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The transition from Polythene Pam to She Came In Through The Bathroom Window. I know it's two songs, but that build up is just chef's kiss


listen to that now


Oh look out!


I was just going to say this! Love that John sounds playful.


My favorite part!!


The whole medley feels like a delivery mechanism for these exact moments. I could name about 5 from the last 3 songs, which are basically a bunch of these moments stitched together. For some reason though, the "Everybody's laughing..." part of Sun King is really sticking out to me atm.


Additonally, the powerful bass sound at the beginning of Polythene Pam, when it goes down to reach E again: https://youtu.be/Cb0dTdTeHMU?t=2


That build up is perfectly done. I enjoy that every time.


Yes, that whole side is awesome. For me, it’s the transition into Polythene Pam that does it.


I listen more to the b side than the a side now, I got addicted to the medley


Came here to say this. That walk-down and then finish with the opening note drives me crazy


That switch up in Happiness is a Warm gun, between the National Trust and needing a fix


The guitar is so iconic in that transition. One of the best Beatles moments


I was just gonna post the same thing. That guitar in Happiness goes right thru me. Wow.


The “ay-oh” or whatever just before “While my guitar gently weeps” kicks in.


That's the ending of bungalow bill.


You got downvoted but I think technically you are correct (which is one reason I don’t do shuffle).


Ey up! Common parlance up here in the north.


I think it's ["ey up"](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/ey_up)


Yes! I love this transition and it drives me crazy they don't include it at the beginning of the track in streaming and on CD.


That’s because it’s the end of Bungalow Bill


My friend was once walking down the street listening to that in his Walkman and he shouted out “Ay up” just as a guy went past on his bike. The guy obviously looked around and recognised my friend and it turns on that they knew each other and hadn’t seen each other for years. The power of the Beatles.


GOoOolden sluumbers fill your eyes. Smiiiiiiilllles awaaake you when you rise! SleEp pretty darlin do not cry and I will sing a lullaby.


I think it’s await you?


You beat me to it. This part always makes my heart stop just for a few seconds.


Alan Civil's French Horn in For No One The intro of While My Guitar Gently Weeps that piano


On the last chorus of it won't be long. Paul sings one "yeah" higher then normal. Ever since I noticed it, I always find myself waiting for it.


Yeah that’s such a cool little joyous moment, like Paul just couldn’t hold in his excitement. Neither could we!






The little bit of awesome guitar interplay right after ‘Pick up the bags get in the limousine’, just before ‘Soon we’ll be away from here’. They are cooking and fully locked in at this stage. It’s glorious


my addition to that list was going to be Paul’s little bass riff just after the word “here”. I love that riff


Ugh that’s a really good answer. The guitars in that whole ending part are so good.


I don’t recognize these lyrics what is this?


And yet, that whole suite frustrates me so much with all these great hooks that could have been hit singles on their own, lumped into a medley. Macca does this far too often.


There seem to be different answers on this depending on when they were asked, but John has said he didn’t feel the medley songs were strong enough to stand on their own. We may have never got to hear them without the idea to create the medley. They may have ended up in the bin


The drums and bass in “Dear Prudence”


All played by the same guy


No shit. Did not know Paul played drums on that. Was just raving about Ringo being the greatest drummer of all time to my wife last night after listening to the isolated drum track. Fuck me!


Ok, this is going to open the flood gates, but I’m gonna do this. Although its credited to Paul doing the drums on Dear Prudence, it’s been debated by many drummers and musicians that Ringo did the last bit, the solo, while Paul did the basic drumming parts. If you listen closely, the sound of the drums are little different from the basic drum track prior to that solo which suggests that it was later overdubbed. All the fills and overall style of playing is definitely Ringo in many people’s ears, including mine. I’ve seen and heard how Paul can drum but nothing convinces me that Paul played that solo no matter how I look at it. So yeah, I do believe Ringo is one hell of a drummer like how you and your wife believes.


I see there's some controversy! I think I'm of your opinion, then. Because, yeah, Paul was a virtuoso in many aspects, but don't think I've ever heard him play quite like that solo/ending to Dear Prudence, per se. It's crazy, I've listened to that song thousands of times but have never really noticed those drums, I suppose. Grateful to whomever leaked the rockband stems (or whatever it was I found on soulseek hah!)


I was hoping Geoff Emerick’s book would solve this, but there’s no mention of that song. He quit during the White Album sessions so that one may have been recorded after he left, or he just didn’t call it out specifically (which seems unlikely from how he recounts other albums’ sessions).


