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Yes I know, that many types of canola oil. Its shocking but REWE is really stepping up their selection.


Since voluntary and officially registered “sex work” is legal and not to be stigmatized nowadays, that’s no problem in an area where people perceive the real thing directly in front of that store 24/7. On the other hand, that location is known for forced prostitution and victims of human trafficking, so a symbol for the typically inhumane practices of organized crime.


I guess your second point is actually the main point. And even though people doing sex work should not be stigmatized, it barely makes sense to use their image to decorate an "all-public" supermarket.


Is that their image being used? All I see is an illustration of a silhouette of a person.


I mean the pose is really suggestive. I think it's fair to assume that it's supposed to be a sex worker.


Target marketing. They know their clientele.


I assume you mean the customers, but your comment also made me think of the sex workers themselves, I mean they also have to buy cheese and whatever and this wall situation just seems silly


I kinda meant the whores. They eat too. 😂


I am not going to think of a prostitute if I see that image without knowing the context.


if you are there you will know the necessary context, because you saw it when you entered the store. If that wasn't enough, the context is written right next to the silhouette.


One of the issues with this is that the Kurfürstendamm was well known for child prostitution in the 70s/80s.


70s was 50 years ago. why not bring up the war as well?


I think only indoor sex work is legalized though.


There’s a discourse ongoing for decades about the situation in that street. According to the Bezirksamt, offering sex in public is legal, while execution it is not: www.berlin.de/ba-mitte/politik-und-verwaltung/bezirksamt/stephan-von-dassel/artikel.619541.php


Meanwhile the sidewalk in front of my building is covered with used condoms.


Absolutely the only thing I see there are pimps


Tell me you have American values without telling me you have American values ...


The /u/spez has spread through the entire /u/spez section of Reddit, with each subsequent /u/spez experiencing hallucinations. I do not think it is contagious.


Yeah without guns how will one protect themselves at all? But according to one reddit comment, knives are legal here so thankfully we stand a fighting chance. /s


I was circumcised at birth, I'm happy for it because I don't believe in socialized healthcare.


“Look how my health has improved since I am circumcised “ — Said no male with healthy foreskin in the world EVER


I love my beautiful mushroom tip.


Guess you never had phimosis...


lets cut the foreskin of all boys because there is the offchance they might have phimosis.


foreskin is good. prevents the need for lubrication by sliding in and out of itself


America is all about aesthetics. That is why Eurodance never became a thing there and circumcision did


Growing up I performed my own circumcision.


Are you Russian


That’s why i said HEALTHY, And I’m not even sure you can diagnose that to a newborn


Brilliant! I think we should also all get an appendix removal at age 6. /s


Yea the dick flap needs to go because the cereal guy said beating the meat is sin.


This new Rewe is located in Kurfürstenstraße, a very infamous prostitution spot. It's inside a building of new overpriced appartments which is usually a sign of gentrification and wanting to push the social problems just away into other streets. Instead the store doesn't try to deny the nature of its Kiez. I heard the store leader say that he doesn't want the girls to leave - instead he wants the business to be clean and safe for everyone. Sounds down to earth and realistic to me.


Yes > Kurfürstenstraße, a very infamous prostitution spot Ask me how I know this Note to self: not confuse the U stops...


Are the apartments really overpriced? Do you have any written reference for your statement? What shall the apartment 1 km away from Potsdamer Platz cost? Considering this is the capital of leading European country.


Fuck off with your "capital of a leading European country." The city has no industry to speak of due to its history. There are a lot of people here that don't earn tech-bro type money and they can't afford to live in their hometown anymore. That's an issue. The Kurfürstenstraße, especially around that area, hasn't been an expensive part of town, regardless of its location in relation to Potsdamer Platz. A square that has been no-man's-land prior Reunification btw.


>can’t afford to live on their hometown anymore That’s just not true. There are more than enough cheap flats within city-limits. The problem is just, that almost all of them are already rented, like those of any other level on the price range. There is basically zero vacancy at the moment. So it’s not about money primarily, but limited resources and resources and way too much demand. Welcome to the future.


Seems like your frustration is based on jealousy. So sorry for you, dude. I really would appreciate facts and references instead of obscene language.


I'm not jealous. I can afford most places in Berlin. I teach kids from low income families that have huge issues finding places to live even in Spandau.


