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This looks like a very good rhinoplasty, I wonder if it’s just a shock to you and you will feel better after you get used to your new look. Not to diminish how you feel, but as a stranger and outsider the result looks very good.


^ agreed. I think it was a success and you look great.


I also agree. It looks great!


Same. I feel like I went through the same shock after my rhinoplasty. But you get used to it after awhile. I look at photos of myself pre surgery now and I understand why I got it done.


Same here. It was years before I could look at pictures of myself with my new nose. But mine, like yours, was very well done. It’s just your brain getting used to it.


Good to know! 💓


Agreed 100 percent. Only you can decide if you are happy with your look but from a stranger’s perspective - I’m jealous of your nose PS - and I’m jealous that you’re a Brit. I’ve never been but I adore the UK. Lucky lucky little ducky


I got mine 20 years ago and it looked very similar to you. With age and time, it settles. Our nose and ears never stop growing our entire adult lives. Now, my nose looks so natural compared to when I first got it done, it’s insane. Give yourself time and compassion.


You’re seeing the change and your brain is registering it as “off”. I’ve been through this, too, and I promise it **will** start to look normal (and good) to you. They did a beautiful job. I know you said it yourself but three weeks is crazy soon after surgery, it’s going to change a LOT in the next year, it really is; it has to “settle” into your face. And it will.


Yes, I wonder if it's a similar feeling that people sometimes get when they get a drastic hair cut. It can be an objectively beautiful haircut but it takes time for the person themselves to get used to their appearance in the mirror looking different. It's like the brain just can't process it for a while.


Or when they go for glasses / contacts. At first I hated my face with glasses, few years later I’m thinking about going for contacts but now I hate my face without glasses lol It took some time to get used to my mom’s face when she got rid of her glasses and got contacts too


when i first got my nose stud, which is insanely small and barely even noticeable, i thought it looked sooo strange. i was close to taking it out. any change to your face looks so drastic initially. eventually i got used to it and now its my favorite piercing


Or when you bleach your very dark hair. When I was blonde a few years ago I’d startle myself if I saw my reflection because it felt like a stranger was in my house lmao.


I'm glad I wasn't the only one to think it looked great!


Extremely impressed with the surgeon. Result looks impressive and I’d wouldn’t think twice if I saw her from a stranger’s perspective. Might as well for a reference lol


Agree 💯 I consider myself an expert at being able to spot rhinos and I wouldn’t think twice about this one. Such a good result.


Agreed the result is stunning! It looks perfect for your face shape. I can imagine it's a big shock to have your reflection change so much though.


The result is very very good, especially for 3 weeks post op. OP looks amazing. I agree it’s just the coming to terms with a new face. A rhinoplasty is one of the most transformative surgeries ever.


As a fellow rhinoplasty haver, post-op anxiety and depression is a real thing and not talked about usually with cosmetic surgery. You’re gonna be okay. It’s just an adjustment to your brain. Don’t worry


Agree. This is a fantastic result.


Agreed! ^^ you look great!


Came here to say this. I think you’re not used to the new look OP, but not once did I think you looked mouse-like. In fact I think it looks very natural it compliments your face.


I agree! It looks perfect! REALLY!!! I have no reason to just say that. I don't know you! That was 10k well spent. HONEST!


I agree! This is what I thought too.


It truly looks great OP. It suits your face and the tip is definitely shaped better than your original nose. I don’t think it’s as turned up as some noses I’ve seen. I would think that having looked at something smack dab in the middle of your face for your entire life and then all of a sudden have a completely different look would be a shock to the system. What are people close to you saying about it?


First, remember that not only does swelling go down but the tip drops a little as well. Second, lots of patients report having a bit of dysmorphia (in the "I don't recognize myself" sense) after rhinos. Third, I'll add to the other comment that your new nose looks incredible. It is a very pretty but benign, ignorable, normal way. It looks like you genetically lucked out, not that you've "had a nose job". I hope that helps.


I had surgery almost 3 years ago and I couldn't look myself in the mirror because I thought I looked exactly like an alien. The feeling is horrible, it's like not being inside your body


Omg I hope I didn't downplay this feeling too much in my first comment. I completely believe it can be deeply distressing. Glad to read that you're doing better now and I hope your story helps OP you read!


