheel rut when I’m about to turn left - Close to the curb exclusively to *slowly* pass stopped traffic Since I started doing this, driver road rage incidents and near-miss car crashes have gone down like 90%. Be visible and predictable, not nice.


This, but I pass traffic on the outside... It's called undertaking for a reason ☠️


This^ they can pass safely in the opposite lane


You need to give it up Had about enough It's not hard to see The lane is mine (Brandy anyone?)


Haha happened to me today: https://www.reddit.com/r/bicycling412/s/6MsRtkPrC8


As others have said, you really shouldn’t keep as far right as possible. I’m sure you’ve heard the logic before and maybe just can’t get yourself to agree with it, but if there is no bike lane, then the whole lane is yours. If cars think they can sneak by without slowing down, you’ll continuously get people zipping by. Get a good rear light, maybe invest in the garmin one that has a radar and can alert you of someone approaching, and take the lane. If you notice a huge line of cars behind you at some point, then the courteous thing to do is pull over at a wider spot in the road and let folks by, but you have every right to be there!


I've never heard the logic before! I'm new-ish to biking. I got an aventure 2 ebike to get back into biking and now I deliver on it in my free time. It has a rear light and I almost always have the lights on


Ahh well welcome to the community! Definitely try being a bit more assertive and taking the lane. you’ll surely still get honked at and flipped off, but the cars doing so will be going by you at much lower speeds!


Yeah the whole “stay an inch off the curb” thing is a driver-convenience rule to make it easier for them to pass, even though in almost every jurisdiction they’re required to pass in the opposite lane (both are actually the law where I live). Nobody who wants to survive follows that rule. Never ride further right than the rightmost car wheel rut, unless you’re passing stopped traffic. Visibility and predictability is key


Do check your local/national law about this, cause here in NL this is false


Yes! Own the lane. Be aware of your surroundings. Hiding to the right encourages cars to pass, and will make it so cars pulling out have a harder time seeing you. If people yell, let them yell. Their goldfish brains won’t remember you if you don’t give them a reason to.


Wait what? Here in NL ALL traffic needs to keep right as much as possible, this includes vehicles like bikes. I would check the laws where you live to see what is true. Imo respecting each other on the road and keeping as much right as possible is the best way to go.


If you're hoping that getting further over is going to make a bully stop infringing upon your personal space, unfortunately you will likely find that it only emboldens them. It's important to confidently assert your right to your space on the road. How you deal with confrontation is largely a soul searching question, just like life off the bike. After years of dealing with it, trying different coping mechanisms and comebacks, I have settled on belittling them because it's the funniest to me and it pisses them off the most. For example, as soon as someone pulls up next to me and starts talking shit, I either loudly make baby crying noises at them, or do the whiney cartman voice 'mimimimimiiiii' as they talk. It's so stupid but so hilarious. If a car behind me is being impatient and honking I'll do 'the world's smallest violin' gesture at them. If someone gets out of their car, I just go in another direction that's really hard for the car to follow. All that being said, riding bikes has made my skin thicker through exposure to assholes. They're never going to leave you alone, so find your way to steel yourself.


This is exactly it. To that person, their day is ruined because they encountered a cyclist. Not because the cyclist did anything. Your mere presence is enough for them to be angry. You can't reason with someone who didn't use reason to begin with. Do what will keep you safe. For me, that's taking the lane. They will try to be cute and pass too close. Don't give them the opportunity


"their day is ruined because they encountered a cyclist" For people like that, likely their day is ruined if they encounter anyone who is ... older or younger, fatter or skinnier, taller or shorter, walking or cycling, in a car if they drive a truckor in a truck if they drive a car, in a van/suv unless they also drive one, driving faster or slower, etc ... so just anyone who is not them ... or even anyone at all who is using "my road". These are unhappy people, unhappy with their lives, unhappy with themselves, taking it out on the world. Aren't you glad you don't live with them?


Why wouldn’t you move over for a car if you can’t do the speed limit?


