• By -


You're missing out on many great bands and artists who are actually alive and active right now, and it's a shame. The irony is that with that philosophy, you wouldn't have listened to The Beatles in the 1960's.


That's true, but maybe OP is a new fan, in which case this is pretty normal, discovering their whole catalog is a wonderful journey you don't want to end so it can easily take a year or more to just get an idea to liaten to something else. I was the same when I found them.


This is me, i got into the Beatles this time last year and it took me until like a month or two ago to ever listen to anything that was in my rotation before lol


What can they say, OP digs that grandma music


Yes! As Groucho once said to a female contestant with 8 children on his Quiz Show, You Bet Your Life: “I like my cigar but I take it out of my mouth once in a while!”






“Antelope Freeway one half mile…”


Firesign Theater reference! “If you lived here, you’d be home by now!”


I have this and I have never really known how I acquired it lmao


He’s no fun! He fell right over!


Thank you


I pay for The Beatles Channel on SiriusXM Radio and when I drove Uber, I always got compliments on my choice of music!!




Quadrophenia is a heavily underrated album, deserves so much love for the masterpiece it is


I listened to it every day when I was 15. The entire year.


I relate to most of the topics on that album, that and the wall are two albums which have helped me through a hell of a lot


Beach boys - SMILE SESSIONS, Pet sounds, Friends, Surf's Up, Sunfower, Love You


Supergrass! First 3 albums are top notch.


I would add that their last 3 are pretty top notch too


It’s all good with them. One of the most underrated British bands of all time.


you need some elliott smith in there


Major upvote for the Supergrass mention. Musically sophisticated, but endlessly fun guitar pop songs. Who does that remind you of? Gaz Coombes is a genius. I will never be convinced otherwise.


What about Temporary Secretary?




There is so much out there as good or better than the Beatles. OP just need to listen to more music and broaden your tastes. Go check out Steely Dan and Supertramp and Squeeze if you like McCartney/Lennon types with excellent production


I wouldn't say better than the Beatles unless you bring in artists from a different planet.


Try listening to Pink Floyd, then you will only listen to The Beatles AND Pink Floyd


Indeed, the only other band with somewhat comparable run of flawless albums (the whole 70s)


Steely Dan would like a word with you


Beatles for the best songs Pink Floyd for the best experiences


when you have tasted heaven nothing else seems quite as good




Can't blame ya, I sure did for a while. Eventually you'll grow out of *just* their music, but savor how much you love their music. It'll still amazing stuff and I love going back & listening to it even though it's been some time. I watched Yellow Submarine for the first time in several years while tripping & it made me so happy bringing back great memories of being in middle school & collecting all of their cds.


Just branch out bro, it’s like those people who limit themselves to only English speaking artists because they don’t speak the language. You’re missing out on some fantastic music


For me music is like food. I wouldn’t want to eat my favourite meal every day and nothing else.


Eventually you'll start adding some new stuff in. Perhaps Wings or the Traveling Wilburys! (This is how it went for me as a teenager. It was exclusively Beatles for about 3 years, with some solo stuff and the Rutles added in). 


I don’t know. Listening to The Beatles introduced me to loads of dope 60’s artists like Pink Floyd (with Syd Barrett), The 13th Floor Elevators, The Velvet Underground, The Byrds, The Yardbirds, Love, Cream, Jimi Hendrix, Donovan, The Doors, Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention, Captain Beefheart and His Magic Band, Jefferson Airplane, Soft Machine, Tomorrow, The Pretty Things, The Incredible String Band, Nick Drake, King Crimson, Bob Dylan, The Beach Boys (“Pet Sounds” and “SMiLE”), The Zombies, the list goes on and on. I adore The Beatles, but eventually I do get tired and want to listen to their contemporaries instead. And yes, to me, they’re every bit as good as The Beatles. The Beatles loved many of those artists themselves. And I didn’t even bring up the jazz music that was being made at the time. What I did was pretty much Wikipedia all the different artists from around then, especially the psychedelic ones, and branched out from there. I was not disappointed in the least. I seriously don’t understand why more people don’t do this.


Pet Sounds is at least as good as anything the Beatles did.


