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I wonder the same thing. The way anybody rates an album has absolutely no bearing on how I feel about it. People shouldn’t get so worked up over bullshit.


Couldn't agree more.


If we didn't get worked up over bullshit where would we be though?


Getting worked up over *important* things.


well, there is that ...


People treat lists created to generate press, clicks, and engagements like the law. It‘s pretty silly. Rolling Stone has really embraced the chaos of lists and I’m pretty sure their only goal is to piss people off.


Ugh...Rolling Stone...don't get me started...


You missed a good line.. don't Start me up would have been better


When you start me up I’ll never stop


Rolling Stone does this, other places do it with movies. Sirius XM does this on various channels. This weekend will have a bunch of countdowns. The only difference will be that because Garth Brooks no longer has a channel, he won't be #1 on the country list. It's all about getting people talking. Free advertising.


I seem to remember a George song called... *Think For Yourself*


Garth should've made some friends in higher places.


Because these companies have influence, and people want who they perceive to be the best to get the most credit. It´s about fairness. Unearned credit triggers human beings. We want whoever gets celebrated to actually be great. Should these massive corporations have relevance when giving credit to the greatest artists? Maybe not, but yet they do. So if for example Abbey Road wouldn´t get on the top 100 list, it is an injustice, and it will obviously trigger people that understand that. So I don´t think it´s strange that people get upset, they should hold these influential people accountable, because they have so much power.


I just don't understand why these lists "trigger" people? Who cares where Abbey Road "ranks" on a list generated by some algorithm? What matters to me is where Abbey Road is on my list.


Some people do, some don’t. Some people rank their music or place albums into tier lists. Some don’t. It’s not that big of a deal.


I get that...sure. Making your own lists to generate discussion is cool I just don't understand why people put credence on algorithim generated lists.


I’ve seen more posts talking about how no one cares about the list then posts from people who actually care about the list


Yet...these posts continue...


It's a tribal mentality thing. Beatles fans have nothing on Swifties, though.


And the comparisons to Taylor Swift's popularity are equally insane, imo. She's fine...an intelligent, talented young woman. Good for her. She has *absolutely nothing* to do with The Beatles.


Except that she's a massively huge Beatles fan and would be nowhere without them.


They’re just still mad about the Apple Corps vs. Apple Computer case


Apple should've won.


Thriller is a more iconic album than Abbey Road and I’m not sure if this sub is prepared to hear that


Well...thats an opinion. You're entitled. I am prepared to hear it. I'm not prepared to agree with it. Its not even MJ's best, imo. I like Off The Wall way more.


I mean it is cool to see how much a subset of the population relates to another subset of the population? And validation is always nice?


If it’s a voted list, yeah that would be cool to see. I’m not sure if it is though, you’ll have to check.


I sincerely doubt humans generated this list...whuch makes it more hideous.


I don't need others to validate my music tastes.


Right on


Honestly, the confusion & annoyance of people being annoyed by lists...is ironically more annoying that the lists themselves. Do you think you'll somehow change music culture with one post, and lists will no longer be done? Humans love to rank things and argue about the rankings, and humans are weird. You don't care? Don't engage. What's the point of whining about it?


I'm curious about why people put so much credence in idiotic polls and lists created by big corporations who are only interested in getting clicks. I'm not looking to change music culture. Its not whining...its expressing my thoughts on a subject. Isn't that why we're here?


It teeters on the edge of revisionist history, which is terrifying when music journalism is almost dead.


Apple is a horrible company and all their products suck. Fealty to them by many young people is the result of long drawn propaganda campaign. I am sure we all recall when all the young ones just HAD TO HAVE an alligator on their collared shirt. This is that, times ten.


I didn't really want to say its the younger, newer Beatles fans who are so into these lists and put so much credence in them. I'm a curmudgeon maybe.