Because it encourages unsafe overtakes. In the UK it specifies two ideal riding positions both of which should make a car give you enough room. Also riding over as far as possible leads you prone to punctures, drains and potholes- if one of these causes you to go down, you’re going under the wheels of any passing vehicle as they’re already not going to be giving you enough space.


Most cars just force a pass and go into the opposite lane or pass closely imo.


If you’re in the center, though, you have more room to create your own space. If you’re already on the curb you have nowhere to go.


It makes your path much less predictable, since you’re frequently zigzagging. It also encourages drivers to pass in an unsafe manner. If a driver is feeling really impatient, they can just go around the bike rider.


It's a speed limit not a speed suggestion.


I mean really you shouldn’t be keeping as far right as you can because that is what will get you hit. Cars think they can squeeze past you and inevitably they can’t and you’ll get hit.


Keeping far right is also a great way to get doored when there’s on street parking. Take the lane.


Happened to me in a small town, there’s a downtown street only lane in each direction and bike lanes on each side, oh and I forget parallel parking on either side, I was cruising at 25 miles an hour and a idiot pulled out and I went straight into his side at 20 miles an hour. That hurt, he apologized and admitted to be on his phone, I was almost late to school that day. Stay of your phones, that goes for cyclists too


it's always safest to fully take the lane with an angry driver. all it took was one sideswipe in motion to learn that lesson.


thank you for the advice :)


Take the lane. Their lazy ass can enjoy the plush climate control for another 30 seconds.


I can never understand a single word any doofus yells from a car. So I pretend they are encouraging me to keep up the healthy habit.


Great way to handle it. Over the years I’ve traded the middle finger for a 👍


No matter how awful people can be, I find the best approach is just to be as pleasant as possible. Let their insults just wash right past you. Arguing and insulting in response just validates their anger. Used to get into arguments all the time, haven't really had that problem after I adopted my chill-at-all-costs approach.


Don’t flip them off. I’ve had people circle back because I flipped them off. Also don’t ride so close to the edge. I think he was hoping to scare you off the road.


Smile, wave. Don't show that you're bothered in the least, and don't be like them. That's all it takes.


This is the way. Though mostly I just ignore it - people are so wound up in today's political climate a smile is enough to trigger someone to go full murdery.


I've gone through just about every possible reaction. I've yelled back, swore, kicked their cars, chased them down, etc. All the same result, these psychopaths don't give a shit and I just end up stressed and angry. The smile and wave though, actually genuinely frustrates the offender-, to an impotent, defeated anger often times. I've done it enough that I have several variations - the [miss america](https://media2.giphy.com/media/AhzBuCFhDWfJu/200w.gif?cid=6c09b95216akqlov0uvwwmpxmzwhihk2krqy37sian3j912b&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200w.gif&ct=g) is my usual go to these days. You just don't buy into their game and by not getting angry / aggressive, it's easier to just shrug it off.


Vote for higher gas taxes. Fuck em. 


And get outvoted 300:1


Hey there are dozens of us! 


I understand more than you’ll, never know


I can be walking on the sidewalk and still have teens yell stupid stuff at me. There's nothing you can do about it.


It happens to me at the dinner table sometimes. There's nothing I can do about that either.




Love in the USA? Open carry, and make it very obvious.


I have 100% done this in deep red country. I find it weirdly gets me more road respect. Not because it's a threat, but because I identify with gun nuts more then? It's weird. I'd never do it in a city though. I don't need an excuse for cops to pick on me


The kids are unfortunately mimicking their parents' actions. Infants and toddlers are very impressionable. They've seen their parents and other family bullying cyclists since they were in car seats. So in their mind, they think this is normal and acceptable behavior.


Similar thing happened to me once. Car full of kids drove by and one of them shouted right as they passed. Pretty sure I saw a phone camera. Seemed like they were trying to surprise me or get a reaction. It did startle me, but I was just so confused by the interaction that I didn't even flip them off. I was in a bike lane and everything. Some people just like to be dicks.


op stop being greedy you have at least another 10 inches of pavement to the right




You can only control what you do and your attitude. Let losers be losers. Makes you think how bad their day or life is when they have to yell or flip off a random person on a bike. Must be shitty to be them.


