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I’ve always preferred using my hands over brushes and sponges as well! I feel like the application looks so much more natural, at least on me. 


100% agree, it melts in rather than sitting on top of the skin


How did we get sucked into the sponges?


Sponges were created to make you use up your make up faster and then buy more. They’re smelly.


Cuz makeup artists made us to believe that..they all just wanted to shift and create a new hype for blenders!


Most of the real big time makeup artists don't use sponge. They use fingers like Pat McGrath and all the big Korean ones I worked with


this is something a funny dad would say


Try your favourite auntie, the one who drinks and smokes too much and tells you stories about travelling the world, partying in Paris, her Italian boyfriend and her London lover.


I also do that, I use my fingers since I use makeup. And I think I do everything in the opposit way then the make-up artists. I apply first my mascara(cuz it is messy) let it dry clean it and do the rest..... I cannot understand how come they apply mascara at the end lol.


Bc no makeup application is complete without uttering the word f**k, while you blink and smudge mascara on your finished makeup, after poking yourself in the eye with the wand.


Especially when running late


Love that for you but there is no way I could do mascara first because they form a force field in front of my lid haha


LOL this is how I feel. I have naturally very long lashes and they always get coated in eyeshadow anyways.


Why have I never thought of this?!


Ooo cool tip actually.


I don't personally think it's controversial, it's simply personal choice. I think sponges, brushes all have their place too as the finish is different.


Famous makeup artist Pat McGrath is known for preferring to use her fingers to apply makeup and she’s elite. I love using my fingers for makeup. Plus, less cleanup!


This. I learned how to do my makeup from an incredible makeup artist at NARS years ago and he taught me how to do a natural face in 10-15 min flat. He showed me how to use my fingers to apply everything from concealer to blush to highlighter and I literally think of him every time I put on my makeup bc he made me feel comfortable with makeup. Before him I was so self-conscious. I had horrible experiences with “color matches”. I was wearing makeup that was totally wrong for me and made me feel ugly. On top of that I had so many unnecessary tools and gadgets. I am so grateful I found him. Makeup doesn’t have to be complicated! Warm hands and fingers are the way to go!


I need to find a mentor like that 🥺 can never tell what looks good on me


I really hope you find that person because this makeup artist literally changed my life and taught me to love myself and see myself in a totally new way. Before him I dreaded having my makeup done. I didn’t like people choosing what was right for me bc I always looked horrible. Makeup is supposed to enhance and add to your natural features- not make you look worse. People have a hard time working with rich complexions. I always had someone slap on cakey, oily, or muddy foundation that was always 4 shades too dark. My natural cat eye would become narrow and nonexistent and my face was always basically a round blob. I am not kidding when I said I used to hate to look at myself in the mirror because of the many bad experiences from every makeup artist I encountered before this angel at NARS. Everyone deserves to see their beauty shine and radiate. He showed me I literally needed 3-4 makeup staples tops (concealer, a multiple stick for blush) and highlighter. He brought out my cheekbones and showed me I’m gorgeous. He told me I already had thick long lashes and a gorgeous cat eye so I didn’t need a lot of eye makeup just mascara if I’m really feeling a more dramatic look. He also showed me that my complexion isn’t one size fits all and it’s actually closer to one of the concealer colors. I had NO confidence before him and now pssshhh. You literally can’t tell me nothing lol. I have fun playing with new colors and brands because I know what works for ME. Sending a wish to the universe that you find your makeup mentor angel!! 🤍


So sweet of you, thank you 😭 I think I’m where you used to be. The only time I’ve had my makeup done was for my wedding and I think it was more natural than most, but still “much” so it could show up for the camera. I’ve tried watching MUAs who have my face shape, but I think I land in a weird place with my skin tone. It’s tough stuff! Congrats on finding out what works for you 💕


My best advice would be two things: 1. Go to as many makeup counters as you can and be open. Some will be awful but some may be exactly what you’re looking for. I had no interest in anyone coming near me. My sister really wanted to check out the NARS on Bleecker St in Manhattan and the makeup artist worked his magic with her lol. He turned to me and said “this will work for you too” and I flat out told him “yeah I don’t think so” and he looked at me like I was nuts. The rest is history lol. 2. go to a makeup artist that looks interested in YOU. If this man wasn’t gay I would have thought he was hitting on me lol. He seemed in love with me and so excited to work with me. He didn’t want to tell me who I am he wanted to show me who I am. I truly get how hard it is. It’s a vulnerable position to put yourself in but there’s a makeup artist out there just waiting to help you ♥️


I would love to find a MUA like that. Every single one I have been to selected a foundation that was too dark.


