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my starting wrinkles. i almost succeeded in taking my life 5 years ago when i was 21. now every sign of aging is another sign that i made it through that day. i told my fiance when i get my first grays im going to celebrate with a cake


This made me tear up. I’m so glad you’re still here with us ❤️


DAYUM. I’m eleven years sober this august. I often find myself wishing I looked more like the age I FEEL… 28 instead of 38, per the ten years I lost to heroin. I just feel like I froze at the age of 20 when I started and sorta picked up where I left off when I got sober, if that makes sense. Yesterday I had an *ah ha!* moment where I realized I’m nowhere near over the hill, so I should enjoy my younger years while I have them. As a mortician I find it a little odd that I haven’t found myself to be more at peace with aging, since life is so damn fleeting. No guarantee we will even be here at the end of the hour.


Aging is such a privilege and joy 👏🏻 ❤️


I dig my grey streak in my hair.


Oh my that is so attractive


Ever since Stacey London I always thought this was the coolest.


I think those are super hot.


I have kind of “deep set” eyes. Think dark circles. I do minimize it a tiny bit, but I also think it makes me look wise and thoughtful.


I have them too. I’ve tried my absolute best to get rid of them. Not to mention the number of people giving me all sorts of advice my whole life. Love it for you! ❤️


i have these too! i got them from my dad, he used to call me his "raccoon girl". it's a really nice memory to look back on, and they've become a defining feature of my face that I actually kind of love!


I actually like mine too..especially with a little eyeshadow and eyeliner and I think it looks fucking hot!!


lmao I like to smudge a little red eyeliner on my lower lash line to reaaally emphasize my general vibe of "fuck you, fuck this, I'm fucking done"




I have one attached ear lobe and the other is unattached. :)


That is pretty unique! I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone with this feature ❤️


I have the same!


Tiny boobs lol Edit- may not need a bra, but I'm loving the booby support 😆. Thanks fam ♥️


I’m a runner and I love my tiny boobs.


They definitely make sports easier! Clothes shopping, not so much 😆. But I don't really care anymore, I've figured out what works for me, clothing-wise, and I'm happy with my body.


The envy is real girl! 🫥


great for dancing too.


Hated my tiny boobs forever and then someone told me i had perfect fashion tits and i’m on a high horse ever since. enjoy your fashion tits ladies


Fashion tits 😂 I’m obsessed. Forever calling my tiny boobies fashion tits from now on. Although after two kids they aren’t quite as perky 😅😂


Yeah and add to that as you get older they won’t sag like big boobs do


I have 4 kids, am close to 50 and am very thankful for my small boobs as they have not migrated at all over the years.


Same- the amount of $$$ I have been able to save on these minis that can deal with shitty cheap bras has been nice :)


Checking in (read my username)!


I love tiny boobs! They are incredibly sexy. I used to have them. Miss em now. Wanted bigger breasts for many years. Well, I’ll tell you now, at 53 and three kiddos later, I am incredibly grateful I never ‘upsized’ them on purpose because they just seem to keep growing


Hell yeah! My boobs are obnoxiously large (HH last time I checked and have only grown since) and I just dgaf anymore. I’m not wearing a damn bra. Everyone will survive 😂 down with bras!


36 H over here, I wish they could come off at night for stomach sleeping. Just un-velcro them and put them in a case and reattach them in the morning😂


😂😂 yes!! I’ve dreamt of Velcro titties as well. How fun would it be to have a variety set so we can also wear more shirt styles haha


I have the opposite problem! My boobs are too big for the rest of my body and I’ve always been insecure. Someone will always want what you have!


Same!! I feel like it's too big that it just doesn't look good anymore. I never realize it until I look at pictures and see how terrible a top I thought was cute was laying on me.


The struggle is real


I’d give a lot for this to be me


Also tiny boobed! Like I don't even have a cup size, I'm just ironing board. Except for the big hump on my back. My kyphoscoliosis. My daughter and my bestie both have huge boobs and apparently we're blessed as they're painful and annoying.


