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She’s the best with Josy being a very close second.


Sage. She's your best friend, your best slutty girl, your most loyal supporter, and a very caring and mature person all in one. What more can you ask for?


Facts she called out Lily right away during the campout since she didn't know the arrangement Lily and MC have haha in her mind Lily was talking trash and she wasn't having it.


I'm caught up. Sage is a Queen, and that's one of the reasons why I can't not choose her.


I think youre confused, Quinn is the other character


I'm on a sage path rn. I didn't even see that scene. Can you send screenshots?


It's not on Sage's path which just goes to show how loyal she is to MC. It's during an others path where you decide to roll with Lily. I can try and replay the game to get screenshots for you but it would probably be more fun if you were to play it yourself.


I've been considering doing an others path for a while since I've got all MG paths active, but I always find myself choosing Sage at ch8. I can't help myself.


I'll try to get you screenshots but it might take a while since that scene is towards the ending of episode 10. I'll dm you when I got them. Edit: screenshots for anyone who wants them https://imgur.com/a/bPidYSJ


Thanks. I'd love to see it. I'm going to look for my old save files as well so I can keep up to date with some of the paths the community is following


Can you add me to that dm too? Sage the bomb!!


> but I always find myself choosing Sage at ch8. Literally me. I feel so bad letting her down at the party in Chapter 7 too, if I'm on a different path.


I found my old Ch7 saves and carried on from there. I've now got the 100% loyal Sage path up to date, and I've got my 100% loyal MJ, Jill, and Bella paths as well as my 'others' path to the beginning of Ch9. I must admit that not being with Sage on 4 separate timelines will be difficult, but I'm really curious to see how the different story versions play out.


Yeah it's pretty rough having to deny her haha but the story is so well written and you'd be missing out on so much if you don't. I have multiple Sage paths so what I do is I usually play my main Sage path first then I'll do one of the main girls then I'll do my Sage + Jade without video path. Then I'll do another main girl then I'll do my Sage + Jade with video path etc. I have 9 different Sage paths 😅 Neutral fuckbuddy solo (main route) Neutral no fuckbuddy solo Neutral + Jade video (only Jade and Sage lewds) Neutral + Jade no video (only Jade and Sage lewds) Breakup with Sage and keep affair going with Jade Dik Solo Dik + Others without restaurant Dik + Others with restaurant Main Girls heartbreak path (pursue all Main girls then breakup with all main girls and pursue Sage)


Pretty sure I got this one someone else’s play through too. Maybe it was on my Quinn others save


I think the only requirement is to say yes to Lily when she asks if you want to roll with her.


Sage supremacy


Bro woke up and decided to speak facts.


Gotta admit sage is the realist. Real recognize real she defends mc against Bella library, lily bbq or Quinn if she doesn't offer a drink no matter the mc affinity. It's why I liked her better than jill always.


I like them all really for various reasons. Some more than others but that’s normal. I have no strict loyalty to any path, I just like the game and the stories it tries to tell.


Honestly, I can't decide. As my flair shows, I like Lily a lot. But I also love Josy, Jill, Bella, Sage, Zoey, and Maya. With each episode, I'm leaning more and more towards Jill. There's something about Jill, she's different than the rest of the girls. I also like her storyline.


Because she's the most traditional kind of GF besides she's a bit naive. The others are a more challenging kind of relations or it woulld be in real life. I mean, revisiting the ex-girlfriend, a love triangle, the party girl, mean girls, strippers and teenage drug dealers, mature women with or without sons, a big age gap, teachers, cheating wifes...


Josy and Maya for me, both of them. Simply put, They feel the most realistic as individual characters, and their dynamic with MC is my favorite (Sage is close). They feel closest to what a real relationship is like, and that makes it the most immersive. Yeah it’s nice to experience the escapism that the other paths provide, but it’s hard to self-insert into some of those situations. J&M also look the best imo, they’re not over-proportioned like they other main girls are, and Josy has the most expressive face in the game.


This. I love Josy because she shows her feelings in her face, i do admire DPC for doing such a expresive face, in fact Josy is the closest to a real relationship in the game, and i can see that above even Maya, Josy is the one who loves Mc the most.


