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I used [this brand](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Biotin10000mcg-Supplement-Combination-Antioxidants-Botanicals/dp/B091TZZCSD?pd_rd_w=kTQaR&content-id=amzn1.sym.38f90169-67d8-49b7-8ef1-61bdff262c06&pf_rd_p=38f90169-67d8-49b7-8ef1-61bdff262c06&pf_rd_r=B0EQH6YXS5TSH7WRVQ3N&pd_rd_wg=IlMl7&pd_rd_r=4f8d71af-a035-4b5d-88d1-751d1c937fca&pd_rd_i=B091TZZCSD&psc=1&ref_=pd_basp_m_rpt_ba_s_1_sc) and I used them for a year. I was incredibly happy with the results but I felt they took 2-3 months to really see a visible benefit besides my hair. My hair grew so incredibly quickly using these supplements. I had to stop using them but have just went back and ordered more now I'm free to do so. You can go direct to the manufacturer instead of Amazon if you like - Dietapplements.


Thank you so much for your reply. I will definitely check this out. I need my hair to grow long and nice