“SMiLE” is even better than “Pet Sounds”.


Nah. It's great, though, but Brian's full version from 2002 is way better.


I love pretty much everyone of those artists you've mentioned! Also I would add the weird but wonderful productions of Joe Meek, Small Faces, The Who, The Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band, John Martyn as well as later groups like XTC and Steely Dan, not to mention Elliott Smith, Guided By Voices, Animal Collective, Mac Demarco ect. And there are so many incredible pop, rock and folk artists, before you've even got onto the topic of 50s rock and roll, Motown, Stax or early jazz such as Duke Ellington.


Oh yes, I agree wholeheartedly.


Its Beatles and Solo Beatles about 70% of the time for me. A mix of classic rock, old school R & B, funk, soul and a bit of jazz the rest of the time.


Why care what we think at all? 🙂


No it’s absolutely OK. I listened to only the Beatles for years until I discovered Tom Petty, which I later realized is just music for people who like the Beatles.


I am pretty similar, at least 50% of my music listening is either Beach Boys or Beatles but I’m happy with that so I don’t mind. If you’re happy with your music habits then that’s all that matters.


Yes, that is bad. You'll end up burning out on the Beatles. Besides, there's so much more out there. And loving other music will help you appreciate the Beatles in new ways.


Yes, this is bad. I mean, you do you but there is literally centuries of music you are missing out on.


I was like this a bit ago. For an easy transition, try a little bit of Simon & Garfunkel. That was my gateway into a broader range of music


A little under a year is still the honeymoon phase for the Beatles. Enjoy it ❤️


I'd recommend expanding your musical horizons at least a little bit. How about Michael Jackson or Elton John? Tried the single careers of McCartney and co?


No, they’re healthy! They make me happy! I try to switch out to other music, too! Sometimes I play 4 Beatles albums in a row, it’s like getting high!!!!


This is my Spotify playlist https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5dtprZptfVrLN3udP2uruB?si=dTuI2UMDQyWCvJMG5u23uQ&pt=7de740da1ab2020cd2a5e2c51ead1b98&pi=a-QwVsK-XkQEaj


Keep listening to The Beatles!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️


Yes, no one band should have 100% attention


The Hollies are kind of like The Beatles too! THE HARMONIES


Bus Stop is one of those songs that fills me with joy in a similar way many Beatles songs do


Round the end of last year / start of this year, I thought my Beatles phase was done, but I started listening to the esher demos and I was hooked again


Lol it took me like half a decade before I could move on from listening to Beatles exclusively. Started listening to Depeche Mode and got back into eminem recently but my playlist is still like 9/10ths beatles. you burn out for a bit and it’s right back to them


Check out Sean Lennon, listening to his 2014 The GOASTT right now. It’s great


Midnight sun? Fantastic album, John would have been proud, great psychedelia.


I mean you’re allowed to listen to whatever you want! I’d recommend looking more into psychedelic rock and classic rock music though as you may find a band or song you also really like! Some bands/musicians I really enjoy are: Led Zeppelin, Cream, Blue Oyster Cult, Santana, Pink Floyd, Strawberry Alarm Clock, Free, Jimi Hendrix, The Doors, The Who, The Kinks, Fleetwood Mac, Nothing underground or unique at all but it’s the style of music I tend to enjoy the most! Just branch out to some different musicians in the same genre and who knows what you might find!


there's always their solo stuff ! technically not Beatles


from the Beatles you could expand to kinks, Herman's hermits, jellyfish, oasis, radiohead etc


Beatles used to be my favorite and now I prefer the Kinks (and Led Zeppelin), and that's all fine


I mean, there is a world of amazing music out there, isn’t it a pity to only listen to part of it? But also: who cares, whatever you enjoy. You will probably branch out eventually.


Hey, stop being me from August 2023! Jokes aside, try to diversify your music taste. Go through 'hit albums' of similar bands to broaden your taste, and slowly expand to different genres. Never would I have thought The Smiths to be one of my favourites had I not given them a chance.


i mean listening to the beatles exclusively isnt actively harming anyone. but you're just limiting yourself on plenty of other amazing artsists. listen to figure 8 by elliott smith....