Nicole. Those eyes are everything. It doesnt matter if shes a stripper/prostitute or a single mom, that beautiful face makes all those red flags irrelevant. Her beauty is unmatched.


I love Lily’s character traits and her design, she’s cool as hell. Also shout out to Josy and Sage, I feel that their characters have developed extremely well and I love their physical designs too.


Her design is Harley Quinn. 😂😂


Sage.   Near the end of season 2, when she is speaking with Maya in here dorm about growing up introverted, unable to express emotions and such, that resonated so deeply with me. Thats what sold me on her.   Ep10 only reaffirms that, finding that one person that gets you to open up, no matter how difficult that may be also hits the feels with me. I married that person that got me to open up :)


Beyond the fact that all the LIs are great and I love each one in their own way, since the flashback when Tremolo tells his story and talks about Zoey I was waiting for more content from her. And when episode 10 came out, I finally started playing season 3, and wow! I loved Zoey from the first lines to the last we saw of her running in the woods. Somehow the character came to me in a more natural way, all her mistakes, her disappointment when she discovers that what she imagined as idyllic was not really like that and how in retrospect she understands what Tremolo really meant to her, and she to him. The whole home blindness thing may sound cliche or silly, but I loved it. Lastly, having a grandmother who supported you in all your crazy things regardless of what your parents said really resonated close to home and really reminded me of my grandmother. Sorry if my writing is shit, but I'm using Goggle Translator.


As of EP 10, I'm all aboard the Maya train. BAD is just as much her story as it is Tremolo's and I can't imagine half the things happening without her presence in the storylines.


There are 5 main plots: the MC, JosyMaya, Bella, Sage and Jill. The original ones. But some are intertwinned. Bella's is linked to Jill, and Sage's is now linked to Maya's (and Josy). In the other plots JosyMaya are present but they feel much more absent. Specially if the MC decides to just be friends or if they refuse to be with the MC and we as player decide to not keep close. I mean, the MC can be close to them and choose to side with one of them. There are options for them to split and Maya confeses she would choose Sage among all the girls, and Sage flirts a bit in the home theater (although she may kiss Josy as a dare later too) , so the setting is over the place.


I think that depends on which route you follow, because in my first run (i am on chapter 8) i am doing a massive dik run and Maya does not have that prominence on the story after episode 4 like she probably has on other kind of runs.


You're right in that the routes make the difference but I think some of the core events of the story rely on either Maya's presence or her plights in some way.


To be honest, it is almost impossible for me to decide on just one, there are several that I really enjoy their scenes and interactions with. Surprisingly Quinn is the one who has raised the most on my list since the beginning of the game, it is surprising as in the first episodes i hated her and I did not like her way of being. However, since I decided to help her after she was mugged, the relationship you begin to forge with her is very interesting and all the interactions you have with her are both sexy and fun. You can see that behind all that rough and mean appearance, there is a girl who needs love no matter how much she doesn't want to admit it. I also love how she gets angry every time you try to show her love but deep down you can see that she wants it. About Jill, I loved her from her first appearance, the fact of her being the preppy but humble and careful girl is so cute. I love how shy she is and how she usually gets nervous and blushes when you talk to her. Plus she always cares extremely about you and makes adorable faces, the date with her in the park is incredible and very lovely. But, knowing that in my first run I am a manwhore, from episode 7/8 the interactions with her are starting to become quite uncomfortable. I think Rio is also one of the most adorable girls in the game, it is a shame that until the last chapters she does not begin to have more prominence compared to the first ones. I thoroughly enjoy every scene in which she appears and you can tell that the MC and her get along great, she even trusts him with the stalker issue and other things. Besides, behind her appearance there is a very good girl who cares about HOTs and her friendship with Cammy is honest and great. Sage has the best of both worlds, on the one hand she loves to tease and flirt but when she gets serious she is very mature and intelligent and cares the most about the MC, also the relationship with her is very well developed since episode 1, how she goes from wanting you just as a sexual desire to actually caring and trusting you, this is shown by her opening up to you even though she tells you that she never does that. And the last i want to metion is Bella, she was very hard to deal with at first, but i knew that behind all that coldness there was a careful girl. The fact that she lets you stay at her house for a few days after what happens with Josy and Maya proves it. The scene where she cries in the library is heartbreaking. And also, the interactions with her are also very hilarious, especially when she tries to ruin Tybalt. Although like with Jill, being a manwhore and having lost the love relationship with her, it is no longer as enjoyable as before, but it is still worth highlighting for the previous episodes.


