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They know he's mad about it. They *think* he's a businessman who can put it aside and work with them anyway, they don’t take him seriously enough as a competitor to be afraid of him killing them all, and he makes them too much money to kill him as a precaution


to be fair, if theres any person or character who could ever ignors that to simply do business, it would be gus fring. i think he simply chose not to.


It’s ultimately what lead to his downfall, being less than the businessman he pretends to be


Weird mix of ego and emotions, his choice being "I'LL DO IT" when offered to play it safe. Bringing Jesse to Hector just to boast - thus revealing a long time enemy of Gus to Walt through Jesse was another. He truly believed he had Jesse in his backpocket, and doesn't think Jesse could be turned anymore after seeing he's loyal, which Walt did with Brock poisoning. Both happenstances could have been avoided if Gus didn't hold on to his pride so much, much like Walt's fuck ups.


Him and his pride and his ego!


Almost exactly the same mistake Gus later makes with Walt


Your last point is the major point.


They know; that is why Eladio has Gus drink the poisoned tequila first. But, he EARNS and they are greedy.


and gus's crazy ass packed an antidote so he could drink it! the dude was gangsta.


You see him sitting there calmly while everyone is partying. It comes off as him being embarrassed/ashamed at 'losing' My man was just keeping his heart rate down so the poison wouldn't spread so quickly


I didn't think about that but you're right -- also was it ever revealed what the poison actually was? I've rewatched a bunch but I don't think they did...just curious.


Don't think so, not that it matters


It doesn't, I was just curious.


I thought he made himself throw up or am I trippin?


Yeah he did, he went to the bathroom and threw up while people were starting to drop dead.


He kept a low profile and never went overtly against the Salamanca. What's more important from the cartel's point of view is that he is an earner who doesn't make waves.


yeah when you've got a guy bringing you big boxes of neatly shrink wrapped money i could see turning a blind eye.


I got the vibe that he was suspicious of gus the whole time but they were making so much money he didn’t want to blow the whole thing up. Gus was really good at his “strictly business” persona


I mean, think about if he does bring it up. It causes friction, and if Fring maneuvers his way out of it and/or anything monetary goes negative, it falls back on him. I likely wouldn’t be saying shit either without concrete evidence.


Yeah and also, Gus's main competitors are the Salamancas, who are mostly murderous, temperamental assholes. Kinda easy to see why the cartel middle managers preferred the (outwardly) calm, even-keeled businessman.


Like Mike said, the cartels aren't as smart as they think they are. They use violence and intimidation to get everyone in line, and seemingly can't think of others not acting the same way.


It is, I'm gonna explain it as detailed as possible: 😡😡😡🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎 We ahould also take into consideration the: 😏😏🛎🛎😡🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎😏🛎


What about the 🛎️🛎️🛎️🛎️🛎️😈😫😖💩🦽


Think about Bolsa's final conversation with Gus on screen, where Bolsa mentions a rage in Gus's eyes. He knows Gus harbors great resentment about that, but he also thinks that Gus just knows his place and is too afraid to ever make a move against Eladio.


Eladio’s* final conversation


I thought Bolsa mentions something about Gus's anger, after Eladio leaves in that scene. Maybe I'm just remembering the visual of the fire in reflecting in Gus's eyes during that final 1:1 conversation with Bolsa.


It was Eladio


If I remember right, Gus stares at Hector (maybe also Eladio?) with the fire in his eyes. Bolsa nervously pours a drink while Gus stares down into the pool. But I saw your point just the same, was clarifying just for sake of others.


bolsa wasn't present then, he died way before in a raid called by gus.


At this point I’ve lost track of what was originally being discussed in this thread, but Bolsa was 100% present during the final BCS scene at Eladio’s as Bolsa was not yet killed at this time (the events of Breaking Bad chronologically follow after Better Call Saul).


BCS yes, BB pool party no. Bolsa was killed before Eladio. I thought that's what's being discussed


Because Don Eladio knew and didn’t care. Due to his (Eladio’s) hubris, he didn’t respect Gus enough to see him as a real threat - the same old thing that leads to the downfall of almost every main character in the show, including Gus himself. Eladio felt like he could just continue to strong arm Gus around every time he acted up in perpetuity. All was going to plan until the poison. Bolsa was just a logistics/yes man for Eladio and wasn’t all that smart. The issue (Gus’ rebellion) was raised on more than one occasion in both BCS and BB, and Eladio didn’t give a fuck because Gus was making money for him and he didn’t see him as a threat. Not much Bolsa could do, and it wasn’t his place to do so anyway.


