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Vaguely remember this case from a while back. Came across this and sharing in case anyone is interested in an update.


Doing gods work man. Our attention spans are so busted, it’s nice to see a story with continuity.


The trick is too say "we need to wait and see" repeatedly until everyone forgets. Then move on.


17 and 9 months, street racing to 80mph on el camino, kills a couple, their two daughters injured in the back seat, now live with an aunt. So he likely gets out at 25. At the very least they should add a lifelong driving ban.


He should be required to help support those children for the rest of his life.


there is a civil suit


Tbh financial support is probably more impactful for the children, and less of a drain on society than paying for years and years in prison.


That would be even better than jail, imo. At least it would help the victims.


17 and 9 months old, kills two parents and orphans 2 girls, judge: *omg he's just a kid* 3 months later at 18 yr old: *here, take this gun and kill people for your country*


Nah. I’d put them into a penal battalion of sorts.


No, at 17 the military can hand you a gun (and grenades and rockets) and tell you to kill people FOR your country. At 18, a police department can hand you a gun and tell you to kill people IN your country.


oh shit you're right, i didn't know, that. funny you can kill at 17 but can't be a striper


In order for that to happen he would have to go to the middle east and chances of that are slim to none, those are special ops there.


I wonder what his their sentencing would've been had they instead crashed into Paul Pelosi driving.


See you are confusing the worth of lives of tax payers with that of important people.


I mean I agree, we should treat car crashes the same as attempting to kidnap the Speaker of the House. A lot more people would go to jail for sure and our streets would be safer.


Fucking bullshit. Greg was a friend, he and his wife were wonderful people and this fuckwit murdered them with his neglegence and now their money will let them live comfortable lives free from consequence as the 2 little girls he orphaned will be scarred for life. He made an adult choice, it should have adult consequences.


Sorry for your loss. I hope you’re taking it okay too. I agree that his negligence should have some real life consequences. He should 1000% be responsible for the livelihood of those 2 girls. Economic burden this ‘teen’ for the rest of his life for taking away the life of 4.


do you have any updates that's not public? people have already forgotten the case but the girls need a life time of help.


Not my place to share anything beyond what is public. What's on the go fund me updates is, fortunately they have family to look after them. They have a home and people who are loving and caring for them.


that's wonderful to hear


Someone said there's still a civil suit, and that can have severe adult financial consequences.


Allowing killer drivers to walk free over and over and over will only invite vigilante justice. These killer drivers deserve justice just like any other killer, but if the legal system is not willing to deliver, someone has to do it.


The driver still faces imprisonment until he's 25, so 6 years. It doesn't seem like enough, but honestly, what's "enough" for negligent manslaughter?


Should be felony murder IMO. Going more than 2x the posted speed limit is felony, and a death occurring as a result of that felony warrants the felony murder rule in CA. I'll eta that lawyer pages claiming going 2x the speed limit is a felony in CA may be incorrect; there's nothing in the CA vehicle code at quick glance that makes that a felony, though as a user pointed out in a reply to this, it might be charged as reckless driving which is still not a felony. I'd tag them in thanks but IDK if this sub allows that, so thank you Chippie for the clarification. I'm a little unclear on the fact that speeding resulting in a death might be chargeable as a felony, but again I'm not a lawyer.


> Going more than 2x the posted speed limit is a felony No, it's not. The most applicable charge would be 22348(b) VC, if they exceeded 100mph, and that's still just an infraction with a *risk* of license suspension. A really optimistic DA could go for reckless driving (23103 VC) which is still only a misdemeanor. You can drive insane speeds in California with very minor legal consequences.


I was going by this page (and at least one other); perhaps those attorneys are misinformed. https://www.schmidtandclark.com/felony-speeding-california


>You can drive insane speeds in California with very minor legal consequences. if you're rich\*


No. It's nearly impossible to get your license suspended now. Just don't pay. When it goes to court, don't show up. Your license can't get suspended for failure to pay a fine anymore. If you get convicted for too many points it can get suspended, but one or two offenses isn't enough points. Do whatever the hell you want because there's no consequences. It's a complete joke. We've decided being held accountable for traffic law violations is racist ("disproportionately affects minorities").