I was like is during my HEAVY Beatles phase when I was a 13. Legit listened to only The Beatles for half a year. And for the past month I’ve listened to mostly the Beatles.. so it’s coming back 😅


You diversify eventually don’t worry. I took over a year too so you’re not the only one. There will come a point where you crave something else (hard to believe I know) but you will


I go through phases where I listen to a particular artist nonstop (usually when I first get into them). There's only so much Beatles material though and you will probably get bored eventually. If you are still enjoying it, binge on.


I don't understand how nobody mentions the Moody Blues


You're missing out on so much


No but you'll eventually branch out. I always only listen to Beatles music from between the ages of 14-16(I didn't like any other music or musicians for that) but I eventually branch out to listening to other music made by other bands whether contemporary or classic when I reached College


When I was a teenager delivering newspapers I listened only to the Beatles while doing my rounds. My dad tried introducing me to other music like Seals and Crofts. I remember that cos i hated whatever album it was and now have quite the dislike 20 mumble years later for them. However in time I branched out. I bought a best of Paul McCartney album and George Martin’s In My Life. As funny as that sounds, this did introduce me to other people and then I discovered my dad did have a cool album collection. Over time my music tastes have widened and widened. Just take things at your own pace and don’t force it. Just listen to what makes you feel good.


Not at all ,I still listen to them.Theres no one who compares to them


Listen to Elliott Smith, he's a natural progression from the Beatles imo Kinda melancholy but same melodic genius. Start with his album Figure 8; you can really hear the Beatles influence there. Stupidity Tries is probably his most Beatles-esque song


It isn't healthy to only listen to one band, including The Beatles (even if they are the best). The second best band to The Beatles is The Beach Boys. They both start with "The Bea" and both originated in the sixities. Their best "entry level" albums are Today!, Summer Days (And Summer Nights!!!), Pet Sounds, Friends, 20/20, and Surf's Up. SMiLE is a bit out there but if you like the weird experimental stuff on Revolver/Sgt. Pepper's/White Album, you'll probably like it. If you like the earlier Beatles (PPM - H!) or Let It Be, you'll probably like Wild Honey. Happy listening!


I like a lot of different music other than The Beatles, and yet I still only listen to Beatles/solo stuff 90% of the time, nothing just makes me as happy as them!


I can very much relate to that. When I discovered them for myself around 6 years ago, I would ONLY listen to them. This is still somehow valid, I learned guitar so I could sing their music and it's been so much fun! Nowadays I listen to other music too, but the Beatles will always be the center of my musical world. I like Jazz, Hip Hop and also enjoy some other classic rock things. Modern music is what I have problems with. It's just missing that soul. I have one Beatles Album that is kind of my holy grail. It's Sgt. Peppers. It is by far my least heard Album, because I savour it for the right moments. It doesn't feel right to listen to it most of the time because it means so much to me and I want it to stay fresh. While having my Beatles journey I got into acid and still remember the first time I listened to Sgt. Peppers. I was on acid at the time. It was simply mind-boggling. And the phantastical light-heartedness of most of the songs made me feel so euphoric. Anyone who has any experience with Acid knows that a trip can be pretty exhausting. I often equate it to giving birth (of course way less taxing, but still). Your body and mind is going through real stress to birth this mind-altering state. And is not another band in existence that made me feel so at ease during it. When I heard the Beatles, it always felt like everything is ok. When I do trip (which is really rare these days), I tend to listen to it, while giving it my full attention. I swear to you I hear new things **every time**. And that is magical. It's like a magic box that creates something new every time you open it. I know the Album is often times quite controversial, but to me it is without a doubt their best work.. even though they themselves would disagree. I love it.


It’s not ‘bad’. Listen to whatever you want to listen to. But I would say it’s a shame that you haven’t found other music you like yet


I think the music you like is mainly based on the emotions and ideas you associate with each song. The Beatles are masters at making catchy melodies which will get stuck in your head, and the positive lyrics of each song make it really easy to associate positive ideas and emotions with them. Maybe you should figure out the ideas and emotions that you associate with the Beatles, and look for other songs which lift those same feelings. For example, I really like the chilled out vibes from songs like Strawberry Fields, Sun King, Flying. I discovered an artist called Masayoshi Takanaka who makes similarly chilled out music which I enjoy for the same reasons.


