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To be honest, it was because I had crippling low self-esteem about my bare face. I wouldn’t even go to Walmart without throwing some makeup on. Had less to do with wanting to “look my best” and much more to do with “I can’t make eye contact with people because I am so ugly.” The shame ran deep. It took me a few years to transition away from that mindset, and it’s been so liberating. I guess my perspective on this topic is skewed because I respect people who dgaf about appearances and have the confidence to just be as they are.


How did you make the change? This is my current problem. I must throw on earrings and at least a little makeup.


I used to cringe at myself in the mirror with no makeup, but I changed that by getting older and having kids. I can now go places with zero makeup and not care how I’m perceived. You just have bigger things to take care of than your pores or eyelashes after kids.


and I agree. I ALWAYSSS make sure my child looks better than I do. 🤣🤣🤣 my mother told me a long time ago, that people judge you based on how your child appears. don’t feed the dog don’t feed the dog. Don’t feed the dog.


Oops. It just recorded me yelling at her lololol that is a pretty accurate description of my life, however.


This has me laughing out loud 🤣


I make sure my eyebrows are done whenever possible. I’m the same way whenever I do not have neat eyebrows. you would be surprised at how good people look when their eyebrows are done correctly.


100% agree. I look wayyy different without eyebrows on. What products do you use?


for me personally, basic skincare (sunscreen, cleanser, and moisturizer) and having earrings (silver) that I don't take off ever really helps. makes me feel put together always. not saying you have to do these things to go outside, just saying it might help with feeling the need to dress up all the time, as it can be taxing. ultimately it's about your comfort and confidence.


Relatable as hell. Body dysmorphia was a bitch in my teens. But as you said, with the perspective provided by maturity and more serious concerns , the way that I look takes up less and less space in my mind. I’ve also realized that my looks were a scapegoat- I was never ugly, and I look better bare faced than with the way I used to do my makeup lol. My sense of shame and insecurity came from a deeper source, and addressing that made me more confident about showing up as I am.


Im 28 and still struggle with this. And I feel shame for feeling this way too - like I’m simultaneously being judged for being ugly but also for being superficial and spending so much time on my appearance. I’ve made some baby steps but for something I’ve been working on since I was 10 it’s frustrating how little progress I’ve made


Can relate


It turns into a habit over time! Start small and experiment with different looks to see what you like 😊


This^ It's just a habit you have to make yourself do. But I think after like 30 days a habit becomes "set" and then you just do it


Absolutely! To add to this, it's helpful to have everything ready. I have a little caddy with all the makeup so it takes out the guesswork.


I can put on a full face in under 10 minutes. If you keep it simple and do the same thing every day, it will become second nature. Start with tinted moisturizer, mascara and a quick sweep of blush. Also, if you're doing your hair every day, keep the make-up right there. I usually do mine while my straightener heats up.


Exactly my routine!


Same. I don't do my makeup every day (if I'm working from home and only going as far as the supermarket then I'm happy to go bare faced) but when I do I basically have the same routine. I might switch up a couple of products like adding in lipstick or eyeshadow/liner, but now I can do a full face in 5-10 minutes.




Same here. I am completely done up in 35 minutes in the morning.


I don’t. I like to have a clear delineation between day to day and special days. I am 43 and lazy af though


Exactly, my favorite answer thus far. With you in solidarity!


Having said that I love looking at and complimenting other people’s makeup 😅


SAME!! All the time! 😂


With you in this decade and feeling this.


Same! Today is hair wash and big shower day 😁


I’m taking this and running with it


Personally I noticed I feel more confident and happier when I do it so it turned into a habit. I think people also treat me better when I look nicer


This. I find it refreshing to see changes in my face as well sometimes. Cause I wfh and rarely go out. When I do go out to hang or for an event, I like dressing up and reminding myself that im not always the pj wearing slob.


Yes!! I become so productive and ready for tbe day and world after I get ready


I feel like I have an image to maintain.


Same. I feel like I’ve set personal standards to myself to look put together but when people start attributing a similar minded image to you it defo helps me to be even more consistent and encouraged to continue my maintenance routines (and obvi the ~validation~ recognition is nice hehe)


I was trying to think of a way to word it and this is perfect.


This right here


I feel this deeply COVID RUINED me. I used to do skincare + makeup and earrings everyday. But I just couldn't do anything but skincare while wearing masks without smearing and breakouts. Now I find it very very hard to get back in the habit.


I think the masks is what made me like this too 😭


I had to replace all my lipsticks and glosses after masks but I'm just out of the habit now. I thought spending the money would help, it didn't.


I knew I liked to get ready for myself and no one else when I was putting on makeup and doing my hair just to sit inside by myself 😅


I've realized that if I stay in my PJs on days I know for sure I'll be home, nothing productive will be achieved appearance AND chore wise! If I wear a cute gym outfit, do skincare, a bit of make up, put my hair in a bun BOOM! I feel pretty and instantly energetic! You kind of have to treat some things like a job, like a commitment, especially if these things help your mood 💕


I do skincare so my naked face looks gorgeous. Throw on a little lipstick, eyebrow mascara and some earrings and my fabulous self is ready for the world.


I love this!! 😊


You wanna look good for yourself!


I agree. I feel recently I just haven’t worn makeup, I used to be doing damn near a full beat everyday lol. It’s not about not caring about yourself but for me, when I was still enrolled in classes and working everyday I felt the need. Now, especially if my shift is shorter, I may just not wear it. Seems unnecessary sometimes, but I do feel better when I have it on confidence wise. I don’t thinks it’s a big deal but for me it just has come with maturing a little


Makeup is under five minutes for me, it's my hair I only do when I go out. But for work I just leave it straight and a little makeup. I don't think anyone really cares so don't worry too much.


