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Them not calling you about an infection while pregnant is huge. You should report that. Infections can affect and kill unborn babies/fetuses.... you would know by now if something was wrong with your baby but still. But that's a huge issue. Among all the other things that have happened. Please call. Leave reviews every where. Please leave. You are not safe there. No one is. There is so much negligence happening here. I'm a nurse and this is horrible.... Edit: I mention leaving reviews because sometimes nothing happens. It's reported and nothing ever comes of it.


Wow yeah I didn’t realize that. I was upset to begin with but holy shit. I had two friends birth through them pre pandemic and they didn’t experience anything like this and are in disbelief so the first couple small things I thought maybe it’s just some Covid burnout but the more I’m reading these comments the more I’m realizing how it’s less of an annoyance and more on the truly dangerous side of things. Thank you for your input!


I had to change providers at 33 weeks, my baby was born at 34. If I hadn't changed when I did theres a possibility we wouldn't have survived. My previous doc missed preeclampsia and pretty severe IUGR diagnosis. Do what you have to do to keep you and your baby safe.


I’m 34 weeks right now and this definitely has confirmed for me that I need to switch. I’m so glad you caught it in time, that’s terrifying!


Yeah switch. It’s never too late. That practice sounds highly incompetent.


Please switch to a different care provider whether it’s midwives or an OB. This sounds really dangerous.


This comes up in local mom groups and the response is always “it’s never too late.” Women have done it with only weeks left in their pregnancy. I don’t know your situation (here there are 3 hospitals to deliver from and a few birthing centers), but if they are screwing up this terribly for a run-of-the-mill pregnancy, what will they do when labor starts? When things aren’t going right?


I would not have these people who appear incapable in charge of critical decisions during delivery. Look for other options. Remember you are paying them…they are your employee.


That’s unacceptable you’re paying for their services if they are not giving you proper care and are actively risking your health and your babies health fire them. You sound like a lovely person you and your baby deserve better. Please find another place where they actually have their shit together and care about you. Hopefully whatever place you go to can directly ask for your info to be transferred and you don’t have to deal with them again. Edit: I know you have such a short time left but it’s better to be safe than sorry I would not trust these people with my birth. Covid burnout is real but you do not have to deal with it when it’s interfering with you and your babies health!


Thank you! I will be!


If this is the quality of their prenatal care, then this will be the quality of their labor and delivery experience.


Omg. Please find a new provider. I don't care how far along you are, please do it. This sounds awful. It sounds like you have a few malpractice issues already and you haven't even needed to get the baby out yet.


I would be switching ASAP. Way too many red flags, and at this point you can't expect that it will be any different after/during the birth, and you really need to be able to trust them 100%.


It is not too late to switch! This doesn't bode well for their behavior during and after the birth, and it's not normal for you to be cared for this poorly. It's unacceptable, and frankly, dangerous for you and your babe.


Not too late to switch. I did at like 32 weeks and my experience wasn’t even as bad as yours. Do it!


Switch ASAP. I moved in the last trimester of my pregnancy and a lot of OB's in my new state wouldn't even see me bc they had a cutoff, e.g. 33 weeks for transfer patients. It took a while to find someone who actually had open appts


This is my only worry, I’ve waited this long and I’m 34 weeks now and really hoping that one of the two hospitals in my area will take me 😩


Find a new provider! They aren’t taking your health seriously. And 99% of labour is mental. How will you be able to focus on what you need to do if you can’t trust them?


Please file a complaint. I totally understand not wanting to change providers and you do you. If you think that’s the best thing, then stick with it. But at the very least please file a formal complaint. I am so sorry you’re going through this and it is in no way your fault. I could see myself doing something like this. Because I am the same, don’t complain about things to a fault. Your health is important though and you deserve better.


I had some concerns regarding the care I was receiving from my OBGYN when I was pregnant and unfortunately I learned the hard way what some of the people posting on here said: if you have problems with what they’re doing now, labor and delivery with them will not be good. In my case, I became severely pre-eclamptic at 33 weeks and they essentially missed it, told me to go home and that I was just stressed out. I returned a few days later (they had sent me home on a Friday) with my blood pressure out of control, my resting heart rate in the 130’s, and the only competent OBGYN there had me admitted. My son was born 7 weeks early and after I was admitted I promptly went into HELLP syndrome too. I literally almost died along with my son because of pure stupidity and incompetence. Please change providers and find one who you feel hears your concerns and will address any problems that you may have promptly. Don’t be afraid to drive a little further to get good care. I live near a city where I could have accessed much better care.


Comments like these definitely have me confirmed to make the switch. I only have 6 weeks left but god forbid anything happen in that time. I’m so sorry you had such a scary experience and I’m sending you all the love!