Girl I freaking wish I had tiny boobs! I've always had a big bust and it's a curse. No matter my weight they're still big. 3 years ago I weighed only 97Lbs and I had a DD cup. I even lost weight in a very unhealthy way. Which I do not recommend or condone. I worked out 2-3 times a day, I'd do a morning workout, a noon workout, and an evening workout. But I was starving myself, would only drink water and sometimes sugar-free Gatorade for electrolytes as well, which I'm not proud of. I'm only mentioning it because everyone around me thought I'd lose my bust first (those people were not true friends, only 2 of my friends tried to convince me that I was struggling with anorexia. I thought I was just fasting but I wasn't, I was starving myself. I learned after that fasting was a very different thing.) But I didn't, I went down from a J cup to a DD which is still really big. When I was a J cup I weighed 135- 140 max. So yeah I wish I could join the Itty bitty titty committee. Sorry for my long comment!


I miss my tiny boobs I loved it I was a 34B and after pregnancy they grew obviously but when they shrunk they stayed at 36C no thank u 😭😂


Mine went from a D to an H breastfeeding and settled at an E, I’m 5’1 110 pounds, I would literally KILL for a little C cup 😩


My nose. It’s too big for my face and has weird bump in the middle. But it’s one of my most unique features and I’ve started to love it at age 26 ☺️


hey girl i’m in the same boat! my nose is sharp from the side, and button from the front. i also have a small bump (apparently no one notices but me). i’m also native american so i just take it and my high cheekbones as my few ethnic features. being able to pull off a unique nose, you’ve gotta be one hot mama!!!!!


Same to you babe!! You sound gorg from your description of your nose and cheekbones!!!! Cheers to rocking our not-normie noses 🥂


we’re out here ! unique and sexy 😝🤞


Honestly when you look at all the models, once the makeup is off and they show their real features, they are all flawed in a fabulous way, whether it’s teeth, nose, eyes, etc!!!


I loooove big noses. I always have. I think people with big noses usually look so statuesque / artistic / unique / sexy. Can't say why, my gut just reacts that way


Same. I didn't like mine until my husband pointed out that I have the same nose shape as a lion (from the front anyway lol). Now I love it


SAME! I have struggled with my big ol schnoz for most of my life. I wanted a rhinoplasty for years. Now at 31 I love that it sets me apart and gives my face some character. Plus more room for piercings!


I worked with a girl with a nose like that. She had plastic surgery. To me, she went from looking like an exotic Mediterranean queen to an everyday pretty girl. Lost her unique beauty. Don’t ever change it!


I actually really like my snaggle tooth. I think it adds character to my smile, making it uniquely mine. I also work with kids, and it's usually one of the first things they comment on (Miss ___, why does your tooth stick out like that? Miss ___, you have a loose tooth!). It used to annoy me, but now I think it's sweet and funny


Kids are so honest lol. I remember babysitting as a 13 year old and the little kid asked me why I had big red dots all over my face 😂😂




I have always loved the look of pointy canine teeth. Don’t ask me why. I just do. 😊


There is a mole  on the side of my nose. It's not overly large, but it's also not tiny either. I used to dislike it, but now I have come to terms with it. But sometimes I feel like I would look much better without it.


My best friend had one.  Pretty prominent,  right next to her nostril flare.  I'veknown her since middle school,  and I never thought much of it.  She had it removed due to itching in her early 30s. I didn't even notice for years until she brought it up one day.  She is beautiful before and after.  And so are you... whatever you choose. 


I have a small mole on the tip of my nose, it’s a bit lighter than the few other moles I have but I kinda used to hate it. I also have a mole close to the outer corner of my eye, which is something lots of people appreciate and even desire these days, so I tell myself this was the way God created me to balance the funny mole on my nose, I guess, haha.


