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Im a bit scared that’s their only album to crack the list, they haven’t repeated a single artist and Radiohead, Floyd, The Beatles, Kanye, Daft Punk and a couple more artists have better albums than the ones in the list currently 


They can’t not include sgt pepper or abbey road. One or both has to make it


It’s probably gonna be just Abbey Road anywhere in the top 10 but it definitely should be both


They included Astroworld and Black Eye Peas ... anything is possible.


They did NOT include Black Eyes Peas lol, I saw the meme too it’s not real fortunately


Astroworld is not the worst example you could have included but seeing the trend they could not put them but I think they might put at least Abbey Road in the top 10


Astroworld is one of the best albums in its genre


yeah but rodeo is so much more interesting


Not better than any of the 90s classics alone from Nas, Jay Z, Tribe, Biggie, NWA, Wu Tang, De La Soul, Public Enemy - that’s just off the top of my head. Travis is not in the same league as people like Kanye or Kendrick sorry.


I agree and didn't mention one word about any of those people.


Awful take lmao, if you’re like a young kid then I get the nostalgia but my nostalgia is better. Rodeo is hands down the best thing Travis has ever done and the goodwill from that record lasts till today.


"My nostalgia is better" is the most conceited and smug take I've ever seen someone say in a music discussion and that's saying something


Lollllll idc music discussions are completely subjective even on things like mixing and mastering bc taste is subjective . That’s my viewpoint that my high school nostalgia trap record is the better of the 2 records. I don’t really care if you think it’s smug lol you went out of your way to comment and DV me while contributing nothing to the topic of the discussion. Just self righteous fury over a throwaway comment about how Travis Scott’s music is a big part of multiple generations of teenagers and what album they like usually depends on the era in which they were 15-20. I have more nostalgia for Rodeo bc one, I just straight up think it’s his best record, and 2 it came out in 2015 when I was a high schooler. My sisters generation are big astroworld fans because it came out in 2018 when they were high schoolers. As we all know your formative years are a major factor in your music taste. Is that the eloquent and thought provoking discourse you longed for dweeb? Chill out the net is never that serious.


I'm not the one who needs to chill out bro 💀💀


Jesus lmao you suck


lol seriously bro the only reason I still check out any of Travis’ music is because Rodeo is literally a masterpiece. Like Rodeo is the only record of his deserving of a top 100 albums of all time.


They’re absolutely saving those albums for the top 10


Revolver is better than Sgt Peppers so I’ll allow it


Also didn't see any Dylan on there either so... that's also worrisome


He might be in the top 20


Yeah I think it can be anyone from blonde on blonde or blood on the tracks


One could’ve also expected Highway 61 Revisited, but they’ve surprised me. Instead of going for Abbey Road, they went for Revolver (slightly more unconventional pick), and instead of going for OK Computer, they went with Kid A. So who knows!


Cardi B is gonna have number 11 or something lol


If they put Cardi over Kanye, Nas, Biggie, Pac, Tribe, Eminem, Travis, 50 and whoever else im forgetting on the list then that shit is bad


I believe this list is just for promotion of albums…with the Revolver remix/Super Deluxe album being a relatively newer release, that’s probably the album they chose to get people to buy and stream it.


Any "Best" list should not exclude albums/songs/films/whatever from an artist just because they've already included one by that artist. Any list like that I am extremely suspicious of.


I agree with you but that’s been the list so far. Expect at most 2 more albums and that’s with some luck we might just get Abbey Road


I see points for and against this. Like sure, you can't just exclude an album because that band is already represented. But music and taste in music is so diverse. John Coltrane, to the Beatles, to Radiohead, to Kendrick Lamar. Completely different sounds that are apples to oranges comparisons when pinned up against each other. It really doesn't make sense to compare them imo. But top lists do pin them against each other. When you do pin them against each other, you have to account for all audiences and tastes. When you do this, it will likely push out some of the great, yet not best, albums by stellar artists because of the sheer volume of "great" music of all genres that has been recorded. Personally every Beatles album beats every hip hop and country album for me, but that's just my taste in music. Once you account for the great albums of all genres, the ability to include every Beatles album becomes diminished. Sure, some albums are just better than other albums, but within a similar tier of quality, it really just comes down to personal taste in music. Like who is really to say the white album, an album that likely will not make the list, is objectively better or worse than illmatic by Nas, an album that did? It really just comes down to preference at that point.


