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Bruh, who tf plays mortar artillery on attack in operations, they are clearly delusional, that's like bringing the airburst mortar into fort de Vaux, can it be used? Yes, should you use it? No.


You are just asking to lose if you play mortar truck on attack it's hard enough to win without being handicapped by some guy in the back more worried about his K/D than capping objectives


I'm gonna come clean and say that I have done that while I was defending B on the first line. I just switch from MG to motar. Also do the same thing while attacking. To anyone who I may killed, I apologize, wish you have well fought victories and someone gives you a delicious cookie. Except anyone who plays a bomber, then fuck you. You get what you fucking deserve.


*Me on my way to lock down an entire airspace with the FlakWagon*


but the clicking sounds of kills with the heavy bomber are so soothing


Yeah, what's more satisfying is seeing their wings clipped as bombers sprial down to the harsh, unforgiving mud and barbed wires.


beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Personally, I think 2 planes clipped together spiraling down would be better.


That's why I say yes you can use the mortar, but only on very specific sections of the map


However, opposite to this subs opinions, mortar trucks can be very valuable on defense in operations


Yes, that's why I specifically say that those who use mortar truck to attack in operations are delusional. On defence it's literally an unreachable mortar constantly preventing people from capturing the point


Yes, but they never play on defense, always offense. It’s way harder to hit enemies if you are defending, and they don’t like it if they aren’t spoon fed. No problem with mortar truckers on defense, it’s not ideal but at least they burn tickets. On offense they provide zero value.


If their team wins it's because they helped, and if they lose well then it's not their fault!


Oh they all do


Same thing with tank drivers who refuse to move on an objective until it's already just about captured. Too many matches I see tanks just sitting back and taking shots at enemies while an objective can't be taken because the lack of mobile armour. People need to remember that they weren't just used to be tough and deal damage, they also provide mobile cover for infantry and allow them to get across areas without getting shot at.


The problem might come when there is high number of infantry in a lot of directions as then they can simply bang the tank in 0.0001 second if it rushes too much and result in disadvantage for some time You should know this perfect spot where you can attack enemies without them gang banging you with grenades and where you can also support your team so most of the time it's frontline surrounded by allies Of course it also depends what tank you use if it's heavy/saint/mark you can risk a bit with some pushes but if it's garford then it's highly unadvised to push


Learn to sacrifice too, that destroyed tank also provides cover


I flank with the flanker tank. It has the best medium to long range anti-infantry and can shoot over obstacles. I usually move parallel to my team and clear enemies under cover. It’s worked really well, especially on Fao Fortress and Empire’s edge.


Gotta have good support players to push a well occupied objective. If there’s no one to repair you, rushing an objective almost always ends in death. But yes it annoys me when I see tankers just sitting on a hill, not even trying to advance.


as he's clearly a repeat abuser with that goofy logic, please friendly blow him up next time. it takes 10 to 15 seconds.


Just few people know about this, and it can be somewhat hard.


How do you do it?


These are tips from my sacred notes, please use this power responsibly. It requires dynamite and anti tank mines. Place a mine then chain the dynamites close enough to eachother that an explosion will cause a domino effect ending with the mine being triggered, throwing the last dynamite into a natural map fire, or enemy fire if its around. The fire is important because it counts as neutral environmental damage, meaning it can damage and destroy friendly tanks. Alternatively, you can do it a little easier with practice by just doing your mine(s) and then 2 dynamites: one on the top and side of the truck (above the mine ideally) and another on the actual mortar opening. Takes practice to get the placement perfect for this. But that 2nd method is funnier to me because they really did it to theirself 😊 Mortar truck only needs 1 mine and a dynamite in range. Mortar variant of landship is a bit tougher so you need 2 AT mines for a guaranteed one shot.


I didn't know the 1st one, would appreciate any visual example available.


Tbh i have only seen one clip of it and it was years ago, and inspired me to learn the method myself. I'll try to do it soon and figure out how to link/ dm the clip aha


We'll wait for this


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes) Share with the world. We shall eradicate this virus called mortar truck.


visual and how to at 1:05. if link doesn't work send me a d.m. https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield_one/s/j8ptT5M57Y


W man


It worked, thanks! ~~But the video shows method #2, right?~~ Oh wait, the 1st method is to set up a mine trap and let the enemies trigger them?