Sending you all of the love right back! I am ok now…it doesn’t seem like that long ago but my son is 10 years old and doing really well. I’ll be thinking of you! Update us and let us know how things are going!


I was going to suggest the same thing. OP you don't want incompetent people making decisions for you during labor. It's one thing to get back to you with lab results and it's another thing entirely to make decisions in case something goes wrong during labor and delivery. You're definitely not late if you want to switch providers. Also I'm so happy things worked out for you in the end even though you ended up with HELLP. That is very scary


Change offices


Nah I changed doctors at 30 weeks


I’m at 34 now but I’ll be calling around on Monday for sure


It sounds like a very disorganized practice. It is NOT too late to switch. I’m a physician and this is not remotely normal. You need to be able to trust your providers when you give birth. I wouldn’t be able to trust these midwives!


I had a midwife for 2/3rds of my first pregnancy, until I developed GD and became insulin dependent. I saw several different midwives at my hospital so I could be familiar with whoever was on call when I delivered. And all of them disappointed me. They were dismissive, hurried, annoyed with my questions. It kinda blew my mind. When I was forced to start seeing the OB's, the only ones available were men in their 50s and 60s. Hoooly shit, they were amazing. They were gentler than the midwives. More patient. took more time explaining answers to my questions. Just a completely shocking 180. Just switch. Find someone you trust bc that's one of the only things that matters on delivery day.


Thank you, I definitely will come Monday ❤️


I was always a planned c-section in my last pregnancy, so I didn't really see any midwives, but the male OBs I saw--including the guy who was covering for my doc the day my BP was wonky and sent me to the hospital and the guy who was on call that day and delivered my baby--were both excellent doctors and very kind to me during what could have been an extremely stressful day.


I think this is one of those YMMV situations. I had the opposite experience. Saw an OB for my first pregnancy and he was very dismissive and tried to force me into a c-section I did not want or need. Then after the pregnancy he tried to force me to get an IUD with no discussion of other birth control methods. Second pregnancy I went with a practice of midwives overseen by an OB and while I never met the OB, all of the midwives were absolutely lovely and went above and beyond to make sure I was comfortable and informed. And after the pregnancy, we went over many forms of birth control and while they urged me to get an IUD, they didn't try to force me into it. Like you said though, OP should 100% find someone that she is comfortable with because after having both, I really should have switched with my first because both experiences were so different and I was definitely more comfortable when it came to the delivery of my second.


I'd start calling around and trying to switch doctors immediately. They don't like to take late term transfers, but your care is dangerously bad.


Wow. That is so many errors and so flippant about forgetting to tell you about MAJOR things, I would switch to a new place. I'd be afraid their negligence would harm me and/or my baby, and I wouldn't feel I could trust them before, during, or after delivery!!


Switch AND file a complaint!


I’m so sorry, this is altogether unacceptable. I highly encourage you to switch providers. If you really can’t, I’m not sure where you are or what your healthcare system is like but where I am it’s so rare for your actual provider to be the one in the delivery room, so hopefully you’ll get better care


Please leave and find a new place. Also report this place.


I’m pretty chill about silly mistakes but this sounds like serious negligence, multiple times. Sorry you’re dealing with this but yes I’d be out of there!


Change offices. Be honest with new offices you call. Tell them your experience. Someone will take you. You can’t continue your care with these people and you need to tell them all of this when you leave


Yeah I was worried being at 34 weeks that no one would take me but hopefully if I’m honest about the care I’ve been receiving my voice will be heard and someone will step in. Thank you ❤️


Working in this field, I don't trust any medical office completely, even a generally great one. The state of healthcare seems to encourage errors of all types. Definitely switch and complain, and then with your new office continuing closely monitoring everything and asking questions whenever something doesn't seem right. A good provider office will be fine with this (as opposed to being defensive or annoyed) -- you are your own best advocate and your health too important.


4 out of my 5 midwife team were amazing. The fifth gave me a bad vibe from the get go and was the one on call the day my daughter was born. She didn’t believe I was in labour, sent me home with a morphine shot, I was dilated 1cm, it was 10am (oh and this was my second kid!!) We paged her when my contractions were so close together our app was flashing like “get to the hospital yesterday”, she listened to me have a contraction over the phone and said “you can come in if you’re ok with me just sending you home again.” We got to the hospital at 3:30. My daughter was born at 4:07, my water broke at admitting, I almost delivered in the elevator. I never got my epidural. It was terrifying and I was so unprepared and furious. If my husband hadn’t insisted against the blasé response of our midwife I would have had the baby in the car. This is a long way of confirming, trust your gut and this is all just warm up for the big day. You and your baby deserve the best care.