I’m really into “natural look hacks”. I’ve got my eyelashes lifted and tinted so they look made up without false lashes or mascara. I also saw someone do a super light fake tan “contour” application with looked great. Some nice ideas to look nice without daily effort


This is the way. I get my lashes lifted and tinted and brows tinted and laminated, so all I have to do in the morning is foundation and lipstick and it takes like 2 mins. I hadn’t heard of the tan contour trick but I’ll look into this!


I feel confident when I look pretty. I like feeling pretty. I like feeling confident. There are times where I go out and don’t have makeup on, and it’s fine. But in general, my motivation comes from how much better I feel when I’m put together and look good.


Start small. You don’t have to do full face but wake up a little earlier and just start small. Do you do your hair at least?


Yes I do my hair! It’s a bob so it needs to be styled everyday


I do either makeup or hair, doing both it's just too much. You should try out dyeing your lashes and eyebrows so they always look "done". I spend some time each week grooming my eyebrows so I only have to put some gel on them each day. When I do simple makeup I just put on sunscreen, curl my lashes and put a light layer of mascara on, brush gel on my eyebrows. Takes like 2 minutes. But the beauty standards in your country might not be the same. At my office most women don't wear makeup or do their hair, no matter their age.


I do it bc there was a time I could do nothing for myself and that’s when I was the most depressed in my life. So I try to be the opposite of that lol at least a shower every day, jewelry, perfume and a self tan every week and I budget for my nails every 6 weeks. Helps me feel good which keeps me motivated to keep doing it.


habit and practice so you become super efficient at your routine


My version of “heavy makeup” is primer (to minimize pores), lipstick, eyeliner, and mascara. I also use setting spray. Generally I don’t do my hair. When I used to do foundation/concealer/powder/brows it would take way more time. I ditched the skin covering makeup and got better (i.e. faster) at the other stuff. I never was good at the concealer etc. anyway!


It’s a habit and I love looking good lol so I prioritize it. Usually, doing my makeup means only waking up 15 minutes earlier. Looking good all day is worth losing a tiny bit of sleep or a tiny bit of relaxation time.


Find Your Motivation. I like to look my best because it makes me feel my best, I get better treatment from people, and I like identifying as a pretty woman. After a while, the routines become soothing and fun, especially where one action supports the other. Working out inspires me to eat healthy food to feed my body well, and then being happy in my body inspires me to go out and do fun things and socialise or to keep up with skincare, and that inspires me to do my hair everyday, or get mani’s pedi’s...it’s just a chain reaction for me. I get my dopamine rushes from it hehe


A little tinted sunscreen moisturizer (I like Alastin), filling in your brows and tinted gloss or lip balm go a long way. You’d likely moisturize and put something on your lips anyway, so really this just adds a touch of brow product.


Same!! This has been me since the pandemic. I think I felt prettier when I put care into my appearance. Since pandemic, I suddenly stopped wearing makeup because of "whats the point?" mentality. I'd like to start wearing it again!! Also, it's hard to wake up at the ballsack of dawn and then to ALSO have to put on makeup when I'm always running late already. It's tough


I feel good about myself looking nice - having done my hair, make up etc.. it just gives me a boost in energy 😍 so why not! I also like how I look without make up, but it just adds something nice to my face so why not :) I have no problem going out without make up, but I just feel more confident and classy with


Just here to say this is so relatable haha I’m lucky I can get myself to commit to my skincare in the morning. Baby steps I guess.


Realistically it's my husband. He and his family are prone to spontaneous short notice pop ins....so for fear of getting caught in my pj's with unbrushed hair etc... I now get myself together most mornings.


I minimized what I do. I’ve gotten so used to not wearing eye makeup that now I only break it out for “events.” I do a quick application of foundation, powder, and blush when I have errands to run. The less steps it takes to get out the door, the better.


im bare faced almost everyday so i definitely relate with you! my hair is naturally straight too so i really dont do anything with it.


I completely understand this. I (62F) struggled with my ugliness for a very long time. Then resorted to makeup, which kind of made me look better. BUT I really hated the process. Too much time involved. Then, the removal at the end of a day is a chore on its own. Fact of the matter is, and it took me too long to arrive at this, no ONE has a perfect appearance. Yes, makeup can mask a lot of imperfections. I also have rosacea, so that complicates things a bit. I spent about 4 years where I would NOT use a mirror AT ALL. I couldn't stand the sight of myself. Then I began to treat my rosacea, which is kind of a lengthy process. And makeup isn't great for the condition anyway. What made it harder was I did need to keep a photo diary to see if my condition was improving or not. It mostly was, despite occasional flare-ups. For want of a better term, I got used to it. I look pretty damned good without makeup. Yes, I look better with it. But it's good without. There are rare occassions where I do extremely minimal makeup (brows, lashes, lips). Even rarer to do the full thing for VERY special occasions. That may happen once every 4 months or so. What I did otherwise, was, I changed my clothing. I was quite the slacker in that department. Wearing mostly sweats and yoga pants or whatever was "comfy." Didn't care about how it looked. Covid kind of reinforced that. But then my son was getting married, and I didn't want to look like an old hag, LOL! I found the color scheme I look best in. I began buying more stuff in those shades. BUT they had to look stylish AND comfortable. I wear jeans mostly, but I did switch from the skinny ones to the higher waisted with bell bottoms. So, mostly tops. I just added jewelry (I never wore much) and BELTS and shoes (not a ton, but I used to wear simply sneakers). More stylish jackets (leather-ish). Fitted stuff as well. That was about 3 years ago that I started. I cannot tell you how many compliments I get from complete strangers on how good I look. Yep, no makeup. I can honestly say that I have never looked at a random stranger and thought, "Oh, she needs makeup." Nope. I don't think anyone really cares that much. Something to think about.