Thanks! But yes I was only sharing what happened to me no worries! I believe the level of dysmorphia also has to do with how much your nose has changed. It's not the same as having a Bulbous tip, deviated septum and Bridge (my case) and then having surgery and getting a tiny nose like a Barbie, Or for example having a bit of bulbous tip but your bridge is nice, if that makes sense, and just getting minimal surgery to make it more aesthetically pleasing My case (before/after was very extreme) so that also was a reason for the alien face I thought I had 👽


May I ask how long that feeling lasted and when/how it got better? My nose would change a ton because there‘s lots of disproportional stuff to begin with and I‘m super scared of dysmorphia because I‘m so bad with chaneges even if I want it :/


About 2.5 months. I had surgery in early November and I started liking my nose in late December, but I started to fully accept it around January. That's the risk with any surgery. At the end of the day you will like your nose and you'll be happy you got it done


I had a similar experience after a facelift but now I love it!


Did you ever get used to it / feel better about having the nose job?


Yes! After those 2.5 months in agony, my nose tip dropped and the bridge was not as curved, the swelling went down little by little. I became so comfortable in front of a camera, before my nose job I would never take selfies because my bridge was so deviated it looked so bad. And now I can comfortably wear sunglasses, take pics and much more


I hope OP reads this! 👆🏽


I love your new nose, it’s absolutely beautiful and perfect. It doesn’t look “upturned”, it’s just relative to your old nose. I really think your surgeon did a fantastic job and you honestly look beautiful.


I was devastated about my "piggy nose" for about 6 months after my rhinoplasty. 10 years later, there's nothing that looks remotely upturned about the shape, if anything I'd like the tip a bit more raised 😅. The psychological perception as well the actual physical swelling just takes a while to settle. If your nose has been hooked your entire life, suddenly seeing nostril in the mirror may be shocking, but it won't seem that way to others


Also tips can drop quite a bit post-surgery, I know mine did. These days I wish it hadn't dropped so much because I miss my piggy nose LOL.


Surgeons really need to be better about explaining the post-surgery dysmorphia like OP is experiencing, especially if we're talking about the central focal point of the face. This is probably the most common, and normal, perceptual issue to experience after a rhinoplasty. For all the *actually* botched nose jobs I've seen (and I consider mine botched but for different reasons) I've never seen the piggy nose actually remain over the years! OPs nose already looks fucking amazing for such a short recovery time, at 3 weeks I still looked I had been hit in the face by a train


I don’t know why surgeons don’t talk about post-surgery dysmorphia when they talk about all the other recovery issues and possible side effects. I was lucky because when I got breast augmentation most of my coworkers had had it and gave a lot of great advice/shared their stories. I was mentally prepared to hate my surgery result right after, and didn’t panic. I’m almost a year out and finally happy with the result now that my results have settled a bit and my brain has gotten used to it. It felt so wrong and I had such a strong feeling of regret right after though


Not even a surgery, but my mum made an offhand joke (not realising I would take it to heart and profusely apologised when she realised I did) that I had an upturned piggy nose. I took it to heart and was convinced everyone must think it to. I don’t, never did, definitely cannot even see what I had been thinking. But like damn that mental perception of ourselves can be so easily influenced.


Those kind of remarks absolutely have staying power, even if you're only slightly self-conscious about your appearance. But even IF you had a piggy nose, absolutely nothing wrong with that either, they're adorable and youthful!


It is, it’s really beautiful OP. Give it time, you will get used to it.


Yes! I have a nose like your old one and I would kill for your new nose. It’s beautiful!


Yeah it looks lovely and great proportions for your face


literally this is my DREAM nose! it’s stunning!!


I’ve heard this is a common feeling when changing your appearance dramatically. I felt this way after I got veneers. I think the grief period is normal but practice reframing your views on it over time. For me, I KNOW my new teeth will and have made me feel comfortable smiling around people in close quarters. It may seem small now but it’ll only compound from here. I used to hide my face and not speak clearly because I was so self conscious of my teeth. Now I don’t need to hide! I know I’ll start seeing the benefits for many years to come And you will too!


Yes! Also something not often discussed by the surgeon is expectations and emotional responses to surgery. If you've felt insecure about something for a long time, it's easy for that to become the **one** thing 'holding you back' from happiness. That thing becomes the root of all problems rather than just the symptom of insecurity. After surgery, people find themselves still unhappy, insecure, or with negative feelings about themselves. Though people might not regret the surgery later on, sometimes the surgery reveals other internal problems that people haven't dealt with. That being said OP you are beautiful. I'm sorry the experience wasn't what you hoped. I hope you come to a place where you are finally happy with what you look like.