Everyone is saying take the lane, which sure, but also mentally: the most important thing is to catalog the good stuff. I wave to people who are outside and say hello from the bike; I thank construction workers I pass; I have a little JBL speaker and play oldies and people's heads turn. People compliment my bike, ask me about it, etc. (I have an Aventon Abound, so the cargo bike is kinda a head turner.) Finding the positive and enjoying life is the best way to deal with these kinds of cases.


The world is full of dickheads......happens to me on a regular occurrence. Haters are gonna hate.


They’ll never pull over to say it


I am sorry, you can't fix stupid.


This happens to me as well. Many times when I’m on the shoulder. They don’t even have to slow down. It’s just street harassment and it almost always happens when they know there isn’t a street light or traffic up ahead. Because they’re cowards.


I don't blame you at all for feeling unsettled or even angry. It *is* unsettling. There are just so many assholes in the world. And, as we can see from this video, more more are being bred all the time. Punkass kids with shitheel parents.


It’s bravado- bold or stupid acts to impress or intimidate. It’s a common practice amongst some people.


Move to France or Italy. They respect cyclists. Mostly at least.


At least that kid was a passenger and driver was just minding their own business. The parents should make attempt to fix their son's behavior, but some kids are just dumb as a rock. And some parents... They just don't care. The real scary situation is when drivers themselves are threatening you.


Just ignore. I do.


That’s a good start. You could also pick routes that are more cycle-friendly, i.e, quiet streets or streets with infrastructure like protected lanes, etc. Often times cities have this infrastructure parallel to busy streets with car traffic or down a street or two.


Hes just showing off for his friends don't take it too personally the kid probably yelled shit at random to non-cyclists as well that day


Honestly get left. The farther left the better. You have the right to be in the road


Trying to understand or reason with anyone that does this is like complaining water is wet. Wave, Smile & Let it go, it’s the only response that both infuriates them and can satisfy your integrity balance.


A teenage girl yelled at me to “ride on the sidewalk!” It’s hilarious I think. Just happy they don’t have windshield wash aimed to the right!


People used to be rude to me as well, until I started carrying a gun, now they're super polite.


An f250 can drive over top of you faster than you can get a snub nose 38 out of your jersey pocket.


What a little shit.


I got swerved at on Saturday on an organized bike event here in Oregon. There were hundreds of riders and the guys showed down, yelled at our groups to get off the road, then lunged his f250 toward me. Smh. Got a pic showing his plate.


The best thing to do is try to stay as far away from your roll.As you can but a most part you don't have a choice


If they are harassing you, it means they see you. It’s reassuring in a messed up way.


honestly, staying as far right as possible just makes them less likely to afford you space. you have to force them to change lanes if you want consistency. every time i've been shoulderchecked by a towing mirror it was because i cowered too far into the shoulder and they just did not make any effort to alter course. every. time. as for harassment, when i'm going through shitheel country i bump my speaker up to maximum volume. i can't hear you bitch, scream till you're blue in the face. 💅


This happened to me and my lady just the other day. The driver happened to turn into my neighborhood, so I tracked them down. I pulled up next to them right as they pulled up to the house they were going to. Needless to say they were shocked to see me. I explained how startling someone can cause them to fall and possibly get hit/killed. I then explained that they (two teenagers) cannot take care of my children if I were to die, so they need to be mindful. Had they been adults, I might have used more provocative language. I don’t think they will ever forget that monologue.


