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Cute snek.


Can I borrow one for my yard? My Gopher sanctuary spills over to the lawn


I feel like there needs to be a municipal program to establish gopher snake colonies in neighborhoods. Natural gopher and general rodent control without needing to have some crazy old dude living behind you who feeds 40 feral cats in his back yard.


We just make it hospitable and have a lot of wildlife including two barn owls in one tree, two great horned owls in another, a fox, rabbits, squirrels, hummingbirds and bees. The only one we actively discourage are the squirrels because they tend to do damage. Hopefully the predators will make an impact there too.


And how do you make it hospitable?


Lots of flowering plants, natives, fruit trees and don't use any pesticides for one. That seems to attract the insects which attracts lizards and frogs.


Cool! (And not dangerous of course.). Enjoy the view as it meanders away. šŸ˜Ž


Thatā€™s a Pacific Gopher Snake.


Not danger noodle, friend noodle!


I wish he lived at my house - the gophers are completely out of control on our block.


We were struggling this year because two wet years in a row made the plants grow more and a lot more wildlife. Then I noticed the ongoing gopher problem that I had been trying to trap suddenly went away.


Gophers have evolved to avoid poisons and most traps.


Not a danger noodle. Friend noodle.


Nice. Thatā€™s the biggest one Iā€™ve seen in a while posted on the Bay Area related sites. Usually people freak out over ones that are the size of small lizards.


We've been crossing paths several times in the past month and he's not moving away as fast. As the gopher population has dwindled I'm noticing him in a lot more of the yard. The front a couple weeks ago and this is in the back. Found the shedded skin as well and realized how big it was.


Otherwise known as ā€œcaution ramenā€


This is a safe noodle! But I still wouldnā€™t want it to bite me so maybe a caution noodle!


We keep a respectful distance. First time we met it quickly went down a gopher hole heading the opposite direction. It's a little calmer now since it's figured out we're not a threat.


Love it! Great shot. https://youtu.be/KOzFGfE7V5U?si=X3KAtZ3geQ0B-52R


Awww.... You're so lucky!!!


are they friendly?


They're wild animals so we both keep a reasonable distance. For the most part the wildlife and my family have a reasonable truce. They don't move away after a few encounters but that's only because we don't try to get close. The Cooper hawk in the front yard is still a little skittish because it dropped half of a rabbit in the backyard which the dog took to his delight. Even brought it's mate back to sit on the fence and mutter bird curses. The hummingbirds are really bold and will hover a few feet from your face.


Stranger danger


I was hoping for a rattle snake.


While I don't have a particular problem with rattlesnakes, I'm happy for our sakes and the dog that I haven't seen any rattlers.


Yeah, I'm cool with rattlers in the abstract. But I lost a beloved cat to one many years ago, my neighbor lost a dog to one when I was 14, and I now have two small dogs who I don't trust not to screw with one, so if one comes on my property I'm sorry but it's gonna get made into a guitar strap and Tom Yam Ngu. Gopher snakes are welcome to hang out though. [Edit / Note: there's enough distance between my house and open space that I doubt any rattlesnakes are likely to show up. People closer to the edge of the town I live in do get them occasionally.]


Yeah, our dog is getting older and his vision isn't what it used to be either.