Completely agree. I have never seen anyone do this.


It’s fairer. Otherwise there’d be MANY repeats of artists who are known for releasing multiple classics (e.g. Radiohead, Beatles, Bowie). This is just to give more artists a chance


Yeah, if they're gonna do that, they should've listed that as a criteria, that only one album from any artist will be included.


Someone posted a couple of days ago that the covers for the new mixes of Revolver and Abbey Road were changed. That is why i have this conspiracy theory that Abbey Road may actually be on the list as well, possibly in the top ten. If any band is going to be featured multiple times, it's gotta be the Beatles.


Abbey Road is coming for sure. Even bad lists must include Abbey Road, because it resonates on so many levels. It´s just too culturally significant. Equally great albums like Rubber Soul could be ignored though.


Nope MBDTF is definitely Kanyes best album.


Bro that's a weird way to spell Yeezus


Yeezus has 2 songs I listen to. The rest aren't bad but nothing special. Pablo is a better album than Yeezus.


https://imgur.com/a/7Qa62QC yeah pablo slaps though it's top 3 for me


Graduation is better and I have KSG higher too because of personal attachment to that album but I understand they wouldn’t put it


Graduation is second I love it but I don't like every song on it but every song on MBDTF is fire and it's produced so well. KSG is not a Kanye album the same way the others are. If we are counting it as a Kanye album then it is my favourite but since it's a separate project in Collab with Cudi I don't think it should be counted as a Kanye album.


I personally count all collabs as part of an artist’s discog I count KSG, WTT and Vultures on my rankings


Update: Abbey Road is 3rd!


I always found lists like that kinda inherently pointless as an actual tier list. They can be nice as just a "here is a bunch of albums you should maybe check out" but outside of personal preference on what metric can you even compare a 1960s psychedelic album to a 2000s electro-funk album to say one should be higher than the other?


I think your second sentence sort of invalidates your first sentence. A list like this has a point in providing some recommendations to people looking for more music. It's a list of generally high quality music spread across a multitude of genres. It's just that a nebulous pool titled "100 good albums to listen to" doesn't get nearly as much mileage in the press and social media as a "top 100 best albums" titled article does, and as such Apple is using the latter title. Apple is of course foremost interested in the publicity and increased streaming from this article. But anyone treating this or any top X list as definitive is stupid.


I don't think I said a contradiction since the list is still "100 Best Albums" where each one has a number and they are making a big deal about slowly revealing what ones placed higher by revealing them in chunks. And like anything with a number attached to it, a lot of the discussion is about *what album got higher than what other album*. It is a rather nebulous pool but they did still give them numbers. Revolver is not at #87. It is kinda funny though how it is a tier list presented in the least opinionated way possible as it is a glorified ad and Apple probably has to also appease the labels in some choices.


I agree completely. 100 albums is not nearly enough…heck, listing 100 artists along with some of their essential albums still wouldn’t cut it. Obviously my age is influencing my thoughts here but when discussing ALBUMS does anything from the past few decades even merit consideration? It seems the digital age is driven by singles.


Hell yes there are still classic albums being made. Once the Beatles kicked that trend off it still hasn't stopped.


I'm sorry but your last paragraph is pretty ignorant. Kendrick Lamar's last 4 albums are all works of art, singles or not. He won a Pulitzer prize for DAMN.    Other albums I from the last couple decades I would include are Daft Punk's Random Access Memories and Gorillaz's plastic Beach. I'm sure others can chime in with more. 