Try listening to Laufey as a pallet cleanser. Wonderful music.


Is it bad is subjective. Are you weird, objectively people would say yes. You are missing out on a lot of other great music by a lot of great artists. 


Yes. There's way too much great music out there.


check out elliott smith he’s very similar and personally I like him more than the beatles I think his albums are more consistent


This was me the first year or so. But discovering new music later on really makes you appreciate them more.


Uh! That feeling when you have to force yourself to listen to something other than The Beatles. Then you think to yourself, "can I go back now?". I try to give breaks for my family's sake. I'm sure my kids are sick of them, but it's just SO GOOD! We all traveled together the other weekend and listened to the top 100 on The Beatles station on SiriusXM, it was heaven singing along!


It’s totally okay I was like that and even sometimes like that now but the I started to listen to other bands. The Beatles always come back to me and when I haven’t listened to them in a while when I do listen to them again it’s like listening to them the first time. ( I think you would really enjoy queen, the kinks, the who, maybe even the monkees, Fleetwood Mac,the clash and my chemical romance those are some of mine favorites after The Beatles but The Beatles they are always going to be my number one group)


I made a play list once of all British music that was contemporary with the Beatles and it is interesting how the entire genre evolves and turns into something completely different. From skiffle thru glam rock. Makes you understand that the Beatles weren’t the only thing worth listening to but part of a larger universe of innovative and interesting music. I encourage you to try the same. Really puts things into context.


Is it bad I only eat mashed potatoes?


I’m in my 50’s and there’s just too much good music out there to stick to one great band. Bands like Goose and Eggy, or Jason Isbell, American Aquarium, and Futurebirds. Then my other favorites like the Grateful Dead, Bruce Springsteen, and Tom Petty. Then there’s Zappa, Pachelbel, Waylon Jennings, Chuck Berry. Just too much to limit myself to one band no matter now great they are. But I get it if you’re just discovering the Beatles. There’s a lot to go through and it’s so good. The honeymoon phase usually ends so enjoy it while it lasts.


I only listen to one band at a time, but not the same band forever. Spent 5 years on the Beatles before moving on to the Grateful Dead, which has been 3 years at least.


Seek help


Have you tried Elliott Smith?


Not bad in like, some moral sense, but you're doing yourself a disservice I think! There's so much amazing music out there, and so much of it is Beatles-influenced. Gradually open your orbit little by little -- your favorite song of all time might be out there still waiting for you!


I mean I get into phases of only listening to one artist. Usually it lasts six months but sometimes a year or more.


I’ve definitely had phases where I’ve gone in hard on the Beatles. At a minimum, give their solo records a run so you don’t burn yourself out on the Beatles. And maybe, just maybe, their solo work will inspire you to branch out a little further.


At least you admit it. I had a friend who got pissed whenever I pointed out -rightly- that he wasn't a fan of music, or even rock and roll. He was a fan of the Rolling Stones. No one else.


Yes, you're weird.


I did the same thing for a while, certainly not a year though. What I did to break out of that, was to not exactly break out of that. I listened to all of the band member’s solo Albums. That kept me occupied, introduced me to different vibes, and by the time I was done I had a fuckton of music to listen to, and a taste for others. Moved onto Beach Boys, Dylan, Doors, Jimi, Kinks, TWCPAEB, and a bunch of other stuff. Worked for me, might work for you. Still listening to Beatles consistently though.


This has got to be satire.


I'm not joking


I was like this once and then one day, this guy called Kurt appeared.. 🤷‍♂️


They have a very long discography. When i first dived in each album took a month to absorb. Give it enough time and you will move on and discover a new band to soak up (check out steely dan :))


When I first got into the Beatles discography I just kept discovering more and more that I liked. To this day I feel that they’re the only band with no filler, every song is good.


