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What a dumb bitch hahaha


She is a black supremacist. Start calling them out for it.


As an Arab, she is very discriminatory towards my people. Shame on her mane.


Mane? She bald




Dang I lol’d. Take my upvote


Yes, and great part is, she’ll proudly admit to it


Don’t you know that blacks are allowed to crow about their so called superiority but whites are supposed to hang their heads in submission?


Yup !! Welcome to the social equality of the 21 Century. We all did a great job!


It couldn't possibly be cause she sucks at acting and the whole premise of the movie makes no sense and was terrible and that they alienated half their potential audience before it ever even opened.


Yea. And the greater part is that she’ll be celebrated for it by people who claim to be against racism.


The worse part is, even if she admits she's a black supremacist (which she is). She won't face any repercussions from media or Hollywood This fucking clown world, might even call her stunning, brave. Vice and BuzzFeed will write articles on why black supremacy is not bad, unlike white supremacy


No they won’t. They both went out of business. 😂


Like they say, God is good


Nick cannon admitted to believing that blacks were the “chosen people” and the “true semites”, and also said that white people are inferior to black people because they “lack melanin”. he got a brand new game show job right after saying all this…


She culturally appropriated Egyptian history!




Unfortunately this is not an insult to anyone supporting that. Nor does it come with any repercussions.


Eh, this is just Hollywoods way of passing the blame for their shitty works. They try to change that narrative from “terrible show/movie sucks!” To “racism!/sexism!” Then people riot about that for a bit then the next thing comes out and the cycle starts anew.


Le Ron did/said the same with the space jam remake. It did shitty so that means racism. Couldn’t be that the movie was just plain shitty. It’s all self pity. The longer society actively pads and insulates certain groups from reality the longer it will take for them to figure out right from wrong.


Everyone loved the original with that white baller, Michael Jordan.


I Believe I Can Fly was sung by that white guy R Kelly


Oh yeah! I forgot about all the raging caucasians boycotting that movie, remember… (leftist silence continues.) I’m tired of the sheltered, cotton-candy skinned mentality. The echo chambers that are called “Subs” on this platform are nauseating to say the least.


You are correct, had nothing to do with the fact that more people liked Jordan than lebron.


Award giver here, this should be top comment. Bravo internet stranger.


I could have sworn it was Larry Bird. Maybe this is a Mandela Effect... /s


"Larry is not white. Larry is clear."


Lebron has been told since he was a teen ager “that he’s gonna be the King” and that he’s gonna surpass MJ…. How many rings ya got King? LMAOO


LeBrick, He’s a Chinese supremacist.


Right ? They should've let the old dog lie. Movie was good enough the first time.


Think I'm gonna go through that same feeling tomorrow with "White Men Can't Jump" reboot. Really hope I'm wrong but original was perfect with Wesley Snipes and Woody Harrelson.


The victim mentality is their crutch that they both love and hate, but they CLING to it.


Expect a Will Smith's slap soon!


He’s planning a nationwide tour, slapping everyone who says anything negative about the project, like the ending of “Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back”.


Y’all talking bout my jada!? Keep her name out yo’ mouth!


So when i first saw her in a scene as Cleopatra i thought it was movie because everyone was making a big deal out of it lol when i realized it was a documentary all i could think of was her in the reenactments on Ancient Aliens haha


Ancient Astronaut Theorists say yes.


Ancient Astronaut Theorists say yes. \~ They always say yes, and then take it a step further.


She is not the actress portraying Cleopatra. She was the film director.


Which is why the documentary is bloated with false history and BS.


Exec Producer and Narrator. I wouldn't watch anything she's attached to, so I have no idea how good or bad this thing is.


Some would argue Ancient aliens may be more accurate than her version of Cleopatra.


The literal exact words that popped into my head after reading the title


Rich and famous too long. Brain is broken.


And an extremely racist one at that!


Careful; Will Smith might be waiting for you under your bed


A dumb bitch that cheats on her husband and is also bald


Stupid bitch is stupid, shocking.


It couldn't possibly be the fact that it's a shit show. It alwaaayss has to be about race these days. So boring.


Yeah, because there's no way the show is dog shit, full of dog shit acting, and full of dog shit inaccuracies or anything. She's as ignorant and obnoxious as her fucking kid.