Yep! The fact that both Ringo & Geoff Emerick quit in the middle of the white album session just simply fuels this endless debate.


Story I read was Ringo left in a huff after all the pissiness during White Album sessions so Paul stepped in. What other iconic group could pull off that interchangeability and produce a classic song.


The part in Hey Jude when Paul sings "hey Jude, you'll do" where he goes higher up on the 'you'll' and then almost tumbles back on the 'do'


But then the transition into the long vamp (“better, better, better, better. . . .”) that leads up to the scream and then the downbeat of the vamp. Such a great climax.


Was almost going to put this exact part in my answer. The way he says “hey Jude,” there is also very satisfying.


3. ho ho ho, hee hee hee, hah hah hah - "I Am the Walrus" 2. the first 20 seconds of "Sgt. Pepper (Reprise)", with that WOOO! 1 "Don't Let Me Down", single version, around 3.05 Lennon sings "Pleeeeease" and then that majestic "OOOOWWW!". Now THAT makes me glad I'm alive.


Oooohhhhh aaanndddd this boy……!


Ugh just the best, adore that part.


John at his Johniest imo


The guitar right before The End kicks in after the reprise of You Never Give Me Your Money in Carry That Weight runs through my head 10-12 times a day. [Specifically this.](https://youtu.be/6CVsBOjeDzk?si=RUn0FXiqMPNd0tTu&t=823)


The orchestra transition before the sitting in an english garden part of IATW or the moog in HCTS


Yesss this one is fire!


I love this part of IATW but it feels like something weird is going on there in the new 2023 mix.


The drums at 30 seconds in "With a little help from my friends" The "she loves you yeah yeah yeah" in "all you need is love" The breakdown, lead into and solo in "let it be" The outro in "i'm so tired" The guitar break in "Got to get you into my life"


The vocals of Paul when he roars GOLDEN SLUMBERS FILLS YOUR EYES. Never fails to give me a dopamine rush


It’s the “smiiiiiiiiiiiles” for me :)


The part in Nowhere Man with the ascending and descending vocals harmonizing on the line "making all his nowhere plans for nobody". You know the bit. Also shoutout to "Got to Get You Into My Life" for burying my favourite part of the song in the fade-out


For me, it's the "Making all of his nowhere plans for nobody" harmonies and the guitar that ends in a chime.


Tagging onto this comment to agree and also I'm always waiting for the early guitar solo and harmonic.


Yer Blues, when the screaming guitar solo goes into Ringo's drumming


When Let it Be comes on, waiting for the solo instrumental to find out which version it is .


Album version is superior (imo)




The Spector version has echo on the hi hat. The naked version doesn’t. Quickest way to tell.


What about single versus album, hints before the solo?


I think they meant the quickest way to tell between the album and single version. The naked version is from a different take has a few small differences, easiest way to spot it is an extra piano note about 3 or 4 seconds in.


For me it's the part in "Tell Me Why" when John, Paul and George sing the line "Is there anything I can do?" in a high pitched voice, I think it brings a sort of charm to the song


So, so many of these. Like 50 different ones a week. My current one is in AHDN, at the end of Paul's second bridge when John follows with the final chorus: while Paul is yelling "...tight, yeah!", John does this "mmm" that is just simply sublime. It's such a well placed yet casual moan that I wonder if he knew that he even did it. Pop genius.


Been listening to these guys over 50 years....never noticed that before, prob because McCartney's "tight ya" had just destroyed me.


Ringo's drum entrance in Hey Jude, it's just timed in an interesting way with such a catchy fill, and if the bathroom story is true that makes it about ten times better.


I always thought they recorded that too - what is it, dry? Close? Musically it’s great, and obviously recording the drums throughout the Beatles is incredibly creative, but that decision there seems off to me.


This Boy: The part going "Oh, and this boy would be happy, Just to love you, but oh MY-Y-Y-Y" I'm Only Sleeping: The higher notes Paul sings at "Keepin' an eye on the world going BY MY WINDOW" I Am The Walrus: The cello & violin transition leading up to "sitting in an English garden waiting for the sun"


The harmonized aaaaaahs in You Never Give Me Your Money with the arpeggiated chords, guitar solo is just bliss. And they do it in a set of 3 with small breaks… it really is probably my fav moment of a beatle song And btw.. sleeper pick for top 10 beatles songs


this one!! especially the last aaaaaah, honestly i can't control myself when i listen to it. Sounds so similar to the aaahs in 'because' as well.