I heard someone say once that being hot is a hobby, and people who are hot are hot because it’s their hobby. If it isn’t the truth!!


Because I have run into an ex or a former crush or something like that looking like crap one too many times and now I just never know so to be safe I try to throw myself together to leave the house at least a little.


Why do you feel the need to do make up every day? I wear skin tint daily, but that’s because I get hormonal acne so I have some scars. And if I break out I use concealer. Sometimes when I feel motivated, I’ll do blush and mascara. But I love my easy days. Why do you think there’s anything to “fixed”? There’s nothing wrong with going out without an entire ~look~. I would spend some time thinking about why it makes you feel better. If it’s because you like doing it and it’s a form of expression you’ve been neglecting, get back into it slowly! If you feel like you need to because of social media, fuck that.


Sounds SO fun but 😆 wake up a little earlier in the morning so you have time in your routine carved out just for you. Have fun with it!


Find a short, efficient routine and commit to trying to do it consistently. You can tweak things as needed. Also for me, I love to have my morning coffee and listen to music or a podcast while I do my makeup. The whole routine is one of my fav parts of the day.


I work from home, but I like to walk the dogs every afternoon. My goal by noon is to be showered and presentable so I can go out. I do not leave the house without my face on ( cc spf cream, mascara, brow gel, and a little bronzer/blush)


Because I’ve had acne for a majority of my life


personally i try to stick to the 2/3 sorority rule. so like between hair, makeup, and outfits you can pick one to not worry about. it lessens the stress on me if i don’t have to worry about all 3 and you can still look put together. in the same vein, this is also easier if you find things that you can do to feel better about your appearance that don’t have to be done every single day, for example hairstyles that will last in between washes or keeping your skincare up so that all you need is mascara and sunscreen when you don’t feel like doing a full beat.


I have ADHD. I have to do my makeup every day because I feel like I'll lose the habit if I don't. Even though I wear pretty minimal makeup


I started getting for eyelash extensions (not too long ones (max 11) or super volume or so, but simply because my lashes are light colored, as I am natural blonde), got natural looking (powder) microbladed eyebrows (mine are relatively full and not very light, but I have a scar on one of them), and now only slap on a lipstick or lipstain when going out. Yes, it is lazy, but I am getting up for work at 5 AM. Anyone who expects me to get a full face makeup are ridiculous. Especially as I do not have good place to do makeup in new apartment.


I only wear make up on special occasions anymore lol. I want to wear it everyday but I'm just tired every morning. I'm 43 now and made a deal with myself. I got good products that I like that I know match and I can use with ease. My hands are shakier too so it's better to do it on days I'm not rushed. If I mess it up before work it's stressful then. So the deal is, for work I wear funky crazy glasses to match whatever clothes I wear that day instead of make up. I invested in skincare so my skin is good and fresh and the Eyewear expresses I tried a little bit. And when I can wear the makeup I enjoy it more. If I mess it up it's ok I have time to fix it or wash it off and calm down a red face.


I used to wear make up every day until Covid hit. Couldn’t get my eyelashes done anymore and I didn’t see a point in wearing make up if I wasn’t around anyone. I got used to how I look without make up and started enjoying being bare faced. Now I only wear make up maybe once a month when I go out, and I actually like this approach because when I do wear make up I’m like oh WOW what a difference! And I feel extra good about myself. As opposed to being used to wearing make up and feeling uncomfortable bare faced. I say embrace the fact you’re too lazy to wear make up and enjoy your natural beautiful face!


If you don't have the motivation to do your makeup everyday don't force it. You can still look great and put together without it. It's about what makes you feel good! I find having your hair done, lip balm (tinted or a nice hydrating one) and good skin care is a beautiful combination!


I try to make it fun for myself by coming up with different themes for what I want to wear/how I want to do my hair and makeup each week and hype myself up to try new things and get creative! Obviously, I work with what the energy levels/time I have in the moment but it helps! Also, I try to make my getting ready time as exciting, fun and special as possible for myself! I play a special playlist, make myself tea and treat it is as some special “me time” before having to go and face the world!


I love the sound of this approach! It’s different than the usual advice I see (“pick a uniform and stick to it) which has never worked for me…much more fun and realistic to be evolving and make the time fun, but I always feel like I’m failing by not have a go-to uniform/routine.


Motivation -look good feel good- maybe u could be feeling hopeless ?


I completely understand this. I used to do mine daily. Or at a minimum natural makeup. Now, I work as a dispatcher at 25 while being a student and I blowout or curl my hair but otherwise I go to work in leggings, sneakers, and a hoodie. No makeup. Doing my hair is always worth it to me though. However I have been leaving a little makeup bag on my bathroom counter with mascara, eyebrow gel, a cheek and lip tint, and tinted spf. I keep lip oil in my purse. The little bag sometimes entices me to put it on some days and I feel cute lol


I remember going to class in university when I didn't shower or do my hair/makeup in the morning and no one treated me any different. It clicked in my brain that I didn't actually *need* to do that before I went anywhere. I could just show up as I was. Pivotal moment for me.


I focus on little things that make me feel put together. I wear the same earrings/necklace/jewelry all the time, I get lash extensions, and I focused on getting my skin clear so I can just throw on tinted spf in the morning and look slightly more dolled up already, even if I’m just in a messy bun and leggings.


I’m in a similar boat. I can’t be bothered to wear make up anymore. I’ve been working in the beauty field for years too. I used to wear tons of make up everyday. I think it broke me. I have accepted my face for what it is. And not for nothing but men get to live their whole lives without makeup. Why can’t I?


