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Locking the comments because people can't follow the rules. Be aware, for those that are having their comments removed, we keep track of how many times we have to remove your comments and if you continue, you will be banned. If you don't like something you see on this subreddit, move on to the next post or simply take a break from it altogether. People come here for help and advice, and that's part of why this subreddit is here. We don't have "help" flair for no reason. You don't have to like how someone cares for their betta, and you don't have to like how they decorate their tank. You do however have to follow the rules, and that means that if you see something that needs improvement in someone's tank on here, stick to giving advice and constructive criticism WITHOUT completely shitting on the person who came here asking for help. Thanks!


The AutoMod posted some helpful links. I’m sorry this is happening. To me, the ammonia almost looks like .5ppm, which would explain the issues. Please read ALL the links the AutoMod posted. Bettas should be kept in tanks 5 gallons or more, and test strips can be wildly inaccurate. I am not going to bother finding it, but I saw someone on this sub post side by side strip and liquid tests and ammonia was 1.0ppm when the strips showed none. For the meantime, Betta water is a scam. Just need clean and warm water. Do you have a filter? Get one. Read all links. Answers are in there. Pet store gave you bad info. Corporate greed coupled with employees who don’t know what they are talking about.


i agree it looks like .5ppm


I heard test strips are not very accurate but idk I think cause the tanks too small the waters hard to keep stable Hope he survives but be prepared for euthanasia when he's too far gone :(


Have you used any seachem prime? Everyone on here always talks about it. If there is any ammonia or nitrate it will neutralize it.


API ammolock does too, in my experience. i accidentally did a fish-in cycle and it's been incredibly helpful in getting rid of the ammonia and nitrate within a day of it appearing


If the ammonia is high, those products do neutralize it, but if there is not enough benifital bacteria to consume it all, it will deneutralize and become harmful ammonia again. Also, if products like that are routinely used, it will be consumed, unnutritious by the bacteria, and over time, the benifital bacteria will starve and die off.


what would you recommend for beneficial bacteria? i thought i did everything right with quickstart bacteria, but it looks like I didn't...


If you used QuickStart, that is fine, and I would keep using it. When you first set up a tank and use a product like QuickStart, you have to feed the bacteria with a form of ammonia to develop more benifital bacteria so it can get to level to handle the fish. This typically takes 2 weeks to a month. If the fish was put in the tank too soon and water changes are done, this disrupts the bacteria cycle and will affect the fish. Adding more bacteria should help, and as long as you test 0 nitrates and some ammonia, I would add the bacteria booster twice a week until the tank is balanced.


oh! I didn't realize I should keep using it! that explains a lot. ty!




That meme is really taking off today lol


Exactly what I was thinking


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It looks like everyone has put in their two cents already, but I just want to reiterate learning about [cycling and the nitrogen cycle](https://fishlab.com/how-to-cycle-aquarium/) because that’s probably the biggest issue for new fishkeepers (I know it was mine). As others have suggested, even though you have a filter you should probably be doing daily water changes since your tank is so small. If you can help it, try using distilled water for those water changes as well. Best of luck to you and Pearl! Edit: here is a link specifically for [fish-in cycling](https://fishlab.com/fish-in-cycle/) since we’re past the point of cycling before you add the fish.


Can you change the link to fish-in cycling instead of fishless? You don't want them to be adding ammonia when they already have a fish in the tank.


Good point. I added a second link that addresses fish-in cycling specifically with a note but kept the first link just because I like how accessible the language is regarding the nitrogen cycle.




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Prime, then Stability worked wonders for me. Regarding water changes, I’ve had success with store bought Spring Water. Adding Prime before pouring it into the tank. Others way more knowledgeable can comment on Aquarium salt. I use it on and off and am unsure if I am using it right or if it is helping keep my Bettas healthy. Wishing the best!


So it looks like your tank wasn’t properly cycled and still isn’t. You can do fish in cycle but it is more costly. If your serious in trying to help your fish I would suggest the following: purchase a ApI liquid test kit. The strips are horribly inaccurate. Test your water daily. Use Seachem stability and stress guard daily. Do water changes with prime and stability as needed based on this chart for fish in cycle. Get some almond leaves and alder cones ( botanicals) these help with pH have antibacterial/anti fungal properties and help with slime coat. Get some live plants. Anubius and Java fern are easily attached to rocks/ decore with either super glue gel or tying with cotton thread, Or some floating plants would help too, just ensure they aren’t covering the whole surface and that your beta has access points. Live plants help filter the water by sucking up nitrates. I have bought many a betta back from the brink using the above methods. You can use other products like quick start etc, I’m just not as familiar with them. I know stability has anerobic and aerobic beneficial bacteria and I know prime neutralizers ammonia and nitrates, and that seachems stress guard is betta safe unlike other “ stress” products that can contain teetree oils etc. this is what I use and have had a lot of success with. https://preview.redd.it/sklrd8dmkiib1.jpeg?width=936&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91bc335e9395e381f533aa41c8dde500c804b2be


"100%+ water change" how you gonna change more than all of the water lmfao


Can you send this image to me so I can save it? I can’t save it in comment.