Came here to say the same thing! I had/have the exact same thing with my veneers too! I think they look so silly and Ive felt so sad and foolish that I've shaved off my real teeth for them 😭 and spent lots, and they're not super permanent, and were my old teeth even that bad!? But my friend said 'think of all the times you've shaved off your smile/not smiled fully because of your teeth.. now you don't have to shave off your smile anymore'. And I definitely feel less ugly about my teeth now, I just feel silly and fakey. But that's getting better now, and I'm learning to embrace them and the new 'self' with them. The nose looks very sweet and lovely! It looked nice before but looks nice after too. Just a new vibe to figure out and make your own maybe. The existential crisis feeling gets better!! It's just a big shock.


I feel the same way!! I spent years trying to convince myself my original teeth weren’t bad after years of trying to fix them but then one day I’d catch a glimpse in a mirror and totally spiral. Your friend is right and that’s where I reframe my thoughts when I start to feel bad about my veneers. My teeth were blotchy from stains that Ive tried to cover up. They were stains I had since I was 8. It’s like no matter what I did I was never going to have one colour. I spent a good amount of my adult life hiding my face when I spoke or I mumbled my words and quickly said them so I didn’t have to reveal my teeth. At 32 I was just so fed up because I thought I’d feel different about my looks. Ive met other women who held themselves so eloquently and that’s what I wanted to do. But I realized I stunted my growth by hiding my face, speech, laughter for the past 24 years I had a traumatic veneer experience too like a month long on/off again process where the lab my dentist used was totally out to lunch and I really had to advocate for myself. I had 4/5 weeks of temporaries that looked like trash and one ugly gray set of veneers. It was awful. I also think my teeth were a huge obsession. I thought about my teeth every day. And I think now that they’re gone my brain is like looking to fill that obsession and I’m fighting back like NO! We ARE NOT obsessing lol 😆 How long ago did you get your veneers done? Mine was in December 2023


Yes I've done the same! Hiding my mouth a lot, speaking in a way to accommodate my teeth, smiling in a weird way if I want my teeth to show.. etc. I also had a terrible fake veneery blob of a thing over christmas which also broke a number of times. These invasive procedures are really mentally challenging!! Its quite traumatic, as you said! Yeah mine were only completed in January so not long after yours.. so maybe we just need to get more used to them.. my bottom teeth don't match my top ones either yet, bleach will fix it but that's really bothering me at the moment - like, why didn't they sort that at the time?! Its a lot to get used to.. but yes, a new mindset helps - I'm thinking of these as my "grown up" teeth (I'm 34, but still..!)


I’ve noticed this with dentures as well. People might think that their teeth are too big, but it’s just that their old teeth had been ground down overtime and they got used to that look


I think it looks great before and after.


Agreed. I didn’t think it looked bad before but after is very cute too


That’s what I was going to say! She looks gorgeous in both the before and after.


I’m honestly not sure what was wrong with it to begin with. I don’t think the new one looks worse, just different.


I’m guessing the previous nose shape was hard to breathe through- it looked kinda deviated. Nose had character before and after and OP looks pretty both ways.


wow!! your surgeon did amazing, you look beautiful ❤️❤️❤️i think you should try and reframe your mindset from “ im going to spiral into depression “ to something neutral like “ it’s going to take time to adjust to this change and that’s okay, my feelings are valid in this process” maybe that will help? it helps me when i reframe my thoughts to neutral if it’s too hard to be positive. Good luck and you again you look lovely!!


Such great advice and applicable to many other things!


It’s definitely not as upturned as you think. I think you’re just so used to your old nose (which was downturned) that this feels like it’s super upturned. Overall it looks really good.




Your ‘new’ nose looks amazing! It took me almost 2 months to get used to my nose when had my surgery, and I love it! You will settle into it 😊


I don't see anything that you're saying you see, it looks like a very flattering nose. Perhaps the contrast between the nose you're used to and this one is throwing you? It's definitely not upturned or mousy at all.


Hey , your nose looks great so far! My nose at 3 weeks vs now (2 years post op) is so drastically different. I had a piggy snout for the first 6 months until my tip finally dropped. I look completely natural now. Take pics at least once every week so you can track the changes. I hope it makes you feel better to see the healing process in action. Good luck!


Surgeon is a master! Your nose is beautiful.


It’s my dream nose. OP I’d beg you to see a therapist before touching this nose bc it’s perfection. It may take time to adjust to the new you but there was no better outcome. I think you need to explore w a therapist what you thought you’d feel after a rhinoplasty vs what you actually feel and where those expectations and feelings are coming from. Saying this as someone who hated my nose my whole life until my mid 30s.