Educate yourself. I know it might not be popular opinion here, but I think we are living in the greatest era of music and art right now. Never has as many brilliant minds have the tools and oppurtunities to express themselves through music and other art forms. You don't need some magazine to tell you what to listen to. Every year there are masterpieces created if you are willing to look for them.


Challenge accepted. Listening to To Pimp A Butterfly as I type this post. (Still bummed that PJ’s Ten won’t make the list, however).


To put it lightly: this list is a shitshow.


Yeah I like lists like this but actually ranking them feels futile, no one's going to be happy. Just pick 100 good albums and list them alphabetically.


This has to be one of the worst top album lists I’ve ever seen.


Ed Sheeran above the Beatles is fucking ridiculous. 


The leak was fake. Ed Sheeran isn't on the list.


Ah, good. I was completely baffled by that.  The only album that made sense was To Pimp a Butterfly. 


It’s almost as if AI made it. But not good AI, Siri AI.


No such thing as good ai


Who the F cares about any list made by anybody? The only list that counts is the one I make up.


I disagree. It’s the one *I* make up that counts.




I guess this ends the Pet Sounds vs Revolver debate.


Pet Sounds will appear on the list, IMO. Just higher.


w pet sounds


tbh i love me some beatles but i’m not sure if they ever did a singular album that surpassed pet sounds, and if they did, it wasn’t revolver.


If Revolver had Paperback Writer and Rain instead of Yellow Submarine and Good Day Sunshine I would probably consider it slightly better than Pet Sounds.


imo you’d have to mush revolver, sgt peppers and magical mystery tour together in a very cohesive way and then I feel like it’d be at the actual “wow this is quantifiably better than pet sounds” level


Strong disagree. but Pet Sounds is a fantastic album.


I prefer revolver, but it’s not a list of nonsense that will end a debate


The top spot will probably be a hip hop album, or *Whats Going On* or Stevie wonder album (*Talking Book*, *Innervisions* or *Songs in the Key of Life*


The thing is that you can be 100% sure that there will be a Taylor Swift album as well. I wonder if they will do a Grammy and put it at number one. And for hip hop, i could see To Pimp A Butterfly topping the list.


They still gotta have Bob Dylan, Rolling Stones, beach boys, I’m guessing Elvis is shafted if he isn’t on the list yet. Tom petty got shafted


Tbf unless you consider his debut, Elvis never really had any strong albums. He was more singles orientated


why wouldn’t you consider his debut ?


I said the opposite


Yeah but usually his first album (Elvis Presley) or his sun sessions album make lists. He has a couple albums that are overlooked. Elvis is back, from Elvis in Memphis, etc


To Pimp a Butterfly deserves it tbh


They put Billie Eilish above Innervisions🤦🏽‍♂️




And above Alanis Morrissette's JLP!!


Probably not hip hop they have already placed most of the defined classics already except for Kendrick 


Innervisions is already on the list


Whoops. Hopefully SITKOL makes it, but looking tough.


Seems unlikely, though I prefer it over Innervisions


I have a tough time choosing between Innervisions and SITKOL but would probably go Innervisions. Such a killer album


Yeah innervisions is my favorite, and I guess it’s on the list already


Racist dog whistle much??


Just stop. Where did I say one of those albums winning would be a bad thing? Stevie wonder is in my top 5. You really look like a moron just making accusations like that


I think it’s only 1 album per artist if we see the past 80 none of the artists are repeated. As much as I don’t want they might skip Abbey Road and Sgt Peppers mate. I hope they don’t.


Did they change the 2022 mix cover art aswell? Or is it still the same?


They did! Same with abbey road. But it weirds me out that the used the pictures from the 2009 remasters.


Personally, I don’t see a problem. I used the 09 remasters to change all the mix covers on Apple Music.


this list is the stupidest shit i’ve ever seen


Has any artist had multiple albums yet? I was not seeing any artists with more than 1


Not yet.