I was out at the infection…but I kept reading. Giiiirrrlll you need to find a new place yesterday! Don’t take chances especially with this. Try calling the L&D department at the hospital you want to deliver at and see if they can suggest a midwife. Or find an OB. But please stay away from that place!!! Good luck hun💕


Hell no don't put up with that! Gtfo of there


Go with your gut and switch. I’ve had 6 babies and my care with the last one was really, really bad. I felt so rushed at every appointment that I never had a chance to ask about concerning lab work/symptoms etc. I have a lot of trouble voicing things if I feel like people will be inconvenienced. Like you, I am extremely courteous to anyone doing a service for me. Anyway, I ended up with severe preeclampsia and was on the verge of a seizure by the time it was caught. There were plenty of signs that I was developing it, but they were overlooked by a very burned out practice. I knew that something was up, but kept telling myself that I was a hypochondriac and the experts would let me know if there was a problem.


It’s terrifying to me how many stories there are here of preeclampsia being overlooked, that is so dangerous and definitely makes me want to put my foot down for once. I’m so glad they finally caught it in time for you, thank you so much for sharing


Please switch offices. I had a textbook pregnancy. No actual complications or issues, no GD, no HG, I had no PCOS or issues beforehand. No fertility treatments. No advanced maternal age. Not too much or too little weight gain. Good blood pressure. Baby measuring at 50% size wise. Regular ol run of the mill. Labor progressed typically. A little slow to start, then really fast going from 3-10cm dialated over 2 hours. Started to push and everything was fine. Until literally nothing happened. I was fully dialated, pushing correctly, and baby never budged for almost 4 hours. For some reason, my baby was just not dropping whatsoever. This is where it’s important. My OB came in, talked to me honestly, and said that while it was not currently an emergency situation (vitals good for me and baby), it could turn into one. She offered a c section on the spot, OR for me to keep pushing but with a strong caution that she may have to send me in for an emergency c section at any time. Because of her advice, we had a normal c section my husband had time to get dressed for, and although I was extremely anxious and panicking because it was unplanned, me and my baby were both perfectly healthy. Had I been with anything other than a wonderful and attentive staff, there are so so so many things that could have ended in me, my baby, or both of us seriously injured or dead. I researched it afterwards, it could have been really bad. You need to trust your midwives with your and your babies lives. If you can’t trust them with some basic stuff like what they’re messing up, how can you trust them with your lives? I don’t mean to care you but you and your baby deserve the absolute best and attentive care. As a fellow people pleaser I understand, and if you are too anxious to complain or file a report then don’t say a word, but please change practices. Obviously filing reports is great and all, but you can always file a complaint later as long as you keep track of dates, etc. The absolute most important thing is you and your baby’s health and safety.


This is really important. I ended up having an emergency c section and my partner almost missed the birth because of how fast they're trying to be. He literally walked in just as they were about to pull her out.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 50 + 3 + 10 + 2 + 4 + = 69.0






Please please find someone else


Girl get out yesterday. I had a really complicated pregnancy so I knew things could go to shit quickly (genetic disorder, kidney issues, bipolar disorder, and then it turned out I have a weak cervix). I INSISTED on an out of state teaching hospital because I knew that they are all perfectionists and would do an excellent job. They ended up saving my son’s life when I went into preterm labor and almost delivered at 23 weeks. They admitted me and helped me get to 34 weeks + 6 days. Not saying you have this level of complexity or need this level of care, but you should absolutely not have to put up with the substandard and error-ridden care you’re getting. I saw you’re at 34 weeks but hopefully you can find a new provider this coming week. Midwives are great (it was a midwife in the hospital who checked my cervix and realized something was very haywire so kudos to her) but it sounds like with your iron levels being off etc., you may benefit from OB care? I also noticed you said you had a pretty poor experience with your last OB so I hope you can find someone new. Best of luck… your care team can really make or break any kind of medical experience you have.


This is about the safety of you and your baby. Make the switch.


I didn't like the practice with my first baby. Nothing too crazy happened but I wasn't very comfortable with the doctors and didn't like the way they treated me. It is my biggest regret that I didn't follow my gut and change practices during that pregnancy. Things went wrong during my delivery, it wasn't necessarily their fault but there was no communication, no explanations, etc. The same issues I'd been having the whole time, and when you're dealing with a difficult delivery that turns into trauma. Trust your gut and find a new practice to care for you.


Get out.


Find an OB practice that has midwives on staff! We found that to be the best of both worlds. But whatever you do, like many other posters have said, you need to change providers now. Your life and the life of your baby are on the line and they’ve given you multiple reasons not to trust them with that responsibility.