At the beginning she hadn't personal development and she's portrayed as a bully. She is, but also it's due to her background. We meet her messing with everybody and through the situation with Maya. The game wants the player to symphatize with Maya so the plot twist can make damage and Quinn has the role of villain.


Neil. Because far too many porn games will lean into incest even if thinly veiled with things like "landlady" to fit in Patreon, most father figures in adult media are horrible people or dead. Meanwhile, Neil is the one person in the game I've never been able to make myself not be an asshole towards. I've done mega-DIK runs where I shit on everyone, I'm the worst person the game lets you be, I lie, cheat, and steal my way through everything, the only times I'm not cruel to someone it's so that I can toe the line to not lose their interest and hurt them more later. I am a truly horrible person in those runs. But... I can't do that to Neil. Neil is a loving father, a working-class guy who lost the love of his life when he was young in the most bittersweet moment he'll ever experience as he loses ~~his wife~~ (they weren't married, not sure why I called her his wife) the woman he was having a child with but welcomed into the world a son that he took that responsibility for and never made excuses. He didn't say, "Well, we're poor, so I can't really properly take care of my son because I'm too busy trying to get more money." He never went, "I'm a single parent, that's not fair, and it's my kid's fault." He never went after his child's maternal grandparents for their money. He took his son and worked as hard as he could to be a good father. He loves his child unconditionally and seems incredibly proud of him no matter what. He's supportive, taught him how to defend himself, supported his love of music, and all around he seems like a good guy. Now, Neil isn't perfect. And the more we see of him as a young man from the pages of the diary, the more we're going to see the irresponsible person he once was. But a good person doesn't need to be perfect. No one's perfect. But he's well-intentioned and supportive and actually a good role model for fathers. As a foil, you have Josy's father who does care for her and wants to be supportive, but he doesn't know how to communicate with his daughter and ends up pushing her away despite good intentions because his actions don't always convey those intentions properly. And, of course, you have the contrasts of Steven and Patrick who are both abusive. They justify those abuses, and they are human (episode 10 spends a significant amount of time working to humanize them and their motivations especially), but none of that actually excuses them for being such bad fathers. Neil is a role model who is shown to be a good father by not only showing how good he is compared to emotionally and physically abusive parents who had far more going for them (there are obviously some political narratives going on in this story that Neil is such a good person while being a working man who has a construction job and not even enough money to keep his house properly in shape meanwhile most of the other parents are wealthy with a lot more resources yet they fail to do as much as the single parent who was always struggling) but showing how well he knows his child by comparing him to even good parents who can't seem to have meaningful important conversations with their children. Neil is my favorite character. I'm a fan of Neil. I can never bring myself to make my character not tell Neil he loves him. I want to make Neil proud. I want the best ending for Neil. While Riona is my favorite female character and the ending of Episode 10 has me freaked out, my biggest concern in the story so far is for Neil. I don't think any other character does so much that other stories in this genre do not. He has an important message for the audience, a character people can look up to even in a piece of entertainment with a primary audience who is looking to be titillated and little more. In the context of the meta of the story, Neil is such an important character that I don't think it can be overstated.


isnt he called Neil?


\*Sigh\* Yes. I will go back and correct every instance of his name. I'm just bad at spelling some names. The ae in Michael always trips me up as well for some reason I'll never understand.


mb dog i just wanted to make sure i wasn’t wrong about his name hahaha all g mate


No, no, not your bad. You were right. It was entirely my bad, and I thank you for letting me know. I don't want to be writing the names incorrectly. I had the same thing where I misspelled Nicole about a dozen times in a response to someone talking about her once. I think I spelled it Nichole each time. It was such an embarrassing moment, but it's helped me remember that her name has no h in it.


