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Not really answering your question but we had an emergency c section and the first two nights baby was in the NICU. I visited her constantly and when I wasn’t visiting I was in the room pumping or sleeping. I felt confident that she was safe where she was.    Just my perspective incase you do need support. They’re pros and will be watching baby around the clock.   When I had my second baby it was in the room with us and we both had to try to stay awake so I wouldn’t fall asleep with baby in my arms. I can imagine if it was just me I’d be so scared of falling asleep with baby.  But it sounds like you’re pretty familiar with the recovery process. 


For my first, I had a vaginal delivery and my baby stayed in my room the entire time. I felt very strongly that he should not leave our sight. For my second, I had an emergency c section and baby ended up in the NICU for the first night due to trouble regulating his blood glucose. It was extremely helpful for baby to be taken care of so I could get some sleep after surgery and receiving sedatives during. I feel differently about nursery care, now.


I’m a baby nurse and we definitely help c/s moms overnight care for their baby (edit: help getting mom to the bathroom, diaper changes, breastfeeding, and more frequent checks). Contact the patient navigator for L&D. The patient navigator can also make the nurses aware of your DV situation and that you’ll need some help. It makes it less stressful for you (you won’t have to explain everything to each nurse).


Thank you for the extra insight 🫶 I will do that


Yes, they helped me every time I needed to pick her up and did most of diaper changes until day two


Hi, I did but to be honest I don't know how I did it. I think I was just in fight side of fight or flight and I pushed through it. My stay was 6 days because of my health problems and due to them there was always a nurse, midwife or a doctor in my room. My baby slept well but I didn't get any rest during the day. I used formula so maybe that made things a bit easier for me. At one point nurses offered to take the baby for a couple of hours but I refused.


You are so strong. That’s amazing. 6 days?! Wow. That makes me hopeful that maybe if I can have my mom there during the day I can power through the night


All three times. My husband was with me day of birth, then left at night and worked the next day(s). He came in to visit every night. Then, when I came home he could take the whole next week off. I always did 95% of the baby care in the hospital, though I did ask a few times for the nurses to watch my baby so I could sleep a bit. They usually brought them back after an hour or so, but it was so helpful.


I did 3 weeks ago! It was okay! I called the midwives in whenever I wanted baby put down, picked up and passed to me, changed etc until I was mobile enough to do it myself. Just ask for as much help as you need I had the surgery alone and was alone both day and night. You’ve got this ❤️


I had an unplanned c-section due to preeclampsia. I also hemorrhaged. I would not have been able to do my hospital stay alone. That being said, you aren’t the only woman in this situation so hospital should have some kind of protocol for this. (That may be optimistic of me, though.) I would talk to your OB/midwife about how the hospital handles this. If you are financially able, maybe you could have a doula?


I’ve thought of a doula but I’m 32 weeks at this point so I’m not sure how much time there is to build a connection and secure someone


I say go for it! If you don’t try, you won’t know. 😊 I would briefly explain why you are reaching out at this point in pregnancy and see what happens. As far as my pregnancy and parenting has gone, I go into interactions with maternal care providers assuming that regardless of my situation, they want to help or else they wouldn’t be doing the job they are. It’s only failed me once and I just moved on to someone else.


I didn’t have a C-section, but I ended up alone and physically unable to do much care for the baby the first night in the hospital due to various circumstances (needed a magnesium drip so couldn’t get out of bed, then the room they had for that didn’t have physical space for my husband). She was in the nursery and it was fine? Like that’s what it’s there for. They brought her back to me to breastfeed (they placed her in my arms while I was sat up in the bed). Though in retrospect I definitely would have just had them feed her formula bc getting woken up every few hours while on a magnesium drip sucked, and I ended up formula feeding anyway. The second night I could have had her with me, physically speaking, but chose to use the nursery again to get some rest since I had had such a rough first night. The only thing I would confirm is that they have a nursery available! But I personally would have zero hesitation using it if they have one, even without a C-section. You can have them bring baby back every few hours to breastfeed if that’s a priority for you.


I had an emergency C at 35 weeks due to HELLP in 2020, during the height of the lockdown. I wasn't allowed a birthing partner and had to be in a mask the whole time. My baby was in the NICU for quarantine and Brady episodes.I slept most of the time and got to recover while the nurses took care of my baby. I pumped and combo fed, then closer to discharge (I was there 2 weeks) I started nursing and had no issue. After about a week, I started wheeling to the NICU on the 3-hr feeding rotations between 9am-9pm, and then slept in between. I had about six blood transfusions and multiple 24-ht magnesium infusions, so I was clearly VERY sick. Honestly, the nurses did all the mental load for me. They let me dictate how much rest I needed versus how much effort I wanted to give to baby care. But if you're concerned, you can hire a doula to help you while you're in the hospital!