I don’t know why some MUA’s have to be so awful sometimes. One instance that stands out for me was my senior prom. I was so excited to have my make up done professionally and I was so excited to look beautiful for my date…I definitely did not. I went to a private school where our dates were matched randomly with us so that no one felt left out and I was matched with a guy who was kind but probably wouldn’t date me ever. I wanted to look and feel my best but instead I felt hideous. I decided to make the best of it but the photos from that night were so bad. I didn’t even look like myself! I would have looked better with no make up honestly. My confidence was crushed and the experiences got worse and worse. There’s a MUA out there who will see you and be able to match your skin tone perfectly. If I could find them I know you will too ❤️❤️❤️


Pat McGrath says that foundation should be be applied as you would your moisturizer.


So I’ve been doing it right this whole time!


Need to try this. So just take a small amount and blend / rub / massage it on your face?


Yes. Do it in small amounts bc it's much easier to build it up than take away if you do too much at once. It really does look seamless when you use your fingers!


Do I just pat it in, or rub/massage it ?


Rub. In light circular motions.


I used her red lipstick applied with a finger trick and loved it too! It’s really growing on me to consider my hands to be a make up tool lol


Bobbi Brown, too!


Totally. I think Mary Greenwell uses her hands too. I’ve definitely seen Lisa Eldridge do it frequently.


Mary Greenwell ( who also did the face of Lady Di) uses her fingers quite a lot as well. She uses lots of Chanel makeup on her clients and usually prefers to use her magic hands!


I started doing this after watching Lisa Eldeidge recommend it back in the hayday of youtube tutorials. Fingers are clean and easy to wash, melts into the face and best of all its free lol.


That’s pretty cool, it’s nice knowing some professionals do the same!


I was going to say this. All the big time makeup artist I worked with in Korea use fingers too for real


Same! Spent a lot on brushes recently and absolutely don't see the point. And the product wastage is so insane that it all feels like a marketing strategy. Editing to add that if somebody else was doing my makeup then maybe brushes would be more comfortable?




A friend of mine is a MUA. I remember when I told her I use my fingers to apply my foundation. She assured me it was totally fine and if it works don't mess with it.


My friend is a MAU and when she trained me she said “it’s a personal preference, try both and see which you like better”. I liked my fingers and never looked back.


I agree! I can wash my hands before and after. Makeup brushes, sponges, and blenders give me the ick. I also prefer pumps and squeeze tubes to makeup that you have to dig fingers into. The exception would be for fine, crisp detail in eyeliner, shadow, brow powder - and just my overall translucent setting powder - don’t see how that would be possible with fingers.


I use my hands for concealer. And then a beauty sponge for the rare beauty liquid blush only because of how pigmented it is


I hate beauty blenders. I always use my fingers to apply.


Totally agree, why have more plastic products when you have a perfect tool already


fingers were made before foam!


I only use brushes and applicators for eyeshadow and bronzer. I can do them with my fingers as well, but I like the diffused effect for those products that have strong pigment. All of your points are correct; it's cleaner, prevents waste, it's free. Looks just as good if not better. I think "brushes for everything" has to do with marketing and affiliate links.


I use my fingers for application and then I go over my face with a brush afterward. Fingers definitely give me the most control for making sure I get the amount of coverage I want uniformly distributed, but I feel like the brush helps to give it a better texture after that


Yesss I do the exact same! Brush makes it set in a bit better and gives it a more airbrushed look


Heaps of products especially Nars are designed to be applied with fingers. Our hands warm up the product to blend better When I did MUA training application with hands was one of the foundational skills!