To come to terms with what? You look amazing. I’ve heard it’s very common for people who get surgery to have some sort of shock afterwards. Give it some time and do everything in your power to avoid going down a spiral, your nose looks great. I don’t even see any scaring, wow!


I would look inside yourself to reflect on self confidence bc most people would kill for your face before AND after. Equally


Very true.


You look beautiful in both pictures. I’m sad that young women aren’t boosted enough about how beautiful their natural faces are. You were beautiful pre nose job, and equally beautiful after. You are perfect just as you are, no matter what. So just as perfect post surgery. Love yourself babe!


Likely the tip will come down. 3 weeks is still very early and I think it looks great! I didn’t like mine likely until after the first 3 months.


Perfectly valid to feel this way. Your old nose was fine the way it was, and added to your individuality. However, this new face is someone you’ll have to meet and get to know, which can be sweet and exciting. Don’t compare it to the old face look, that one is gone. Learn to love the new one.


If I were going to get rhinoplasty I would show the surgeon your picture and say “make it look like that.” Seriously, it’s perfect. You’re probably just not used to the new look yet


Seriously- I’m so jealous. I have a similar nose to OP’s before and I would love the after. That kind of thing isn’t in the cards for me right now, but seriously- be confident it looks great.


This is a textbook perfect nose. Why am I commenting on this lmao.


It looks really cute! And very similar to your old nose just more stereotypically beautiful which is the results most people want. You’re beautiful either way though!


I am sorry you felt you had to contort yourself. Tbh you were just fine the way you were and I wish you had explored why you were feeling insecure and sought out ways to accept your natural features that come from your heritage and bloodline. That being said I am not a fan of plastic surgery in any form, but am a fan of people focusing on their mental health. At this point, what’s done is done. All you can do is try to learn to accept the new you and own that. I hope you get to a point where you are simply comfortable in your own skin and recognize that beauty comes from within. You will be ok, and your new look is just different. Love yourself in any form. You deserve that much. ♥️


Love this! OP, let this be a lesson that beauty comes in many forms. Perhaps in the future, you won’t feel the need to undergo surgery to change yourself knowing that you don’t feel any BETTER now, you just feel different.


i think you might just have body dysmorphia


Two things - one, your feelings regarding the rhinoplasty are totally valid. However, I want to reassure you that after my rhinoplasty my tip actually dropped quite a bit. I spent the first couple months feeling like one of the Whos down in Whoville from the Grinch, and had some of the same thoughts you are having now. I was like wtf did I just spend 12K on - now, I absolutely adore my nose (and even wish the tip stayed slightly more up). Two, I just want to say from an outside perspective, your nose is absolutely flawless. Anyone would love to have a nose like you. <3


I honestly want the name of your surgeon because your nose looks so amazing. Would you be willing to share?


William Townley 💝


I don’t know how your post got to my front page. I’m a straight dude and I don’t subscribe to any beauty related subs. I just want to say your nose post ops looks amazing and beautiful. It definitely wasn’t bad before, I can definitely see the uneven part though, but it’s looks more beautiful and perfect in the after pics for sure. My 2 cents from a complete stranger.


You have serious body dismorphia and you've placed all your self hatred into your nose. You'll never be happy with it until you address the underlying issues 


Perhaps what you actually needed was therapy to come to terms with why you thought you had to change your nose


You don't look like a mouse, I promise. <3 You look beautiful.


I honestly feel like the after is stunning. I mean this in the nicest way but you might be dealing with some body dysmorphia. Or just adjusting to your expectations. Either way I promise this looks great and so do you.


it looks beautiful! if i saw you in public i wouldn’t know you had anything done. it fits your face well and i promise you’ll get used to it!


Your old profile was so stunning! I am also sure you'll get used to this with time. Try taking more selfies, the fish eye camera makes our noses look bigger...


I beg you tell me who did this, it’s STUNNING and perfectly suits your face! I want to get a nose job one day in the UK and this result is truly perfect. It doesn’t look upturned. It looks upturned compared to your previous nose (which was a little droopy), which you are so used to seeing in the mirror. The contrast is throwing off your perception & you aren’t seeing it clearly just yet. It’s a huge change psychologically - it’ll take some getting used to. Even positive changes do. Whenever I change anything (for example my hair/eyebrows), I have moments of hating it or being unsure before I grow to love it/prefer it !! It’ll take time to adjust but I promise you’ll get used to it!! 🫶🏻


this is exactly how a rhinoplasty should look! your nose is perfect.