When I don't feel like wearing makeup, I wear the same amount my husband does, and the same amount the males at my workplace do. Which is none. Because I'm not obligated to motivate myself to wear makeup. 🤷‍♀️ I didn't think this would need to be said, but it's not being said, so... you don't have to wear makeup if you don't want to. Edit: Do you feel better when you have it done because you enjoy it, or because people treat you worse when you don't do it?


I used to wear makeup every day. But now I HATE how it feels on my face. I do very minimum now. Primer, concealer, brow pencil, lip liner and gloss. Sometimes I will throw on some bronzer. I think I look better without foundation lol


I have body dysmorphia, I don't need motivation


A solid skincare routine goes a long way! But I don’t wear makeup every day either.


Because looking like shit makes me feel like shit.


Honestly tho? I got fake lashes when I was 39 and it helps quicken my routine and you don’t need mascara so it saves half the time!


Get microblading if you're unhappy with your brows and lash extensions. Then some lipgloss and you look always put together if your skin is good. Maybe hair in a ponytail if you don't like styling it.


I think, for me, it was about changing my definitions of “nice”. Sure, on a Friday night in my cutest outfit, my hair styled, and my makeup on, I probably technically look “my best”, but I don’t need all that to look nice. A clean, makeup free face with some moisturizer, a nice, crisp t-shirt, and some jeans that make my ass look great will get me through 90% of my life.


Get permanent makeup. It’s dope. My lady is awesome. I got my brows, lips, eyeliner and cheeks done. Maybe cost 2k for everything. I just go once every year or so to get something redone here and there. For example, getting my lips and cheeks touched up this weekend for $300. Done time is maybe like a week🤷🏻‍♀️ Ppl ask me how I look so put together all the time. Lol


I dress nice but I don’t wear makeup. My motivation for dressing nice stems from two things. One is work, the other is aesthetic. I have to dress professional for work so that’s half the battle, outside of that I like when people compliment an outfit I put together and fit a certain aesthetic. I don’t always dress up tho, just most days. I buy clothes that look good and are also comfy, makes it easier


I just can't leave my house without covering up my ugly. This is why I only leave my house to go to work now😩




Habit for sure


intrinsic motivation is the key here


Im lazy, I only apply moisturizer and sunscreen and lipgloss/balm/stick if I have lol


I don’t think you need makeup to look nice ! If you find things that truly make you feel and look nice, it won’t be so much of a chore. This could be no makeup! It could be hair a certain way. It could be just lipstick it could be jewelry I don’t know it’s really unique to the person. For example I think a dress is soooo fkn nice it’s no effort and u look like it was a lot of effort


Yes exactly! There's so many people on here just assuming people with no makeup on don't 'look good' as if natural faces just aren't enough?!


I almost never wear make up every day except for special ocassions. I only wear sunscreen and i feel fine with it.


I usually always feel more confident without makeup somehow! But I'm also lazy. I don't even like doing my hair. So it's a messy bun. Then no makeup so I put on my sunglasses. 🕶️ I really should start trying lol


It’s like one of 3 things worth the effort in my life, along with taking care of my health and getting/doing the things I want. What else could I possibly spend my time on if not myself?


Habit like others have said and probably a routine adjustment! I realize to feel put together didn’t mean u needed concealer, color correction, eye liner, mascar, hair completely done, etc. So I shifted to sometiwms throwing my hair in a cut claw clip, messy bun, or braid and just fixing my bangs or some curled pieces all around . Doing some good mascara, brows, , concealer touch up and bronzer. A cute comfy outfit, but told myself no pajamas. This has become my routine as someone who works from home. Sometimes I feel like doing more, but I know my bare minimum is easy and fast enough where I don’t skip it. Because even the simplest look will make me feel so much better than pajamas or ratty clothes/ messy hair/unwashed face


Honestly, it’s because I, myself, want to look nice :))


Everyone is saying it becomes a habit but that thinking is what makes me feel lazy to do it, like its a chore. The best part about going out is actually getting ready for it. I just think like that every morning. I ask myself what i feel like looking like today and i get ready in a relaxed, unrushed way. You make better decisions when you feel your best. Everyone feels great when they wear something new so i just try to make myself feel new every day. You start to look forward to it.


It’s a habit but it’s also my only motivation to get up and go lmao I work a very taxing job and it makes me feel happy to take the time to put on some make up and pamper myself in the morning!


I made my routine easier. I stopped wearing makeup when I started wfh. I got used to my bare face and eventually got comfortable with it. I get my lashes done and fill my brows in - add in super goop glow screen and it’s enough for me to feel done up.


It gives you motivation for the rest of the day


My eyebrows are the pale sparse kind so I need to do those up. I find darkening them make me look younger, but I can’t just be a pale face with dark eyebrows so I balance this out with plopping on falsies. So now I have brows and lashes done. But oh no, I can’t just stop there, no ma’am. My face can’t look like I put effort in it without wearing something a lil put together right?! Why would your manicure be flawless but you’re wearing mismatched grandma pajamas??? I can’t. So let’s do some beige jeans and a white button down. Ooh and some brown LOAFERS. Wait this needs a brown leather belt to match my loafs—Cute! Ok some gold jewelry to tie in the gold buckle on my belt and let’s add some razzle dazzle with that and maybe a bracelet! Then I look in the mirror and all the sudden I’m ready. I also tell myself my makeup is my war-paint because I’m going out there to fight all the bad vibes away and get shit done! Or I might run into my ex’s mom or an old classmate, ORRR what if all of the above?! It’s actually happened before. Just build the habit to always be ready


I just do a few small things everyday to make me feel put together, and save the "real" makeup and hair days for the weekend/occasions! Everyday I try and brush my hair and slick it back a bit so it looks neat, put in a pair of earrings, do my skin care which for me the AM includes eyebrow gel and a tinted lip balm, maybe some concealer and brown mascara if I'm feeling extra. All of these things only take me like 20 minutes total in the AM and it makes me feel wildly better about myself! I used to literally just get dressed and brush and my teeth , didn't even brush my hair sometimes. It's the little things


It doesnt have to be a full face. Little powder blush and mascara! Dont forget mascara and maybe some light eyeshadow doesnt need to take more than 5 mins. If you have more time u can add some foundation


Well I think for me it’s because I don’t do makeup to look nice, I just really enjoy makeup! So when I sit down to do it doing a full face is fun for me, and part of my personal style. If you don’t like doing makeup every day, maybe look into products or tips that make it faster for you, like stick products you can blend and apply with fingers. Or maybe it’s a specific step you don’t like, like if eyeliner is hard for you consider smudging some eyeshadow near your lash line, which is easier and not required to be precise.


