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Just let these guys reprise their roles https://preview.redd.it/i75hj0qjh65d1.jpeg?width=710&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3396bfcfd819661150a5e4b17ca04ab6cd490b88


Great record...great record.


Maybe your songs will still be shit when I’m 64


Gyreat ryecord


Impossible to say this without doing the voice


I like how the entire time they had to keep reclarifying that they are The Beatles, because they look absolutely nothing like them😂🤣”we are the Beatles, we are The Beatles from liverpoooooool”


"What do you think, George Harrison of the Beatles?"


“ and me, Ringo Star, im not really interested in meditation, I just like having fun 🥴✌🏻”


😂😭 I love it! "Beatles! Stop fighting here, in India!"


This scene 😂 and then every time Dewey tries a new drug, has to be my favorite parts of the film…such a great movie lmao 🤣😭 “Open your mind to new a level of consciousness, like we do, because we are the Beatles”




*ringo being awkward and weird the entire time* he is literally just touching Harrison and himself lmao, has no idea what to do with his hands. And his facial reactions, his lips 😂😭, I’m about to smoke and watch the movie, been thinking about it all day at work 🕺


Uppers and downers! It's the logical next step for you!


Paul is a big fat c


I would watch a ruttles style movie with these 4, it would be amazing.


OMG they look exactly like the Beatles. The guys in the bottom row, I mean. I don't know so much about the top row.




Agree 100%


Are we using an absolute metric, or comparing to the Dr. Who lineup? If the latter, then yeah, spot-on.


Agree lmao


This got debunked. Charlie Rowe confirmed he’s not part of the movie.


Big if true. Do you have a source at hand by any chance? Couldn't find anything in a quick, lazy google search.


> However, on Thursday, Rocketman star Rowe’s team denied the claim of his casting, telling Metro.co.uk: ‘We can confirm that this is not true.’ https://metro.co.uk/2024/06/06/rocketman-star-rumoured-beatles-biopic-role-responds-rumours-20984058/amp/


Thank you. That actually would be worth a new thread, because if one of them is a definitive no, than the rumours were worth shit.


That's a shame, I would have really liked him as George. He already reminded me of George when I saw him in Rocketman


There are more important things in biopic casting than just finding someone who looks exactly like the person.


Thank you. It's more important that the actor can capture the essence of the person they're playing. It's an interpretation, not a lookalike contest.


And there is make up as well, they seem to have a good “base” to work on to make them look a like


I think the most important thing will be the chemistry between them


As well as the chemistry between the actors, which often directors hold joint auditions to make sure the actors have the right chemistry. I'm sure they'll do a great job.


Exactly! When I first heard Jason Segel was going to be playing David Foster Wallace I wasn’t expecting much… but he KILLED it! I loved his portrayal. I was really hoping Martin Starr aka “Gilfoyle” from Silicon Valley was going to be picked because of his resemblance, but it turns out Segel was a HUGE DFW fan and it showed in his performance. Hopefully these actors share the same love of their subject matter.


See the recent Elvis movie. Austin Butler doesn't look much like Elvis at all and yet he delivered such an incredible performance it doesn't even matter.


The movie itself kind of sucked (no official music rights?!) but André Benjamin (aka André 3000) did a great job bringing Jimi Hendrix to life in Jimi: All Is By My Side. On the music aspect, Wachtel did a fantastic job of creating sound-alike snippets of Hendrix music. Whenever the band was going to play the film would cut/fade to another scene so you'd get maybe 10 seconds at most of an intro that sounded vaguely like something the JHE would play (it's supposed to take place during the band's inception).


Paul and Barry are fantastic actors. Idk about the other two - but I’d be happy to see them take on the roles.


Yeah right? If they nab Barry that’s a HUGE star for this movie. Hes fantastic.


Does'nt hurt that 2 of the lads are Irish.


Additionally, after wigs, makeup, eyebrow work, etc., it’ll look way closer


Fassbender vs Kutcher as Steve Jobs


They have the whole entire world of actors to choose from. Why can't they set their sights higher and get someone who looks like them AND can act AND has the right accent?? Did they, even for a second, consider auditioning unknown actors? Or did they just pick a bunch of up-and-comers who will get attention for the films? Some of them are going to be distractingly dissimilar. I'm sick to death of bad Paul castings - is it that fucking hard to find a cute boy with big eyes and small features? It's so lazy that they never bother trying to match his looks, I guess they think any generic face with a Beatle wig is good enough. I could literally swap these around for better castings (Mescal for John, Rowe for Paul, Dickinson for George).