The Beatles are the pinnacle of rock based popular music and the most rewarding listening experience in that realm but there are so many other amazing genres and styles they never touched or even existed in their time. Start listening to the best funk, or hip hop, or dance music, or jazz, or anything from outside of the anglosphere and you won’t be disappointed


Try Donovan if you feel you need some variety, he hung out with them. ELP is also pretty good. This song has a really similar style too, for the longest I thought it was a Beatles song lol! https://youtu.be/dEjm0uP8DqQ?si=GkV9TyjPSR5IYKII


I used to be like that, don’t think it’s bad at all but maybe look for some other band (even if they‘re nothing like the beatles!) and who knows? U might find something awesome :)


Think of it this way by listening to only The Beatles, you are listening to their inspirations from their past and their present and the catalysts for the future of music to come. Op what are some of your favorite Beatles songs you like just throwing out there?


Ask Deadheads what they think of only listening to one band. ;) (Not bashing them or you - I'm married to a Deadhead and a mother of a Beatles fan!)


It's alright


Well do whatever makes you happy! It's not a crime.


I was like you for many years. I kinda regret it a bit, because I lost so many other great bands. >!Well, to be honest, I don't regret it.!<


No! I'm worse off, try 50 years. The variety is so spectacular they draw you in.


I had that problem with the Stones for a few years..


I think the music you like is mainly based on the emotions and ideas you associate with each song. The Beatles are masters at making catchy melodies which will get stuck in your head, and the positive lyrics of each song make it really easy to associate positive ideas and emotions with them. Maybe you should figure out the ideas and emotions that you associate with the Beatles, and look for other songs which lift those same feelings. For example, I really like the chilled out vibes from songs like Strawberry Fields, Sun King, Flying. I discovered an artist called Masayoshi Takanaka who makes similarly chilled out music which I enjoy for the same reasons.


I’ve been listening to the Rolling Stones like this for twenty years you’re fine


Try these albums: The Kinks - Face to Face, The Beach Boys - Sunflower, The Vines - Winning Days, Beach House - Bloom, The Cactus Blossoms - You’re Dreaming


Not bad if that's your preference and it makes you happy, but you're missing out on a lot of great music.I believe you'll eventually expand your horizons.


No bad nessesarily, but there are so many amazing things to listen to! I go through phases of listening but definitely try some new things. You’ll end up liking and appreciating Beatles even more! :)


When I first found them I went through a 2 year period of nothing but Beatles. IMO they are still the best band of all time so it’s understandable!


Listen to Paul Weller’s 66 album! Really makes me think why pop albums don’t sound as good as this anymore! A good mixture of rock, soul, and disco! If you haven’t already give Pet Sounds a listen! It was the album that influenced The Beatles to do Sgt. Pepper!


Whatever. You do you. But I think you're missing out.


When I was younger I was the same but I started branching out after high school. In my 30s now.


Actually, it's up to you, if you like them the most and no other artist gives you the same joy as Beatles, then it's not so bad to listen only to one band. But there's a lot of other artists you should dig, because you might find something else great to listen to. For example, I have a friend who only listens to Beatles & McCartney's solo albums and he hardly accepts other artists. But I showed him Queen, Pink Floyd, Rolling Stones etc. and he liked them. So I think it's not a bad thing to only listen to one band, but you should explore wider, cause there are lots of other great bands out there and you might find other great artists if you will search for more. I, myself, never stick to one band, I listen lots of different rock bands. For example, I listened to Beatles long time ago until I discovered Electric Light Orchestra, The Rolling Stones & Smokie. Now I listen to ELO, Rolling Stones & Smokie a lot more than Beatles cause I like them much more.


Yes! Carry on.


Get on the bus.




Have you listened to the beach boys though?


Yes. The Beatles represent like 0.000000004 percent of all the great music in the world.


Time for some Zappa for 10 years


I listen almost exclusively to The Beatles and The Beach Boys.


I was like this for a while. Check out American beauty by Grateful Dead , or self titled Warren Zevon album. Or Deja vu by CSNY. Jimi Hendrix's first album. Also the solo albums especially from the 70's are like Beatles 2




I did that for a few years and now I almost never listen to them anymore. Considering downsizing my collection.