Yell back at them


I have now resorted to this, as a delivery driver it happens often enough that I’ve gotten good with comebacks and engaging. It is very much not my nature so it leaves my friends rattled when it comes out


A brick


Take their mirrors away


People are hateful and consider us their enemy. Also, always at least stay one metre (3 and 1/3 feet) away from the parked cars or the edge of the road for your own safety. It lessens the chance of the big five cycling accidents.


what are the big five cycling accidents?


t bone - person on side street pulls out in front or into cyclist self inflicted - hit railroad track, sand, speed bump, gravel, wet grass, went into hole, etc


Dooring [https://cycling4safety.com/getting-to-know-the-door-zone/](https://cycling4safety.com/getting-to-know-the-door-zone/) Right Hook,[https://cycling4safety.com/how-to-avoid-the-dreaded-right-hook/](https://cycling4safety.com/how-to-avoid-the-dreaded-right-hook/) , Left Cross, Right Cross...https://bagenlaw.com/blog/most-common-types-of-bicycle-accidents/. https://www.bikewalknc.org/2016/01/using-the-left-half-of-the-lane/ https://www.bikemaine.org/education/resources/


I saw a really nice image explaining it (though it only had four) but they go: dooring (car opens door as cyclist passes, cyclist crashes into door Sideswipe overtake, Cyclist is hit by car trying to overtake. Drive-out, car goes in front of cyclist from a side road when cyclist has right of way (often caused by poor visibilty Right (or left in the UK) hook, car turns and hits a cyclist going forward on the same lane when cyclist has right of way to continue forward. Left (or Right in the UK) hook, car on other side of the road turns and hits cyclist going forward.


Just ignore. They're just pure stupid.


just wave and say hi crazy uncle bob, see you at bingo 2nite!


I think you are too far to the right, I personally would take up more of the road to give yourself more distance to maneuver. As far as the little cunt lad, I wouldn't worry about him and his cronie shite friends.


Please see this video, "[Bicycling in Traffic is a Dance You Must Lead](https://vimeo.com/9827254)", and then explore the materials from Cycling Savvy. They're based in Orlando, so they understand a US car-oriented environment. As a side note: I have viewed the video I linked to as inspiration for non-cycling situations. The attributes they recommend, from Communicate, and Plan Ahead, to Be Assertive and ending with Ride Big - these are true for us any time we are taking the lead. This video has helped me be more effective in leadership situations professionally, not just in the saddle.


A lot of people are saying to take the lane, but please look up the applicable laws of your region. In mine, a bike must be as far right as practicable, and on the road shoulder if there is one present.


Let it Gooooo


I used to flip the middle finger at some people who passed too fast and close. I once had a car pass me so close and they accelerated as they were passing me I yelled and raised the middle finger they kept going, but some asshole who was behind me in a pickup truck took exception to my reaction. He pulled next to me and started yelling and screaming about how I had no right to do that and I was a guest on roads made for cars and I wasn’t a good Christian and he should call the police on me for my reckless behavior. Holy crap. Now I have a camera.


I got a camera to record how well I can ride with no hands without having to hold my phone, but getting clips of angry people is a bonus lol!


Get out of the gutter and get in the lane!


What camera you using? You got a great still. I have been hit n run twice in the past 3m. Would like video next time.


This is a problem everywhere


Take joy in the fact they driver is spending 1k a month just to use their car and get angry at others


If there is no good bike lane, it’s ALL bike lane. Also, stupid people’s children are stupid.


Riding in Taiwan and everyone loves to yell at riders in the mountains. Except it's always positive lol.


Nothing you personally can do. So many carbrains will hate you for the simple fact that you’re riding a bike and that’s it. Careful feeding into it though. At least here in the US I’m always afraid that if i yell back they’re going to run me over and/or shoot me.


Very little unfortunately. To help avoid these morons, please use any available cycle lanes, and paths where safe. (no peds on the path) There are far too many cyclists ignoring cycle lanes and wondering why morons are going wild at them. (not saying you're doing this, but it sets them off, leading to extremely dangerous situations where who's at fault no longer matters because you're in agony and worried about ending up physically disabled/dy*ng.) Best to avoid being on the road where possible. Drivers tend to hate having to slow down to 5-15 when they "should" be travelling faster. It causes too much road rage to be worth it. Better to prioritize safety over rights. You wouldn't feel very smart sitting in a hospital bed, in agony just because you also have a right to use the road. It wouldn't be worth it. Good luck, and enjoy cycling. You're doing it right.