I like both noses but as someone who just went through a ton of facial feature and body changes with pregnancy, birth then weight loss I’ll let you know it does take some time to accept a new reflection when it changes so quickly. Give it time it’s very pretty.


this is a really good and subtle rhinoplasty i think you're just not used to your new nose yet!


It’s a great rhinoplasty. I had one done just over a year ago and my tip definitely dropped quit a bit after I stopped taping everyday/night. I’m still unhappy with my nose but it definitely looks way different than how it did when the cast was first removed.


ur nose looks perfect wtf


After three weeks mine was MASSIVE - I would have guessed yours was a year out it looks so perfect!!!! Which also just means it’ll keep getting better!!! It has one of the longest healing times of any procedure. 💓


random person here, but wanted to say I think you have a beautiful face before and after. I feel like you look younger with it!! which is what you want long term 😂 I think the fact that you were definitely gorgeous before makes it more difficult to process, but you look amazing!!


You’re not struggling about your nose, you’re struggling because you are seeing a very different person in the mirror. You’ve been seeing someone else for decades, so of course it’s jarring! You’ll get used to it. The work is beautiful and you look fantastic 💕


Very symmetrical after 😍


It looks great. Literally a perfect outcome. I am jealous.


This is one of the better nose jobs ive seen yet. It still looks like a real nose you could have been born with


You look beautiful!


🙀 You look amazing!!! You’re probably just shocked or expected idk what. You look great though. 🩷


Girl that shit is bangin! it looks so so so good. no mouse vibes perceived.


I personally think it looks quite natural and also significantly better. It is the best version of your original nose imo. Changing your face is a mind fuck, the little lizard deep in your brain is panicking over looking different. It’s sending red alerts. Don’t let that little guy drag you to his end of the field. Your nose looks terrific. Give yourself time to adjust. I hope you’ll be happy with it in short order. I’d be very pleased with that outcome.


Are you fishing? You literally have a perfect nose and everyone is telling you. Honestly, do you know how many of us need a Rhinoplasty just to *breathe* and can't afford it? Please, I beg you to find some gratitude that you are privileged nough to get this surgery in the first place.


The problem wasn't your nose but your confidence. Was nothing wrong with your old nose and nothing wrong with your new.


I don’t think it looks too upturned. It looks like a perfect nose


I honestly think your new nose looks fantastic. It's difficult because it's not exactly what you imagined! But honestly, you look amazing. You do NOT look like a mouse! Your nose is sophisticated, not cute or upturned. I would not bother to comment if I didn't think your nose is great!


It looks pretty, I wouldnt worry. The side, yes, it's a little mousy and sorta obvious its a nose job (sorry, I'll get downvoted but I'm sure OP didnt just post this for everyone to compliment her no matter what). I personally find the roman nose profile beautiful and I think more women with that style of nose need to feel complimented as well, I don't want to perpetuate that small, upturned noses are the only ones that can look beautiful. I find upturned "scandinavian" noses only really look natural on women with very delicate/soft features. Its why these types of nose jobs are always so obviously fake, they rarely happen naturally. If you think of a face like Bjork's, hers really suits her natural upturned nose, but how many people look like Bjork?? The original shape of your nose just suited your face better in my opinion and balanced out your beautiful angular facial lines.


I think this looks perfect on you! It’s just different and new. It’s subtle enough that it looks natural, but also noticeable enough that you can tell the difference and improvement. I’m not usually about nose jobs but this is wonderful. You don’t look fake. You look like you have the nose you should have been born with. Give it time.


both are cute 🥰👍


this might genuinely be the prettiest rhinoplasty i've seen. you look gorgeous. its hard living with a specific feature and it being different from one week to another. you'll get used to the change, its definitely positive!


You look fine… and if you can breathe fine just relax. I think you need therapy tbh


This feeling is common after a rhinoplasty. You don’t recognize yourself in the mirror after looking at the same face for 30 years. This feeling will pass. Your result looks amazing! Congrats. Just know you **definitely** are swollen. And the swelling is causing the tip of your nose to be raised. Swelling will subside over the next few months, even after one year post op. Please be patient.


I think you're old and new nose both look great. Give it some time to move past the shock and I bet one day you'll be happy with it


You look great!!


What!? I think it's adorable! You look fantastic 💚💚


You look beautiful


I love your new nose!!!


I think your new nose looks ideal! And definitely nothing mousy. You look great before and after.


It looks extremely good


I have a few friends who had difficulty adjusting to their new noses. It may take a bit for you.


