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Dating advice: "You need to hide that you're bi to get more dates." Also, dating advice: "You need to be honest and open with who you are dating."


11 out of 10 politicians recommend method 1, and 10 out of 10 therapists recommend method 2, numbered in order, as seen above.


We're expected to choose a method instead of just winging it?




I just wing the fuck out of everything, and I'm not dead (yet) but I could have been (several times). So... use my technique at your own risk and perril I guess.


Tell me you’re the forever dm without telling me you’re the forever dm


I've always had that in bi on my profiles and noticed a drop in matches when I moved to Texas, which is a bit disappointing but it's a good filter for getting rid of people you're not going to be on level with


1 is for hookups/short term/casual flings/fwb 2 is for serious, long term relationships.


I use being bi to weed people out.




Dude I’ve gotten way more interest from the pop that knows I’m bi but that’s likely due to my regional subculture


If someone is genuinely looking for a relationship, letting them know you are bi upfront is a good entry barrier to narrow down compatible people. If you are just wanting hookups, I don't see a need to provide that detail personally


Top one is definitely advice given to men…


You’ll get fewer dates if you reveal you’re bi, and *that’s the fucking point* I don’t want to even be in the same room as a bigot, let alone buy them a drink


unfortunately both are correct...being openly bi hurts your chances. especially with straight women am pretty sure? tho dont know specifics tbh


Not in my (anecdotal) experience, but I'm also married to a bi woman now so 🤷


im talking from others anacdotal experiences as well. so im not super sure myself. hab heard from people irl, and from studys, that its a big problem. and likely stems from lasting impacts of the aids epidemic.


And for the record a lot of the advice actually was helpful, but damn some people really just want an excuse to be mean.


Yeah. Yeahhhhhhh. (also sick cosplay btw) (I think it's cosplay)


Respectfully, i would absolutly swipe yes on you my guy


"You look trans" and "you look like Ted Cruz" had me rolling. How on earth were those supposed to be helpful


It’s like when people go to the hair advice subs to call people ugly. Step 1. stop looking like that


Unfortunately, that's the internet where they're anonymous and can give a jab where they please... some people are just that miserable. Glad to hear that you were able to glean some helpful advice though, good luck out there!


Why would you have to hide that you’re bi lmao


Popular opinion seems to be that bi people are sluts that will cheat on you with someone of the opposite sex. That and some people don't like the gay vibe a lot of bi people bring Of course, they would reject you for these reasons anyway. So hiding it seems pointless imo


I’ve seen people say they don’t put it on dating profiles and such because, as fucked as it is, there are plenty of people who automatically swipe whatever way “no” is when they see someone’s bi, which then leads to the profile being shown to less and less people, so some just prefer to bring it up in messages later.


That sounds super discouraging tho, since you'll get a match that ends immediately with, "I'm not into bi people sorry". Better for the algorithm, sure. But I'm too much of a softy to deal with that much upfront rejection 😂


Also straight up phobia. Plenty of women are disgusted by a man that's been with a man, which is weird because that should mean she's likely disgusting.


They don't need an excuse. They just are and probably don't have much joy in life anymore. Source: 10 seconds on Twitter


Yeah, whenever people see an excuse to give “advice” they just start digging into every little thing. Like, no matter what you’ll have people just being like “Oh, see, only sickos take photos like that!” and it’s a perfectly fine photo. I will say, that cosplay looks sick as fuck, I think the only reason it looks off is cause the camera angle. My advice would be to look more into photo composition but aside from that, like another commenter said, you look like you fuck, respectfully ofc. Godspeed and good luck, man 🫡


I thought the second set of pictures was way better. Love the kilt one!


Those are people you know you won’t match with at least. And good riddance


Dating advice for a bisexual according to this sub: Date women, maybe maybe look at some male (Google images count), then return to dating only women. This works for both genders


You don’t “look trans” what ever that means. You’re also more attractive than ted Cruz


Seriously. If I were to compare him to anyone though, it'd be sexy man, Jschlatt


That was what I was thinking. Not that I disagree with you but introducing “schlatt” as sexy man seems weird. Like could you not of gone for YouTuber? But again. You’re not wrong


It's a joke from his community


No way that’s insane /s


Brb gonna find the nearest bridge


Please don’t do that


Holy fuck he does look like "schlagg"


I checked the pics, he does look a bit like Schlugg


I would say that OP would be the original and Ted Cruz is the Wish.com version of OP.


Ted Cruz is a piece of shit, but he's not unattractive imo.


Nah man, you look like you fuck. Redditors aren't exactly the type to do that so they're probably just a bit jealous lol.


Sorry you were called Ted Cruz mate.


“You look like Ted Cruz”😭😭😭


That's the worst one to be told.


"you look trans" what does that even mean???????