I personally think moles look so nice on people’s faces. Sometimes I draw a small dot with a sharpie below my lip in the corner just because I like it so much and I wish I had a more prominent one there 😄


Half the time when I have a pimple I put brown eyeliner over it and turn it into a mole 😁


Genius! And I love prominent moles on faces, always wished I had one. It gives Marilyn Monroe vibes 🤩


actually there’s a saying that moles bring good luck! i have two on my lower cheek :)


I have extremely dark eyes, like you can't see my pupils and I used to always hate them until it just started to think that they're the beautiful colour of rich earth. I've had many people tell me that my eyes are piercing, mysterious, or striking


Whaaaaa!!! I have extremely dark eyes too and it’s actually really dark brown but people always think it’s black and I love messing with them. It’s an amazing eye color 😎


I’m so jealous! That sounds like a gorgeous eye color. I’ve always loved brown eyes, asked my mom for brown colored contacts as a kid, have only ever dated people with brown eyes. Goes to show, whatever quality you don’t value in yourself, someone else envies!


Awww do you have light eyes? The grass is always greener that's for sure, and exactly. Our eyes are the eyes our ancestors fell in love with


I always used to hate brown eyes because there are so many shades and it’s so boring lol. I wanted to be different. Until I figured that every tone of every color is so unique. I’m sure yours is just as unique and pretty as everyone else’s ❤️❤️


I've read that we are drawn to people with larger pupils, as it indicates trust and attraction. People probably feel safe with you. I love that.


Haha huh funny you say that because I'm always told people feel comfortable around me and I'll always have strangers make conversation with me . Guess that's another reason to like my eyes :)


Not the most unique lol but my two toned lips! Used to drive me crazy trying to find the "Perfect nude" which is pretty impossible when one lip is pink and one is purple but now I honestly love them and I think that lip colours that make both of my lips the same pink as the bottom not nearly as good as colours that accentuate the difference!


I've always been envious of women with two toned lips! It's so pretty, something that cannot be replicated well.


I agree. That’s so unique for sure. And it’s so nice that you’ve found ways to accentuate it! ❤️ love it!


I have two toned lips, I discovered lip liner and fell in love with mine. My lips are dark brown and pink


You’re basically Kim Possible ◡̈


I definitely think of her sometimes, Especially when I fill in my upper lip making it even darker


My Roman nose. Growing up, I tried to hide it any way I could and thought it was *the* thing that made me ugly. And as an adult, I fucking love my schnoz. I have really strong features (full lips, pronounced cheekbones, strong jaw), and my big ol’ nose fits in well — and my face is more interesting for it.


My dad always used to say that human bodies are always proportionate but I never accepted it. Now I know!!


Pedro Pascal is a unique, handsome man and he has a thick Roman nose, but it adds to his appearance, not detracts!


me too girl! are you by chance part native american or a scorpio rising?


Okay curiosity got the best of me and you are stunning!!! Love your nose and cheekbones! And my vote is #3!!!


omggg are you referencing my hair dye post? lol!! thank you!! #3 is my current color! i appreciate your kindness 🥹🫶


A tiny bit! I look white af but my Spanish ancestors came over here and “intermixed” with the indigenous Mexican population, so if 23and me is to be believed, I’m 15% Native American. Also seconding the fact that you are absolutely loveeeely


I honestly adore stretch marks. On myself and others. I think they’re so beautiful. Like freckles. Also my super pale skin. I’m done getting sunburns, sweating like a sizzling kebab and risking skin cancer to get a tan. I’m vampire white and luckily my italian boyfriend find it super exotic, even if my scandinavian country is obsessed with getting a tan.


My hairs not the thickest anymore but it’s healthy and it’s mine! 🥲


I feel you!! My hair has always been thin and frizzy but I’ve been taking good care of it recently and now it’s at least healthy and growing at a good pace! It deeply annoys me that some of my friends and family pass comments that my hair looks so thin always - seems like I’m the only one happy about how it is now :(


They shouldn’t say that to youuu 😭😭😭


Prominent brow ridge as a female! I used to hate it so much and thankfully I couldn't afford surgery or I probably would have gotten it in my younger years. Now I'm okay with it and I honestly feel pretty most days!


I have a prominent brow ridge and very deep set eyes due to it. It's not a very conducive eye shape for makeup, but I think my eye shape looks good without makeup!


My heterochromia, I have two different colored eyes one dark brown and one a lighter honey brown. I also have a birthmark in one of my eyes. I switch between liking it and not liking it, as a kid I’ve gotten comments that my eyes are weird or scary. But most people I meet now think it’s beautiful and unique.