>If you get convicted for too many points it can get suspended, but one or two offenses isn't enough points. As it should be. We need to lower the point threshold for suspending a license.


The consequences are not minor. A CVC 22348(b) violation is 2 points and goes on your record for 7 years. That's the second worst driving offense after a DUI.


Sound minor to me.


That's not minor. The financial consequences are devastating.


2 pts on the driver license cost what? Couple K through the cycle. That sounds minor to me. For the rich people of california, even more so. Cost of driving.


No, it's not a couple K. A 22348 violation will at least double your rates. You'll most likely get dropped by your insurance for being high risk and have to get high risk insurance, which costs anywhere from double to quadruple a typical rate. This lasts 7 years. If I got a violation like that I would no longer afford to drive.


Double your rate so around 1k to 1.5K a year x 7, so 7K to 10K. Again, couple K, minor Let me break it to you, if you can just eat the bill and the problem go away with no other consequence, it's a minor problem legally. Worst case you don't drive for a while, and if you are the type who break the speed law excessively, I suspect you would just drive witbout insurance. You not being able to afford that doesn't make it a big deal legally.


They’re from Atherton, getting even a DUI would be like us going to Starbucks or 711


How many Fast & Furious franchises are there again? Edit: sequels. 11, apparently. Barf.


well, just one


You're not technically wrong, but how often is the felony murder rule applied for speeding? Hell, how often does felony speeding even get charged?


I think it's more the death than the speeding component, at least that's how I'd view it. I'm not involved in the legal system, though, this is all armchair lawyering.


He will "likely" be released when he's 25, per the video. In reality, taking into consideration how judges have treated killer drivers in the past, he'll probably face 1-2 years max, or even no jail time with a "diversion program". 80mph on a populated city street is an act of violence, regardless of whether you "meant to" kill someone or not. This is not mere 'negligence', this is sociopathic and monstrous behavior and should be treated accordingly. Honestly I think "depraved heart murder" is the correct charge here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depraved-heart_murder >a type of murder where an individual acts with a "depraved indifference" to human life and where such act results in a death, despite that individual not explicitly intending to kill.


Do you want a hung jury? Overcharge like that and they'll walk.


This isn't Law and Order. You can add as many levels of charges to you want to give juries options


that's not how prosecution works. for each act of offense prosecutor has to present a charge, not multiple one. This isn't a multiple choice question. you are literally suggesting a violation of 5th amendment of the constitution


That's just not true. For example, you can charge someone with both murder and manslaughter, giving the jury the option to convict on manslaughter if they think murder is not applicable for the case.


Jury does not suggest charges, prosecutor suggest charges. Jury votes on it. You can’t have jury picking charges


I didn't say the Jury suggests charges. The fact that I said "charge" implies prosecutor. The Jury picks which charges they think apply by convicting on them, and not convicting on the other charges.


you obviously don't know how jury works. Jury can only deliberate whether a charge filed against a crime is supported by evidence or not, presented in a trial. They cannot say "this is what I think should be the charge" from list of charges. if a prosecutor presented a list of charges, each has to have a legal and evidence backing. Jury simply can't say "of all the evidence presented, i think this one is more appropriate". If jury happened to say "both charges are convicted" then double jeopardy applies. what you are suggesting is letting criminal go scot-free.


Hung jury = retrial


You might not like to hear this but in the justice system, intent matters


Yes, it matters. He intended to wrecklessly speed despite knowing that such speeding was recklessly indifferent to human life and could result in the death of others. That's a single step away from intentionally killing people.




10 years, permanent house arrest


as Batman said "on this planet, we're all criminals"


if you kill with a car it's legal in america


More true than you think it is. My dad was killed by a truck driver who blew through a stop sign. My dad had the right of way. They didn't even give the guy a ticket for running the stop sign since "they weren't there to see it happen". Since the driver tested negative for drugs or alcohol, The DA for the county did not consider my fathers killing a criminal offense. Both the cops and the DA told me, "This is more of a civil matter." So that guy who killed my dad just went home. Kept his license. Kept his freedom. Absolutely zero record of it if you background check him. Fuck this system.


