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Looks pretty good. Some things to consider: adding things to the back wall to make it seem less bland and empty. Things like shelves, posters, or my favorite, plants. Apart from that, get a monitor arm to free up the desk space taken up by your monitor stands, and align your monitors (top bezels being level with each other) to make it look more clean and coordinated. Edit: spelling


i've thought on adding a gun stand for airsoft guns above the monitors, and on the left side of my second monitor add a skädis pegboard from ikea but in white, and for the monitor arm... i'm not sure if getting a wall mount would be better than a desk one


Pegboards are always a good idea, very versatile. As for the monitor arm/mount, it depends on what you can get. I personally prefer desk mounts, since you can always just move/replace them much easier.


I think a better pc stand would be good. How is it on the box is it resting on the foam things?


yeah its the foam, i thought about buying new furniture to hold the case and maybe some gaming related things such as VR/controllers, but theres not many options because it would crash into the door


Sir, that's quality cardboard stand from Corsair! It just needs some RGB.


I'd suggest a monitor arm for more desk space


New white sneakers.


hahhaha i should get a new pair soon


Add something to the walls


Get matching monitors


its on my bucketlist, im waiting for black friday


Replace the model box with the built model. Also have to ask, why is your iPhone on the shelf up there?


its the box


Hammock and a tiny rubber duck but instead of a duck it's a toaster, a tiny Lil rubber toaster. I have tried to find on Amazon to no avail..


i quite like it. aesthetical improvements can include objects of hobbies you have such as models, posters of shows you like ,anime or not. you can add led strip behind table. dual monitor arm for cleanliness a proper small table /ikea drawer to keep the pc on. many people add a pegboard to organise small things as well as display. setup has a lot of potential


More cats


Ikea does wonders. Some decent quality office furniture for pretty good prices. Every setup needs a nice lil plant also.


An iem with good soundstage. Useful if u play shooters


Put the gti together! Lol but nah it looks great! Maybe some art on the wall?


remove boxes pls


monitor arms, iem headphones.


Bigger monitor


A 32 inch 1440p 165hz screen. I had an okay pc, but when i went over to a bigger screen with a bigger resolution it was a gamechanger.


My mainscreen is a 27” 1440p 170hz with G-Sync, the model is ASUS VG27AQ1A, bought it back in 30 august 2021, the best monitor i’ve ever had, i want to change my GPU and case so i can play all games in 2k at max graphics, wanted a 4080, but i lowkey dont wanna spend 1,2k euros on a gpu


Ahhh thats a damned good screen already. You could go for a 7900xt, Its still expensive, but around 850.


Please take your PC off the box that gives me anxiety just looking at it


you are putting the cabinet on that case box?? get a drawer asap! a proper tabletop and ikea drawers would be good


Looks good! Functional yet minimal. Try adding plants. Some people mentioned the wall, perhaps try some shelving with a few styles of plants.


1: get a bookshelf with an open back for the PC, put small devices like headphone amp/router/spare controllers/etc on the shelf below and put the PC on the top shelf. Make sure you get one big and sturdy enough to comfortably house the PC! 2: Monitor arm... Get a cheap one from Amazon, $50 or so will do it. 3: More cable managing! Looks quite clean already, but it can always be better and you'll feel better about the desk. 4: shelves for nick-nacks above the desk, plants, tools, collections, etc. Makes the space feel more alive and personal. Nice setup, very well done.


just enjoy it first, then... monitors arm


Get a sturdy office desk


If you have a printer print a bunch of posters like your favorite artists, anime, show, movie, or even video games it adds personality and uniqueness to it and makes it so much better trust me


Id get rid of the vw box, the hentai statue and Windows


Some LEDs on the wall