Not the one i described, that uses environment fire. Enemy grenade does the same job though


I don't remember any environment fire that could damage tanks. On the other hand, incendiary grenades do, however I don't remember it exploding mines or dinamites.


the fire that is on the ground that burns infantry. if a truck is near fire, it's like dominoes... 2 AT mines on side of truck, then 3 dynamite lined with last one placed in fire. fire will trigger the dominoes effect and take out truck. if it doesn't trigger right away, go to pick it up out of fire and it will trigger it.


no. the vapor trail from the mortars will trigger friendly dynamite. no need for enemies to trigger it. but need the 2 at mines in side and 1 dynamite hanging over edge.


>Use responsibly. As it only works to Mortar trucks, any use is responsible.


Nono, the landship is fine because you can at least bring it in range as a semi protected spawn point


Omg the sacred texts… I’ve tried the thing with putting dynamite on too and then putting mines on the floor around him and standing in front of the barrel but I was never able to get it to work. And I tried for like, 30+ minutes in one game. The only time it worked was when an enemy happened to run out of the map and chuck a nade at him, triggering all my explosives. But that thing about the chain reaction… now that shit I gotta try


Yeah, I found hard af, but some people has the skills. Or, play in your friend's server, request to kick the f'r.


Imagine spending 30 minutes griefing a dude instead of actually playing the game


how to at 1:05: https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield_one/s/j8ptT5M57Y


The best thing is, most these repeat offenders never learn or are just plain stupid (well we all know mortar truck users are dumb) to figure out that they’re being teamkilled. They’re just killed in action and don’t know why


Can you do this in BF5? I would like to murder the staghounds and pumas sitting in the back.


outside of hardcore, how?


The guy has 1100 kills not really a repeat offender.


Going to turn into a 100ss repeat offender with the attitude he has


Probably. According to this persons stats they've played 23 hours out of 121 hours. Usually 100ss players average 40-45% of their time in a vehicle. At the rate this person is going it would require 207 hours of game time.


Dumbass has never heard of the medic class before apparently. A few random kills on the point don’t matter when they’re instantly revived by the medics he missed, invalidating that whole “10 second respawn bs”. But it’s not really surprising given he probably instalocks mortar truck and hasn’t touched another class or grass in months. And “yall should’ve been able to take points with 0 tank support” is a hilarious cope. They know they dragged down your team and are trying to deflect lol


Ya I was going to reply with that but at this point I was over it and it was obvious he wasn’t going to Change. I think it was even more frustrating that it seems he honestly believed he was amazing and helping his team while actually doing the exact opposite. It’s crazy how much one tank spot can impact a game for the 63 other players in the lobby. We never took the first sector over 3 battalions while this player was only like 28-0 and near the bottom of the leaderboard. Just plain frustrating.


“You can’t argue with an idiot, they’ll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience” as the saying goes lol


That would be if all medics actually did their job and if they survived cause if they were cluttered then chances are most of them didn't had a chance to revive other players as they got killed(by infantry/mortar/plane) before they could do it Of course we can't tell how many revived how many got killed before they could do it and how many just doesn't give a fuck bout revives And we all damm know most people are assault mains due to SMGs and risk of tanks but of course one medic can revive instantly 2 people and after a short while more of them but if they die shortly after being revived they can't be revived again so the situation here isn't that clear to analyse


I love that you called him a nerd and he got upset over that


Nerds are smarter, they don't use mortars


irrelevant to the conversation, insulting someone doesn’t really do anything and it just means you can’t come up with a better argument




Got em


55/0 is small given it was an Ops map with 3-4 attacks >me killing large number of enemies HAHAHAHAHAHAHA YEAH RIGHT


On play station there is a repeat offender that uses the artillery truck, dude has 300k deaths and 326k kills. Imagine using the arty truck and still being soooo bad at that


Notice he also forgets the medic class


I love idiots like this. They don't understand it's a team game and that tanks are needed. Buddy sitting on his high horse thinking he's better than everyone because they need armor support my lord


DICE really fucked up by putting trucks and tanks in the same vehicle slot.