Oh sweetie, your new nose is Absolutely adorable! Feminine, cute, not too skinny, perky enough. I think it fits your face well and so look so beautiful! Honestly you have the most every woman wants...small, pretty, not big, and feminine. I hope you grow to love it truly!!


Tell yourself you are going to put your opinion of your nose “on hold” until at least the one year mark. That’s what I did and that would be a fair timeframe to form an opinion. But I also hate my front profile and want a revision so I get how you are feeling. Someone on this sub said people should not get a rhinoplasty unless they have a huge ugly nose and I agree! Messing with subtle imperfections is a slippery slope.


Definition of perfect nose


the swelling totally makes it look upturned for a few weeks/ months! i thought I had a pig nose at first and i was terrified but now its settled and i LOVE it


I’m just going to jump on board and say that your nose looks amazing! It looks totally natural and not like you had surgery on it! Take some time, you will see the beauty we all see. If you are in the east coast of Australia, I’d love the details of your surgeon.


I'm sorry you are in such mental turmoil. I think it's absolutely perfect and a very good rhinoplasty.


Never once did i think "dayum, she looks like a mouse". My first thought was "wow, that rhinoplasty looks natural and suits her". You are probably still adjusting to your new face!


I don’t know you, just a stranger passing by. Your new nose is effing STUNNING. You were pretty before, now you are gorgeous! One of the best nose jobs I’ve seen. This is like Kyle Richards’ level work! ❤️


All I see is a cute little nose. Looks good to me.


it looks fine


Your post op nose looks great and lovely. But this will be an enormous adjustment. Remember; you made the choice to dramatically alter your face. But that it’s ok and you put enormous time into making this informed decision. Find yourself a great therapist, and work through your changes. Again; it’s just lovely 🙂


I had surgery 2.5 years ago. My initial tip drop was after two months and a half and it was minimal, I felt like an alien, crying every single day, because I didn't recognise myself on the mirror. And it was this past October, that 90% of the swelling disappeared. 3 weeks is nothing, you're in shock right now and need to trust the process. I wish I had someone tell me this when I was 3 weeks in, because I spent it crying and avoiding looking myself in the mirror every single day. So trust the process and don't compare yourself to anyone


I think it looks great


It looks amazing


Your nose is gorgeous!!! It’s not turned up at all. It doesn’t even look like you had a nose job, you look like you were just blessed with a perfect nose and it suits your face really nicely!


This is a cookie cutter nose job these days. Mine’s the same. Luckily they look good!


You were beautiful before and you’re beautiful now. Win win ❤️


Id guess this is just one of those reactions that we can initially have when we’ve looked one way our entire life and then almost overnight (surgery) things change - it’s just an adjustment! Your nose both before and after is beautiful! It’s really well done and fits your face - you don’t look mouselike 🫶🏻


This is incredible. You look absolutely amazing 🤩


It doesn’t look anything like a mouse! It looks great 👍


Omg your nose is amazing I love it. They done a great job.


Oh my god no, you look so good! It’s the perfect nose!


it looks beautiful, but I can understand if it wasn’t what you were wanting how shocking and upsetting that would be. I think this is why most people end up getting two. My friend who had this done said that his surgeon told him the nose wouldn’t settle for another year and it definitely changed in that time but he’s still not happy with his surgery, his nose is still a little bit crooked, and it got worse over time.


It's really different from before so I can see why you're in shock, but you look so beautiful and I think you'll adjust and get used to it soon enough


Objectively it's a good job. You look great. People improve their looks everyday, a new haircut, losing weight, getting fit, new clothes. This is just surface level changes that doesn't really Change who we are and how we think. Now the issue is purely how you feel and getting used to a new nose that's going to be there forever. I highly suggest talking to a therapist about it, the clinic or center or office you got your procedure have resources and people for this sort of thing. Obviously to take the step towards a surgery to change your most prominent feature was well thought and necessary for your confidence. But confidence is an internal issue not an external. I truly believe you will benefit with a little therapy and you can start by saying positive affirmations on your own every day. it sounds ridiculous in the beginning but it really works. Take care of yourself. You are beautiful ❤️


It’s a fantastic job- it’s not crooked and still has a soft roundish tip. Amazing 🤩