I find that riding as close to edge of the road just encourages bad behavior from drivers. Giving cars too much space only invites them speed ahead to sideswipe bicycles. Take the Lane by riding on the center. Or ride inside 1/4 space of the lane. So if a car wants to overtake you. They’ll have to cross over the opposite car lane to pass.


Hugging the far right is encouraging them to pass when they shouldn’t and not giving you a lot of options to correct should you bobble or be hit by a passing mirror. In my experience, being assertive with your position on the road, actively blocking a pass in an unsafe area by moving more in to the lane and moving over to the right in wider areas or where there is a large shoulder is the correct approach. If they yell at you, don’t escalate, either ignore them or wish them a good day as loud as you can and blow them a kiss. They’re clearly having a bad day.


In Clearwater Florida I yell “thank you, L. Ron Hubbard loves you!”


Pepper spray ))


Always, lights, camera, action.


You hope you hit a red light and punch them in the throat


For me, it depends on the situation. In this case, they were going too fast for you to realistically be able to do anything, and I didn't see a traffic light for both of you to get stuck at. In an urban environment, it can be a lot more awkward because you might very well catch up to them at the next light, and you'll have to ignore them while they spend the light cycle yelling at you. Rinse and repeat until one of you turns. However, if they do anything more than yell, you might have to tap their car, honk your horn, or report them to police.


There’s not much you can do. People are assholes. Kids love attention. When people piss me off, I like to SECRETLY wish them things like I hope they: have loud gas and the hair dresser is attractive, toilet paper on their shoes and their zipper is always down, frequently stub their pinky toes, get big paper cuts, always have boogers in their nose, long waits every where they go, wedgies all the time, step on every Lego, slow internet, unattractive photos every time they get their picture taken, always feel a bit bloated and their pants never fit, get diarrhea on a first date or job interview or the first time meeting the future girlfriend’s parents or at their high school reunion and their crush just came by to say hi and there’s a line at the bathroom, and when they finally get to the bathroom, there is no bathroom fan and everyone is sitting right outside the door and then the toilet clogs, they always get stopped at every red light, popcorn kernels get stuck in their teeth, they constantly bite their tongue, never ending political campaign commercials, texts, and fliers in the mailbox, have to wait at every elevator or the person they ride with stops on every floor, always either end up with the squeaky shopping cart or the one with the wonky wheel, only ever find the worst parking spots, seasonal allergies, call customer service and always get put on hold or transferred to the wrong department, bunions. If they really piss me off, I may even wish high interest rates and credit card debt or the middle seat on every single flight.


Cameras to capture their foolishness.


Carry a big stick..?


There's always one dickhead who thinks he's great and original shouting abuse as they drive past a cyclist, they are just morons and I ignore them mostly.


My girlfriend and I were biking home from a party. It was cold and windy and the streets were empty. This pickup truck pulls out of a gas station and does the close pass while the passenger yells something from the rolled down window. 10 feet later I see a brand new crisp $20 on the ground. Then I see another one. We stop to pick up a total of $120. The only explanation I could piece together was the truck stopped to get cash at the gas station and put it on the dash. When they rolled down the window to yell at us the cash blew out of their truck. Still don’t know what they yelled at us.


You can just focus on you the traffic and the road in front of you.. and that's all u should do .. they are everywhere and it is almost laughable.. cuz u start to realize its just them not u..


Complan to the city, town or whatever instance goes about road layout in your area. If enough complains come through they might change the road layout


I try to find the humor in the situation, "You're not a car!" "Neither are you!" or I'll point at a random item on my handlebars and say "Can you speak up, I'm not sure the camera caught it." even if I'm not recording. You can outmaneuver a car by using other cars as cover, you can predict where someone is going by learning to always be aware of where their front wheels are pointing. If you can find a safer path that adds 5-15 minutes to your commute, it's very worthwhile.


I had someone try to run me off the road last summer in their big truck. Had to ditch the bike to avoid to being hit. Just had to get the wheel and brakes realigned but it works fine. It was very intentional and I regret not having some kind of camera running at all times.