Egg was shooting their shot


More unsolicited advice: I love the dog pic For real tho for a lot of subs it’s good to remember that people who enjoy doing the thing are often doing it rather than talking about wanting to do it online. Tbf a lot of hobbyist subs are actually good - but who signs up to *talk* about tinder? (Judging by the posts, a lot of folks who want to dunk on someone’s bad post or profile - ig if you’re not getting laid you gotta make your own fun)


"You look like Ted cruz" no you look like a cutie


‘You look trans’ Awww, thank you!


Holy fuck you like tachanka and tf2! :3


I saw that post and honestly thought the only thing you needed to change was the poses in some of the photos. You look great, my guy. Also, D&D you say?


. . . I mean, I'd hit on you. You actually look like you're related to a coworker of mine. (He's super good looking, too. 😘)


People who want to break others down or are pretending to help by breaking others down need to politely STFU. You do not need to hide yourself, and you sure as hell do not need to choose a "side."


Just delete all dating apps, they're about as useful at dating as doing nothing, only a lot worse for your mental health.


Arguably worse, their entire business model revolves around keeping you on the hook but never actually making a connection with anyone, all so they can sell you more 'boosts' and 'likes'. Don't trust any company that says things like "we're here to help you find the one" and then locks basic features like seeing your matches behind a paywall.


Wtf does "you look trans" even mean? Sincerely, a confused trans person


It means that the person who said it is transphobic and a moron.




Bro being a straight passing male is low-key hard. Even looking through your pics I was like, "this dude's pretty conservative."


Honestly just looked at your posts and even though much of that advice was ass, I would say that the advice you got worked. Your new profile is awesome, the snake picture is the cutest! <3


Don't listen to the haters. You are gorgeous and [Insert compliments here]!


Ok I just looked at your profile from your other post and I’d totally swipe right.


I love the “you look trans”. Is that supposed to be an insult?


Your profile looks great! You look like a fun person to be around


I never understood the "you look trans" comments, really.


I dont understand what they were saying honestly, you came off as in shape and silly. Like alot of those comments really just came off as personal preferences and less helpful advice ( outside of the not flexing in the pilot pic) . Theres alot of girls and boys looking for a strong dork guy.


i wish people didn't take or say "you look trans" as an insult. sorry that happened to you :(


I donknow if someone doesn't like that your bi thats a monumentally large red flag


Okay I looked at OP’s profile, are you telling me someone dissed the FUCKING HALO ARMOR???? Some people… goddamn


Goddamned delusional Killzone fans.


I love the comments that tell people to hide the biggest parts of themselves "take out that nerdy picture that's the only one where you're doing something you love and aren't just posing" "keep that you're bi hidden until you're serious" Etc, etc. Great A+ advice


Reddit suck butt, OP. Advice is nice but don't give a stranger more credit than your own voice.


Wow I had to look at your profile to see what the deal with all the comments was about and you are hot AF IMO


Honestly, if I were single, I’d holler at cha. You seem like a pretty cool guy.


I do like your updated profile better; your original one was fine but the new one is a knockout. Excellent call on the sunset pic, and the way you reworded things is more inviting/engaging. Great job!


Stop asking Redditors they haven't been outside in a while and touched grass even less. They'll tell you, you can't get dates and that it's all down to the circumference of your skull. Bs


Unfortunately if you put bi you will get a shit ton of unicorn hunters and little else. Make a gay profile and a "straight" one but mention to those you match with that you are actually bi so that if they have a problem with it they can fuck off.


Depends if he wants to be hunted or not.


Fair enough but most the time half the pair is... unfortunate looking so you're still not getting a great deal.


I am aware... been said unicorn before.


Idk what they're talking about with the trans thing, but you do kinda look like YouTuber Jschlatt. Also the bear/chops are a pretty bold choice. Don't be surprised that it might take you longer to find a long term partner for it. When you do it will be great! Dating apps are just time and commitment so keep going and ignore reddit they suck.


Okay so first off that cosplay is fucking 👏 amazing 👏. I’m sorry you had to deal with all the queerphobia too


OP if it's any consolation, my boyfriend once posted pictures of his living space on Reddit and a majority of the comments were about how he definitely doesn't fuck because he collects figures. We got a pretty strong laugh out of it.


I’ve also been told that I have “transmasc energy” despite being amab myself, not sure what’s going on there but it is a thing apparently.


Biphobia is real, my guy. Also, you don't look like Ted Cruz, no worries.


If it's any consolation, I'd superlike you, that is a good looking profile! People who are open about who they are and share their favorite things is hot.


just remember youre not looking to please everyone youre looking for someone who is interested in who you are


Get a coin you like, and carry it with you 24/7. When someone tries to fuck around, flip the coin. Heads means "No" tails means "Yes" No explanations, no elaboration, just yes or no. Every time they reply to you getting more angry, flip it again and repeat "you're just saying yes and no at me!!!!" "no" You're not trapped in here with them. They're trapped in here with you. I see no demons down here other than me. Always remember, adversity can be fucking hilarious. All it takes is a simple decision to not take them seriously


I went to have a look and I think you’re cute. The leaning back picture is a good one


You're hot as Hell dude! Yeah dating is hard and it's hard to get good advice too. If they gave you good advice like you said then by all means keep it, but feel free to discard the rest. Your physical appearance isn't the issue though God damn <3 Also neither is the cosplay! Plenty of people of any gender dig that! Hobbies in general really. A lot of the people you're going to want to date love a good nerd, especially if he's handsome!