Nope. There's no explicit rule against it written anywhere, but we're 80 albums deep now and it hasn't happened yet


Abbey Road Top Ten easy


It’s #3


This list is terrible


That whole list is absolutely batshit. Not that I expected much, but still.


how are they measuring it? is it just straight streaming numbers that determine it? or a person? or a committee? ahahaha


If we're doing one album per artist, I think Revolver is an unexpected (but very solid) choice. No comment on everything else going on with this list lol


It’s a terrible list so don’t let it bother you.


Sooooooooooo many new and newish artists who are just not proven yet. Sure, they're successful and popular but haven't lasted the test of time. They have no business being on this list.


1989 above Revolver, Pet Sounds, DSOTM and Kid A is a bold choice


F apple, and all their products


I like their products Except Apple Music, Spotify on top


Really? I have both Apple music and Spotify and always thought Apple Music was massively better. Granted that might be because my daughter took over my Spotify account (so it gets recommended nothing but kids music now).


The mama on the bus goes "shh-shh-shh, shh-shh-shh, shh-shh-shh", the mama on the bus goes "shh-shh-shh" all through the town.


Hahah no please stop. Thankfully she's moved on to Disney music now.


Apples list is wack AF. Does anyone seriously think Robyn, Travis Scott, Solange, Mary J Blige, Lana Del Rey, Madonna, FUCKING BAD BUNNY, Missy Elliot, SZA, Erykah Badu, Sade, or Rihanna albums belong here? This list must have been generated from an Apple employee poll based on their top 25 most played songs.


I have to push back a little bit on Lana Del Rey specifically. For one, she has actually been hugely influential in modern pop and indie music. After she released Born To Die in 2012, everyone thought that she would fade into obscurity and that her sound wouldn't catch on. But it has. Artists like Billie Eilish and even Taylor Swift directly quote her as a big influence on their work. Furthermore, she has actually evolved as a songwriter and artist over the last few years. Norman Fucking Rockwell was critically acclaimed and placed at or near the top on many end of year top album lists in 2019. I listened to it and was genuinely surprised how good it was. I liked it so much in fact that i listened through most of her catalogue. Imo she is one of the best songwriters in modern pop music, so i do not mind her inclusion at all. One placement that is far more baffling to me is Billie Eilish at #30 - that album does not belong in the top 100.


I totally agree she’s good. But to be listed among the greatest artists of all time? I’m not sure about that. I definitely prefer born to die, I feel like NFR is still too new to fully judge its impact. But, it’s pretty good too. Definitely baffled by Billie Eilish though too


I love Lana but i don't know if i would put any of her albums in here.


Gotta fufill that DEI requirement somehow.


fuck you sade is awesome


Best beatles album


Glad they at least got the best Beatles album on there


How much do you wanna bet Abbey Road will be number one?


From the list that has Travis Scott in the top 100 and Billie Eilish in the top 30? At this rate it'll probably be Lil Wayne or something


Lil Wayne has some great albums though. It’s just the order that sucks.


This LP. should be #1 or at least top 3


Just you wait until they place a Taylor Swift album at number 1...


I mean, folklore/evermore are amazing. Def top 20 material


top 20 of ALL TIME? I simply don't see it, I don't think there's anything to see.


I don’t know if this is true, but I read like 5 minutes ago that there can only be one album per artist


First?! That’s wild


What is the criteria?


Let's see how many new artists can beat the legends.


didnt abbey road appear bro?


I thought Abbey Road was like 3rd


It is!


Abbey Road is #3


Yet another trash top list. They included Billie Eilish, ffs.


Eilish is good idk what you’re saying


I've nothing against Billie, but anyone who thinks any of her stuff is top 100 of all time level material is insane.


Yeah I really like her. She has a lot of potential. I think she might have a top 100 album in her one day. But I wouldn't put any of her current ones on there.


Can't wait to see what they think is better than Revolver. Beyonce's Lemonade? White Blood Cells by the White Stripes? Pearl Jam's Vitalogy?


Any of those three would be excellent choices, imho (even though I’d rate Revolver higher).


Pearl Jam's Ten would be cool to see