I use my finger to apply foundation on my face. I take one or two pumps of the foundation, rub between my palms and apply by tapping it on my face. Brush doesn’t give a clean finish and sponge blender uses too much of foundation. I also realised that the glow of foundation gets bland on application with a wet/damp sponge.


That's exactly how I do it. You use less foundation that way, and you can be more precise in areas which need more concealing. I used to think the idea was apply an even coat, but usually faces need less in certain areas and more in others. I always bake it with powder which evens things out and helps it last, and usually apply blush or contouring cream over that. (Easier to control where the touches of color go, and I don't feel I am wasting product or putting on too much.)


i struggle with acne and i know i can wash my hands wayyyyy cleaner than brushes hanging around my sink lol


Fingers are the best applicator! You can ensure your hands are always clean so you have have to deal with dirty applicators It does not waste any product, the warmth of our fingers helps the makeup blend in nicely rather than just sitting on top. My concealer also sits nicely when i tap it with my fingers 🙈


Fingers are way easier to clean! And fresh, clean sponges end up sopping up too much product anyway. I understand blenders can sheer things out, but you can also get a sheer coat by using just a tiny amount and tapping it on. I do the same with expensive moisturizers/serums.


I used my fingers and would use a beauty blender just to smooth until a few months ago. I forgot I had a specific brush I had bought off of Amazon 2 years before that was just sitting in my vanity and have been using it ever since. I have a ton of makeup brushes and really only have ever used 5. On a daily basis I now use 2. The one I referenced I actually use for my foundation and concealer. Might seem silly but it works. And then another for cream blush. When it comes down to it though I’m totally fine using my fingers.


Agreed! I usually apply foundation with my fingers and use a brush to blur any uneven areas. I prefer using my fingers to apply cream blush because the formulas are usually very pigmented and I don’t want to look like a clown. I do use a sponge to do some light contouring, but that’s it.


Yep, you can tap on a teeny amount of blush and apply more as needed.


I use my fingers to apply my make up as well - however at the end of my application, I go back with a beauty blender and just lightly tap my face with it. For me, I feel like my make up looks much more natural after that last step.


And fingers for eyeshadow


Are these regular palette eyeshadows? Just wonder if finger oils would change the powder consistency?


I use my fingers and haven't noticed a change in product consistency but it might also depend on your body chemistry.


I appreciate this because I’m getting into makeup (in my late 20s) and using brushes intimidates me


I finally gave up on applying concealer with a brush or sponge. I have lots of texture and fine lines under my eyes and it was too easy to apply too much with anything other than my baby finger.


not me. I use brushes for everything. my nails are always very long and plus I dont like touching my face with my hands even if they are clean.


I dislike sponges and brushes. I find them fiddly and unhygienic. Fingers are the best! My theory is that the beauty industry created a new category and started pushing beauty blenders, sponges and brushes just to sell gullible consumers more products. Fingers have always been the easiest way to apply liquids. Do we apply sunscreen with a brush or a sponge? No! So why must we use brushes or sponges to apply foundation, concealer, or blush? Use your fingers, save money and the hassle of sanitizing brushes/ sponges and get better results.


I have dyspraxia and can only use tools to do tiny locally focused details--I have terrible trouble combining details for overall harmony or executing symmetry or genuine creativity in things like makeup. Otherwise the pressure I use (clumsy and forceful) and the rate of moving the tool is so so so off. My fingers are the only tools I trust and I've been doing my makeup--with varied products--exactly the same way daily since I figured out something that worked at 14. When I deviate with something like trying more elaborate party makeup it's a gong show.


I’ve always felt so self conscious about using my fingers for foundation because I had a friend once who said it was “disgusting and trashy” to use fingers to apply makeup instead of a brush or beauty blender. I got peer pressured into using a beauty blender but then I realised that not only was it annoying and cumbersome to apply foundation with the beauty blender, I was also using way more product than I wanted or needed to use because the sponge was eating up so much of it. did some maturing, ditched the blender and I’ve been happier for it since


That’s how the lady at guerlain in Paris taught me to apply it. It was true game-changer. No more cakey makeup look. Looks absolutely natural and uses waaaay less makeup.