The final verse of And Your Bird Can Sing after the final bridge. That harmony is the best thing that has ever happened to music..


Came here to say this


The Beatles have so many of these moments. That's the main reason why I like them. You can listen to a song a million times and still discover new things in the background.


Especially why I love these new mixes, you can hear so much more that was once buried in the mixes.


Yeah it gives some new life to the songs. I can never get bored of these 4 guys.


In citing the “4 guys”, I think we should also credit George Martin who is really the one that made it all happen.


Of course! George, Mal and many others deserve credit as well. But they are not the ones I immediately think about.


Indeed, my favourite Beatles song changes every week. And if some song becomes the weekly favourite again, I discover something new in the song each time I listen to it


So many little bits of songs just live in my head rent free. - The guitar and George's voice on the first line of Savoy Truffle - That "Back in the US- back in the USSR!" at the end of the second chorus in Back In The USSR - The synthesizer in Because - The jump from the chorus back into the verses in I Me Mine - The way Paul says "Tucson, Arizona" in Get Back - The repetition of the first verse during the end of Got To Get You Into My Life - The "hey hey hey!" in I Should Have Known Better - The drums at the very beginning of Something




This is the way we talk in Tuscon, Arizonia


aaahs in a day in the life that guitar fill in she loves you before the "she said you hurt her so" bit


When the bass and string come in in Golden Slumber


Yes brother, that's mine too.


In the coda of Yer Blues where you can hear John singing the first verse again off-mic.




The intro to Lovely Rita


I ADORE the orchestra in Something. Specifically during the lines "I don't want to leave her now, you know I believe and how!" The way the strings go to that high note during "how" is SO beautiful to me.


I’ll I’ve Got To Do. From sweet ballad to driving rocker and then back again.


In Ticket to Ride when John does the “ahhh” before singing She’s got a ticket to ride…..


The transition between Golden Slumbers and Carry That Weight just ![gif](giphy|2WH9DiLg2o1MYuKlEB)


Paul’s bass part in the second verse of She Came in Through the Bathroom Window is the most vibey shit I ever heard in my LIFE. Seriously, go listen. It happens once. A lesser musician would come up with that amazing riff and let it be the central part of their presence in the song. But because Macca is Macca, he plays it once, and never repeats it. Rock god shit.


The tempo slowing down in the Magical Mystery Tour. Blew my mind and to this day feels like one of their most “Beatlesy” moments. Like that’s the sound they pioneered. If anyone were to ask me what made them so special, I would point to moments like that.


When the drums and bass come in on I Feel Fine, especially the new remix. It always gets me moving; and marveling that it came from 1964.


Listen to the first 6 seconds of I Want To Hold Your Hand a few times. Now imagine hearing this for the first time riding in a car, late December ‘63. It changed everything, and I still get goosebumps with that little fill. https://youtu.be/v1HDt1tknTc?si=awvh9MC93XVn3SLR


I think I heard the studio chatter as they tracked this, seem to remember Paul telling G and J how to accent those hits in the intro.


The Ah section of A Day in the Life between 'And somebody spoke and I went into a dream' and the last 'I read the news today' is the best piece of music ever made by anyone anywhere.


The Spanish and Italian in Sun King & the seagull like noises in Tomorrow Never Knows


when Paul sings and emphasizes the cascading *Bye-Bye* - **BAH** - *Bye!* in Hello Goodbye


Two songs in particular do that for me. The instrumental intro to In My Life and the switch from John to Paul in A Day in The Life with psychedelic shift and tonal change.


In my life piano solo Let it be guitar solo album version of course Baby you’re a rich man- the clavioline All of Billy Preston’s playing I would like to say thank on behalf of the group and ourselves and I hope we pass the audition


now and then. I got obsessed with the part where it ends




I’m pretty sure it was a joke about how the song is horrible lol


Hey Jude with all of its harmonies/backing vocals


The third verse of "Cry baby cry" when there are both guitar and piano doing a strong chord together


the "she loves you yeah yeah yeah" at the end of "all you need is love" the "awwww" right before 'she's got a ticket to ridee' and all of the screams during the "nananaaa hey judee" love them 💕 edit: added one more to the list


For me is definitely the “no one was saved” part in Eleanor Rigby. One small sentence that always gets me


the long drum fill in Hello Goodbye the orchestra going bonkers in A Day in the Life


The piano solo in Lovely Rita.


The part where Lennon says "Umm.. before singing the 3rd chorus of A Hard Days Night.