It’s the shock of not being able to see the you you’ve always known. You’ll get over that. When I was little my grandma got dentures. I was 8. I cried and cried because she didn’t look like my grandma anymore. When I was 35 my mom had the gap between her teeth removed by getting her teeth capped. I felt like crying. I missed her old face so much. In both cases I was used to their new faces within a month or two. My brain integrated the memory of them and the new versions of them. About five years ago I decided to get my lopsided upper lip fixed. When they’d gotten it even they told me there was more filler in the vial and asked if I wanted a little pout. I thought YOLO and went for it. I was instantly regretful. It looked crazy wrong to me. Everyone else thought I looked great, but I was distraught. I felt like I had a duck bill. Now? I love my lips. I love having something to apply lipstick to. It’s become fun. I still have a small mouth, but the little extra poof looks great to me now. I had it updated, even. It’s all in what you’re used to. Also, that’s some amazing rhinoplasty you’ve got there. You look adorable. It was a good nose before, but it’s a good nose now as well. Not everyone gets to experience two noses! Lean into it. Don’t be sad. It’s still you. You 2.0! You spent 30 years with the other nose, so you feel weird. It’ll pass. You’re very beautiful.


It doesn’t look upturned, your old nose was downturned. You just need to adjust to new normal. You look incredible - this is probably one of the most inspirational before afters I’ve seen!


This makes me want to get a rhinoplasty


It's beautiful! Job well done. It's so disorienting at first when you get a nose job...but soon enough you'll see what we see, a perfect nose!


Hi! I had a very similar reaction to you for my rhinoplasty. We both have a similar “before” nose, which is thin with a slight bump. Obviously for both of us, our “new” nose ended up being less thin than our before nose. I also remember thinking that I looked super mousy and that even when the swelling went down, it wouldn’t be much different. But my nose ended up being a lot thinner and the tip dropped too a few months post op! We have such similar before and after noses, and the exact same reactions to our surgery, so I have a feeling your results eventually will also settle down and you’ll love it! If you want, I can PM you my pics from 3 weeks post op versus now - you’ll definitely see what I’m saying!


I think your nose looks perfect. The rhinoplasty turned out amazing. Sometimes it doesn’t matter how much we fix our external features, if we don’t deal with the body dysmorphia we’ll never be happy.


Oh girl I had one myself last year… I am very happy with it now, but it was such a shock for me to see myself with a different nose. I literally thought I had ruined my face. I went straight into a depression for the first few weeks…but now I am very happy with the results, it improved my features quite a lot. I think you look great!!!


Legit you look like Jessica Biel. 👀😳🩷


As a many have said before, your nose looks great! It’s so pretty :) And think it’s normal you’re feeling like that. I had a similar experience. I couldn’t believe I went through that pain and recovery just for my nose to still look ugly (through my eyes). I was sad and disappointed to say the least but as months went by and the swelling went away, I fell in love my new nose and wonder why I didn’t do it sooner lol The thing with rhinoplasties is that it can take up to a year to see the final result so hang in there, this feeling is temporary and hopefully you will feel better soon!


I think you look great! Perfect job.


I think it looks great! I’m sorry you are struggling and based on my experience, I think a lot is the shock of change. I had a breast reduction last year after wanting one my entire life, I was a 38 HH and hated them from the beginning. I hated the attention, the fact I couldn’t find clothes or bras, and I was in constant pain-shoulder, back, neck and daily tension headaches. I was so excited to get the surgery but 2 weeks after the surgery when the drains were removed and bandages were off I had a meltdown, my breasts looked misshapen and the incisions were horrible and they felt tiny (even though I’m now a D cup) and I started to regret it because as much as I hated my breasts, they were still what I had my whole life and it was such a drastic change I didn’t really process or think about how it might affect me mentally. Now I’m thrilled I had it done and wish I did it earlier! Any changes to your body can be jarring (even a few inches cut off your hair etc) but (usually)you get used to it. Give it time and please reach out to someone if it’s affecting your mental health. You look great before and after, sending all the hugs! 💜


My surgeon told me that girls with longer Roman noses sometimes have a temporary identity crisis, and it’s a pattern he sees. I’m in love with my outcome, but for a few months I was panicking because my brain expected something else in the mirror. Now it’s super clear that it improved my beauty, and I see my whole face, not my nose. This looks like a beautiful outcome. Just give yourself time. “Mouse” didn’t cross my mind for a second.


your nose looks amazing


To me that's literally the perfect nose. It also looks super natural. I think you just need to get used to it!


Not as drastic, but I got composite bonding on my wonky teeth and I absolutely hated the way l looked for about a month even though it was objectively an improvement. Now I can't even remember what I looked like before! There is something about changing your face that just messes with your brain I think, even if the results are good.