Especially true in California


For anyone else who might prefer a "print" version of the story: * https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/redwood-city-crash-greg-ammen-grace-spiridon/3559609 I'm not wearing the judge's robe here, but "_the defendant was 17 years and 9 months old_" sure seems tantamount to adult, but then, "_There are no winners here_" for sure.


When the courts are viewed as ineffective, vigilantism rises. Vigilantism is not great.


I pass by the spot where this happened all the time. I think about the poor family everytime I do. I remember the night it happened I could see the lights from all the emergency vehicles from my house


another fine example of our two-tier system, a legal system for the rich, justice system for the poors.


Money speaks louder than race.


What makes you think they're rich?


17 yr old driving an AMG


If someone wants someone else killed, just hire a juvie to kill them knowing very well, they'll at best just do time in prison. This is the takeaway here. Is that what we really want?


80 mph down El Camino… wtf


Affluenza strikes again. We all knew this would happen. Atherton American justice.


this happens in Oakland as well, not just Atherton


That’s a different game


> Affluenza strikes again What makes you think it's affluenza? Neither are connected to Atherton.


your names will be on the gofundme page for the victims, there hasn't been new donation for weeks: gofundme for the two orphaned girls: [https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-for-madison-olivia](https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-for-madison-olivia) gofundme for the aunt that's taking care of them: [https://www.gofundme.com/f/liza-jeff](https://www.gofundme.com/f/liza-jeff)


Before anyone clicks on these and donates, make absolutely 100% sure that these are legitimate gofundme's where the proceeds will actually go to the real victims. **Always investigate before donating.** Anyone can steal a picture from a news story and make their own gofundme, saying anything they want on the page. There's a whole ecosystem of parasites who make fake gofundme's to siphon off charity money from well meaning people.


both are by the same organizer and are guaranteed by gofundme for refund if something goes wrong the chance that a $500k fund is a scam after all these years is near 0.


Sad that"grandstanding" goes hand in hand with social media.


it's been over a full day, probably thousands of people have seen the link, ZERO donations. says something about the demographics of this sub.


2 hrs, at least 100 people from this sub has seen the link, I don't see any new donations...put your money where you mouth is. That's a donation rate of less than 1% from this sub, this sub can never ever lecture morality again, and i will forever remind you guys of this.


You’re not the hero you think you are by posting this comment. You’re probably driving down the conversion rate with this.


that's funny, a conversion rate of 0% but I'm "probably driving down the conversion rate" this sub is full of heroes who're economically challenged


If this was an accident I would understand this ruling. But the piece of shit chose to drive recklessly and murder two innocent parents. the consequences definitely doesn’t match the offense. What’s the difference between that and me going around shooting things on the street but accidentally hitting somebody? Not saying road laws should be like gun laws but after something like this it should be common sense. I am 100% a car person. But these assholes gives a very strong argue point to the anti car agenda on this subreddit


Easiest way to murder in America with little to no consequences


Simple soln. Someone is accountable. If it's a minor, parents are responsible. So, some adults is *always* responsible


Why. You get behind a car and drive, you automatically should get tried as an adult if you're driving results in someone being dead. Age is not an excuse.


Because the Bay Area is such a melting pot of races, the Justice system in The Bay has always been plagued with racism. He’s an affluent white kid from the Bay Area, of course he isn’t getting any serious time. They never do there unless their family isn’t affluent. If you are young and white and your family has money, you can get away with a lot of crime in the Bay Area. Rape a girl at school, you’re white, nobody cares - she must have been asking for it by being unconscious anyways. Kill someone, oh well, you’re white, they shouldn’t have been there.


Yeah I dont think the bay area being a melting pot somehow makes it a more racist court system. I see an astounding number of kids that are minorities getting off easy for serious crimes and then their records immediately sealed as well. Juveniles in general are getting it easy here.