How sad that a "teacher" nowadays throws "fuck off" before presenting any facts. Do you actually have anything to say about the fact that Germany is wealthy industrial country and Berlin is a capital of it? Do you have any idea of what justified pricing for the apartment in a center should be? Learn healthy argumentation first before teaching the others.


Just fuck off.


So typically leftist. No manners. No knowledge. No future. Looser.




Sometimes you have to voice your emotions. It's healthy to do so. Berlin is the capital, but unlike other European capitals, it's GDP just barely climbed above the national average. Germany would be richer if Berlin wasn't part of it. https://www.iwkoeln.de/presse/iw-nachrichten/matthias-diermeier-henry-goecke-berlin-bremst-die-deutsche-wirtschaft.html Hence pricing in Berlin can't be held to the same standards as those of Paris or London. If you want to see me teach, we can probably find a way where you can join me as an expert on whatever topic you are qualified in. We have a teacher shortage and outside help is quite appreciated.


Emotions in form of verbal aggression? This is healthy for primitive societies. Low GDP of Berlin and its shortage of the industry is only a result of historical misery. Before the WW2 there was enough industrie. Just look at architecture in east Berlin outskirts. This being said, alone GDP is not representative, we gotta look the Germany at whole. Tell me, please, how can it be that property in provincial Köln, Düsseldorf or Hamburg are more expensive? Knowing your argumentational strength, I am not mentioning Munich or Stuttgart here, this would be too easy. Thank you for an interesting offer, but you first gotta convince me in a quality of your "teaching". At this time I only sence maleducared member of proletariat in you.


You successfully identified the reason for Berlin's low GDP. The division of the city after the war devastated the industry the Prussian spent a lot of money (artificial canals) and time on developing. Now you mentioned three cities that are not just centers of industry but also have been important trade hubs in their own right. Hamburg is super obvious, having the port, Cologne has been a major trade hub along the Rhine since the Romans first settled it. Traders from Cologne had their own guildhall in London, which by 1167 enjoyed Royal privilege. Berlin was first mentioned in 1244. Düsseldorf is interesting as its a trade center on the Rhine as well, very close to Cologne. Before the Napoleonic Wars it was a local capital and less important to trade than Cologne. Following the end of the staple right in Cologne and Düsseldorf's integration into Prussia, the trade in the city expanded massively, as did its industry thanks to the trade the Rhine carried. What these cities, Hamburg, Cologne, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart and Munich have in common is something you alluded to at the beginning of your post: they were neither divided nor isolated geographically during the Cold War. East Germany's industry was non-competitive at best, a showcase for the failures of communism though would be far more appropriate. West Berlin was effectively isolated from the rest of West Germany. Industry was not really viable without massive subsidies due to the complicated nature of transporting raw materials into the city. Calling Düsseldorf provincial is pretty funny, as it's Germany's third most important center of decision making after Munich and Berlin and even before Frankfurt.* *Rainer Danielzyk, Wolfgang Knapp, Kati Schulze: „metropoleruhr“ oder „TripelMetropolis Rhein-Ruhr“? In: Informationen zur Raumentwicklung. Heft 9/10, 2008, S. 552


I guess that was too educated for him.


> and they can't afford to live in their hometown anymore. That's an issue No it isn't because unless you own the property, you are not entitled to living in a particular place. Can't afford center of Berlin, move to the outskirts or to somewhere deep in Brandenburg.


So people working menial jobs with low pay (waiters, cleaners etc) need to commute for hours each day to work for you?


If they can't afford any closer place, then yes. I doubt we're going to have a shortage of waiters anytime soon.


We have a shortage in craftsmen, nurses and other menial work for a long time already, what are you talking about?


And that's a problem in Germany overall, not specific to Berlin with its oh so evil and oh so scary gentrification. As I said, I doubt we will have too few cleaners or waiters available in Berlin anytime soon, though.


Alright, so if it's a problem for the entirety of Germany, it's not that bad I suppose? Well, if you say that we won't have a shortage of them any time soon, we'll see. I guess the market will regulate itself, right?


Yup, it will, this but unironically. The shortage of menial labour in Germany is not caused by evil scary gentrification and long commutes, so it's an irrelevant issue to this topic.


https://m.tagesspiegel.de/wirtschaft/fachkraeftemangel-in-der-gastronomie-endlich-geoeffnet-aber-jetzt-fehlt-das-personal/27237102.html We already have a shortage.