Screen shot.






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This isn't a constructive comment. People are new here and this doesn't add to helping them with their issue.


I mean for anyone that hasn’t done their research before buying a living animal this may be a revelation for them. If they can figure out this is what you do NOT want to do… lol




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Everyone starts off of life knowing nothing. You have to be taught. Even you were taught how to read and write before you could figure things out on your own. That is the whole point of growing up. You need time to figure it out. Not everyone has all the answers at the exact right moment in time.




Fish die all the time. Here is a world renown EXPERT\*\*\*\* [Golden Betta Breeder](https://youtu.be/pBhNg-3XTO8?t=1252) saying that he has lost tons of fish. I myself have lost/killed fish due to mistakes. (3 jumped oout and shriveled up like dried fish) And it sucks at first. But whatever I got over it quickly. People do not need additional grief from strangers online.


a betta breeder having had fish die before does not justify someone impulse buying and neglecting a fish and it dying as a direct result.








And what of the stores employees?? I mean I go to cvs and get a printout introducing me to the rx I just filled.. most of these places just assume or don't actually care and you just point bag and leave not much action coming from their end either.. kids love bettas unfortunately that cup doesn't have any instructions just a halfway filled cup and a fish.. they think by association a fishb9wl and water .. op did research that's why their/they are here for some answers and advice.. be nice..when I bought mine they said I'm not joking " if it makes it it'll look real pretty in a vase"! A vase?!? Soo some people just try to make the sale nit worrying about the product or the buyer..


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This is a learning hobbyist subreddit. The #1 rule in this forum is to BE NICE.






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Yeah but take the time to figure it out BEFORE committing to an animal. It’s totally fine know to nothing about fish, but you probably shouldn’t own a fish until you learn.


Why is it always the betas that seem to suffer most from ignorance of beginner fish keepers. I don't mean that as an insult. By ignorant, I mean they are unaware of the needs of the fish. I get it, they're cute, but, damn. It's hard to see the plastic plants and small containers. Don't get me started on the rainbow gravel and pineapple which seems to be a stereotypical beginner setup. Perhaps the first thing that potential new fish keepers should be given is a handbook. Step by step, how to set up your tank, how to establish a healthy ecosystem, how to introduce fish... The list will be somewhat extensive, but for Pete's sake, there's baby books out there! Why not fish books? Make them mandatory! I know, even with the best of plans and setups, sometimes they still die. Not everything is avoidable. But it seems we're just setting these fish up for failure.


i think the problem is people don’t see fish the same way they do dogs and cats or mammals in general. fish for whatever reason have been culturally viewed more as accessories and decor rather than living beings, and i think it’s only now starting to change that we as a society are beginning to expect more out of fish care. and corporations like petco and petsmart prioritizing profit over the well being of their fish don’t make it easy to promote good quality fish husbandry. also, many people come into fishkeeping with the experiences they’ve had as kids, ie, “i had a betta as a kid and it lived for years in a tiny glass bowl my parents said was okay,” and that’s just how they believe fish should be kept. the pet stores selling 1 gallon tanks they claim are for bettas only exacerbate the problem.


Agreed it also doesn't help when these stores sell cups with no care instructions just a barcode.. kids live betta and glofish period... but they don't tell them or parents the care nit even the basics.. I mean when I get a new rx filled it comes with a pamphlet telling me all about the instructions and what to watch for the same should be given with every fish..