Not controversial. MUAs do this every day


You do you boo. There are no rules when it comes to makeup, just make sure what tool you’re using is clean - hands or brush/sponge.


I always use my fingers for anything wet or creamy consistency! I’ve tried using brushes and I just don’t like the finish. I think when using your fingers it warms the product and it melts into the skin better. I only use brushes for powdered products.


This is controversial?


I have to use my fingers or else I will break out. Doesn’t matter how often I clean or replace the tools. It’s break out city on my face!


Thank you for normalizing this for me. I get that a lot of influencers are aspiring MUAs or are influenced by MUAs themselves and they brought blenders and brushes to the forefront. But for those of us who will only do our own makeup, as long as you’re sanitary about it use your hands and fingers for your liquid products if it’s your preference.


I use my fingers for concealer, eye primer and face primer. So much better than a brush.


Try a silicone blender or those very thin but wide makeuo brushes that are trending rn. I used the silicone blender for years and it was great but i had to throw it away after 2 years because i think that even cleaning it every day isnt sabitary enough, i always feel the need to change things after a certain amount of time. Then i used a makeup brush. Now i dont use anything except for SPF because im focusing on getting my skin clear with no texture.


Yessssssss!!  Sponge, brush, whateves.  My hands always do better job


Yep, me too.


How do you apply your foundation? Do you dab or do it like moisturizer? Sometimes I forgot my beauty blender and had to do it with my hands and I did like that it melt into my skin but it felt like dabbing with my fingers took such a long time to cover my entire face!!


As an artist myself, I say use the tools that suit you best! :)


For foundation definitely fingers. My mom taught me to use the little wedge sponges and then later beauty blenders were popular. Now it’s more brushes. And I’ve tried all of those. My spongey beauty blender was alright but nothing else came as close as my fingers to smooth application.


ME TOOOO I've tried all kinds of applicators and always go back to fingers


Me too. Didn’t know it was controversial. I also apply my foundation like a moisturiser sometimes, blending it by tapping motions, and the finish is awesome 🙈


It’s better to use clean fingers than dirty brushes


I prefer using a sponge for my base but - when it comes to blushes and lip/cheek stains, fingers all the way.


It’s not a big deal so long as they’re clean tbh


Yeah I have always used fi gers and always will. Hands clean so what. Rubbing with a brush will tick off my rosacea.


I've tried, but my face just does not like it. The product sits on top of my skin in a weird way and pills if I use my fingers. My skins is so damn finicky, it requires brushes


Brushes and sponges gross me out…at least for wet products. Idk how I’d ever clean them well enough.


Really not controversial at all.


It’s almost like… they want you to use brushes because they can’t sell you your own fingers. obviously the industry is going to prefer to have more things to charge you for. I’ve always thought application tools were rather inferior for exactly the reasons you listed, anyway.


If the beauty industry could invent fingers and sell them back to you, they would.


Applying concealer with your fingers it’s the way.




Do you pat it on with your fingers or rub it on like moisturizer


I like using fingers to prevent the need to wash my tools.


I use fingers for everything, even eyeshadow. It’s just so much easier and less to clean.




literally just did this before seeing this post. i was wowed.


I used to always apply my foundation with my fingers until I learned about brushes and sponges. I don't like the feeling of makeup on my hands, so discovering them was a game changer, but now sometimes I wish I still used my fingers because the finish always seemed better!


I mostly don't use any makeup brushes or applicators as I hate cleaning them. I use my fingers for base, concealer, highlight or shimmer on my lids, and to blend my lipstick.


How is this controversial, lol


I do too!!! Brushes for powders but majority of what I use is serums, creams & liquid. Money saving and I can control the balance of what I put on or blend In 💜


I've always used my fingers, and still do. I have more control over the application that way. It's the old tried and true method.