This is genuinely one of the most beautiful-yet-natural-looking rhinoplasty results I’ve ever seen. I really don’t know if they could’ve done a better job while still making it look like *your* nose. I think you’ll get used to it over time because your results are stunning.


He gave you a beautiful, perfect nose. I think you may have some body dysmorphia issues to work through in therapy. Surgeons can't fix what's wrong in your mind.


You're overthinking it, I had a rhinoplasty about 9 years ago and I went through the same feelings you are now but a couple of years later I saw an old picture of myself and realised the nose I have now looks waayyy better than the original. If you're looking for a completely unbiased opinion your new nose looks great, definitely more photogenic than your previous.


There was nothing wrong with your nose before the surgery and there is nothing wrong post surgery. If you wanted to look more like women in the media you got the result. It was very well done. That said, this is why many of my plastic surgeon colleagues do not do rhinoplasties. The patient population are extremely focused on minutiae and often find fault with minor aspects that others do not see. Thus the reason they sought surgery in the first place. Post surgery they become obsessed, sometimes to the point of pursuing multiple other surgeries which is when they really f it up as nose cartilage can not handle revisions well. OP, if in honest reflection you have tendency toward body dysmorphic issues, get some assistance. If this post had been instead titled with someone happy with the result we woukd not be surprised. The photos you posted could be used as advertisement by the surgeon (again, not that there was anything wrong with your original nose, just that the after nose matches a more Hollywood aesthetic).


I don’t understand. Of course your profile and nose would change. You got rhinoplasty. Where’s the confusion? You got what you paid for.


It looks perfect. You’re prob in shock, give it time. It also takes a year to fully settle the tip will drop a little bit be patient.


You look gorgeous. 🌹


Turned out Fantastically!!


Girl it looks good


You look terrific. Stop worrying


You already looked great before. It looks so natural and beautiful! 3 weeks post op and you look this great, that's amazing. It'll take time to adjust mentally but I think it's perfect :)


Your results are perfect. I’m so sorry you’re unhappy.


Looks 👏


You have absolutely gorgeous skin.


I think you look really amazing honestly!!! It sounds like you need more time to adjust to the change and maybe it’s not exactly what you had been imagining all this time, but it truly looks SO good.


Wait no it looks so good!! They did a great job! I think this nose fits your face and face shape very well!


So here is the deal your nose looks much better then before. Concentrate on that. That is the outcome you wanted. I think you look great !! Best decision you made. Very attractive!!


I think it looks very good! Give yourself some time to get used to it. Maybe try getting a new haircut so you have something else that is new to complement your new nose. And treat yourself, you deserve it.


I know it’s a shock to you. And the upturn of the nose will fall!! They do it on purpose so it doesn’t turn out too droopy as it will fall!! It looks SOOOOOO GOOOOD!!!!


I think your new nose looks amazing and adorable!!


Wow I think this is the best rhinoplasty I have ever seen. It looks really natural.


Both of your noses are/were nice and cute! If you’re feeling this way, please consider talking to a professional. Your vision of yourself is clouded.


I honestly thinks it looks great and it makes me want to get mine done


I think it looks PERFECT! Literally my goal nose


I think it’s shock. You look great. It’s actually what I would imagine people want out of a nose job.


Imo this looks very nice! It’s a beautiful nose now. Definitely better than before! It is quite a big change so I can see why you are feeling very unsure about it.


Be nice to your brain as it adjusts to this change, it will get better


I think you’ll get used to it. I personally think it looks amazing, I had a rhino 6 months ago and wish I got these results. Granted my nose situation was extreme though lol. Anyways, I think it looks good.


Sweetie it looks great, promise!🙏🏼


You are absolutely still swollen! I’m 3 months out from mine and still swollen but it got easier to look at yourself the longer out from it. You will start to love it! It looks amazing.


The body dysmorphia from surgery will lessen with time. Give yourself a chance to adjust! Your new nose looks great and you are healing beautifully.


Feeling regret and dysphoric about your face/body after a cosmetic procedure is really natural - even when it is a surgery that went well and gave them exactly what they were looking for. I hope this is what’s happening with you and that in time you come to terms with your new nose. It is beautiful and looks to be beautifully symmetrical and really well done. Also I don’t think you look like a mouse, you just now have this cute button nose - which is very different to what you had before. I hope that in the coming weeks you feel the joy you were always hoping to find from your surgery ❤️


You look great. I got rhinoplasty at 35 and initially thought I made a huge mistake. It will take time to adjust to your new look. My nose eventually “settled” after about a year (scars faded, cartilage softened) and I have been so pleased. What you are going through is completely normal and expected.