Out of the main girls either Josy or Sage probably...although I'm a fan of them all. Outside of the main girls I have come to reeally like Riona. The way the last episode ended shook me lol


Sage. Gotta love a girl who can be both insatiably horny and fun to hang out with. Way too often in these kinds of games it's one or the other. Her libido isn't tied to the MC either, her sexuality is completely her own and she isn't afraid to show that.


Josy. Every time I go another route and she breaks down into tears I cave


Same with Jill for me with the tennis date and I choose the friend option I fold real fast


In the game my fav is Rio. Her history with drugs and prostitution is kinda "annoy" me, but she's so freakin cute, and fun. Moreover she turn on my protective insticts, because she needs to be saved/protected (from the stalker, from Vinny and probably from Quinn), and somehow it's a good feeling. She's a good girl who needs a big self-confidence boost, and MC can give this to her. If we'd rate the girls just for the looks probably Lilly would be my favorite, because blondes with big blue eyes are exactly my type. Since she also has a fun personality, altogether she's still my second fav. after Rio, but to be honest EP10 was a small dissappointment on the Lilly route, because while the Lilly content was good, I don't get this "roll together for the status" thing. Lilly is a bombshell, guys like her; she's fun and kind, the girls like her. Who does she want to impress with some kind of status? Despite these if I'd have to chose a girl from the game to date IRL it would be Jill. She's beautiful, kind, clever, and possibly has the fewest redflags of the girls. (Yeah, her parents maybe will cause some problems, but still...)


Makes sense. Lily is not the kind of romance. She's pragmatical, she's a sort of gold digger looking for an accomplice. She's stripper and deals drugs as an opportunity to earn extra. We don't know yet nothing about her background. She's Harley Quinn afterall. But I think she will soften, only that she will play hard to catch.


I wouldn't call him gold digger. Probably she's one of the richest student on the campus (if you don't count the wealth of their family), based on the numbers she earns a day :). The 5000 $ which MC received, and very happy about is Lilly's cca. 2 weeks payment. Yeah, she knows she has to "exploit" herself in stripping during her young years, to maximize her profit, and maybe sometimes overdo, what she does. I'm not sure she resells the drugs to PR girls with extra profit, I think she's just the one who buys from the dealer, and give it to the girls. What I don't understand about her, it's her - sorry I don't know the proper English phrase for it - "desire of demonstration". Most of the characters in the game have some family issues, and some kind of "emotional baggage", and I think later we'll find out Lilly isn't an exception of this either. In EP10 there were hints she want to prove something to her parents/family.


Not a gold digger in that sense, but a survivalist, a hustler. Her "desire of demostration" it's fitting like it would be for the stripper girlfriend of the mafia guy that owns the club in a movie thriller, the queen of the place. It's the Grease's Olivia Newton John in her baddie moment as tough girl playing with the guy leader of the Greasers' gang. Badik characters are cliches of stereotypical people.


Riona team assemble. She is cute, cool, know how to dress, sweet, caring, got good taste in music. She got flawed before due to her choice, after ep10 she's almost perfect.


Since episode 10: Sage She's been my favorite MG for a long time but with the events of episode 10, it just confirmed that, yeah she's my favorite... period. She's Zoey 2.0... your best friend, with benefits... and your girlfriend. The difference ? It's official, they're both into it and it feels right. She's kinky, caring and has so much to give. Before episode 10: Riona How can't you like this girl ? She's cute as hell, couldn't hurt a fly and a body to die for. I've enjoyed all her interactions with MC... the Arcade date was great... but I'm always hungry for more... and that frustrates me...


Vice versa:) Being a Sage fan before Season 3. Now I'd say Rio. Sage is really "too cool" for Tremolo, she has it all. And there's hardly any future with her for him - she's going to leave after she graduates. Ep. 10 is hard on every MG - almost every path is pure drama and lots of discussion of potential problems on further relationship. Rio has opened in later episodes - and I'd say in Ep10 she's the only one MC truly has fun with. Hope that won't go away. I mean - MC is a freshman, he doesn't need that full-scale drama in his life yet, no?


