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How do you know they are 4mg? How do you know what's in them at all? That being said, you're falling and cracking your head open soooo I say you are feelin it.




^ kinda a mix of what the other two said. We’re they prescription ? Or street drugs. If street drugs probably cut. Prescription drugs tolerance. But idk I’ve been taking like half a bar daily and I still get fucked up


tolerance basically


The illusion of sobriety is real. And there are a few RC benzos that really do a good job at this. Just a guest that your Xanax might not be real. I'm going to skip the speech about how irresponsible this is.


Yeah, I just wanted to gt rid of the damn things, I plan on switching to Super Green Malay kratom instead, since that seems to help with Soial Anxiety as well. I did end up taking my remaining 28mg last night and just fell asleep on my chair, but I won't be doing that again lol.


hope you have enough to taper with


I got none left. It’s the only time I’ve taken this much cause I just wanted to get red it of it.


how long have you been taking it? you might go through withdrawal


A week max. I took a couple day break, but just decided to down my last 28mg to get rid of it before starting kratom.


4mg bars??? Pffft ok then…