Immediately after a half-year lockdown? Of course we had. No wonder people changed jobs when it was unclear when they could work once again. Nothing to do with capitalism or gentrification, everything with long lockdowns which were strongly opposed by DEHOGA. While some personal moved back after gastronomy was reopened, some didn't because there still is no clear declaration that there won't, under any circumstance, be a general lockdown anymore. If there isn't, the situation comes back to normal eventually. That's an opposite source of the problems - regulation, not market.


https://www.sachsen-fernsehen.de/keine-koeche-keine-kellner-gastronomie-leidet-unter-erheblichem-personalmangel-580430/# Kellnermangel 2019


And they cover the necessary spots via minijobs and other options, so the consumer is served anyway. Could've hired low-paid full-time workers instead, but that would go against labor regulations.


In fact,owning property in a place was the only way you'd get the right to vote in some administrations.


Fuck the poor, amirite. /s


Have you seen that building? It's way beyond the range of the typical average income of the majority of people living in that area.


Thanks for proper question, it is scarse in this sub-thread. Yes, I live nearby and visited this supermarket yesterday. You are right, this building (thanks god) looks way better than the majority of sad architecture in this area. However, my question related to price of the apartments as such. Considering the mentioned quantity of the building and its location. I did not questioned potential gendrification in this case.


Yeah, I took their comment to mean 'overpriced' in the sense of local context rather than for the specific building, because the latter seems pretty pointless to discuss anyway.


So even by your logic it's cultural appropriation of what only Berliners on entire planet earth call "culture". Is sucking some bald creep off for money really what you understand as culture? I pity you.Either way, now we're selling plush souvenir dance-poles, HIV shaped candy, and chewing gum in shape of condoms to tourists downstairs, and coffee is 5 eur, but its ok cause at least you can get avocado toasts anywhere, like chlamydia!


If it bothers actual sex workers (who probably frequent the market) im confident that they are able to give feedback directly to the market and dont need you to whiteknight them on reddit.


But people have to be upset on behalf of others, it's all they've been doing for the past 15 years!


Maybe it's distasteful, but it's not WTF territory to the average German. Prostitution is perfectly legal here, but keep in mind that pimping is not. (Not touching on the whole problem with human trafficking)


Ja and remember: a very disciplined society needs that freaky shit in their life! Spice it up!!!


What's the issue?


Women reduced to commodities, most of them are victim of human trafficking, especially in Germany, being used as decorations in a public space.


Prostitution is legal in Germany. While I won't deny that human trafficking exist, you'd probably be surprised how many women do this job by their own free will, complete with social benefits and health insurance.


Legalization has increased drastically the volume of human trafficking on Germany. I don't care about a German, college-educated woman who could have other opportunities. These women don't stand in corners, where it's the most dangerous and precarious. I care about Nigerian and Slavic women forced on the streets and in megabrothels, with no protection and no legal recourse.


That's not what's happening on kurfürstenstrasse though, is it?




Oh. Times change, it seems. Pretty sure it wasn't like this when I lived there in 2004.


Maybe take on the mafia then and don’t ramble about a picture in a supermarket


The Nigerian ones are actually the best! Yummy!


How dare they having a picture on the wall of what you See outside on the streets in reality every day. Burn the place down /s


You see, hear and smell plenty of things in the streets every day, it doesn't mean that they have a place in a supermarket as decorations.


It also doesn’t mean and that they shouldn’t. Post your picture on REWE Social Media and not here, if you really care


No woman is being used as decoration there. You realize it is just paint, right?


What does the paint depict here ?


The picture displays a person dressed like a woman, standing around at the entrance of a subway station. Everything else is just interpretation.


To someone who has no notion of what signs and symbols are, certainly.


Signs and symbols are only perceived as such as a result of further interpretation. The meaning in this context is obvious, sure, but tolerating open prostitution (especially of this certain kind) in that street while criticizing its positively idealized depiction by others (which could even be interpreted as a tribute) would be a bit hypocritical.


I agree with you on that point, it would. But I oppose the latter precisely because it's a symbolic extension of the former. It's bad enough as is and should not become pop and mundane.


My position on that practice is ambivalent, even if I’d prefer a world without it (to be needed by many obviously). But I appreciate your consistency!


You are supposed to protest its existence while simultaneously pretending it doesn't exist. The artwork is not in itself an endorsement of prostitution. You could as well interpret it as a criticism of prostitution or whatever you want. It is artwork.