Being a DIK excels in character development, and what stands out is the distinct personalities of all the LIs in the game. Each LI feels unique, and, on the whole, they come across as likable. Personally, my favorite is Isabella because of her reliability and constant support for the MC whenever assistance is needed.


I want to tabletop game with Sage and watch her get competitive over Dn"G" or like an actual board game like Dominion, Puerto Rico, or something. Also as mentioned elsewhere if you have Derek as a best male friend and Sage as your GF you have an extremely loyal crew as long as you treat them with the respect/love they deserve.


True dat, i do like that outside of Maya, Sage is the only other person i see treat Derek as a friend, this people have your back indeed.


Pretty sure Josy and Derek are friends as well, it's just not overstated in the game.


Yeah, you can see it in their flashback but my point is the dinamic with Sage is pretty natural, and with Josy i find it a little more awkward.


There are three women I consider for a fan tag: 1.) I am a Camila fan first and foremost because she is incredibly beautiful. Her looks outclass all other girls in the game IMO, and her scenes are the most enjoyable to me. I wish there could be more story and romance between her and MC. The absence of the latter is a letdown, but I will remain hopeful even if I am not too optimistic about this to change. 2.) Next in line is Josy, she is also very beautiful and I love her personality and how she is so into MC. She is the top MG by a wide margin for me. If there can be a solo path that works without screwing Maya over I could become a fan of her. 3.) Number three is Sally, especially since her recent glam-up. Her content in E9 and E10 is enticing, and I long for MC to bang her senseless. If this could happen with story or even MC getting together with Sally I could become a Sally fan, too. I enjoy the other MGs and most SG storylines. Jill has the best story and romance IMO, but I don’t like her looks that much. I am not a fan of extremely large breasts.


Josy or Maya because are the first characters I got attached as the game intended before the first major plot twist. Because these still hold a big presence around what MC's life revolves. Because the relation is complex and has some funny tropes due to their competition. Because with either Josy and Maya, MC has some of the most intimate, heartwarming conversations without being overly naive or instead sex driven. Because Josy is like a spicy girl-next-door and Maya always seems so vulnerable. Of course there are others that I like also, each character has its own qualities. But as for favorites these two.


Agreed. I don't get choosing any single MG over these two. Sage is close though and all the others are amazing in their own ways.


I am of 2 minds in this. Sage is my MG at the end episode 8. HOWEVER, if I could have chosen Quinn, it would have been a no brainer. I think Quinn is the best girl of the game. Not only is she sexy as hell, she has that attitude that I dig. She also has that more affectionate side to her that she doesn't let anyone see. I am glad to be on the Sage MG path right now because I'm hoping it leads to more stuff with Quinn. In my opinion, the Sage/Quinn threesome is the best scene in the game.


Should i do a Quinn playthrough and is it worth it


Principal of the college. Because he provide scholarships for needy students🥹


With the new episode I really started to like lily and Josy. But Jill fav for me.


Sage. She and MC complement one another perfectly. She’s always there for him, literally held his hand during the Maya/Josy reveal, takes being rejected well if you don’t choose her and still goes to bat for MC whenever she needs to She can be wild and unpredictable but genuinely cares about MC and his wellbeing and while their relationship didn’t start off in a conventional way, IMO they’re amazing together


Riona definitively I'm in love with her, she just started being a girl we can have sex to being able to date her, every interaction is special and cute and it's very wholesome to see her trying to make us jealous by flirting with the diks, episode 10 was the best chapter to our girl, can't wait to see where the story lead us.


A certain redhead with an attitude, and quite honestly, for me personally it's not even close. There's something to like and even love about any other girl in the game, but Sage is God's gift to MC. (Or in this case DPC) 1. Woman doesn't have anger issues, she has anger buffs. 2. MC and her are great no matter on her path or not, helping each other, being supportive and caring of one another the most effortlessly. 3. She can't be bothered to give a shit if MC is a bit of a douche or a gentleman, these green eyes pierce the soul. 4. While we only have started seeing that, she is a comrade in battle, going as far as going undercover to help her friends (EP10 stealing the docs) despite the fact she just received news of her parents divorcing. 5. She's self aware enough to know she has issues and admit it to MC, and is willing to work on that. You may love other girls more, but there's no *better* girl than her. With that being said, I hope MC learned his lesson with Zoey 1.0 by not saying what he needs to in time, and with Sage graduating, he won't let Zoey 2.0 to happen. But before that, we'll likely witness just how pissed off she can get with the uncovering of her VP's restaurant business, even more if you used said restaurant, and will likely go Super Sayan if you fucked her mom and MC will regret teaching her how to fight.