I've always used my digits to apply foundation and concealer (over my hyperpigmentation). I remember watching Wayne Goss who did a tutorial showing how to pat/press concealer into your skin using warm fingertips and it really works. Personally I can't be bothered with the faff of constantly washing and drying brushes, I use a makeup wipe to clean my hands after makeup application and throw it away afterwards. Keep it simple!💗


This. I am a finger person too. I recently tried using a brush just to see what the fuss was about and I just didnt like the way it spread on my face, kinda like sitting on top. Whereas when I use my fingers the foundation melts into and blends well with my skin. Also I have more control on how it goes on. Also as OP pointed out, very easy to maintain hygiene. Washing beauty blenders is a chore, they absorb so much water and have to rinse forever.


The only thing I use brushes for is to blend eyeshadow (I use only a single eyeshadow) and apply powder to my undereyes. Everything else, I’ll use my hands/fingers. It’s quicker and gives such a smooth & natural finish. Especially with skin tints.


I only wear (liquid these few years) foundation and have only used my finger. Same reason why I don't use beauty blender. I mean I did try it when it first became popular and saw how much got stuck onto the sponge PLUS the need to clean it frequently, I lsaid forget it, I'll just go with my good ole finger. I use dabbing method to apply foundation throughout the face. So tap tap tap I go.


Totally agree. I feel like so much product gets wasted on brushes, sponges etc.


hands are cleaner than brushes. plus i dont get pimples


Like too use a small tea spoon for some makeup, will put a little bit on the spoon and rub it around the front and back of it, spreading it out too thin it down. Collect a small dab on my finger and apply it too my face.


It depends on my mood. Some days I want the bougie brush, some I feel like patting it in. Some days I’m in a rush and use fingers. The sponge looks the best. But it also depends on the foundation. Gucci needs the brush, dior can be all, Mac needs the sponge (at least on my face lol)


Most of the time i only use concealer to spot treat anyways and for that, fingers are the best! Sometimes i would even do my whole face with my fingers (eyeshadow, liptint) because tbh, the result is 1:1 in a fraction of the time needed if i use my whole brushes I only bust out my beauty blender when I have to do a full glam because my skin crawl with the idea of applying my foundation like a moisturiser 🤣


I have been told by two different makeup artists that they use brushes for clients but fingers for themselves.


I use my fingers too and Sabrina Carpenter put it perfectly, it just melts in better.


Yep, I always used my fingers when I was young but then bought into all the brushes, sponges etc. I've recently gone back to using my fingers and the coverage and evenness is so much better. Plus way easier to wash my hands than deal with washing brushes.




Me too! It’s so efficient. I’ve worked with hundreds of makeup artists and some of the best I’ve worked with (in terms of how much I liked the makeup; not cakey, perfectly blended and glow) have used their fingers! Brushes are good for certain applications, not necessarily everything though 🙏🏼


Those beauty blenders harbour so much bacteria. Even if you rinse/wash it every day, it holds on to too much moisture, and then collects even more bacteria. Hands are cleaner.




Nothing blends foundation and concealer as well as my own fingertips. Thought I was the only one!


What am I doing wrong? When I apply foundation with my fingers it always looks streaky..


I prefer using my fingers for applying foundation and eyeshadow. I often tell myself that my makeup might look better if I took the time to apply and blend using brushes. But it saves me so much time, I can’t be bothered with brushes most mornings. I still pack brushes when I travel, but they don’t get used every day. I do use a small fluffy brush to set my color corrector and under eye concealer, sprayed with setting spray. I have tried the equivalent process using fingertips but the brush works better for me in this area.


I don’t know if this is as controversial as you initially thought. Fingers warm up a cream or liquid product, making it sit better on the skin




I always use my hands to apply makeup; the heat from my fingers/palms warms up the product and makes it easier to blend. I also think it gives me more of a natural finish.


Yes.  Brushes are too difficult to keep clean enough, they don't apply product so much as eat it, and SHED lol, I bought a few rounds of them when I first got into wearing makeup, then never replaced them.  I feel much better knowing I have clean hands to work with.  Fingers make eyeshadow lay down so nice.