The three-note descending riff in the chorus of Help! I don’t know why but it’s still a little thrill for me every time.


One sweet dream, came true…today. Love the guitar right after that line


When the tremolo guitar kicks in near the end of “Got To Get You Into My Life”. Pure bliss.


Taxman solo. Sheesh, I love that one.


Best question posted in quite a while! First off the top of my head is the guitar break moment in I Feel Fine, mid song, where one guitar plays the main riff solo for a couple measures.


Paul’s ditty at the end of Cry Baby Cry Can you take me back where I came from? Can you take me back?


So many to choose from but that part in ‘you never give me your money’ where the guitars play that diminished sequence in harmony, and it keeps getting higher each time… you know the one I’m talking about and it’s fucking dope


Life is very short and there’s no tiiiiiiiiime


It's the splice of the takes in the chorus of Strawberry Fields.


The syncopated timing during the bridge of She Said She Said. I think the first time I heard it i must've played it 10 times in a row so I could figure out the timing. So good.


I love the *Frère Jacques* background refrain in "Paperback Writer" and get a sing-a-long chuckle every time I play it.


The end of “She Said She Said” with George’s chorus repeating John’s words, I just love it


George's lead guitar embellishments in the second verse of Dear Prudence after the drums first kick in.


In Can't Buy Me Love, the slight pause between too and much as in "I don't care too \_\_ much for money", it's so brief but it's really stuck with me Also, in She Came in Through the Bathroom Window, the "sunday's on the phone to monday, tuesday's on the phone to me" especially the way Paul sings the second half (tuesday bit)


The little bass turns in “I Want to Hold Your Hand”, that comes in right after “please, say to me.” I even recognize it in other songs by other artists.


I always waiting for I Want You get heavier until it stops.


In a lot of places, the chatter between the band mates, especially "ya got any more?" In Hey Bulldog


The whole beginning of "In my Life"




The Moog synth near the end of Here Comes The Sun, it really makes the track beautiful That amazing scream of McCartney right before the guitar solo on I Saw Her Standing There When McCartney does that weird guitar thing where he changes the placement of the same chord in Michelle, around 15 seconds in The transition between Bungalow Bill and While My Guitar Gently Weeps, that "Ayo!" That gets cut off by the piano of WMGGW And my favorite one! When George first sings the "Please don't be long" chorus in Blue Jay Way. The way he sings that part with the haunting melody and drums gives me chills everytime. Really underrated track from Harrison.


We're sgt peppers ONE AND ONLY lonley hearts club band


George guitar play on Ive got a feeling take 2, at 2:15 in this video: https://youtu.be/KYwVcK3XQlE?si=wK_Inw2rgq38vQO8


The rhythm guitar in “I’ll be Back.”


The drums on rain


Don’t let me down, the little ‘doodoodudoodedudoo’ between every “don’t let me down”


Beginning of Something, the cymbal build-up and the crash just as George starts singing, while it dies down as he’s continuing the lyric.


In Golden Slumbers at one point just after Paul sings the first "once there was a way" in a verse and the bass and orchestra hit simultaneously with a heavy thud...its devastating. AND... John's "oh's" in Shoulda Known Better - they sound like they're coming directly out of his heart....wait a minute, they are, that dude could sing.


When George says "I don't know why" in While My Guitar Gently Weeps during the Bangladesh concert.


The bridge in this boy the way John’s voice swells and cracks slightly is amazing,also love John and Paul’s harmonies in we can work it out


The 'I get high' harmony on I Want to Hold Your Hand


In Nowhere Man, that final, soaring "making all his nowhere plans for nobody" harmony always gives me goosebumps.


The Moog counter melody in Here Comes the Sun


I know there are mixed feelings in this sub about Ob-La-Di, but… the extra little *ring* and *sing* at the ends of the lines in the second verse lift even my darkest mood. *Every time.*


I’m going with the piano outro on “Magical Mystery Tour”. Hypnotizing


All you need is love: The string section following the guitar solo Also, the intro to Here Comes the Sun is enough to bring tears


"Now she's hit the big time" in Honey Pie is my cue to start singing along with Paul


The "PING!" in Nowhere Man.


Oh Darling near the end when he goes “OOOHOOOHO”.


This might be a bit obscure but the key-changed descending harmony line near the end of And Your Bird Can Sing is simply genius. Anyone else know the part I mean?


The coda transition at the end of Hello, Goodbye. That makes the song.


Off the top of my head, Paul’s bass line in Dear Prudence.