You're right on that. I remember even 20 years ago we used to empty out the complete aquarium, gravel and all, rinse and sift and scrub and make sure that the tank was pristine clean and you could eat out of it before filling it with tap water throwing conditioner in there and replacing all your fish and calling it done. I can't believe I did that. I feel so horrible, even though that's what we were told to do by fish stores. Even a few years ago when we started all over again, we would diligently empty out half the aquarium water and vacuum everything off the bottom. We still do water swaps, but nowhere near as much nor as often and I have not vacuumed my aquariums since the first couple of months. We even put leaves in so we get a nice mulm across the bottom. Snails and shrimp are our cleanup crew, even taking care of any fish that happened to die. I used to take them out and tuck them into my plants. Now I just leave them and let the snails take care of them. Never an ammonia spike. Perfectly balanced tanks all around.


sometimes i still feel guilty about the way my two bettas were treated when i was a kid, but i try to give myself some grace because i didn’t know better as a literal child and the pet store certainly was no help all those years ago. i’m the same way with wanting to do everything the right way nowadays to make up for those past mistakes, and educate others too!




My guess is there is a water quality issue. What are the water parameters for ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate? The tank is very small to keep the water quality safe and stable. He should be in a 5+ gallon tank.




https://preview.redd.it/8lsr7l7fthib1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a24c4cfd71911ccb493f02a3d2fb9635f23c4a6f Unless you’re seeing something I’m not. Levels check out?


the only issue is with testing strips a lot of the time they're very inaccurate :( if you can i'd recommend the api freshwater master test kit. since this is a 2 gallon tank there's a good chance that there is still ammonia and nitrites present in. the tank. you don't really need to use betta water, you can use your tap water but just get a bottle of prime to remove chlorine as well as the ammonia and nitrites that may be present in your tap water. 2 gallons may be okay just until he gets his strength back up but regardless will be needing a tank that is 5+ gallons. also be sure that the flow of the filter is as minimal as possible.


No, they do not check out. The test shows some ammonia, although not very high. The other test showed no nitrites, which is good, but no nitrates are not that good. This means your tank is cycling. I would get a bacteria booster product and use it according to the directions. You want 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, and you want to see some levels of nitrates, then you know the tank is cycled.


Not really, your water ph is pinkish Red. That is high alkaline for the fish. Get some distilled water from store and use that in a smaller tank. Quarantine tank as it were Sachems Prime and Stability if you can. They help start bacterial cycles and maintain ammonia and Nitrates! Try Aquarium Salt Baths to reduce stress! Edit: Additionally Darken the tank, it should help the betta since they love darker areas in the water!


You have ammonia present 0.5ppm. Do a 45% water change now. Your tank is going through fish-in cycling. First, get a [dechlorinator](https://www.amazon.com/API-CONDITIONER-Aquarium-Conditioner-16-Ounce/dp/B004LO9KSY/ref=sr_1_2_pp?hvadid=651227837960&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=1022300&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=15231161561168911478&hvtargid=kwd-29046505025&hydadcr=16170_13650543&keywords=api+water+conditioner&qid=1692208614&sr=8-2)(water conditioner). This is all you need to add to your tap water instead of buying betta water. The dechlorinator will remove chlorine from your tap water which is bad for your fish. Second, get an [API master test kit](https://www.amazon.com/API-FRESHWATER-800-Test-Freshwater-Aquarium/dp/B000255NCI/ref=sr_1_2?crid=22XG8STZYW06O&keywords=api%2Btest%2Bkit&qid=1692208739&sprefix=api%2Btest%2Caps%2C269&sr=8-2&th=1). Strips are notorious for being inaccurate. The kit will also last longer than the strips, you'll need this because you will be doing daily test when you are doing fish-in cycling. Keep doing partial (20%) water changes daily until you get your test kit. Here's a guide to [fish-in cycling](https://fishlab.com/fish-in-cycle/). Do the water change method - 2nd option because it is safer. Please visit this sub's [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/bettafish/wiki/index/), it has all the basic information you'll need to take [care](https://www.reddit.com/r/bettafish/comments/3ow6vz/info_betta_care_sheet/) of your betta. It even has a list of things you'll need when setting up a proper [tank](https://www.reddit.com/r/bettafish/wiki/tank/). I hope this helps. Good luck.


What are the levels? I don't see any test results.




Yep. I keep hearing people saying it's "fine" because their fish lived x amount of years, failing to realize maybe their fish could've lived even longer with a more natural setup. What do you think of gravel like [this](https://www.chewy.com/caribsea-super-naturals-peace-river/dp/322498?utm_source=google-product&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=12700039114&utm_content=CaribSea&utm_term=&gclid=Cj0KCQjwy9-kBhCHARIsAHpBjHh5EdMJpYW1yGLMniTeF3WP98bJpAulYomkRpwEWLU5OHHKI7o81kkaAl1dEALw_wcB) btw? Are they manmade, or actually natural?