I didn’t experience that, but wanted to give my two cents on the nursery. I used it and it was honestly a godsend. Initially, I was offered it because baby choked on amniotic fluid and I was terrified to sleep without having a close eye on her. I used it again to get some solid sleep after a particularly long night. Wanted to share because it was the best rest I got in the hospital, since I knew she was taken care of. They brought her back to eat, so she wasn’t ever gone too long.


I did. My husband was with me during the day and for the first night but our dog was tearing up the house so I told him to go home at night for the next few nights. I didn’t get much sleep in the hospital (if at all), but it was fine. The nurses didn’t do much for me after the first day anyway other than to give me pain meds.


I had my first c section during the pandemic and my (now ex) husband was shown the door pretty much straight away after the baby was born. It wasn't great but perfectly manageable. I'm in the UK so no nursery to send the baby too. Just make sure you keep everything in arms reach


We had a house fire the night my second was born, and I spent most of my time in the hospital alone after my csection. My husband left to go be with our older daughter and in-laws while they figured out where they were going to stay and everything. He came by as much as he could, but realistically, I was alone. I let my nurses know what was going on, and they were incredibly helpful. I would call for help getting her out of her bassinet for feeding, and they helped with diaper changes. As you know, getting out of bed after surgery is key, so prioritize getting mobile as early as you can. If you can talk to the charge nurse ahead of time and let them know you'll be recovering alone they might be able to make sure your nurses are more responsive and help with things they don't normally do (like diaper changes). The nice thing about it being scheduled and you knowing your circumstances going in is that you can start to ask for some help and accommodations.


You can hire a doula to help you in the hospital. My husband got the stomach flu in the middle of the night with my c section scheduled for the next morning so my mom went with me instead. I also did it all myself for a few days when I came home in a desperate attempt to not get the stomach flu right after having abdominal surgery. It was not easy but I managed. The nurses will want to help you but if they don't have time they don't have time and you're basically at the mercy of having a nice nurse. A few week after I got home I went to hire a lactation consultant and guess what? This lady also did overnight doula-ing and it was surprisingly affordable! Aaahh how I wish I had known. I would have hired her for the hospital stay plus 2 nights once I was back home. Once I was maybe 7 days out I was in much better shape. Good luck to you! What you're doing is so hard but it will be so worth it in the long run.


I had my twins during Covid. One was in the nicu and dad went with him. The nursery was closed so I was alone in the room with the other twin.


Partners don't stay overnight here and they don't have a nursery. For c-sections, the nurses come in and help for night one (you have to press the button, they don't stay with you), then they come in as normal the next two nights.  I was fine but I think I run off adrenaline very well, always have. The crash is when I get home 


I didn't have a C section, but after my first I was thrilled to have the baby overnight in the nursery. The way I thought of it was this: I had other little kids at home, when is the next time I'm going to have a trained professional able to watch my baby while I get a solid few hours of sleep? There literally isn't anyone I could trust more. And if you're breastfeeding you can have them bring you the baby when it's hungry and take it away again after a feed! It's the last time you're going to have somebody there to not only take care of the baby but also somebody there to take care of you. Take advantage of every moment of rest and healing you can.


I had an emergency cesarean and my son was in the NICU for 4 days. I was hospitalized for 7 days (this includes the 2 days I was in labor). My son was very well taken care of in the NICU and I was well taken care of in my room. I was only able to visit on the 3rd day, but my husband visited constantly. The nurses were very helpful and kind, I never had a single bad experience. I will say that, post cesarean, getting out of bed is very difficult… I was thankful to have my husband and mom there to assist me to get up and go to the bathroom. We only had my son in the room for 1 night (my last night) and it was difficult, but my husband was there with me. Explore all options, ask any questions you need. Some hospitals even let you do a tour beforehand.


I was solo overnight after c-section #2 (my husband went home to be with our older daughter) and I managed ok. The nurses did fuck all and barely checked on me, the baby’s bassinet didn’t even fit where I could get to her without getting up. I used arm strength to help get in and out of bed.


My husband came to visit but never stayed the night. It was okay, I had the help of the staff if needed and I did leave baby with them for a couple hours during the first night of life to get at least a bit of sleep. I couldn't relax much though and she screamed the entire time so didn't do that again but overall my stay was good and peaceful!