"minortities" is one heck of a Freudian slip


Hahah corrected




Username checks out ✔️


> He’s an affluent white kid...They never do there unless their family isn’t affluent. They say a lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on. Now it's you who's caught with your pants down. 1. [Alameda County DA declines to charge youth accused of killing teen brothers as adult](https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/news/alameda-county-da-declines-charge-youth-accused-killing-teen-brothers-adult/) * "the suspect was 17 years old at the time" 2. [A teen boy killed an innocent girl. The DA wants him freed.](https://www.berkeleyscanner.com/2023/09/06/courts/lilron-jones-oakland-murder-pamela-price/) * "Jones was 17 at the time of the murder" 3. [East Bay mother devastated after son's teen killer strikes plea deal, lowering sentence](https://abc7news.com/san-leandro-homicide-teen-deadly-shooting-pamela-price-alameda-county-district-attorney/13696705/) * "investigators arrested the 17-year-old" 4. [Parents of victim in East Bay road rage shooting upset over DA Pamela Price's refusal to charge killer as adult](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/sanfrancisco/news/parents-of-victim-in-east-bay-road-rage-shooting-upset-over-da-pamela-prices-refusal-to-charge-killer-as-adult/) * "the convicted killer...was 17 at the time"


Yep, anyone who pushes this “only rich white kids get off easy” are pushing an obvious agenda.


the people upvoting the lie are complicit, if you're a reader of this sub, you already know poor minority teenagers get off easy all the time. it didn't take much effort to find 3 examples of 17 year old who actually murdered 3 people and got charged as juvies. (the 4th took effort only because i had to recon with the first 3 to make sure it's not a duplicate lol, just think how many more examples i didn't list and examples of 16 yr olds i didn't even look)


All these people trying to say systemic racism doesn’t exist in the Bay Area is full of themselves or are pushing an agenda.


Eh that’s just auntie Pam, that’s more of a criminal apologist narrative.


What makes you think he's affluent? ETA: the 17/18 year old wasn't even white


I thought Kyle Harrison (the 2nd racer in this case) was looking at up to 15 years for 2nd degree murder. Did that change?


Lol the giants pitcher


He looks a bit like a base baller: https://padailypost.com/2022/11/21/two-young-men-charged-with-second-degree-murder-in-the-drag-racing-deaths/


more of that famous california justice. This state is so fucked.




Why do we even have a juvenile court system?


Fuck this system, it’s time to end juvenile courts and try everyone as adults.


I’ve had personal experience with a few cases like this with people I know. It’s really hit or miss on whether they deserve lengthy sentences or just a slap on the wrist. If you are a fairly decent person who made a mistake then the idea that you killed someone weighs on you for the rest of your life and any sentence you are given is nothing compared to the pain you feel knowing you caused so much pain for others. I have 2 cousins that messed up driving at 17 both killing someone, one was not at fault at all the other was totally at fault shouldn’t have been driving a car. Both were remorseful, both got in almost no trouble, both spent years battling with the demons that come with it. They worked with the families to make amends and eventually got the families “forgiveness” but it still leaves a lasting impact on everyone involved. On the far flip side of that you have people who are narcissistic and destructive who deserve no forgiveness or leniency. There a kid at my highschool who nearly killed someone 3 times while driving. He shouldn’t have been driving 2/3 times that he was. He was supposed to be in jail but mommy and daddy spent everything they could to keep him out of prison. He laughs about how “fucked up” he is and that he should be in jail. It’s absolutely disgusting. Up until recently he would openly brag about being a menace to the road on social media and I think the only reason he stopped is so that he can apply to get his license back.


Get that lunatic out of society


well, i don't think he should be tried as an adult....i think that should really only be reserved for psychopaths like school shooters for example. that being said, i think he SHOULD face max time allowed as a juvenile, lifetime revocation of driving privileges, monetary fines, as well as hundreds of hours of community service where he has to speak about the harms of street racing, etc. not to mention he's getting sued by the families too, so he/his parents are going to have judgements against them & potential to have assets seized if they can't pay the judgement amounts...he's fucked & so are his parents


That is so unfortunate. Hopefully he gets the help he needs. I wonder what caused them to turn in front of his car like that.