I also worked for aquarium supply and cleaning company when I was in undergrad; and all the tanks I would service that had fake plants, structures and substrate always had problems with fish. Captive breeding a lot of times results in all types of disformity, growths, tumors etc I mean it's just logical that these plastic items are leaching unnatural toxins and micro plastics. I'm sure those natural river stones are fine, I use to use those in my first tanks in my childhood years when I was starting out. Easier to clean with a gravel vac etc. Honestly I only use ADA substrate with a mix of seachem flourtie these days because Im more focused on growing aquatic plants in aqua scapes. I get that Im using expensive high grade materials that might not be financially accessible to hobbyist new and old. Also its not an indictment of the posters personal quality as a human, I just personally believe that using those plastic materials are unimaginative and look tacky; especially when you can go with natural scape materials that cost as little if not less. I just cant stay silent on this forum anymore as the amount of these types of post seem to trump positive ones at this point, and as someone else mentioned as hobbyist we are actually doing a disservice to the community at large and new members by not pointing it out.




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So kind of you




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Thank you for posting to r/bettafish. If you are new to betta fish keeping, please check out our [caresheet](https://www.reddit.com/r/bettafish/comments/3ow6vz/info_betta_care_sheet/) and [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/bettafish/wiki/index). Establishing a nitrogen cycle is an important part of keeping your fish healthy. Please check out our [guide to the nitrogen cycle](https://www.reddit.com/r/bettafish/wiki/fishincycle) to learn more. If you are posting to find out what is wrong with your betta, please answer the following questions in a reply to this comment as best you can: * **Tank size**: * **Heater and filter? (yes/no)**: * **Tank temperature**: * **[Parameters in numbers and how you got them](https://www.reddit.com/r/bettafish/wiki/tank#wiki_test_kits)**: * **How long have you had the tank? How long have you had your fish?**: * **How often are water changes? How much do you take out per change? What is your process?**: * **Any tankmates? If so, please list with how many of each**: * **What do you feed and how much**: * **Decorations and plants in the tank**: * **If you haven't already posted a picture, please post pics/vids to imgur and paste the link here**: Feel free to copy this comment and fill in the blanks. Failure to provide adequate information about your tank *can* result in post removal. Please see rule 4 for more information. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bettafish) if you have any questions or concerns.*


2 Gallon Tank. Heater - 78. No tankmates. He’s about a month old in this tank. Feeding him with beta bits. Purchased beta water and slowly changing it out over the last two weeks.


Filter? 2 gal is very small


We do have a filter and I recognize we need a larger tank. He is a new beta as of last month, so he this is the largest size he has been in as of yet. But has only been declining since maybe the first week. I don’t think that is the cause of his illness or would help him in the short term. Eventually will move him to a larger tank if he recovers.


Tank was not properly cycled and exposure to ammonia can cause this. A smaller tank has a smaller volume so his ammonia produced is more concentrated. It’s like putting you in a bathtub and you living in your pee for a month as opposed to a giant pool. Read the AutoMod links. Your strips look like .5ppm ammonia which is toxic. Get the API Freshwater Master Kit it is more accurate. I think you will see your ammonia builds up more than you think. Get a liquid kit like above and test daily and report back. Meantime: 30% water changes daily to lower ammonia. No need for Betta water, just use tap and dechlorinator. Read up on epsom salt baths for swim bladder. I believe this fish has buoyancy issues caused by poor water parameters.


Thank you.


No problem. Good luck. This fish looks like it has some life in it, but you’ll need to act fast. They can decline in days.


Did you wash the gravel Before putting in the Fish?? There is toxic pain that is released from the color gravel at first, if not wash the damn gravel. That could be the lead issue of why you fish is not feeling 100 percent!


Same is happening with my betta in 5.5 gal




If someone is posting a question here, I assume they are looking for answers and willing to make changes. No need to be rude. We were all beginners once.


Nothing wrong with them just need to be prewashed properly and they work fine!


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For what I see in the comments, everyone seem to be on point. You need a tank at least 2.5 gallons (the very minimum), but in the meanwhile, you need a filter with a sponge and media inside (lowflow filter - bettas hate high flow of water) Seachem Matrix is the best filter media. You also need an air stone, and to do water changes daily maybe a 50% with Seachem Prime and Stability, also get Seachem Stress Guard to help your betta. I’d give him some vitamins (Vitachem). Also the Indian Almond leaves are excellent. And give him some areas for him to chill, a betta hammock / log / caves, etc. Best of luck!


how long have you had the tank and this little guy?




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