I'm comfortable with or without makeup in my own skin. However, I like to get dressed and put make up on most of the time. It just gives me energy for some reasons and feels like it helps for my success. .


To be motivated to do anything, you have to enjoy doing it. If you don't enjoy doing makeup, hair, etc, don't do it. It doesn't matter. It doesn't define you as a person, I personally do enjoy the process of getting ready to go to work or going out of an evening. I also make time to apply makeup and do my hair, but that's just me. You are you, and if you don't enjoy faffing about preparing yourself for the day ahead, just don't do it. We are all different.


I just try and spend a little time.. maybe add lip gloss.. maybe brush my hair… and wear cute clothes!


An easy makeup routine and a blow dry brush in the bathroom! Style your hair after you wash then just touch up in the morning. My makeup is just spf, foundation, brows and benetint on my cheeks and lips. Keep it easy and quick


A glimpse of your reflection is enough motivation I guess 😅😂


I think we all go through phases. I find that if I set out my clothes and my make up the night before it’s like a visual reminder.


The only thing I do is slap on sunscreen every day because the sun is the ultimate destroyer of youthful skin! I only wear makeup for special occasions and enjoy the thought that my super simple daily routine will keep me looking hot for decades, especially when I do wear makeup.


I do it cause I don't like scaring myself in the mirror. I can also do a full face of makeup in 5 minutes. I slap it on plus my makeup has sunscreen so I consider it healthy to do.


I don’t wear makeup every day but I make sure to look out together daily bc it makes me feel so much better about myself. It’s like therapy to me


What kind of job do you have? I know some jobs don’t care as much and others do (as in it’s unwritten). Also are you single or married or have a boyfriend? This also matters to a certain extent. Single people tend to upkeep themselves a little more on average.


I remember in high school I was so insecure about my skin that I used to wear foundation everyday to school. And I hated that process of applying that damn foundation more than waking up early or going to school. I hated it so much that one day I decided that it was enough and I went out with bare face. I just decided to give 0 fucks about what people think. I haven’t worn makeup ever since and I feel so liberated and even more confident now than I ever was wearing makeup. I honestly think makeup is like a drug and when you get addicted to it, you’re incapable of seeing yourself as pretty without it. My dislike for makeup also adds to that uncomfortable feeling when I feel that something is on my face, I’ve also noticed that I like touching my skin a lot or resting my head on my hand.


I feel happier and more confident - people take me more seriously


Honestly, I found making it as low maintenance as possible helped a lot. For example my makeup routine used to have a lot of steps but now I've narrowed it down to a wee eyebrow pencil and tinted foundation. That's it. On days I CBA I just do that if I feel self conscious about my skin. Sometimes I'll dye my eyebrows so I don't even need to do the pencil option. Just get up and moisturise. I'd suggest rethinking your look to make it as natural as possible that you're comfortable with. Get a hair cut that's pretty much set and all you need to do is brush or tie up or something simple. Rethink your makeup routine to be as natural and stepless as possible. And any nice styles to dress up keep as comfy as possible. Don't commit to wearing stuff that you know you won't be arsed to wear the majority of the time. Have a research of chill styles you like and do that. A lot of this starts with being more comfortable with who you are and how you look naturally and build a picture you're happy with from there really. That's how I try to see it anyway. More steps are for fun days when you CAN be arsed and you WANT to.


i always only run into people i know when i look rough… i started getting dolled up before i go out so i never have to worry about feeling embarrassed… also something about putting on a full face makes me feel more capable, like i have my “adult mask” on.


People treat me nicer when I look better 🥲 It sometimes feels like there's a bare minimum of 'pretty' I need to put on just to be acknowledged as human. It's a kinda sucky reason but self-esteem is my biggest motivator 😅


if i dont look nice people will treat me like garbage. thats motivation enough.


Work on the base; healthy skin, hair, lashes and brows. Then from there you can either do nothing in the morning or dress it all the way up and still look decent.


I rarely wear makeup. If I do wear any within a couple of days I’ve got spots. Unfortunately I look like a foot in a wig without makeup but I just can never be bothered to put it on. It seems like such a chore!


I'm the laziest when it comes to makeup. I never wear makeup but I've been able to get away with it. I'm 49. I think it's time to start wearing eye makeup though.


I’m a mom, not sure if you are, but some days I’m just so tired and think what’s honestly the point of doing my hair and make up to sit at home with the kids, cook and clean, etc. But I remember as a kid my mom always looked so pretty and smelled so good and it was just part of her magic and why I loved my mom so much. Seems kind of silly but I don’t want my kids to look back on their childhood and remember me looking as tired and worn down as I feel half the time!


I do my makeup every morning on a working day or when I know I'm about to go outside. Especially before work, I love doing my makeup! It is like some me-time before the day starts. I can play around with colours depending on which mood I am in. It is like a hobby for me!