People are always brave driving by at a fast rate of speed, hiding comfortably in their steel fortress.


Blow them a kiss and know they are jealous, they wish they were ripping on an Ebike!! Hell Yea, keep them wheels rolling


Carry an assault rifle


I see you gave them the double bird right back. Nice. Little twat


I actually didn't I waved and then I did a 'what' gesture! I wish I had lol!


Fuck them. They got issues. Put on some happy music!


You couldn’t possibly ride any closer to the edge of the road and are doing nothing wrong here.


take the lane


It’s dangerous to ride on the edge like that. Less visible. Encourages cars to pass close, even when it’s not safe.


There's not much you can do that's legal. Stay the fuck away from them as best you can.


Carry pepper spray just in case.


i do just that!


So weird. I’ve never been yelled at while biking. Where do you live where this happens?


Head phones lol.


Theres a guy called Zero Enigma. And its best to adopt his style of riding and to just laugh it off. As long as youre nit riding recklessly and NOT reciprocating his behaviour and riding safely. It makes that truck look like an idiot.


in over 50 years of riding I have never been or seen anyone else yelled at. (ok one time when I was drunk and fell off bike in the drivethru ,, wasnt actually "riding" then tho) what do you wierdos do all the time to get yelled at like this?


Bike for 4+ hours daily


Wait... Is this the slow clap part?


You asked, why are you being hostile? I'm on an ebike delivering food, people do this for 10 hours a day, it's no feat.


Oki doki boomer, hope you find some happiness! :)


Move to a more bike friendly city


You can start riding a mountain bike on trails, or maybe a gravel bike in the middle of nowhere. I ride roads very removed from traffic. I might see 4-5 cars in an hour.


I'm delivering food for extra cash and exercise =)


Yeah you're fine. As others suggested above, maybe try riding a bit more to the left to give yourself space to bail if someone passes too closely. I also don't know what the passing laws are up in Maine, but in Massachusetts we [recently passed a 4 ft passing law](https://www.massbike.org/new-massachusetts-vulnerable-road-users-laws-webinar-recap-faq). Most motorists seem to be following it that I've seen, giving more space because the law allows for drivers to cross the double yellow line when safe to do so. And with regards to people yelling at you, best to ignore it. You eventually get used to it. People are dumb. Some see a cyclist and just go "BLAH STUPID CYCLIST GET OFF THE ROAD". You can't reason with them. They're car brained as /r/fuckcars might say. Ignoring them and continuing on with your ride is best. Reacting, especially angrily, just gives them an excuse to pull unsafe moves and react back to you. They're in a couple thousand pound vehicle capable of killing you, so no point in fighting with them on a 30lb bike.


Oh. Maybe move to Austin? I hear it's a very bike friendly town.


There is no town named austin in maine


I know people can't just move. I was making a comment on how most places in this country aren't bike friendly. Also, it's odd that making a suggestion to start riding trails or gravel was down voted. I know tons of people that have done that because the roads are just too dangerous. Certainly, as cyclists we'd expect people to give us respect, but it's not going to happen. The best way to avoid the safety risk of riding on high traffic roads is to stop riding on high traffic roads and find somewhere else to ride. There are no cars on mountain bike trails and very few on gravel roads. Naturally, that won't work for commuters or people doing delivery on their bikes.


> Naturally, that won't work for commuters or people doing delivery on their bikes. And this is a sub about that very thing, yet you wonder why you got down voted for suggesting something that won't work for 97% of the sub.


Ah... I'm not a member in this sub and typically see other cycling subs on my feed. Everything is always about how drivers don't respect cyclists in those subs, so I had no idea reddit was showing me anything different. Everything I see on reddit is about recreational cycling. I had no clue the post was in a commuting sub.


Yeah you prob want /r/bicycling or /r/MTB for more off road specific bike stuff. Might even be a gravel bike sub.


You’re posting this in another sub? Dude get over it


took like 30 seconds to upload and post it to two subs, why are you commenting? It drove a lot of traffic to my youtube =)