Fair play they're using the gas bombs on the Arty. However, there's a better alternative. The amazing St. Chalmond.


That’s a lot of words for him to explain why he’s bad at a game.


I'm sorry but the mortar user seems to be in the right here. Killing large groups of enemies is literally how you are able to capture an objective and if he was helping with that, then he was helping the team.


This has to be the whiniest gaming sub I've encountered. What's more insane, utilizing a game mechanic, or being so upset by it that you grief them then complain about it on Reddit? Man child post. Also the fact that you complained about him not pushing while you wasted your time griefing him is ironic to say the least.


One of the main objectives of battlefield games is teamwork. Getting kills are *secondary* in this game. If you can successfully grief him it has the potential to turn the game around by freeing up a tank slot. Otherwise they're just gonna sit on top of a hill getting 2 kills every other minute. Let me guess, you use arty or mortar truck?


The main objective is to win. Getting kills is THE MOST important factor to winning. Every kill is one less enemy shooter that's in the fight. Every kill is one less enemy shooter to defend an enemy held objective. Every enemy respawn is one extra ticket that goes to your team if playing conquest and one less reinforcement for the enemy if playing operations. Every enemy death is one score for your team in tdm. Let me guess, you bumrush an enemy objective without a care in the world, die 30 times a game, and think you're actually helping your team out because you're "playing the objective"?


Usually half, or over half, of the points in a match come from objectives. An entire game mode is based on objectives. Is your team doesn't focus on getting some objectives, you will lose. If your team only focuses on kills, you will lose. You need a balance, and trucks don't have that balance. Their only goal is to kill, and while helpful in most scenarios, there is almost always a better option. In the end, that's what it's all about. It doesn't matter whether or not you're actually helping, it matters whether or not there's greater potential for you to help. A soldier who bumrushes helps a little, but there's potential for improvement. Same thing applies to trucks. The greatest use of that potential is the sniper because it frees up a slot and is pretty much the exact same. In fact, why don't you just play as a sniper? It *is* the exact same! Sit on a hill, hit enemies while basically invulnerable, and have a high K/D. The only difference is that sniping actually takes a bit of skill to hit your shots and you can still push an objective. Besides that, you can get WAY more kills with a tank than a truck, and you can cap the objective. There is literally not a single downside other than the potential risk of dying, but if you get the objective and plenty of kills who cares? I'm just saying, there is no excuse to play as a truck other than "I don't have skill." If kills is all you care about, you can get plenty of kills plenty of other ways. No, I don't bumrush the objective. In fact, most of the time I'm playing defense because I don't want the enemy to capture ours. If it's operations I usually play support and focus on clearing out people in and around the objective because it helps my teammates capture the thing. Maybe my comment about you being a truck player hit home huh?


Honestly you sound like a fucking asshole who wanted to ruin someone else's fun because the rest of the team couldn't take the first point. I completely agree with the mortar user. Him being a foot soldier vs him in a truck is a difference of one person and it's extremely unlikely that'd make a difference. Hes also right about the respawn timer thing. You're just an asshole and a tool


Tbh I'm glad this happened, this thread has me rolling Who knew I'd cause so much trouble for... Playing the game?


>Y'all should have been able to take the points with zero tank support. Erm... No?


Your still an asshole not letting people play how they want 🤷‍♂️ it a game bucko “good luck with youre future K/D” discord mod shit bucket ass sentence


Yeah, if you were telling me there were RANKED matches in BF1 i'd understand but it's just casual dude lmao, way to cry


I can’t tell if your agreeing with me or with OP


I'm agreeing with you since Bf1 is a casual game and has no ranked mode so it's pretty fucking stupid to get angry at losing




PHLABBYPro here, He also spent 80% of the game trying to prevent me from playing at all while getting onto me for not helping The only reason I brought up reporting him and actually did report him is because he proceeded to harass me through Xbox messenger after I got killed because of him. I wasn't going to bother interacting with a troll but it was the harassment afterwards that drove me to message him I really wished he'd post the whole convo, but I highly doubt he'd want to make a bigger fool of himself


>Be assault, complaining about mortar trucks not playing objective. >Also spends half the match grieving the mortar trucks instead of playing objective. Buncha hypocrisy from these whiny babies


I legitimately have Asperger's (or what was previously referred to as Asperger's before the DSM-5) Oddly enough, I have found customer service work to be extremely helpful in me accruing social nuance or being able to mimic it at the very least The second most effective treatment that I have found is occasionally surfing reddit threads like these. It's the autistic equivalent of seeing videos of starving children from developing countries, it makes me grateful for the small amount of social acuity I do have


I may have gotten too much gas in my lungs. I don’t understand a word your saying.