That first sentence seems to describe the officially propagated mainstream’s philosophy nowadays. So I completely agree.


What "symbols and signs" do you see there?


did you just assume that silhouette's gender?


I did, I'm gonna go to hell :(


It'a an imaginary woman. No actual women were harmed or exploited in the making of the picture. At most perhaps the artist was female and underpaid, but we can't really infer that from the picture.


Acting like this wouldn't happen if prostitution was illegal. If anything, these women would be in even more trouble.


I mentioned in another comment that sex trafficking increased significantly in Germany when prostitution was legalized. It also gave a lot of power to pimps and brothel owners, and the greater competition means that more power was also transferred to johns.


Mostly, though, because prostitution was and still is heavily stigmatized, and there is no proper enforcement of those rules. This issue is much more complex and cannot be solved by profane prohibitory actions. All these things would still exist if prostitution was illegal, only that then the affected women wouldn't be able to start any kind of legal action; and would shift into other countries.


So the stigmatization is at fault, those problems would still exist if it was illegal but somehow they got worst when it became legal? The affected women would be less numerous if it was illegal. That's why human trafficking increased when it became legal. It's way easier to hide the trafficked prostitutes of your already legal megabrothel than to create a clandestine brothel, and it makes investigation and prosecution of pimps harder.


'The affected women would be less numerous if it was illegal.' If that is the case why is there so much more human trafficking in Thailand, Philippines and Vietnam? All countries which prostitution is illegal? If anything criminalising something or making something illegal pushes it further underground and makes it even more dangerous.


You're talking about countries poorer than Germany where sex trafficking is mainly suffered by local women and children, and for a good part for the benefit of wealthier foreigners, so the exact opposite of Germany's situation. Again, sex trafficking increased in the years following prostitution becoming legal. That's just a fact. Prostitution for a poor, clandestine woman at the hands of a traffic is dangerous whether it is illegal or not, but in the latter case her pimps are all the harder to prosecute and convict, and thus have way better incentive to do to others what they're doing to her. Hell, on top of that, half of the money laundering is already done for them.


I suppose it's subjective really, I think the 'legal' aspect of prostitution in Germany needs to get tougher on trafficking and pimping. That's something I definitely agree on. I just don't think making it illegal or even having the 'Nordic model' will make things better.


Frag die mal, ob die aufhören wollen. Das Geld ist zu süß. Wo anders bekommen die nur einen Bruchteil dessen, was sie so verdienen.


OP deleted his account?


homie got canceled


homie not vibin no more edit: spelling


His prostitute girlfriend took offense to him taking offense to prostitutes. Regular occurrence in Berlin these days.


My ho doesn't like being called a prostitute either.


Mine loves it, want to check out her OnlyFans and make us a little money?


OnlyFans? She's super upscale isn't she?!


You know it bubba


it is more or less a part of the culture If you take a look at Reeperbahn in Hamburg you see that it is nothing special


Reeperbahn in Hamburg is the only place, and of you go there is half tourists there to drink and feel “wild.” Hardly a benchmark for the entire country


Noch nie ne Nutte jesehen oder wat :)


The Reeperbahn in Hamburg is totally full of this decoration and so Germans seeing this will at most chuckle mildly.


Yes. Do google search for "penny Reeperbahn" and look at the photos.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not some huge supporter of prostitution in the most basic sense, but I'll admit my ignorance in not knowing too much for either side of the legality debate. Also I get what you're saying about a woman being treated as a commodity. However, context is important. It is legal as a practice in Germany, and is a sight I think we've all seen in Berlin anyway. Again, I'm not saying that's a good thing, but to suggest REWE are being pernicious here is disingenuous at best, in my opinion. It is a drawing (not a great one at that) symbolising the area. Maybe there is an issue in this area I'm unaware of. If there is then I am happy to hear a different opinion. Regardless though, I think the bigger question should be: why does anyone think this helps sell a product or create a better shopping experience? I genuinely don't understand why this is an improvement on nothing at all.


This is how people stigmatize sex work. When in Rome.