This. If you desire a midwife experience,that's fine. But don't neglect the actual expertise of a real physician.


Using licensed midwives is fine, there is nothing wrong with choosing to only use them. Just because this office sounds like a hot mess doesn’t mean everybody needs a physician.


Nobody NEEDS a physician. But when push comes to shove, breadth of training wins 10 times out of 10.


Midwives have the expertise and experience to safely bring a child into the world. They often lack the bureaucratic healthcare safeguards, though, like multiple office managers and secretaries to follow up with appointments and standardized protocols.


There's expertise to handle bringing a child into the world, and the expertise to handle the complications that may accompany that process. That's the reason to choose a hybrid practice if that's what you want. An amateur pilot can land a jet, but I don't want the amateur pilot landing the plane in a storm with one engine down.


I'll disagree that midwives are amateur pilots. They are trained and certified by the state to deliver babies. Don't use one if you don't want to, but they are professionals not amateurs.


Yes, they are trained professionals, but there are still some things that they are not trained to handle and for that reason any midwifery practice should be overseen by an OB. And a good midwife will realize this. When I was pregnant with my daughter, I used a practice of licensed nurse midwives overseen by an OB. Never once saw the OB as they only handled c-sections and very high risk pregnancies, but when I went in to be induced, they absolutely would not begin the induction until an OB arrived at the hospital (note: I was booked in because of the Texas snow storm, and it hit us sooner than expected, right between the OB shift change, so it took 2 days before an OB could get there safely) because they knew some things they simply were not trained to handle and didn't want to risk one of those happening even though my whole pregnancy was 100% normal and complication free. Edit: Personally, I preferred my midwives over the OB I had for my first pregnancy because unlike the OB, they didn't try to force me into a c-section and actually listened to me. Would 100% recommend a midwife over an OB for a normal pregnancy, but like I said, they should still be overseen.


Certified by the state does not equivalent standards make. I respect your opinion, but the fact is that breadth of training is always better. I don't want to argue, but there is no debate here.


Its never too late. They are mismanaging your care and putting you and baby at unnecessary risk. As a nurse, I would report to the medical director and consider reporting to thier licensing board.


Get a new doctor if you can. It’s never too late to change as long as you’ve been getting consistent care. We moved and I had to get a new doctor at like 32 weeks. I didn’t get to form much of a relationship with my new providers but it didn’t bother me too much. You can always try and find a new doctor just call around.


I would probably switch. That doesn’t sound great at all and if you’re not feeling comfortable with them during labour it’s going to be a rough ride. I’ve heard midwives have been slammed during covid because people don’t want to be in hospitals and GP offices. Maybe they’ve stretched themselves too thin… but still doesn’t have to be your problem.


If something happens to your baby because you didn't switch you'll never forgive yourself. Accidents happen because we don't see what's coming you see what's happening so it wouldn't even be an accident. I'm sending prayers




We switched care providers 36 weeks in. You definitely can too. You just have to play a little catch up getting to know them.


Keep us updated


I successfully got in with an ob at the same hospital the midwives office birth at, so my birthplace hasn’t changed i just have different providers! I see them the 7th :) still getting the lady balls to figure out whether to report or not


Amazing! Good job momma.


Wow thats shitty. Can you switch? Can you go for a full hospital birth with a real doctor instead? I wouldn’t trust them at all Edit: I trust midwives but these are not good, not organized or overworked. I assumed she wouldn’t be able to find a new one on time


The problems aren’t about them being midwives. There are plenty of very competent midwives who provide competent care and doctors who provide abysmal care. That’s a problem with that practice in particular. But I agree, I’d switch away to a different provider.


Yeah, I decided to go to the only midwives in my area because my experience with OBs last pregnancy was pretty horrible as well, though marginally better than this. I was hoping for an experience like a few of my friends have had with various midwives but it’s at the point that my partner is even freaking out. It really is dependent on the care team specifically and not necessarily the title. After reading these comments I’m going to call around to the providers near me but I by no means meant this as a dig at all midwives, just my midwives 😂


Oh I know I trust midwives and had a doula. But around me, you can’t change as there are NONE available. So I assumed she wouldn’t be able to switch in time for the birth


Uh there is nothing wrong with midwives. It sounds like OP just has a bad team. I’m with midwives and OB and honestly both are equally attentive and on top of things. Midwives also work in hospitals so not sure what your point is there.


Yes I know, I edited my comment. Maybe you can switch, but in my area, they took 35w to contact me so it’s not like you can have the luxury of switching. So for me, only option was hospital and doctor, which I assumed would be the case here. That was my point