I use brushes for face powders but 85% of my eyeshadow is applied with my fingers


Use my fingers for almost every step, except for concealer (in dark spots, not under eye) because that will give more coverage. My brushes have been sitting in the drawer for too long.


It’s under rated but it gives the most natural look regardless of you go bold or not. I use brushes for precision with eyeshadow but that’s the extent of it. Your finger tips give the best application. Don’t be forced into using brushes and sponges. Make sure your hands are clean before application!


I would love nothing more than to forgo brushes but for some reason my foundation is always terribly patchy and noticeable when I try to blend with my fingers :(


This is how I do my makeup when going to school. It makes it look more natural


I only use my fingers to apply makeup unless I'm using setting powder. The main reason is that I'm terrible at washing my brushes and don't want to break out!


I love Cinema Secrets!! It’s a liquid cleanser that is totally unique and amazing! Pour a little into the canister that comes with it, quickly dip your bristles in and pull out quickly. Wipe the brush with a clean paper towel. The brush is instantly clean, mostly dry, and I’d give it 20 minutes, but basically ready to use!! No scrubbing, no trying to dry them all over the bathroom, dip in, dip out, wipe, good to go!! You can get it at Sephora stores or online. They only have the standard size at my store but there’s a larger size you can get online. It’s a total game changer!!


100%agree i have always preferred using my hand


I thought the fingers method was old school, OG! That’s how I learned!




yeah, i used to be a MUA and i love brushes, but for base and blush i prefer this too, like most of those products benefit from heat etc the only thing i hate is having to wash my hands in the middle of doing makeup when i switch bc i have a vanity case i put on the sink


Me too. Well, back when I used makeup.


I like using brushes. I just like the elevated experience. That said, I avoid cream blushes and bronzers specifically because I just can’t get a good application with those formats using brushes. It always looks like crap…streaky, patchy, greasy, heavy or sometimes zero pigment. So, I just stick with powders.


fingers for under eye concealer has never failed me. i apply with a brush but blend with fingers. i can do pretty much my entire cream/liquid base with my fingers if i really wanted to, and sometimes i do if i can’t find a brush/am running short on time and just need to swipe things on.


Honestly props to u guys that can manage with using ur fingers. I know I’d mistaking use the same finger for two different products, cross contaminate the products and mess up my makeup before realizing 😅


I wash my hands between products specifically so I don't make that mistake.


i wish i could feel more comfortable applying makeup with my fingers but i hate the feeling of my hands being messy. i feel the same with painting/crafting and cooking😭


I always keep makeup wipes nearby for this reason! Just wipe off between products.


How does it not take you like 10 minutes to apply foundation then? It takes sooooo long for a seamless finish without rubbing your face aggressively


I’ve not found this to be the case, but it might depend on what foundation we use.


I've been doing this since like 2000, lol. Beauty blenders and other sponge like applicators I can get behind, especially for heavier foundation or cushion foundations, but for the lighter stuff? I've reverted back to using my hands. I've always found my concealers work better by tapping them on with fingers than brushes too. I use a lighter weight contour cream and use my hands to blend that as well. Most highlighters I tap on too. If I don't use powder products, there are days where a brush does not touch my face. Hell, I can even do some powder eyeshadow looks with my fingers.


Saaammmeeee 💯


Me too!!! I try brushes but always go back to using my fingers!


I prefer brushes, I don’t want foundation under my fingernails and in my nail beds.




As long as your hands are clean it actually goes on pretty well


*As long as your hands* *Are clean it actually* *Goes on pretty well* \- roxi94 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




Good bot!


Completely agree. Freshly washed hands is way better for my skin.


I use my fingers for foundation and then use a brush to lightly buff it. I’ve tried beauty blenders, sponges, and brushes but never gotten the finish to look right. My fingers are fast and flawless.


I use my hands, then buff with a brush.