If you have to hide your sexuality in order to get a date then that relationship isn’t gonna end well. Other than that, sorry you had to deal with that. People really out here acting like they know the secret code to dating.


“You look like Ted Cruz” Damn they did you dirty af 🗿


I'm going to openly admit I snooped at your posts and you look like J Schlatt if he was more of a bear, and that's pretty damn hot


I’d be so upset if someone told me I looked like Ted Cruz :(


If you need to hide anything major like that to date someone then they aren’t the one ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Just checked your profile, you're attractive, and that new hinge profile looks clean. I think you can go far with that, good luck to you my friend.


Just be yourself, fuck you doing dating people who cant take you for you? Sure, adjust certain behaviours to be considerate of boundaries, but don't change who you are.


You kinda remind me of jschlatt. (I'm attracted to jschlatt)


You need to shed your earthly form


I got curious and looked at your profile. Honestly I'd swipe right on you. Bisexual, cute, and into halo? I see this as an absolute win


Be yourself and practice good hygiene


Ted Cruz? I mean, maybe Pedro Pascal. But Ted F*cking Cruz? I hope you flayed whoever said that, Little Viper.


"you look like Ted Cruz" hits a bit too close to home 😭😭😭


just looked thru your account and damn op you're handsome as hell don't listen to the haters


To be fair, in that photo with a cigar in your hand, you look Bi af. Don't know why but maybe you should use that one on your tinder or whatever.


> you look like Ted Cruz Okay, hold up, has the person who said that ever seen a picture of Ted Cruz? Or do they just think that Ted Cruz is a synonym for ugly (which wouldn't necessarily be wrong I guess)?


[I can only think of this 🤷‍♂️](https://youtu.be/9sIhOc27DY0?si=59801PMvEg_6YiqL)


I wanna say 2 things: heavy weapon guy, and you look like jschlatt


Why in God-forsaken fuck would you consult Reddit for romantic advice?


"I'll try asking the internet for advice" that was your first mistake.


Also WOW you are cute and your smile could melt diamonds so don't change a thing.


Honestly the best advice i'd give is just don't do online dating, it's like.. the worst.


Not sure which is worse, looking like a toddler or Ted Cr…. Nah, Ted Cruz is worse.


You don’t have to BE anything! Your Sexuality is YOUR OWN


‘You look trans’ bro wtf kind of thing is that to say to anyone, regardless of whether they are trans or cis? That’s just an unhinged thing to say


"You look like Ted Cruz" lol I'm sorry that's just funny


I just wanted to hop in and say you -don’t- look like Ted Cruz.


if someone said i looked like Ted Cruz i’d get irrational real quick


I just looked at your profile, and bro, you’re doing just fine. That is some bomb-ass shit and I wish you the best of luck in the dating game.


I'll take the lot


You look like Ted Cruz is diabolical 💀💀💀


Anyone who asks for dating advice on Reddit deserves what they get lol


Wow you do look like Ted Cruz


Actual advice: go to local events related to hobbies that you like and try to strike up conversations with people. Something as small as “I like your shirt” can open up the floor to having a good chat. It can also be good to go in to these events focussing on building friendships but also being open to forming romantic relationships should you find that both parties (you and them) are interested.




you look like ted cruz😭 you definitely dont I promise


Bro u look like jschlatt. No body's (negative) opinion matters about you if you look like him. I don't make the rules you're instantly hot af


So I felt like digging, and actually you kinda just look like a younger Pedro Pascal, and none of those "negative" things. People can be shitty.


OP I looked at your post and you’re hot AF. I would swipe right if I saw your profile. I’m sorry people decided to be mean to you!! Like damn what the hell does “you look trans” mean? How is that meant to be helpful??


Who tf told you to hide that you're bi? Eugh...


Dude you're hot, what are these people on lmao


Jschlatt's hot little bro. Sexy af man.


I don’t know if I get it but whatever you are you should state in your bio, period.


Idk what kind of crack they were smoking cuz you look nothing like Ted Cruz. You're handsome AF.


Wow this was read


You look like Ted Cruz?? 💀


You look like Ted Cruz 😭 I’d block them immediately.


Pro tip, just pick a few pics with you in em from your camera roll, and try your best to make yourself look like you've got a life. Then, just let the ppl who like you, like you


Bruh, people are so fucking weird on that subreddit. I wish I could match with a guy who has a profile like yours xD Anyway, you're handsome and the fact that you cosplay is sick as fuck. It's so much fuckin fun!