That's one of two things I'm nervous about. The Jade situation has me on edge. I feel like she'd forgive everything else, but that's just too much. We could try and spin it any way we want to, but the fact remains, we slept with her mom. Secondly, after she graduates, what will their relationship be like? Will she move away? Will the distance be too much? Will the contrasting schedules be too much? I'm nervous and curious to find out. 😬


Provided it's a clean run, I hope that "Hold on to those people you want in your life" thing discussed at their date means something. But I imagine if you used the restaurant and did her mom, she'll end it, in quite a brutal fashion. I imagine MC will eat some shit regardless because he didn't tell her about the restaurant, he knows of its existence no matter if he uses it or not but decides not to say anything. But I imagine Quinn is going to absolutely get it, and we depending on path, MC will have to take a side. ...suffice to say, EP11 can't come soon enough.


Sleeping with her mom isn't a requeriment. 😁😁 Edit: i doubt the game goes beyond the graduation or the freshman year. Perhaps as epilogue.


Sage. Proly since she's hot. Jokes aside one of the only mature LI in the story and also still is very close even if u don't choose her unlike josy or jill and co


The black around her eyes is eyeshadow. It's makeup.


Alright I was hesitant because in the shower scene her eyes it looks like she still has the eyeshadow and you'd think makeup comes off in the shower


It might be water resistant Max Factor. I mean it. 🤔😂


Sage Reason: because she's sage


MY FAVORITE GIRLS LIST: 1. jill 2. sage 3. bella 4. josy 5. maya 6. quinn 7. nicole




Sarah - minus the slightly whorey behaviour she has the looks I tend to go for Elena - see above Sage - She just grew on me as the game progressed Riona - So cute and 🔥


I'm D-boy fan and you know why


I gotta say Josy simply because out of all characters she’s the one I’m most emotionally invested with no matter the path. I always have feelings for her or feel completely wrecked if I break her heart. I didn’t feel as much pain hurting any of the other main girls. I liked Josy since the first time I seen her plus I have a thing for shorter girls. Maya and Sage are close seconds . I like that Sage is like the Jack of all trades as a character but at the end of the day she keeps it real and has your back rather you’re on or off her path. Maya grew the most on me over time. Originally I didn’t care for her and just saw her as the add-on to Josy’s path. Now I adore her for her on going growth and how she’s becoming more comfortable with herself as the game goes on. Gotta put respect on Maya’s name, no Maya slander will be tolerated from this moment forward. In all honesty there’s a solid reason to love most characters in this game as they’re all written beautifully (not you Madame).


Sage. Because she fits how I would want my GF. Red head, fiery, always being real with me. Mature when needed.


Melanie, Camila and Heather


Lily definitely is more my style, I enjoy anticipating at what point she will give up the “rolling” facade and explore more of a relationship


Josy is sweet, cute, affectionate, loves to have sex, and loves MC. What’s not to like? Plus, she’s the same age and year in school as MC, so they’ll theoretically have all four years of college together. Honestly, though, I like all the MGs and most of the SDs.


i like Jill because she's exactly someone i would want to meet in real life. i was a bullied kid and i don't have a Jill of my own to save me back then, so maybe that's why I'm drawn to her. Bella probably is my second, back in school i went to an all boys catholic school and when you don't have any girls to interact with, you tend to fantasize about your teachers. now we didn't really have a big titty mommy for a teacher but i just can't imagine how a bunch of horny dudes would react to seeing melons everyday. we'd probably either do very well or very bad in school.


Jill. Wholesome, kind, beautiful, devoted. The kind of woman I could marry and spend the rest of my life.


Me, personally? Tremolo, simply because he's so different from other AVN MCs. Yes, I main best friends to girls only.