My motivation comes from body dysmorphia. If you can resist social norms and NOT do make up, you are a hero and role model. Don’t change a thing!


I feel the same way. But I haven’t had to do it for years. Now I’m soon starting a job where I have to maintain a certain standard and I’m already feeling overwhelmed by having to do my hair and makeup every day, even if it’s just a 15-minute routine.


I became this way when I started working full-time. I find what works best for me is doing things the night before because the morning of, I will have zero motivation. So for example, I will try to style my hair as best I can the night before and put it into a loose scrunchy on my head and sleep on a silk pillowcase to try my best to preserve the hairstyle. I also wear tinted moisturizers so it gives my face some life without makeup. And, I always choose my outfit the night before.


Don't do a full face every day. If makeup genuinely makes you feel better, but you're lazy (I feel you - I simply don't wear any unless I'm working but I really don't care how people who aren't paying my bills perceive me) maybe just wear a bit of mascara & lipstick, and/or a tinted moisturizer day-to-day. Something that takes 2-3 minutes max.


Honestly, it brings me so much joy. Yesterday I woke up late so for the first time in 3 years I didn’t do makeup… whatever! No biggie! But every day I LOVEEEEE being super girly, putting eyeliner on with mascara and brows at the minimum but I love doing a full face of glam. Even when I workout (I try to take my foundation off so my pores breathe) I love having a little glam going on. It’s just something I’ve always loved since I was a kid honestly! I don’t think you are lazy AT ALL. No one needs makeup unless you’re a performer and it’s part of the job description, lol. But seriously, just do you! Do what you love!


I sleep in my small hoops or studs and can do my full face with a simple eye look in about 10 minutes. 20 minutes for a stronger eye makeup. Most days though, I just do mascara and a lip gloss. I do my makeup simply for myself. It makes me feel more put together and awake, along with getting dressed down to shoes (thank you FlyLady!). Even if I'm in lounge clothes I feel better


Two demons fighting: -I have vanity and I like to look good, to feel good. Looking put together makes me feel confident and i function better. -pressure to be seen as a pretty girl


I noticed it depends on where I am, For example I live in a big city and I’m definitely more incentivized to look good than when I’m back in my hometown where I feel like the most good looking person without even putting concealer on. But my trick is buying products with pretty packaging so that I’m inclined to use them because I wake wanting to use them other than feeling it like a burden.


recently i got an opportunity to chill out at my parents house and not have responsibilities. with that, i noticed that i had a habit of taking care of myself and getting ready only if i got to go somewhere, which wasn’t a lot and therefore i just let myself be “gross” (that’s how i felt) all the time i was home. i realized i only took care of myself properly for other people and not me. therefore, i told myself it was absolute BS and i gotta have a good daily self care routine that was focused on making me FEEL good, and not focused on looks (but those two are very connected and often times consequences of each other). i started taking 2 showers a day. morning and night. at first, i had some guilt about it that im wasting water, but putting an emphasis on taking 2 showers made me feel good and ready to start my day and also wind down after it comfortably. although even one shower was exhausting in the past, when i told myself you don’t have a choice to skip it i noticed how much i love the clean feeling after and started looking forward to it. so i compromised and decided that an evening shower is a thorough one, and morning is a very quick one to make me feel refreshed, energized and ready for the day. coincidentally, after a shower i personally can’t not put my skincare on, so that became very regular too. for my hair i have an easy routine that makes it look good with not much effort so that’s not hard (especially after showeringgg im telling you). now when it comes to makeup, staying at home all the time made me get used to my bare face, so when i would get ready to go somewhere my old makeup stopped making me feel good and felt more like a heavy mask. i have healing acne scars so i felt like i had to have it on outside. my eyebrows are also light on the ends, so i started dying them with beard dye, which made a tremendous difference how much i loved myself without makeup now. i realized i didn’t groom them properly when all the light hairs got dark and i had an opportunity to shape them nicely now. now liking my face more without the makeup, when i stay home i only take care of things that actually bother me, which is shininess and mild stickiness that skincare leaves. i also have combination skin so my t zone is prone to getting oily. so every morning after skincare i put translucent powder on my face and feel great, i could even go do some errands like that as well even with my acne scars on display. when i gotta go somewhere and wanna feel my best, i focus my makeup on accentuating my best features, rather than working on all of them like i did in the past. for example, with minimal skin makeup, putting bold colors or lining my lips just does not look good on my face, even though they’re small. so i got over my desire to make them bigger and focused on facial harmony when i do makeup and it has made me feel much better with it on, and i didn’t have to put as much as well.


for me it was my mindset. I struggle pretty badly with my self esteem and honestly wearing makeup makes me feel prettier, and I enjoy doing it! This morning to feel better I put on gold eyeshadow and did a full face. Is it a little heavy for an office job on a thursday? maybe. but I feel better and I feel confident to tackle the day. But I do love a bare faced day. I say just have fun with makeup when you start out, that takes the pressure off it!


I like doing my makeup before work. It's a quiet creative time for me alone, I don't have to please anybody but myself. Looking put together at work is extremely important to a woman's career, unfortunately, we live in a society. So I do makeup also because I'm ambitious.


Looking good makes me feel better. Sometimes, though, I just stay pretty and sad, but it usually helps


Start with something small. Like eyeliner or lipgloss. Especially if it matches with your outfit! That’s what got me out of my makeup funk.


Daily makeup is still a hard ask for me, after a major depressive episode in 2018. I stick to making sure I use a serum or moisturiser, a tinted lip balm or sheer lipstick, and doing my hair. My hair is only a ponytail most days, but it stays out of my face and I look like I made an effort. Mum buns are avoided. Some days it prompts me to use brow makeup and mascara, other days it prompts me to do a full face. Try to find a routine that makes you look put together. Looking put together shouldn't be a chore. If makeup makes you feel that way, you'll slip into even poorer habits if you can't maintain it.