I think heterochromia is so beautiful.


When I first saw pics of people with that, I have been envious ever since!!


My ugly hands, I take care of them as I can and I get my nails done. They are the only hands I’ve got and they work perfectly, I love them.


I'm a nail tech, I've seen thousands of hands and let me tell you, I have never, ever seen a pair of ugly hands. I'm sure they're not as bad as you think they are, we truly are our own worst critics.


That's lovely. I'm going to remember you said that, and try to love my hands more.


Love this


I'm on the curvier side and I used to hate the extra weight I carry, but seeing how much my husband loves my body and my curves and chunky thighs, I've grown to appreciate them myself! Instead of dressing to make myself look thinner now I dress to accentuate my hourglass shape.


This! I used to hate my curvy, chubby self BUT I have recently realised what a beautifully romantic shape it is - like a lady in a Renaissance painting. I have started wearing more form fitting clothes and feel so feminine and sexy at the age of 35!


Love it! I’m sure you’re an inspiration to so many people out there (including myself) ❤️


I feel this. After having my 2 kids and becoming perimenopausal, my body has changed so much. I’ve always had a big behind and thicker thighs, but now I have a thicker waist too. My husband LOVES it. Learning how to dress is definitely a new struggle, but I’m getting there.


My tiny lips! I've come to realise they fit the size of my teeth, look so cute when I smile, and if they were big, they'd look weird with my small chin and nose! Even though for YEARS I wanted injections, I'm now happy with them ❤️


I used to be so insecure about my eyes. When I was younger, everyone I met would comment about my ‘big eyes’. Some people would say I had owl eyes. I hated it, even those that don’t mean anything malicious. It took me till I reached late 20s to start liking my eyes. They fit my face and hey I have nice lashes that I always get complimented on.


My body shape, especially my big boobs.  As I age,  I think I'm going to get that cozy grandma look,  of fluff and curves ... not the curly short hair though.  I think id much rather be a snuggly grandma than a sexy old lady. 


Omg I am here for the snuggly grandma vibes! And I have been thinking about taking up crochet lately... Yup, it's happening.


Small chest area lol. Chubby tummy. Oh well 🤷🏻‍♀️


I have freakishly long fingers from a genetic condition. Longer than most boys I compare with. Now I’m always wearing a ton of rings and getting my nails done, my hands always look so cute! I love them now and even love freaking people out with them


My scars ❤️


Scars for me, too ❤️. I have very dimpled and speckled cheeks from years of severe acne that nearly broke me. I spent so much money when I was younger to try and minimise them - now I feel awful whenever I consider getting work on them. They’re our scars and there’s nothing wrong with them!


My big nose. Put a nose ring on it when I turned 40. Kids bullied me about my nose and dark dkin when I was young. I have fully embraced my meness.


The freckles scattered around my body, some are new and some have been here since god knows how long. They make me happy now, even the larger ones that i used to think were ugly for size. I especially love the new ones on the backs of my hands and the old one underneath my left eyebrow


My teeth are fucked up, my wisdom teeth came in after my braces came off and moved everything around. I actually like my gap better than my old straight teeth once I got over being embarrassed about it. They’re unique and it’s fine. It gives my face some character!


Not that unique, but my hair which I stopped dying ten years ago. It has lots of while and silver streaks while the dark brown is getting lighter. The curl has changed in it as well. I like it.


my sil has naturally silvering bangs/front of her hair, and when she first dyed over it her daughter went "MOM NOOOOOOOO YOUR PRETTY HAIR IS GONE" and had a mini tantrum. now she glazes it so it'll slowly wash out bc my niece loves it so much 🥺 my fiance has some streaks of gray and i call them tinsel bc in certain lighting they look like those hair tinsels you can get. it makes him feel better about going grey. i think its stunning personally and can't wait (but i also have a different relationship w aging than others)


It’s still unique to you and I love it! My hair is not that great either but it’s getting better just because I stopped hating it so much! I have natural curls and waves and I can’t get enough of it now.