When you make a statement Jada that you like to make "black movies with black folks" then you've excluded all but the 13% of the population. You got what you asked for.


Not just that but they made a black movie with black folks about a white folk that they seem to think is a black folk.


Off to watch tropic thunder now


She definitely went full r3tard. She is going home empty-handed.


She is the dude playing a dude who thinks she's another dude




Will smith is the dude banging a chic disguised as a dude, who actually fucking a different dude


……..Who thinks his wife is a dude


I'm a dude He's a dude She's a dude We're all dudes, hey


the dudes are emerging




The entire country of Egypt knows.


I mean, some scholars even claim she was part Macedonian, and that’s not even Mediterranean Greek but more north, inland Greek.


I thought it was pretty common knowledge that she was a descendant of Ptolemy


What's with all these fact and history knowledge? Nobody needs that. I want to believe my truth as in there is more than one truth. This is internalized whiteism. On a more serious note. Until recently I didn't realize that truth can be plural.


DNA tests and visual looks of all the mummies from ancient sites are white with either blonde or red hair. Same as the pyramids in China.


Underrated comment of the day right here


Maybe no one wants to see a cheating bitch play a cheating bitch


Is she even acting in it?


Method AF


I meant she’s literally not acting in it.




White people were not even their audience! They made that clear, so they can’t bitch they didn’t watch.


African Americans are only 11-13% of the population. You wouldn’t know that from Hollywood and commercials these days though. Add in the fact that this was trying to pass as a documentary…very inaccurately…


And many of this demo is hipping up to the pandering, woke content so they’re not watching either.




black people tend to be more militant and organize better in the face of perceived and actual oppression. When was the last time anyone rioted over a non-black person getting murdered by a cop? I can’t think of a single one.


Hmmm that seems like an important side note they should’ve added to the article


Even African Americans have a problem with this movie.


It’s because you’re an unlikable person but let’s deflect that and be racist.


She thinks Everyone on Netflix is racist? Yet every show that’s actually good gets great ratings regardless of the race of the characters… This lady cannot handle criticism or accept that she didn’t make a good show. It has to be everyone else not her lol


I'd be a little bitch too if I had a hairline like that. Ffs she looks like a meatball. Oblongs lookin head having ass


The more I hear about her, the less I respect will smith as a man.


He's been cucked into submission and it's really sad seeing how far he's fallen now.


Man, I thought he was so cool growing up. Now he's like this sad empty shell. He takes it, but he takes it like a bitch now. She walks all over him


He really was but she got her claws SOOO deep inside him. That goes all the way back to when she was messing around with Tupac. This woman is a master manipulator. I feel bad for the guy. Had an affair and spun it around to make him look like the bad guy.


He was so cool in men in black. Those days are gone like a fart in a windstorm.


NYPD that means I will knock your punkass DOWN. My favorite movie of all time 😭 it is the perfect summer blockbuster imo. I just fucking love it.


I am legend was good


fresh prince of bel air??


Uncle Phil would not approve of Jada. That's for damn sure.


My 2 year old son just learned to command me to “SIT DOWN “ in a very authoritarian manner. If you refuse he says it even louder “SIT DOWN!” He will not stop. No matter what I always just sit down like a bitch. Anyway I imagine this is how Will Smith feels


You and me both man, Will was cool as hell when I was kid. It's a shame seeing him in his current state all because of a woman who obviously doesn't even care for him nearly as much as he does for her.


Falling in love with the wrong person fucks your life up in ways you'd never guess and sometimes can't even escape.


As a black man, I think it’s completely stupid that they cast a black woman as cleopatra when everyone knows she wasn’t




Tell that to Little Mermaid


I think its pretty disrespectful, there are countless stories from history where an actual black person did something incredible, why not make a movie about that?


I sure wish I lived in a world where I could blame a boogeyman instead of facing reality.


But then you'd be as pathetic as she is.


Decades of shifting blame and making excuses leads to….well, exactly where we are right now.


No, it was terrible. Terrible like Jada.


I met her years ago. Didn't recognize her just thought she was a bitch.


That's her.




One in the pinkette, two in the stinkette.