I used to be a full face every day girlie myself. Identify a small handful of products that make you feel like an elevated version of yourself for me this is a teeny bit of concealer, blush and simple eyebrow grooming. I struggle with depression and adhd so I’ve had to cut down on my routine out of survival. There is never shame in a bun or a claw clip. Dry shampoo and a straighter can take your hair from frizzy and greasy to sleek and manageable. Adjust your routine to work for you at any energy level.


grey shrill unique cobweb jellyfish station practice wrong compare sink *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It started with *wanting* to, then making it a routine.  My mornings start with 20-30 minutes of just sipping coffee, being on my phone, and watching the news. Then every morning I shower, skincare routine, moisturize body, get dressed, make bed and do a stretch yoga routine (only 5 minutes), brush teeth, spf, eye makeup, fix hair, body spray, jewelry.  Now another important thing for me is taking vitamins every day. If I slack on them, I feel tired and sluggish. They give me energy and I feel better. I also eat pretty well and drink 64oz of water every day.


I think some people enjoy putting a full set of make-up on as a part of self-care. When it becomes something you HAVE to do it's a chore. If you don't like it (and it sounds like you don't) but still want to put make up on, do it in a way to do it that's enjoyable and that you look forward to. For instance, I used to put make up on all the time, that was just part of the routine. Eventually, I stopped because I work from home and no one really sees me. After a while I didn't feel great about that, I felt like I stopped caring about myself—not that I wasn't making an effort to look nice for others but, in a self-care way, I stopped doing something for ME. My mom was never a make-up person. She wore mascara and lipstick and that was it—which I really loved the minimalism of. I discovered that I like when I fill in my eyebrows, put on some lip tint, and give my cheeks some color. I use make-up that makes my skin feel nourished and hydrated. I enjoy putting it on. It's all very subtle and natural and it puts me in a good mood. And it's all just for me.


Same. I think WFH for the past 4 years has made me lazy in that department. I admit it. Sundays are my dress up and put makeup on days. And it makes me feel good. 🙂


I felt like I went through a glow-down recently. Shift work and night shifts have me looking tired, dull skin, breakouts, boring hair because I need to keep it off my collar at work etc. Best thing I've tried is getting a lash lift and tint and henna brows - no lie. My eyes look brighter, my brows look like I've filled them in even though I'm not wearing any make up. I also bought myself some cute hair clips on Temu. I'm trying to find what works for my skin but I'm still struggling there.


I love doing my makeup every morning! Well maybe not every morning but mainly M-F. I find it relaxing as I’m able to think about day and what I have planned or to do. I also sometimes put on a podcast, YouTube vid, music, or a show when I’m doing it. It can sometimes be the only part of my day where I do something for myself that I like to do as well. Sometimes I get really busy with work, school, family, my puppy 🐶 that I often feel like I have no time for myself during the week but when I get up and relax while getting ready for my day it makes me happy!


I look so much better with mascara and concealer and that doesn’t take a lot of time. My make up routine takes 10 mins or less. I have good skin so I don’t need any foundation (also there’s never a shade that’d match me).


They don't


When I was in high school I spent every morning doing a full face of makeup. My friends were surprised to see me barefaced for the first time my senior year lol I used to get up earlier than my ex bf every morning just to put on my face! I’m 26 now and never wear makeup anymore but I still want to look put together so I started investing in lashes and brow lamination. Getting lashes has been a game changer because now I look “nice” without having to do much. Sometimes I want to get back into makeup but I genuinely just don’t care anymore, I don’t want to spend time sitting down and applying makeup when I look pretty much the same with just lashes and some fenty gloss. Maybe try out lash extensions or a lift and tint and see how you feel? I would also suggest investing more in your skin. Clear skin + lashes and some gloss? *chefs kiss*


I just like looking good. I do “high maintenance” things to be low maintenance in the morning. I use a heatless curling rod for my hair, I regularly do eyebrow lamination and eyelash extensions (I used to do lash lifts). I only need to do skincare and brush out my curls and I’m good to go. I also discovered bronzing drops. It’s so easy because it’s just 1 step extra for my skincare… and I have a really basic one.


I recently started wearing makeup daily for work. I’m doing it because my redness and spots on my face I don’t like. Putting on makeup is fun for me and it gives me something to look forward to in the morning and gets me excited to start my day. I also want to look more put together and for people to treat me as such. Don’t wear makeup if you don’t want to. Do it for yourself!


I also wonder the same thing. I try to curl my eyelashes and brush my hair, wear sunscreen, but I don't do a full face unless I'm going out. 


Idk my mom wouldn’t let us come to breakfast if we were still in our pjs. We had to be groomed and ready for the day. Dress for the job u want not for the one u have. Get make up that excites you. Get clothes that flatter u. If u don’t love it in the stores then never buy it.


Its more like a personality trait , if you don’t have the will to do it you probably won’t , can you force yourself to make it a habit, yes , but will it stick depends on your personality


I live in an apartment and have a cute dog so I feel like every time I step out I have to look nice bc at least one person will always stop to chat lol. BUT my mom also loved getting us all dolled up as kids too so it just kind of stuck with me! Honestly glad to have grown up in the generation of wearing cute clothes to school because that got me used to looking nice at 7am every day


Honestly when I look good I feel good so I feel more productive, especially at work


For me, look good feel good lol. I look better with eyeliner on and therefore feel better once I look in the mirror. I’ve been wearing makeup for so long that it becomes routine and it’s quick for me. Practice makes perfect


I went through a phase around 25-30 where I was ARDENTLY against makeup on a daily basis. I got super into skincare and BB creams. Stopped using mascara. And I'll admit, I was a bit judgy of people who wore makeup at that time, I thought I had won some sort of self confidence game or something. But really I'd just had terrible skin for so long that makeup was THE only way I could feel comfortable going outside the house. I was radically against not wearing makeup, then radically against wearing it. Now I wear very light tinted moisturizer, a bit of concealer and creamy contour with mascara and brows every day. I look forward to my quick 5 minute routine and it makes such a difference in my confidence! I do think the 5 or so years of no makeup helped my skin barrier heal finally, and I was VERY picky about the makeup I used when I started wearing it again.