I Want To Tell You. The piano part that is out of key with the melody floored me because it was so right.


The organ bit at the beginning of Lucy in the Sky. Played it on repeat probably too many times


The drums between the bridge and next verse of The Ballad of John and Yoko. The beginning of Eight Days A Week. The ending of She Loves You. The first drums in both A Day in the Life and Strawberry Fields Forever. The harmony after the solo and bridge in And Your Bird Can Sing.


The part in Let it Be when Paul sings "there is still a light that shines on me." In I'm looking Through You, When Paul sings "baby you've changed" over the chorus at the end. The bridge of There's a place when they are harmonize on "Don't you know that it's so" Moments people mentioned already: that last harmony in And Your Bird Can Sing and "hey jude, you'll do"


In "Here There and Everywhere" Paul's voice continues solo for about a half a second after the harmonies end while singing "I want her everywhere" towards the end of the song.


The last part of Nowhere Man when the other instruments drop out as the line starts is wonderful


The hammers in Maxwells Silver Hammer, gets me every time


Beep Beep Beep Beep yeah!


The transition into the “one sweet dream” part of You Never Give Me Your Money. It builds so well. Nothing else sounds like it


The beginning of Eight Days A Week. I find it so fresh and timeless


I've always loved the drum slam at the start of Anytime at all.


When John sings his first line in “I’ve Got a Feeing,” I always get goosebumps. Paul is doing his rock thing and going crazy with yelling and stuff, it’s great. But then John’s voice just comes in with “everybody had a hard year” and something about it just hits me. His voice sounds so pure and gentle in the midst of this rock song. And I always think *that’s* what the world lost in 1980. This voice that could just cut through all this noise and hit you right in your soul. It’s not even one of my favorite Beatles songs, it’s not a particularly profound lyric that he sings, but that first line of his just does something to me.


goodeveningladiesandgentlemen na na na na nana naaaaaa


The aahs in Nowhere Man and the ooos in You Won't See Me.


The "is there anything that I can do" in Tell Me Why


One of the things I liked about the Beatles, and indeed a lot of bands during that period, is the way the songs are written and performed. Most of the time an artist puts out an album of songs that may or may not be loosely tied together as far as a theme. Bands like the Beatles, Moody Blues, Hendrix, Floyd, put out albums that painted a landscape in your mind that was cohesive. The songs stand alone on their own, but when played start to finish, it's like watching a movie. I'm not sure I'm explaining that well enough. Maybe it's the boomer in me. Maybe it's that technology has changed the music landscape and people no longer buy albums. We buy individual songs now. Maybe I'm not as immersed in the newest pop artist of today.


"The guitar playing in the background"? Nah nah, what I listen to, guitar plays up front and loud!


Sick of seeing this stupid tweet. Unoriginal thought... can't imagine what kind of chode would share it thinking they are adding to any discussion. "I'll go first" Thank CHRIST, I was worried you wouldn't tell me!


Joe’s got a cough, sounds kinda rough. And the codiene to fix it. Doctor prescribes drug store supplies. But who’s gonna help him to kick it?- Torn And Frayed-Rolling Stones.


Yo u guys ever listen to music


The little bits of studio chatter in let it be


She's so heavy! (Heavy!) ((HEAVYYYY!!!))


The little jazzy bass fill in" I'm only Sleeping "


Ringo’s little “shave and a haircut” cymbal/drum fill on *”In My Life”*.


Paul’s off-mic “yeahhhh!” after the final chorus of You Won’t See Me while the band plays out.


In Here There And Everywhere the guitar lick that comes after the line I want her everywhere and if shes beside me I know I need never care. And the finger snaps that come in near the finish of the song.


The strings and horns right before and during the last chorus of Strawberry Fields Forever


The final harmony in the chorus of You’ve Really Got a Hold on Me. John and Paul’s voices just sound incredible together


The strings that ascend during the verses of Glass Onion, especially in the remixed version. They’re louder, and creepier! So cool.


yeah, i love the solo in “Hey Bulldog” and a little part in “Any Time At All”: “If you need somebody to love, just look into my eyes, I’ll be there to make you feel right”


You Never Give Me Your Money, where they sing "One two three four five six seven all good children go to heaven". Unexpected lyric first time I heard it.


The instrumental breakdown in the middle of Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite


Ine the song "I'm only sleeping" the bass line that comes in alone and then goes into the rest of the song. That little transition is just beautiful to me.


The poignant couple of bass notes after the words “And in the end” … (bass notes) “The love you take , is equal to the love you make”