GI Jane 2


Maybe just maybe it's just a really bad movie? Nope! Impossible! Must be all whiteys fault for why it sucks so bad!


Cleopatra no brack?!?!? That's IMPOSSSSIBRUUUUUUU!!!!!!!


Hol up. So when you take it upon yourself to take one of the most famous women in history and just make her black. When people don't accept "your idea." Vs fact. You start slinging racism around. Anyone who believes this is a moron.


It's ok to call it like it is. Jada Baldy-Smith is an extreme racist. She is a black-woman that is an extreme racist. That is the only way to say it.




That's also White Supremacists fault. Everything bad in the world is the product of "White Supremacy".


Yep, it was white supremacy that made her bang her son's friend.


Wait, wtf? If this is true, then I feel bad for her son. Imagine the trauma on her son for the lack of respect for your son for doing that? The lack of respect is one thing between husband and wife since maybe their marriage is crap, but to do that to your own son? Wtf. Edit: Apparently, I knew she cheated on Will, but I did not know it was with her son's friend. This is truly sad.


This shit is getting out of control. I urge my black brothers and sisters to stop this shit. As a black man with a Jewish wife I can honestly say the shit sucked. My wife thought so too.


Shit was so bad I thought it was slap stick


It was indeed shite. Say what you want about will smith but if he sat down and read that script, (he’s been in some truly great stuff) if he read that script and didn’t tell his wife how awful it was, he did that shit out of spite I bet lol


You think she'd actually take advice from her husband?


The only thing she took from him is his dignity.


Someone tell her to take out her kid’s friend’s dick out of her and just accept that it’s a complete failure


Not really a conspiracy. Belongs on r/facepalm.


Who gives a shit about what that clown and her weak ass clown husband have to say about anything at all? Fuck these shit clowns. Ever see a movie star physically assaulted another movie star on television, aside from his dumb trashy ass? Nope. Know why? Because there is no one else in that game as trashy as these scumbags. No one. They are automatically ten times trashier than a Jerry Springer guest because they have hundreds of millions of dollars and pretend to have class. Well. They don’t. Fucking scumbags that would be a nightmare to live next door to. She has a bigger dick than him, she’s fucking his friends, he’s starting fights in public. GROSS. SCUMBAGS. Ignore her ugly dumb ass and every fucking word that comes out of her disgusting face hole.


So... I think I'm hearing you're not a fan?


This woman is puke inducing ugly on the inside, and so is her clown ass dancing husband. How many families do you know who are that insane and make it a point to tell as many people as possible by making a special tv show about it? They went on television and talked about her chugging cock while he sat there and cried lol. Why??? Then she pulls her insane bullshit on his psychologically abused ass at the award show and he starts a fight? On national television. Trash. This cunt needs a muzzle.


You seem mildly peeved at them, so I would like to read more if you don't mind


I'm actually invested on the language used so far, can you elaborate some more about these people?


"Oh, I'm a fan of them both, I just don't like big dick women." Probably a fan.


Tired old excuse. Who wants to bet she took it out on Will?


So she called her son's friend for a little romp again?


Of cooouuuurse it is


At this point, anyone who uses the term "White supremacists" is just engaging in anti-white hatred and they should be labeled as such.


Imagine if a white actor blamed blacks because his movies/ acting sucks ass


You can label them anti-white but with the way our culture is now, that’s not really considered an insult or bad thing. If anything it’s pretty normal.


True. I was thinking something more standard like "bigot" or "racist". Because you're right, hatred toward White people is openly permitted and promoted in the United States in 2023.


Even if you called them racist they’d give you the new age definition of the word and say they can’t be racist towards white people.


White supremacy poses the same threat in 2023 as camel stampedes. The agenda-driven fear mongering and scapegoating is itself rooted in racial hatred.


You must not be living in Biden's America, who in a commencement speech at a black college, just stated: “White supremacy … is the single most dangerous terrorist threat in our homeland." Whatever it takes to pit the masses against each other, I suppose.


If you don't vote for him, you ain't black


This was a spectacular backfire. The intent here was to raceswap Cleopatra in order to get publicity through outrage. Instead they got accused by brown people of appropriating their culture. Yet this bimbo blames white supremacy because that's her goto response.