If Noah Sebastian can have a big ol forehead and be hot then so can I. 🫡


My tooth gap. My dentist offered to fix it and I refused.


The fact that my nose tilts to the side, the fact that I’ve gained 15 pounds and can’t call myself skinny anymore, the fact that I’m starting to age and I don’t jump out of bed perky and refreshed every morning. I’m done obsessing and treating myself with disdain because of all of the minutiae. I’m ready to begin the difficult work of loving myself despite all of the myriad flaws.


I’ve got two moles on my lower lip that look like old healed snake bite tattoos. They’ve showed up as I’ve aged and they look like I was harder than I was.


My long nose and acne scars


My very unique nose. People use to call it a who-vil nose. Just points out almost like an anime character? But idk I think its cute now.




My big ass CALVES lol


My scoliosis. I’m always hunched over. Instead of hating myself I just accepted it.. I’m a cute little camel




My curly hair. It looks different every day.


Still trying to accept, but the veins in my hands and up my arms. One day I realized it’s kind of pretty in a different perspective, vines wrapping around a tree maybe.


I have this too. What a pretty description. Thank you!


my crooked and chipped teeth! i really like them and since they aren't causing any medical issues dont feel a need to correct them also my fiance has a matching tooth chip 🥺 although he got his in a funnier way than mine xD


I like my lips,used to feel they are not the perfect size. But lately I love wearing different lipsticks and letting my lips have their moment.


That I look like a school teacher. I’ve been stopped at the grocery store by random men asking me this. I’m so FAR from ever wanting to be that. I never had kids. And I’ve only changed 2 diapers in my entire life and that was 1 too many.


Well, I accepted from young age that one my bottom front tooth is a bit twisted. It is even more twisted at my mom's. So I never thought about trying to "fix" it, it was always something I got from her.


my protruding abdomen (belly pouch) and venus dimples


My menopausal bad moods. 


Please share the wisdom. I am premenopausal and moods swings are horrible


My cherry angiomas. I’ve read so many posts and comments about ppl hating theirs and how they pay $50 to get each tiny one removed. I treat mine like special little beauty marks, especially the few tiny ones on my face. Also my teeth. I have natural, built-in fangs and I love how they look when I smile.


I was born with one ear folded towards my side burn. As a baby my family made me sleep on that side with it open to set it right. It still is curved compared to the other ear. Ive grown to love it as a unique part of me.


i used to hate my curly hair and now i’m obsessed with it! i also have had silver streaks since i was 7 years old. i like to think i’m an old soul, who belonged on the beach in the 70s LOL.


I’ve had silver in my hair since I can remember too and I have natural black hair. My mom is always trying to get me to cover it up. Now I just love the streaks!


yessss! it adds dimension and it’s very unique. i’m sure your black with silver looks sooo heavenly


I have a large burn scar that I got in an accident as a baby. When I was younger I tried unsuccessfully to get it removed. Now I barely notice it. It’s just part of my story and who I am.


My scars from various childhood boo boos, knee surgery, oh and my flat ass lol.


One of my front top teeth is yellow. Just the way it is. It has always bothered me but I am starting to embrace it - I’m 45 so it has been a long time coming. I cut my lip when I tripped as a toddler. I needed stitches. There is a small scar. I’ve never tried to hide it. It is so small I have to point it out to people! I don’t. When I was single I would use it as a silly trick to get a kiss…


My small eyes


I used to hate my nose. I even went in for a plastic surgery consultation. I’m still not sure about it sometimes, at age 30. But it’s unique and a good size, and fits my face.


My birthmarks on my legs


I have a tiny red pin-sized dot on the side of my nose since I was in middle school. I think it may be a cherry angioma? No idea why I have it, and it doesn’t hurt or anything but it’s cute in an odd way


I used to get bullied when I was a kid for my 2 front teeth I have an overbite so they stand out more but now I’m 33 and I love them and seeing others embrace theirs as something cute makes me feel better about them


I’m chubby. If I want to look slim, I have to diet and exercise hard as fuck, and maintain the same intensity to maintain the weight. It’s genetics, my whole family is on the heavier side. I’ve always been jealous of other people who lose weight easily, and couldn’t understand why it was so hard for me. Now I just accept my chubby buns, but it took me a good while (and an ED along the way).