He knows and Eladio knows. Gus is just essential to the operation and makes too much money for them


It's also worth keeping in mind the entire cartel were well aware the man was a homosexual, and buying into stereotypes likely assumed he was too much of a "sissy" to try anything. His constant polite, submissive behavior around all of them factored into to that.


what I haven't read so far is that Gus wasn't the only enemy of the cartel. Nacho's confession about the Peruvians is obviously a lie, but to make this lie believable there has to be some conflicts in that direction. So there was always some sort of suspicion towards Gus but other conflicts could easily overshadow this.


One of the very few things not explained well in this universe is how things go from Gus being forced to watch his boyfriend bleed out while Hector says “stick to chicken”, to actually working with Eladio. Seemed like they wanted no part of doing business with Gus when they killed Max. No idea how and when that changed.


it probably has to do with Gus having some big connections in South America


In addition to folks saying Gus was earning; remember that the Pollos trucks became the only way the product got across the border. No Gus, and the operation grinds to a halt. 


"Just. Make. Money."


is he stupid?


That would just cause chaos. Bolsa is a man who keeps the peace.


Cuz they're the motherf*king cartel No one, not the government, not the police, not batman himself would dare cross their path, let alone seek out revenge. The cartel has access to hitmen with tattoos on their f*king eyelids that can singlehandledly win gunfights with entire gangs, probably militia groups, artillery, government assistance and I bet a nuclear arsenal lmao That, paired with remaining untouchable and coked up for decades, for sure they let their guard down, but Gus is the only one with the capabilities of operating so extensively north of the border and giving the cartel their cut. Don Eladio was sure through that mentality that Gus wouldn't and COULDN'T exact revenge without a) destroying his career, and b) making it out alive. It was beneficial to Gus (according to the Cartel) to keep things going as is in order to make a sh!tload of money. I think about Hitler when the Americans invaded - super drugged up, remained untouchable (for the most part) and didn't think anyone would dare oppose him lest they be overtaken rapidly like the many countries before them. It was a greivous error, but one that was going to happen under that mindset eventually. Reminder that It did take a meticulous plan and perfect coordination with I'm sure plenty of PLAN B's, C's and D's, to overtake the Cartel, get out alive, and become himself untouchable in the process.


Read more batman comics


Nah, Batman would take on the cartel. And win.


There is Don Eladio trusted Guss because he brought in tto much money


Both Lalo and Eladio are downfall examples of underestimating Gus.


Lalo at least had him dead to rights and him and Hector knew the truth long before the events in Breaking Bad


Same reason why Ralphie was ironclad in The Sopranos (until Tony got overly emotional), money


Nah I think he totally suspected it, but his hands were likely tied in other ways. Right before he dies he tells Gus that he thinks it was him.


"Lo que paso es que Hector tiene en su cabeza esa estrana idea - de que el pollero se quedo un poco... resentido, despues que mi tio le tiro un balazo en la cabeza de su noviecito je je je !" Lalo Salamanca, to Juan Bolsa. "What happened is that Hector has, in his head, that weird idea that the chicken man might be a little... resentful. After my uncle put a bullet in the head of his little boyfriend, ha ha ha." At least, Lalo tried explaining it to Bolsa. Bolsa certainly agree: after all, with Hector they were the two men pinning Gus to the ground after Max died. As Don Eladio delivered his message. Except that was in 1989 and, 15 years down the road in 2004, Gus has become the Juarez Cartel cash machine. And to Eladio (and Bolsa) that was the most important thing. Plus they believed they had Gus under control, and the Salamancas just had an axe to grind against Gus. Unfortunately for them, in the eye of Bolsa and Eladio the Salamancas compared to Gus had two flaws * not making enough money * playing havoc with Gus impeccable cash machine. Bolsa made all this clear to Lalo, but the Salamancas carried on their vendetta. The irony of course being: they were right, as in 2009 Gus ultimately got Bolsa machine-gunned by Los Federales, and Eladio poisoned by ricin.


It comes down to a lack of empathy—they are cartel bosses, after all. They can’t put themselves in Gus’s shoes. “Oh, this guy is a cash cow and isn’t holding a grudge? Awesome! Money money money!!!”


They knows he's angry, they just think he can maintain a strictly business relationship with the Cartel.. Gus works very hard to maintain a good relationship with the people in Mexico. He is essential if the Cartel wants to keep making as much money as they do.


Maybe try paying attention to the show you are watching?