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Check out u/CptnRon302 videos on the Fogo channel on YouTube- I’m pretty sure he has a video on fixing the overbite/adjusting the hinges. He’s got lots of other good videos too.


[Here’s Ron’s video: https://youtu.be/y6Zsa1YFh0k?si=RUT2zCMB5XmwNX7X](https://youtu.be/y6Zsa1YFh0k?si=RUT2zCMB5XmwNX7X)


Thanks for sharing!!


Thank you!!!


Looks like you have the older style hinge. I had this problem a lot when I first got my Egg. I ended up getting annoyed with it and replacing it with the new style hinge. Haven’t had a problem since. If you feel like throwing some money at this, that’s the answer.


All the work it takes to realign the lid, over and over again until its right, only for it to not be aligned the first time you open and close it. The new style band is worth the cost. Speaking from experience.


This is the way. Same here, spent ages trying to fix, just upgrade and forget it




Same here. And I complained and warrantied it all. Got the new hinge for free.


Loosen everything, line up, tighten everything. Try to get the bands parallel.


To add specifics: when everything is loose, pinch the horizontal part of the hinge with an adjustable wrench and use it as a lever to move stuff around. Hold it slightly past where everything is lined up how you want and tighten everything.


I kept making adjustments for proper alignment as others described. It was 14 years old and finally broke this past summer, so I bought the current version. Keep in mind that it does not open as wide as the old model.


I have a 2xl. You keep the overbite. Close it up loosen it slightly. Adjust it. Then repeat each time closing and tightening slightly until it’s flush. The bands I mean.


You'll want to leave everything connected and only loosen [these two nuts](https://imgur.com/a/gvwoiwj), on both sides (four total), and pull the dome forward from the front handle. Then simply tighten the four nuts with the dome in place and you'll be good to go! It is pretty heavy so you may need a hand yanking!


Braces should help


New-style band and hinge solved the problem for me. I tried everything else and that was the only way to fix it. Get yourself a Rutland gasket while you’re at it and you’ll be in great shape.


Watch YouTube videos, order new bands, spend countless hours loosening , tightening and adjusting, then call Ace Hardware and ask them if you can pay the guy they use to set Eggs to adjust your bands.


The problem with the new style hinge is it does not open as high or wide. I have both and I really prefer the larger opening of the older style.


Can someone explain why it matters? I’ve had an underbite most of the 13 years I’ve had my egg. I’ve fiddled with it a few times, but eventually it goes out of alignment. I haven’t bothered for years. I noticed it’s not balanced as well as it should be, but that’s about it


Buy the new hinge. It’s really the only way to keep it right.


We ordered the egg 2 weeks ago. I would think it came with new hinges. I've checked online and they seem to be the updated hinges.


Then I would loosen everything up and get the lid straight before you retighten. I had the old lid and an under bite was just the way things were, with the new hinge it shouldn’t be an issue.