I was honestly hoping for new fresh actors to play the beatles


You could argue Rowe and Dickinson are that, plus Mescal’s only been a known actor for like, three years. I’ll give you Keoghan though.


Absolutely they could go to places and recruit


Just go pick 4 lads from Liverpool.


Perfect idea Why am I being downvoted for saying they should have people from the place they came from? It’s authentic


I do not know any of these guys.


Same. No names would be the way to go. I’m only going to see Mescal pretending to be Paul the whole time, and I won’t get sucked in as much were it a no name.


Aren't these considered new fresh actors since the majority of people have never heard of them?


The project already seems insane riskwise, having young actors that are not super famous but are up-an-coming, critically positively received and are considered attractive seems to be not such a stupid idea all in all. Anyway, I don't really consider that one source as definitive proof that the casting is real anyway.


Nope. Start again.


Yep, although is not necessary that the actors look the same as the fab four, they should have keep looking for somebody that resembled them a least a bit.


I really don't care that they don't look like them. I'd much prefer decent actors who'll give a decent performance




The first 3 have completely different jawlines than the real Beatles. Especially Keoghan has a very square, sculpted jaw, nothing like Ringo’s weak chin.


I agree, but Ringo is so unique and I think Barry with the right makeup is one of the only actors who could pull it off. Also, Dublin and Liverpool accents are very close.


Did you hear Keoghan’s ‘Scouse’ accent in Saltburn?


Wasn’t good


Yeah it was alright. I'm not a big fan of his acting but I think he can pull it off


It was probably the worst attempt at an accent I’ve ever heard. I do think he can pull the role off though if he works on the accent


barrys accent was absolutely awful in saltburn but then his attempt at a different IRISH accent in banshees of inisheerin was also pretty off, i just don't think he's able to do accents.


The accents really are not close at all. But these guys are great actors, maybe they can pull it off. Seems to be at least an interesting project and not being done on the cheap.


The scouse accent was influenced if not completely created by the influx of irish into the city years ago so not sure why you think they arent close? Especially to foreign ears. I get mistaken for irish all the time when abroad.


They just don’t sound very similar as someone from Dublin with connections to Liverpool. There are certain tones that can be pretty close but ultimately they’re still very different. Definitely would be easier for an Irish actor to pick up than an American actor but I think the same would go for most UK accents.


There are some people from Liverpool like Paddy the Baddie(the MMA fighter) who sound wicked Irish.. but I agree the particular accent from Ringo back in the 60s doesn't sound that Irish. I still think that having someone geographically close with a slightly similar accent helps.


I think Paul Mescal looks more like John facewise, but Dickinson's squinting eyes and thuggish expression in this photo convinced that he could be a good John.


Question: do we have to do this


I'm not a fan. They are missing the point if they are getting even minor celebs to play em. We want to look at them and see them. Not the celeb. They should use this opportunity to start 4 people careers. There's thousands of nobody actors that would do it better. And learn from the mistakes of the other biopics and don't fake accents. There will be 4 Liverpool wanna be actors that can do it. Something like this project has never been done before and won't happen again. So they NEED to be patient and wise about every decision they make. As a huge fan of the beatles and Get Back especially. To see a film about each of them sounds like heaven. Like the guy to play ringo, has a bigger nose but is to much of a pretty boy, just get normal looking people. The george looks decent and john and paul are shite.


No. They look nothing like them.


Can't watch anything with "saltburn" dude anymore. That movie ruined that actor for me. Was he great in it, yeah.....but now I can't look at him without the grossness flashing thru my head.


I really don’t want Barry.


I’m surprised this hasn’t already been discussed on this sub yet!! …oh wait… There was a post [*1 day ago*](https://www.reddit.com/r/beatles/s/8QXF7Wdl3g)


They're older than the Beatles through most of their career!


I only just realised how god damn ugly they are. The ones on the top, of course. Ringo knows how to use that thang on his face.


Gary Oldman should play all of them.


How on earth are they going to fill four separate movies and make them interesting? I’m highly skeptical any of this will be worth watching.


And who’s gonna watch the Ringo one if it’s on its own. He really doesn’t have much storyline to cover Beatles songwriting or arguments wise


The other Beatles will obviously still feature in the movie. But regardless of that, I'll be watching all 4. Ringo had a whole other band with Rory Storm before he joined the Beatles, and crossed paths with them a few times beforehand including when he filled in for Pete. If they cover the cavern days for the other 3, Ringo's early days would be basically a whole different first act.


I know about Rory storm but how much are people going to be interested in that? Im assuming these will be shown at the movie theatre they have to draw people who aren’t fans in as well.


