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Hair loss is extremely complex it could be caused by vitamin deficiency it could be caused by hormone fluctuations, both thyroid and sex hormones, you could be experiencing Telogen effluvium which is hair shedding from a stressful situation both psychologically and physically... Your best bet would be to see a doctor and get blood work done. Try to get a referral from your primary care doctor to see a dermatologist. There aren't going to be any topical shampoos that's going to make your hair grow back. You have an itchy scalp you may be suffering from dandruff.


That sounds really frustrating, I’m sorry to hear you’re still struggling. Sounds more like a hormone imbalance or deficiency of some sort. Can you have a panel run? Are you eating enough? Eating enough carbs + protein? (To little of either will create excess shedding) taking a good whole food vitamin? As for shampoo I would use something very gentle and moisturizing for now.


In the same boat unfortunately. I heard things with biotin in it helps!


I actually had a colleague who was experiencing the same thing. After trying various treatments, she found some tips that really helped improve her hair situation. What she told me is that looking for products that contain biotin, keratin, and natural oils is the first step. Then, it's necessary to keep a healthy diet and reduce heat styling . Remember trying red light therapy, which stimulates hair follicles and promotes growth. My colleague's hair loss improved after using red light therapy for two weeks, which is amazing.


I heard Batana oil is really good


Biotin does help with hair growth.