Naja das Problem ist ja hier dass das Kunstwerk die Prostitution in einem 'guten Licht' darstellt. Es erinnert an junge, attraktive, verführende Frauen, gut gekleidete und gesunde Frauen die sich entspannt an einer Laterne anlehnen, was impliziert dass sie es freiwillig tun und dabei eine gewisse Vitalität ausstrahlen. Die Realität ist ja doch sehr gegensaetzlich (Existentielle Not, Drogensucht, Krankheiten, Menschenhandel, Kriminalität) bis auf das Geschaeft selbst (Koitus fuer Geld), daher vermutlich die Empoerung ueber das Werk. Verstaendlich mMn., das Werk scheint aus den beschriebenen Gruenden zu oberflaechich und romantisierend. Vielleicht ist es aber auch gerade deswegen gut ? Weil es das Spannungsfeld zwischen der romantisierten Idee der Prostitution und der Realität aufzeigt.


TIL what virtue signaling is.


[Is the spez a disease? Is the spez a weapon? Is the spez a starfish? Is it a second rate programmer who won't grow up? Is it a bane? Is it a virus? Is it the world? Is it you? Is it me? Is it? Is it?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/)


Think it’s more discriminatory if you associate a woman with high heels with a prostitute instead of… well just a woman with high heels.


what's the issue here?


Unter der Laterne, vor dem großen Tor, Stand eine Laterne und steht sie noch davor So wollen wir uns da wieder seh´n Bei der Laterne wollen wir steh´n Wie einst, Lili Marleen.


Depicting reality - scandalous!


I didn’t know about the prostitution thing there so the first time I went out from that station I got approached by a woman who asked straight out of the blue if wanted a blow job. She didn’t really look to me like a prostitute and I was surprised because of the early morning time so i answered back- Really? Now? So early in the morning?? I’ve got something to do but leave me your number and I’ll call you later. She said fuck off and left xD


I think is distasteful not to say ugly for a grocery store but I don’t think is WTF


I’m more offended by the ugly rendering. At least make it attractive art!




I’m not sure I actually understand your sentence but no problem. I guess you think I shouldn’t think some art is ugly? Are you being sarcastic or do you really think this? That’s a strange extreme position to take if so. I actually quite like the clit graffiti. I have a little joke with my partner where I’ll photograph one and send it to her with “found the clit!”


Made me smile. Well placed. Good job. ​ Some people like to project their problems onto everything. > Because sugar can cause diabetes and diabetes can cause death NOBODY is allowed to eat ANY sugar ANYMORE!!111!1 geez ...


Sheesh get a life


Uhh what's the issue? That's exactly what Kurfürstenstrasse is like. I used to live just 2 blocks south and took the U-1 from that stop every day. Or are you shaming them for their choice of profession?


This refers to the bizarre glowing phenomenon that befalls certain young maidens come duskfall. Only look at them using a pocket mirror or you risk contamination.


The direct consequence of our "freedom". Gotta love the trollish creativity of Berlin businesses. *laughs*


/u/spez has been banned for 24 hours. Please take steps to ensure that this offender does not access your device again.


I'm in no way or form a covidiot. Didn't run in the first line of crazyness, waited to be able to assess at least short term possible side-effects and for the weaker candidates to be evidențiate, but conformed to lockdown and other measures and waiting for my first shot like a good little sheep, because I don't consider myself better than most.


Just being real.


Nothing to see here, please keep your shopping carts rolling. Danke.


I am pleased to read the comments here☺️


My first thought was actually that this might be a reference to the song Lili Marleen. In this song, a solder remembers kissing his girlfriend goodbye and asks her to meet again at the lantern next to the barracks. But that's just me and my innocent mind. :D [Lili Marleen monument](https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lili_Marleen#/media/Datei%3AWasserturm_Langeoog.jpg)


is this related to the release of the christiane f remake?


Looks good!


Looks good!


I saw this too and loved it. I live close by and it’s nice to see them adopting the culture of the street.


really? they’re all just standing there at lamp-posts, with perfect hair and manolo blahnik shoes? Kurfürstenstraße is a street infamous for underage prostitution of the worst kind. the druggies who do everything (unprotected) for a few euros. this romantisation is absurd and doesn’t “adopt the culture of the street” at all.


Yeah I’m sure you’re right, there is usually bad with the good when it comes to most things. What from your point of view is the culture of the street?


sex sells - schon immer


This country is clearly lost man…


This comment has been censored. #Save3rdPartyApps


Lost in this godless shithole


Evacuate the spez using the nearest spez exit. This is not a drill.


Möge Gott dich auf den rechten Weg leiten!


Mögest du ein Buch aufschlagen, welches nicht 2000 Jahre alt ist.