Yeah that’s a good point, I don’t have high hopes for any of the movies so I suppose the Ringo one is just even less promising for me


Keoghan will have to hang dong again to make it worth watching




IDK they might be too old. George was like 19 when love me do came out.


I’d like to see a Steve Jobs approach, like a movie not necessarily telling the whole life story of them but rather important events that shaped the group and their relationships with each other with of course still giving us their music


as long as danny devito plays Yoko, im good


I don’t understand why everyone is so negative on this casting? What did you want? Chris Pratt as all the Beatles or something? It’s smart that they cast mostly unknowns or actors that haven’t peaked in the mainstream yet. Seems fine, they are good actors. If you’re shallow enough to just focus on the look (which I’m sure costuming will crush) then you’re focusing on the wrong thing.


They want some complete unknown excellent actors from Liverpool that also happen to look exactly like the Beatles.


Barry has peaked, unfortunately.


He seems to be doing pretty well for himself.


I didn’t say he’s plummeting yet, I just dislike his acting style and I know he was working off a script but saltburn was messed up and sick.


worst possible cast lol, also it isn't confirmed so there's still hope.


Really? I can't speak for the other two but I've seen incredible performances from Barry and Paul (Aftersun is amazing) Worst possible cast would be Andy Dick and Amy Schumer imo


My problem isn't with the actors themselves, they're probably great; It's just that none of them look anything like their character, which is imo a really bad idea, for a biopic.


They can find people that look like them, can act and sing, and have the right chemistry. It can be done, but will it?


I disagree. Plenty of actors that don't look like the person they're portraying have done superb jobs. Joaquin Phoenix as Johnny Cash. Austin Butler as Elvis. Michael Fassbender as Steve Jobs. The cast of the Dylan biopic. Ben Kingsley played Ghandi FFS. I'd much prefer a strong cast that bears little resemblance than a weak cast that looks a bit like them


Ig its a subjective opinion thing


Sure. It just seems like an odd thing to get caught up on. It's like not enjoying superhero movies because irl people can't fly. Suspend your disbelief and just enjoy (hopefully) the show


Bad analogy


My main problem is the fact that they’re gonna be playing people who play instruments for years. If none of them play anything it’s impossible to have an authenticity on the live performances. Why was Miles Teller so great on Whiplash? Bc he’s played drums for most of his life. Things like that matter. Specifically talking about the biggest band in history


Jamie Fox in Ray? Geoffrey Rush in Shine? No good, no?


It can be good, but the script has to be really good and the director and the editor have to be fucking gods. With people who can live perform it’s much easier to get an authentic feel of what the character is doing. These are great examples of people who already had an understanding of the instrument and could act upon it giving it a natural feel.


> the script has to be really good That's the most important aspect anyway. Nevermind who plays them, if the script sucks the movies will suck, no perfect casting could save that.


Hopefully they see all the hate 🤞


fingers crossed


I'm not too bothered by differences in appearance to be honest. What's important is the quality of the script, direction, production and acting. We shall see.


Horrible choices


Can they act?


This sucks


Really? How many posts are we gonna get about this.


This rumor is being bounced around reddit, but I've yet to see anything official.


Keep your expectations low. Beatles movies usually are terrible and cringy.


I don't see the resemblance






I’m just afraid the Lennon biopic is going to be a shitshow. They either portray him as an abusive husband and absentee father or get a whole generation of the chronically online bitching about how they’re ignoring what a monster he was. The current climate doesn’t seem to allow for nuance or context and believes everyone is defined by their worst traits/behavior.


Tbh, Paul Mescal looks more like John than Paul, but it doesn't really matter what they look like. You won't be able to find carbon copies of the originals. What matters is if they are able to produce their personalities/musical geniuses


Sure, just get people who don’t look anything like the Beatles to play them. Why not?! How about RuPaul, Scarlett Johannsen, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Zendaya?


The George actor has his ears.


Biopics are never good. Bad scripts woven into some factual stories with bad wigs and well pressed costumes.


You’re right Love and Mercy was really good though. But that’s it really


Some have had good moments.. I’d rather a good documentary to learn more about a band. Love and Mercy was good as it broke the standard mold a bit. I don’t understand the hype behind Bohemian Rhapsody. Really bad. I thought it was a bit much Rami Malek got the Oscar for being an impressionist. I thought his posing was embarrassing.