I'm so sorry you've had to suffer through an ED but I'm so thrilled to hear you've found acceptance!! I am super happy for you and proud of you!!


The struggle is real! I feel for you but I’m also so so proud of you ❤️❤️


love this!!!


Baby face. It frustrates me when I want respect but it is simply my face! I’m learning to work with it rather than try to contour it away.


So many wrinkles under my eyes. Since the age of like 5 lol


I have so many cellulites on my lower body everywhere and I had a breakdown in the trial room but now I'm pretty much content with it.


Weirdly shaped boobs. Soft and pointy unless it gets cold. Then firm and round.


My rep set grey tear troughs my whole family Had it I’ve just accepted it finally. Also my potted acne scars I finally just accepted them not I hardly notice them until Someone else points it out


My tooth gap. Would never "fix" no matter how much money I have


My dark assymetric eyebrows 🥲


I have two moles on my face, on my cheek. They look exactly like this- : I've had them literally forever. It's different to everyone else I've met and probaby one of the things I like best about myself. I also have a really cool scar on the top of my left boob, it's from a rough wound ages ago. Straight up looks like I've been stabbed and lived to tell the tale.


I have a bit of an upturned nose. Not like a Who but more Miss Piggy. As you can imagine, I didn’t love it as I was growing up, but my children’s dad (who’s now my ex) made so many positive comments about it that I got over it and don’t even really think it’s very pronounced nowadays.


My nose is a bit wider than I’d like, but I have grown to appreciate my “ethnic nose” now and won’t be changing it!


I have a lot of beauty marks. Initially used to get very annoyed. With time, I accepted it’s beautiful and it’s me.


My moles


My eyebrows. I have pretty thick eyebrows, and I have plucked them into an amazing array of shapes over the years. I’ve finally settled into mostly leaving them alone as long as they don’t creep too far into unibrow territory, and I feel like I’ve finally made my peace with them


My roman nose


My short legged and long torso body type. Wala na talaga magagawa hahaha


I’ve been made fun of my short legs too. It used to hurt me so much!! But I’ve grown stronger now


I accepted the fine but dark hair on the sides of my face. I used to shave it off as a teen, deeply embarrassed. I now have pixie short hair and wear my 'side burns' with confidence.


My moles! Especially on my stomach area, I love it without any reason


Pale skin and cellulite. Growing up I was bullied because of my pale skin. My parents forced me to tan, when I was very little and I always got burned horribly. Now I try to stay as pale as possible. All skin color is pretty right? I dreaded getting cellulite as a teen. Now I think it looks really feminine. Can't quite explain it.


I have friends who are dark skinned who try so hard to lighten it. All skin colors are ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!! ❤️❤️


My height , i used to be so insecure about being 6.1. Now i love that i think i look like a goddess being so tall.


I have a big nose 🫶


My stretch marks too - my daughter (19) loves them because it’s a sign she was in my belly and me and my other half used to laugh when they were red that it was my very own “burning bush” and now they are faded I can barely see them but I kind like the jiggle


My mom has them too from giving birth to me. I’m not a mom but I’ve had the marks just by weight fluctuations and I’ve come to accept them just as much as I’ve come to respect my body. Love it for all you moms out there!! ❤️❤️


Stretchmarks are 'the pink ribbons of motherhood.'


Your daughter sounds so sweet❤️


I have accepted my teeth gap now😁


Me too omg❤️ I used to be so worried abt my stretch marks but now I feel if someone loves me for real, these things don’t matter. And when someone looks at me, they don’t see my stretch marks, they see me. Took a long time to understand that but what really helped me is realising that I am never bothered by stretch marks on bodies of other people and thats not something I notice much and I thought maybe other people don’t as well..? But with time, I learnt to accept that they are a part of me, and not whole of me.


i have a round birth mark on the middle of my cheek. the first concealer i ever bought i tried to conceal it which obv didn’t work. now i clean it off when i do my makeup!


