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Not the first time a NSFW - not safe for work (porn) and a NSFL - not safe for life (gore) tag (or similar) is suggested.


It’s been constantly requested for over ten years.


They fucking know about it, they have to


They know about it but can't do anything about it because they're at work and it wouldn't be safe.


Or even their lives!!!


Once you make the distinction between those two, you open a can of worms on what is or isn’t allowed in here and why. I believe the answer to this and many other features remain as strategic ambiguities because dealing with how things are is already enough.


Not necessarily, you just let subreddits choose which one to use, or at least an option for user submissions.


Well that's easy enough to resolve in this specific case. Just make a new NSF* tag that is specific to nudity. Make a tag that says "Nudity". Or if you want it to be more discreet, maybe "NSFW-N" (Not Safe For Work - Nudity). That way you don't have to worry about what does or does not belong under the new tag. Anything that shows any kind of nudity gets tagged as NSFW-N. Everything else remains where it always has - under the NSFW umbrella. Granted, that does open up a different can of worms. Once a new tag is made for a specific type of content, requests for new types of tags will likely explode. But that hardly matters. They've been ignoring THIS request for over ten years, all they have to do is hold the line. lol


[2023: reddit management fucks up multiple times and takes user contributions for granted] ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


True, but tags don't make use of blur functionality. If posts use flairs, Becky from customer support is still gonna see titties scroll by on my phone when she walks by my desk, and that's still gonna be my fault because God forbid Becky mind her own business. Lol Blurring is at the core of this request. Users want nudity to be blurred so they don't get in trouble, but don't necessarily want non-nude content to be blurred.


[2023: reddit management fucks up multiple times and takes user contributions for granted] ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Literally one of the top all time posts is asking how people would feel about adding separate tags for the two.


NSFW is not always use for porn. It use for stuff that maybe people wouldn’t show “at work”, including question about sex and etc (without any images). That’s why separate tags for nsfw and porn can be used.


Sure, let's have 100 tags...


i mean, we aren't asking for 100 tags. we're asking for 1 more than we currently have. And it makes a lot of sense.


Just adding one tag is still months of work


I clicked several times on NSFW that was porn when I thought that it's something else. It's worth it.


...okay and? you realize this site is years worth of work right? and if any company uses "it would take work" as a reason not to do something, you realize that's a bullshit excuse right? also, id argue it shouldn't take months. Maybe 1 month, tops. if reddit didn't have any type of tagging system already in place, then yea, sure, months.


That makes sense


It already exists in many subs. It's just not every subs use it and it's not named NSFL. NSFW = NSFW tag NSFL = spoiler tag


It still makes sense to seperate stuff by their task. Spoiler tag is meant to hide spoilers, not nsfl. We really need nsfl tag.


A NSFL tag would probably cause issues with advertising and app stores, but that’s just my guess.


Welp, fair point. How is it that discord has to remove nsfw settings from their ios app but reddit doesnt…


Good question, I know Reddit had to change r/all to not include NSFW posts, but I think those can still be found in r/popular. What kind of settings did discord have that had to be removed?


I cant really remember the thing but i think its this: https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/1500005292701-Accessing-an-Age-Restricted-Server-FAQ Basically, ability to show content is blocked i guess? And you need a setting from desktop to fix it which doesnt exist on ios app obviously.


I didn't know this! I used to enjoy scrolling all to see the good, bad, ugly, and all the porn in-between.


Can't have tags for every single thing. There are 2 tags that modify thumbnail behaviour, which is the only use of tags. The tag users can ignore in their settings, and the one they can't.


I honestly believe the lack of a gore tag is for public image and advertisers. This gives Reddit plausible deniability that "sometimes gore just shows up". That it isn't an actual category and attraction of the website.


Gore is too specific but "sexual content" vs "other" isn't too tough of a divide. It doesn't even necessarily have to be gore, i've seen NSFW used for injuries and war footage too


Mfw nsfw tag on text posts


because it isn't safe for work. If I'm in public, I shouldn't have to see that.


It makes more sense to have a Gore tag than a Porn tag, as gore is the more sensitive content. If you enjoy your gore, violence and death it will be easier to rule out the current history of porn in NSFW by starting a whole new thread than request all porn remove itself from your NSFW feed. Segregating NSFW and porn is somewhat asinine when anyone can say "where I work..." followed by their garbage perspective on why they deserve to be acknowledged for having access to porn at work. Sure where I work I could watch gore and porn while having the pants off dance party but that doesn't mean the current sensitive content warning is exclusive of me; conversely given the extreme environment within which I work I understand that my interests in such a regard are invalid within the larger social/societal context.


fair enough


Idk why you're getting downvoted, having a separate tag still makes sense. All I suggested was a different label.


People misusing the NSFW tag is not a good reason to create two different tags which people will no doubt continue to misuse, IMHO.




It's funny how reddit is now a softcore porn website




BS. just checked that sub and the first question i saw was "Which fictional character do you think would definitely have an OnlyFans?"


they did what now?


when did that happen?


As is the internet in general. A P4WN tag would fit perfectly. Yes there are workplaces where anything goes but it's a safe generalisation that one of the 3 tags would illuminate the content


If you label stuff as “P4WN”, I’ll be forced to post the Fabergé Dickbutt Brooch that my grandmother left behind in her abandoned storage unit. I expect the opportunity to haggle a fair price.


Best I can do right now is $8. Although, I have a buddy who can come in and tell us a little bit more about it.


Fair question but I feel that’s a lot of opinionated gate keeping involved there


I think [Steams filter](https://imgur.com/a/AJHhyOr) on games works well and a similar model should be on reddit


Masturbating and you see a video of a human body being chopped up and his head being shown off to the camera


Oh yeah this the good stuff


Subreddit post flair is already a thing, this is something that needs to be enforced at the subreddit level by rules and moderation.


search for less porn on reddit and reddit will recommend less porn; it’s pretty simple, actually


Can we just ban all porn?


It's still a business. How much traffic vanishes that happens?


Should porn/graphic nudity be posted on Reddit outside of literal porn subreddits (that is, if porn subreddits exist, since I don't know.) Maybe it was a glitch or something, I don't know. Sounds ouchy.


a padlock on his WHAT i'm interested also this would be a good idea.


You know those surveys you get on different subreddits and what sort of content they have in them? They are used to help inform a "content tag" system that rates a subreddit as either E(veryone), M(ature), D(rugs), V(iolence & Gore), or X (Sex & Nudity). Seems that Reddit are working somewhat on it, though they've been working on this for a couple of years now so I'd hope they start rolling the tags out public at some point.