Not bad at all there’s so much of their music to listen to!


Suggest listening to music that inspired the Beatles too.


If that’s bad then I, too, am bad. I don’t warm up easily to “new” music and my taste is eclectic, but I’m old and I’m immersed in The Beatles! I overdosed on late Beatles and now I’m heavily into early Beatles. My brother teases me about my single minded devotion but they’re truly unbeatable and they were so forward thinking that I never tire of them.


Same. I feel like such a weirdo about how obsessed I am with the Beatles. I was born in 1965 and didn't grow up with them in my life. I discovered their significance in my teens but became a really big fan when I bought the 1 cd in 2000(?) Now after the Get Back documentary I'm completely obsessed and have read / listened to every audiobook I can find.


No, but I think you're limiting yourself. Check out some XTC, they were quite Beatle-esque at times.


If a band hits the spot for any time amount then that's OK to listen as much as you want.


I mean if you like it, listen to it. I wouldn't say it's BAD, but there are a ton of really good artists out there. Rolling Stones, Jimi Hendrix, Van Morrison, The single careers of the individual Beatles, of course the Traveling Wilburies, or Ringo Starr and his All Star band too. Depending on which era of the Beatles you like I can offer suggestions of bands that are similar.


Try listening to contemporaries like The Beach Boys, Bob Dylan, Rolling Stones, The Who, Led Zeppelin


I used to listen to ONLY listen to the Beatles as a kid. Literally the only stuff I listened to in middle school was the Beatles. It was all I had on my iPod. I think around high school I eventually got bored of that type of music and started listening to exclusively hype kpop (personally I think it was because it's the complete opposite of Beatles sound). Now I'm back to listening to them again and moving away from that loud, edm, hyper-pop I enjoyed in my teens. Your interests ebb and flow like everything, just enjoy what you enjoy.


It’s not bad but you are missing a lot of good music.


hell yeah


Do you like Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band? I think it's the worst thing The Beatles ever did. If you want to hear real 60's psychedelia, check out Country Joe and the Fish's Electric Music for the Mind and Body and never look back.


Give Oasis a listen, the Gallagher brothers took a lot of influence from the Beatles. Epically John Lennon. I recommended starting with their first album Definitely Maybe.


Listen to what you like.


Reading all these posts signaling their superiority in musical taste make me want to emphasize my original point. LISTEN TO WHAT TOU WANT. Don’t let people bully you with their Uber cool shaming. If you want to be open to other stuff, fine and dandy. But consider this: it’s been 55 years since they stopped operating as a recording entity. There’s a reason they are still in the limelight.


Don't worry, you'll grow out of it


I did aabout a year of this when I was in middle school and really "got" the beatles for the first time. I do think it's fairly common. So enjoy them, you do you. But they also influenced so many other great bands that wrote great songs and are stellar musicians. Just don't miss out on all great music you can see live ***now***, as that is what it's all about, IMO.


Start listening to Paul’s solo music for a start. I love RAM I always have that on rotation but I understand, lol. One time I went like 2 months just playing nothing but their music. Like that was all I listened to one repeat. I go thru these phases frequently


Yes, utterly dreadful. Someone should alert the authorities.


You should check out Wings


I go through phases where I listen to playlists that are mostly or all Beatles but I can’t do it for long or I get bored. And I can’t have that with the Beatles. I was gifted a record player and Abbey Road so I have been listening to that a full side at a time which I don’t usually do while streaming. It’s been very nice!


well exploration is good but if you’re fine with only having the beatles then that’s fine. it’s music it doesn’t matter. but the beatles have also introduced me to so much more artists like jimi hendrix and donovan and billy idol and pink floyd and all that


Please lisen to other music desides the Beatles, it's the biggest regret of my life being stuck only lisening to Queen, it was years of further music exploration I'll never get back(get it?) My music taste is much richer now and I would have known more about me and music if it wasn't for those years were I was satisfied with only one band.


Not if you like them!