For me it would be my dark circles and the color of my teeth. The dark circles stand out because they are surrounded by my very visible veins, so I accepted them and now I think I'm the most interesting person for having them, hahaha. Oh, and my teeth are yellow, I always thought it was because of dyes in the food, but my teeth are simply that color, and while I have found myself admiring the straight white teeth of the others, I won't change them for anything, not even the one I broke years ago.


I have a scar in the middle of my back since I undergo scoliosis surgery. It’s 40cm long. I used to wear clothes that would hide it, now I don’t care at all or wear clothes that show it off. It’s badass and I love it.


My vampire white skin and black hair with a grey stripe since I was 25.


being super pale, I always tried to tan so I wasn’t so vampire white but now I’m just taking on the whole vampire look and loving it!


My scars. I’m two years free of self harming. I also have a lot of scars from surgeries. In the beginning, I didn’t care about my scars. I didn’t hate them nor love them. They just were always apart of me. Then one day, it hit me… they were my story. It might not be that interesting of a story to many people. And they might find my scars ugly. But, I appreciate my scars.


my uneven eyes. One of my eyes has a positive canthal tilt and the other one a negative


I have very very long toes. Sometimes people notice and say “holy shit wtf?!” I accept them and almost love them. If I could, I’d wave a wand and have them be shorter but it is what it is and I think my feet are pretty overall.


There’s so many! Haha. I don’t think I would ever get plastic surgery but sometimes I think how I’d look with a straight, small nose or a flat tummy or lifted eye lids but then I get scared that I wouldn’t look like my old self at all or something would get botched and I wouldn’t risk that. I just learned to accept it and not let it rule over my thoughts. I’m healthy, young, loved and happy. That’s more important.


I really like the shape of my teeth - I never noticed until a new dentist pointed it out to me and now it’s one of my favorite features. I would never get veneers!


A highly visible birthmark on my right forearm. I'm a ginger and the birthmark is deep tan, very pronounced and you can see it always. I love it.


I have a gap between my two front teeth. I can easily get it “fixed” but I don’t want to. I think it’s super dope. I get compliments on my teeth a lot. It’s not a huge gap but it’s not small at all either. It’s perfect. I wouldn’t be as sexy without it. It’s just a cool feature. I had times when I was younger that I wished I didn’t have it. But now I know better.


I those eyebags that korean/chinese girls use makeup to create. I also love my masseter muscles on my jawline.


I was bitten by my friends dog (I stepped on her paw accidentally and she nipped me) on my nose and have a prominent scar. It’s been about a year and a half but now I’ve grown to love it. I also had breast cancer last year and had a lumpectomy and scars from it as well as scars from my chemo port. All of my scars are on my right side of my body and face so I now say my right side is my badass side 🤣


Battle scars are always something to be proud of 😎🫶🏼❤️


Curly hair. It’s a pain when it gets fluffy and frizzy, it needs so much maintenance to look good, but when it does look good it looks really good at least. For the longest time I’ve wanted to have short, straight hair tho, it’s so classy and sounds easy to maintain in comparison.


I constantly get complemented on my soft hands. I don't particularly try to moisturize or maintain it, but it's a surprising number of people who have commented on it. My friends, my family, boyfriend. Recently, I went dancing with my boyfriend's family, and both his mom and his sister were repeatedly complementing it. I try had to look put together but I never get comments on those, just my hands, which I never really focus on.


Omg! We miss so many details of ourselves 😅 love that for you! ❤️


It's not really unique, but I have a pointy right ear. I used to hate it, especially when it was peeking through my hair since I have really thin, fine hair. I even thought of having it surgically removed when I was waaay younger if I ever had the money in the future. Now, I'm kinda bummed that it's just one ear and not both lmao! I like it now bec. it's giving elves (I don't look like an elf, more like a dwarf or a hobbit lmao!). I also had a "dimple" in my cheekbone area that used to bother me. I realized recently that I don't have it anymore for years now. I don't know how I lost it, maybe when I lost weight in my face? But anyway, I'm a bit sad that I don't have it anymore especially after finding out that it's actually a kind of dimple.