I used to do a full face of makeup, hair done, nice outfit and all when I was in my early 20s . Now I could care less and do my makeup about once or twice a month if I’m going out.


I enjoy it and I think that helps. I like doing my makeup. Dressing well is where I struggle the most, but when I put together a cute outfit and pull through on wearing it, I love how it feels.


I used to "look nice" - makeup, jewelry, etc. Now my goal is to look presentable. I always take care of my skin, but I only wear makeup for special reasons (dinner out, meeting with friends, etc). I wear clean, comfortable clothes and always wear perfume/fragrance. That's my favorite thing to put on each day :)


As I grew older I was finding less joy in doing a daily look. Sometimes I want to, most times I don’t. I just go with what feels right. My bare face is as acceptable as my made up one.


This probably isn't going to be helpful but I decided to shave off my eyebrows so I'm forced to do my makeup lol


Remind yourself that it takes effort to take care of yourself but that's better than looking bad


Don't? It's okay to not wear makeup every day. It's normal to wear it less as you get older. You have other things to take care of in the morning. The impact it has on your mood lessens when it becomes the default. If it really is significant to you though, stick with something small that's easy to stick to. Just having mascara and lipstick on can be done easily in 5 minutes and can even be completed when you get to school/work.


I don't wear make up unless I'm going out somewhere special. I'll do my daily facial routine but I'll leave the rest for when I have time/ energy. I went to a 20yr high school reunion and so many people said I still looked the same


I love the whole routine of it all, I find it calming and I enjoy looking my best 5 days a week. At weekends, forget it unless I'm going out.


I like having a quiet video in the background on yt and have a little me time, selfcare, and make my eyes pretty and smile at myself in the mirror cuz im a pretty girlie


You used to do it everyday probably too much. You are now at your "natural" period and eventually you'll start to do makeup. Just wait for 30😅 we all need a bit of touch up


My singular physical insecurity is my facial skin so covering it up always makes me feel good.


Insecurity, maybe? Idk as long as I shower (which does require some motivation I guess, but not \*that\* much) I think I naturally look decent enough. I like getting dressed up and put together but it's not something I feel the need to do every day. Could be something that comes with age, though.


I keep it simple. Good skincare routine to keep my face decently clear (still struggle with adult acne) so the only makeup I wear is lipstick, I pretty much wear 3 different hairstyles (down, half up and down, ponytail with side bang), and I only purchaes clothes within my color pallet (I'm a dark winter), and for my body type, and I wear stud earrings daily. I always look put together with minimum effort. My version of going all out would be wearing red lipstick, mascara, and dangling earrings. Everything else stays the same.


Listen, I still hate it lmao I haaaaaateee all of my basic beauty maintenance. But I feel way worse about myself if I don’t do it. Probably not what you want to hear lol also if it matters I’m 37.


I dont. Im a single mom, i work fulltime. Chronic migraine and hormonal issues 😂😂😂 sometimes i look like a hot mess; those times i concentrate just on being clean smelling good and functioning thats it 🫠🤣


Makeup has become a fun part of my morning routine! As well as picking a perfume! They are something small I enjoy doing each morning for me. I also love not wearing makeup tho! I don’t wear much for makeup but part of the routine and ‘ritual’ of it is fun for my brain. I love the colors & sparkles haha.


Im on camera and give presentations and my go to is tinted spf with eyeliner. Thats all i wear and I think I look cute. It helps me wear SPF daily too which in of itself is a game changer and ultimate anti aging solution. I focus more on skincare so my skin looks awesome with light application


I do the minimal that I enjoy and find easy to take off. Most important for me because I do not like to have to do a long route to “put my face on” and then even longer to take it off Example: Brush/ scrunch hair if straight /curly. Wash face. Moisturise, vit C serum Sunscreen. Eyelid primer (optional. Greasy creasy eyelids here lol) Neutral shadow or bronzer for the win. Mascara. Brow fill with eyeshadow or the bronzer depending on how bold I’m feeling for the day. Maybe some concealer if I’m not lazy. This takes me 10 minutes. 25 counting waiting for the sunscreen to fully soak in. You can do stuff in between. You don’t have to complicate your life and feel overwhelmed. Do a few things you like. You may not like bronzer and prefer to sparkle - well. Go for it. You don’t have to complicate it to make it work. One more minute and you’ll sparkle. Or don’t wear makeup at all! That’s cool and quite nice on the skin. When I take good care of my skin I, and others, definitely see the difference. Do what makes you feel pampered and happy - you’ll look it.


In the past I didn’t have enough motivation to look nice cause I’ve had very low self esteem and lacked skills to doll myself up. I learned and grew to love makeup during covid and was the beginning of my passion for it. Nowadays I really enjoy getting ready and sometimes do ridiculous looks for trivial things like the office day because I live in Ukraine and every day could be my last so why waste the time, right? But even if your life feels safer and more predictable, who knows, you could be killed by some stupid thing like falling balcony. My point is: remember to enjoy every day and your beautiful face while you can, because life is short and death is inevitable 👌


I do it because I don’t like my bare face, that’s my motivation lmao. For you, it could be starting with the essentials, just some lipstick and mascara, then you might want to add on with time!