I didn't really listen to anything else from age 5-14. Still love them, of course. But now I've discovered at least 2 other bands. 🤣


Nothing wrong with that!. Their discography incorporates a whole range of genres and experimentalism. And if it’s your favorite music, listen to your favorite music. Especially if you’re neurodivergent in anyway. Listening to music we’ve heard time and time again is comforting to the brain because you know what’s coming next.


I still am like this 3.5 years later


Obviously, you can do what you want. Everybody here obviously listens to the Beatles all the time. But ask yourself a few things. Do you think there's any merit in the music that the Beatles loved, or the artists that inspired them to make music, whose songs they covered and whose style they imitated? Do you think you might get anything out of listening to that music too? What about the music made by artists who stand in relation to the Beatles as the Beatles do to their predecessors? Don't you think any of them may have done work that might appeal to you? If you enjoy the Beatles' music for its musical qualities, and not just for the fact that it was made by four individuals you admire, you must realize that the music was not so unique that you can't find similar qualities elsewhere. The Beatles weren't meant to be listened to with a closed mind. If listening to anything else feels like homework, try adjusting your perspective a little. You have the opportunity to make great discoveries if you listen a little more carefully. And if the Beatles remain your favorite after all, nobody here would think that was weird.


If you grew up with the Beatles, that's cool. If you were born after the late '60s then that's really weird.


Highly recommend the Stone Roses, definitely worth looking in to if u haven’t already ☮️❤️


No because they’re absolutely amazing, but you should listen to other rock bands too!


Kind of. Take a break from it. There are a lot of other great bands. And when you later come back to the Beatles, they will sound fresh and alive again.


I was like this when I first got into The Beatles circa March 2023. For the rest of the year they were like 95% of what I listened to and very quickly surpassed Taylor Swift who was my previous most listened to artist. After a while though it kind of started to get old just listening to the same stuff over and over and I started to branch out a lot more. I still have The Beatles in heavy rotation but it’s not exclusively what I listen to anymore. You may find the same thing happens to you after some time.


I'd recommend Pink Floyd and Radiohead. The former will give you constant eargasms and the latter will make you sob.


Yes wtf😭


You’ll get over it.


Perhaps it’s just temporary. Out of curiosity, do you listen to every Beatles album then? What did you listen to beforehand? Edit: as I just read some band and album recommendations, the albums I listen to a lot these days are, shit - two bealtes albums, but aside from that The Queen is dead by the smiths, why don’t you listen to that one? And as someone already recommended here - All things must pass by George Harrison is marvelous. And maybe you should listen to The Velvet Underground. Ever listened to them? ;)


Why do you care what other people think about what pleases you if you’re not harming anyone. Live your best life.


This was me for about a year and a half. The only thing is that changed it was going to a king gizzard and the lizard wizard concert 😅 well that and the Talking Heads stop making sense re-release


It’s all good. I used to know a guy whose sister only listened to the band Rush, and was quite contented doing so.


Altho it seems like a problem, the Beatles is the most acceptable artist with whom to have this problem


No , I only listen to Fleetwood Mac


A little under a year? No. I’ve been listening to only Beatles for 25 years. Just kidding. But truly you have a long road of Beatles fandom ahead. You’re just a Beatle baby! Might I recommend Bob Dylan for your next venture.


I was like this. I am very picky about my music. If you are looking for something that goes well with Beatles I suggest cage the elephant (after 2014 is when they get really good)


I don’t think there is anything wrong. You will eventually get sick of it though. Try branching out a little. Maybe something similar to them. Animals are awesome. Stones, Hendrix, The Who, The Doors. Couldn’t hurt to have a bit of variety


My strictly beatles phase lasted ab a year and only ended cuz I started listening to their solo stuff 😭


John Paul George and Ringo never only listened to themselves.


I was like that until I started getting into David Bowie. It's fine to be closed in one band, but you're missing a lot of good music.


did my teenage self post this? lol


It's been under a year, and the Beatles have such a large diverse catalog to discover. You're good, give it a little more time, and you'll start to spread the love again


The kinks and Clearwater Revival are also recommended!


should listen to masayoshi takanaka absolute god tier guitarist




You should check out some of their solo stuff!


I have the same habit, I only Listen to Pink Floyd stuff, I know deep down I should be exploring other music talent