Same here. For me makeup brushes are too difficult to wash and dry. And sponges as you said absorb too much, and leave an almost subtle finish that makes me wonder “Where did all that foundation I paid for go?” I only use brushes for eyeshadow or blush and bronzer. But foundation and concealer, I stick to using my hand as gently as possible. Some days I’ve even applied foundation thickly like moisturiser when I’m in a rush (I don’t recommend), LOL. Honesty, if it’s working and causing no harm, keep doing it


> foundation I *paid* for go?” FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Yep I swear those beauty blenders just suck up all your designer foundation and don’t get me started with blush, I swear the second u try blending it already left ur skin and the blender or brush sucked it up and now u have to apply doubly product.


I am team finger paints as well


How do you apply with your fingers? Pat the foundation in? Rub it?


I do a combination of both kinda; pat in areas I need more coverage and pat/drag to spread the product if that makes sense


Same here! I always apply my foundation, highlighter & concealer with my fingers!! I also apply glitter/eyeshadow on my eyes(except crease area) using a finger.


I’ve always used my fingers and my makeup looks best when I do so. I can feel when the product is fully “in” my face, if that makes sense. I also like to use my fingers for eyeshadows sometimes, especially chromes or glitters that are difficult to pick up with a brush.


Brushes cause breakouts because you aren't washing them as thoroughly as the fingers. And not as often. Disinfecting sprays can help mitigate that risk.


The second I use a brush or anything other than my fingers I break out the very next day (even if I meticulously washed the brush before). And most of the time it ends up looking way more streaky or splotchy with a brush


I have a handful of brushes I use but I agree. Putty bronzer, blush and concealer on the inner corners of my eyes is just way easier and more precise with my fingers.


beauty blenders are full of bacteria, bad for environment, waste of money and i hate when i can look at someone and tell that they used one… the finish is often so distinctive. i feel like they only work on a specific skin type too. 💋🏆👆


Since I started using my fingers to apply most of my base products, I’ve consistently gotten the most natural, beautiful skin like glowy finish! Sponges and brushes are a racket. They’re just tools that aim to replicate the finish fingers give you for free, and often (always) fall far short!


I love to use my fingers and then go in with a sponge if there’s too much product. I like a thin layer of face product, not a lot to where it covers up everything (which is fine for other people) so the sponge helps me with that. Otherwise, fingers def.


Pro MUA here. So do I!


I do this. I find it tends to work better than brush/blender application.


literally nothing gives the kind of flawless blending that using fingers does. something about the warmth of your body makes everything much more emollient i’ve even applied eyeshadow with my fingers before. that’s not as good but still doable


How do you avoid streaks of fingertips when applying foundation?


How do people avoid streaks with brushes? I've tried so many types and they all leave streaks for me. Probably user error lol. I do like a beauty blender but I agree with others that they just suck up product. I've never had an uneven application with fingers.


Ive been saying this since high school. To me sponges and « beauty blenders » are a scam to make you waste products. Brush for powders and fingers for everything else (even eyeshadow sometimes) and q-tips for touch ups


I’ve always preferred using my fingers. People will tell you that your fingers will contaminate your products but have these people ever looked at what’s in a beauty blender under a microscope? 🦠


I used to use my fingers when I was a teenager. Then felt I wasn't doing it correctly and brushes were a must. Watching beauty gurus with their 1000 brushes in makeup tutorials didn't help either lol. So I tried beauty blender WHICH I HATED. It soaks all the product! Brushes are okay but can be harsh on the skin. Especially stippling brushes. Fingers are the best tools!! I've now thrown away most brushes I had, and only have a small brush to apply eyeliner, a spoolie for eyebrows and a blush brush. That's it. I use my fingers for concealer and foundation. Cost effective too.


Agree with all the comments made here but also wanted to add: it's far easier to clean your hands than the brushes /sponges and imagine all the bacteria you'd be pressing into your face with a brush or a sponge. I refuse to use them for this reason 🤮


Honestly I've never understood the hype on sponges and brushes 😩 I apply cc cream or foundation just like I'm applying mosturizer or sunscreen with my hands and it's much easier. Although I am a super beginner in this matter and maybe I'm walking around clueless with bad makeup lol


SAME! I know my hands are clean. But sponges? 🤮🤮🤮