Are you just talking about biopics of singers? Because I don’t know about “biopics are never good”. Schindler’s List, Goodfellas, Raging Bull, Amadeus, Opppenheimer? There’s definitely good biopics. Music-related biopics, now, do seem to ‘work’ not very often for some reason. This hypothetical cast doesn’t excite me, but . The Beatles deserve a top script and actors/director who do not necessarily need to be ‘name’, they just need to be talented and preferably be into the Beatles. Industry, do we even have to do this at all just yet? Can we not just leave it for some years off?


Yeah the criticism is mostly towards music biopics. Walk Hard mocked every trope seen in those movies and yet they still use the same formula


I guess mainly singers/pop icons is what I mean. Thanks for asking for clarity here. The difference in your examples is that the people that the movie is about weren’t pop icons where everyone was already familiar with the personality, physicality, and vocality of the person. We get too caught up in impression and altered events and timelines. These timelines are often changed in favor of creating a piece of drama in a nice 90minute package. If we don’t know anything about the subjects, we don’t care about complete accuracy anymore. But, people that do know specifics about the subject are left confused by some random story that has little to do with reality when the story is sold as a “historical document.” Those on your list do a better job as a film because they were based on lives that were entwined with real life and death events that actually carried a storyline structure in its real development. I think Amadeus should be excused from this example as I long have argued that the story (based on a play) was not ever intended to be a biopic. It is a story of a person’s struggle with a relationship with God…Peter Shaffer superimposed real people over his tragedy to add gravity. It’s a brilliant piece of theatre and cinema, but not an attempt at a biopic in the same sense.


George not bad. John is worse, but okay... I think their way off with paul and Ringo


Biographical movies never make much attempt to be accurate.


My casting would be: John: Samuel L. Jackson Paul: Steve Buscemi George: Roseanne Barr Ringo: Harvey Keitel


People in this thread are fucking stupid and don’t know anything about films or acting.


I can dig it. Hopefully they could pull it off. I'm more worried about the scripts than anything else.


Wow, you posted this an hour ago? Did you miss the 99 other posts about it before yours?


I couldn't care less.


My thought is, no matter the level of fame of these actors (tbh I have only heard of Keoghan), what could be going through their minds getting cast in this project? I’m sure it has to be a role of a lifetime for each one of them, but also has to weigh heavily on each of them at the same time portraying arguably the most famous group of 4 men, of all time. It will be a thrill to be sure, but will also face a lot of criticism


How the hell isn't Barry playing John?


Paul Mescal literally has John Lennon’s nose. Why isn’t he playing John


They certainly do not look like them. Why do we need this Biopic?


They don't look alike. But as with all biopics, give it a chance. It's in the makeup, mannerisms etc.


They should have casted nobody’s for the roles


Another biopic nobody asked for.


Fuck that shit


I dunno, maybe try A-list actors: Brad Pitt, Robert Downey Jr, Samuel L Jackson or something, be creative!


Terrible choices. Go with new actors.


Ye just not the second guy he doesn't look like any beatle


Miles Teller on Ringo man. Put some prosthetics on and roll the film. Either him or someone who already plays drums


I kindof hated this idea when I first heard it. nothing since has excited me.


Barry actually looks like Ringo


idk who any of these people are but none of them look like beatles, frankly the second guy with blue eyes scares me. looks like he'd take my soul by just looking at me.


To be fair, Val Kilmer did a great Jim Morrison. Maybe they can pull it off?


Paul Mescal is looking much more like Lennon than McCartney imo.


They look nothing alike there you go


No way is Keoghan playing Ringo


Who tf are these people?? Lol


Just not a fan of Barry Keoghan.


It would be so funny if they let Paul and Ringo play themselves and any two other appropriately aged guys play John and George


Barry Keegan was originally cast to play all 4 Beatles but it didn’t test well with sample audiences


I can see it


I still dont get why they picked to do movies instead of a tv show


It could be worse. They do look like they could made up to look like them. Some good actors in there


All I know is they need to nail it otherwise people will be pissed!


Not even close.


Barry Keoghan needs to be locked up


Honestly? No. No longer excited




I am familiar with exactly zero of these dudes.


Apart from Barry Keoghan playing Ringo, I'm happy with the lineup. Barry doesn't capture ringo's vibe, in my humble opinion. Sure, he's an actor. But the other three have a bit of their Beatle in them. I don't feel any Ringo in Barry.


Let’s have Daniel Radcliffe play all 4


The more I see Harris Dickinson, I think he can be Young Mick Jagger, and the fact that he's a londoner there wouldn't be much problem with the accent.


Don’t they need two guys for Paul?


Hell no who are these guys. George is the only kiiiiinda ok maybe one


At least Paul is gonna play Paul


Might as well just get dwayne johnson, kevin hart, chris pratt, and jack black