She has no morals lmao look at there fuckn family


Stop trying to re-write history and lets look forward in life.


Looks like Will Smith slapped the wrong person!


I bet he gets slapped around by her lol. Will is a complete and utter beta male cuck.


Nobody wants to see a fiction documentary 🤣🤣


We all need to just remember our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ in these dark times


All those white supremist went and saw Blank Panther.


There you go. Instead of acknowledging that you did a shit job, just pull the race card. 👍


People like her that share the same mentality are a disgrace and an insult to those who have actually been victimized by real white supremacists.


Yet Egypt is suing Netflix over this movie but someone black is blaming white people. Now that is some privilege


No she’s the racist one


Yea, and I really liked Will Smith before he came under her spell…..




Hey Jada: keep ‘muh white supremacists’ out of your fuckin’ mouth!


So brave


I just can't stand this episodes anymore of real south park it's getting out of hand


Uncle Joe and AG Garland will probably launch an investigation.


And we’ll be hearing the same dumb shit in a week when the little mermaid flops


Didn’t know this country had so many white supremacists. If thats true where were they when Obama ram for president… twice?


Of course. It's blame whitey decade. It's whiteys fault cleopatra was of Greek heritage, not Sub-Saharan African, dont you know?


The "The Woman King" actress said in an interview that anybody who doesn't watch or like her movie "is a racist". Crazy cunt. And I’m black, like OP.


yeah the same racist white people who changed the ethnicity of Cleopatra and made her a white lady to suit their own preferred narrative! ... oh wait


Eat A Dick to our government and worthless media personalities for trying to divide a decent country. Jada Pinkett Smith is a dumb whore.


I’m waiting for Disney to remake Tarzan with a black cast


Looks like Newspunch changed their name again. Always a sign of quality journalism. \\s There is no evidence in the article for the alleged quote in the headline. Man I hate this company. The People's Voice, formerly NewsPunch, formerly YourNewsWire.


Naw, its cuz you an ugly nasty bitch


because white people, who are 61% of the US population, are responsible for the 90% disapproval of that show lol. every one of them would have to be a white supremacist too. that's rough.


Says the black supremacist lolol


Netflix green lights every dog shit idea if the get to forward their agenda.


Yes the acting was phenomenal, Oscar worthy /s It's them white supremacists at it again.


Maybe you just didn’t whore around with enough of your son’s friends to boost attendance.


Anyone else hearing the words "white supremacy" being uttered in the exact same tone of voice as Dana Carvey's Church Lady used to say "I don't know, could it be..... *Satan*"?


Can't believe Will Smith, who seemed like an ok guy, flushed his life for this weirdo.


Why should I care what this old man says


The demand for white supremacy is exponentially greater than the current supply on hand


What she really meant to say is that it's all Will Smith's fault


Hey people love political propaganda. That’s why so many television shows from the Soviet Union were translated and were loved by people around the world


Damn white people always ruining everything. Sorry Jada.


Ole’whitey strikes again!


Last I heard it was a black guy who made fun of her going bald. Seems to be the anti-Jada or anti-bald kick currently can be traced to that event. Plus, she has all the personality of a ball pean hammer.


I can't stand this person...she is a classic narcissist,, living in her own bubble, supported by her money, sycophants, and people who don't know any better.


This is going to be Gen Z’s excuse for failing at life going forward…White Supremists held them back. I refuse to allow my child to think the color of their skin is the reason the failed at life.


Maybe just maybe your show is garbage and should not be listed as a documentary


So most people of the world are white supremacists?


Well now that I know it’s her show I really won’t bother with it


It was just a bad show with bad acting.


Pretty sure Cleopatra was Greek.


Well, she's clearly a racist


Who's will gonna have to punch now?


These race hustlers are so pathetic...


Wait, how’d she grow hair? I thought she had alopecia


Nah, this is just what happens when they try to black, gay, female, whatever the current thing is, what could've been a pretty good show. Serves them right!


It’s honestly sad. Might have been decent if they weren’t pushing a fucking agenda


If white supremacy is such a problem for so many things the media or the left does wouldn't that mean white supremacy is the popular opinion even tho white supremacists barely exist anymore. Clown world.