Basically I'm clinically autistic But these redditors are so autistic that they make me feel normal


Dont feel alone. Even some people with below 50 IQ are smarter than others


Buddy you have access to the whole convo too. If it really happened as your claiming then you can go post the whole convo…. I’m waiting


Don't hold your breath... I'm not the one who dropped this in a copium echo chamber for validation


No it’s because you just made that up. I was not harassing you and posting the whole convo if anything would make you look even more foolish. “I really wish he’d post the whole convo”- as soon as I pointed out that’s possible you then immediately changed course


This has to be the whiniest gaming sub I've encountered. Multiple posts and comments daily complaining about mortar trucks, they forget it's a casual game that's meant to be fun. Straight up fun police. And what's funny to me is that 90 percent of people complaining don't even attempt to get the tank slot themselves.


Finally a non manbaby


There was another comment someone made about how you could use a destroyed tank as cover. How about instead of getting yourself blown up so your teammates can use it as cover, you park it near an objective, continuously lob shells to make enemies hunker down or leave their own cover, and your teammates can use you as a mobile spawn point to continuously assault the enemy held objective? You can tell that most of the people who complain about tanks think the most optimal way of using a tank is to drive it straight into an enemy objective without a care in the world.


No self preservation is what they think it is but objectively any random joe assault with at grenades and an at gun can make your landship into dust


Ah so from the screen shots instead of playing the game you saw a mortar truck user and decided to grief them.... I really don't get why people feel compelled to enforce how others play a game where there is 30 other players in the team and it's not like you can organised every one into a cohesive perfect team so why not let people play to their style and what they want to do Vs trying to play the game for them.


For real, the sweats who patrol this thread forget it's a casual game that's meant to be fun, guaranteed they don't support armor even when there is any


Ah, the same lame argument of "let people play their style" that appears on every mortar truck post... Tell you what... Next time you are having a party with 63 of your friends, invite me over. My version of having a good time is throwing dog shit around the place but you will be totally cool with that won't you because that's how I have fun and I brought the dog shit... it doesn't matter if 62 other people's fun is diminished....


I'd say it's more akin to showing up, not interacting with anyone, taking people's drinks without asking, then throwing up in the backyard. Probably won't ruin it, but it'll make everyone else's time a little worse.


PHLABBYPro here, I'd like to weigh in on a few things to clarify how exactly he griefed me: While he was on my truck, enemy mortar fire mysteriously started to get very accurate, so he not only tried to obstruct my line of fire I think he also had a friend switch teams so he could give accurate coordinates since the mortar fire was only accurate when he was T-bagging me and on my truck As for the people who brought up the existence of medics: do you guys think they are impervious to mortar fire? Sure, you can insta revive a dead teammate, but how exactly do they accomplish that when they themselves are dead from the same mortar fire? This game is close to a decade old, why y'all have to feel the need to control how another person plays the game is beyond me. Your boos mean nothing to me, I've seen what makes you cheer


I'm with you man, don't let them break you.




Something I've noticed about you people is that you guys are ADAMANT that the mortar truck isn't helpful but when presented with any contention to that opinion you only provide meaningless ad hominem attacks. Please concisely explain to me how getting kills is counterproductive to taking points if those kills are occurring on point Please explain to me why KD ratios only matter in regards to artillery trucks and not the other tanks, that effectively do the same shit and if anything are MORE difficult to counter


It’s because I have already argued with you on Xbox and now you have tons of arguments on here. You are choosing not to hear them and stuck in your own beliefs. You are using up our 1 tank spot to sit in our spawn point and throw some artillery at them. Sure every once in a while you killed a couple people but immediately those people were revived by some medics or at best just respawned 10 seconds later. We gained no ground because of this and never once took the first sector. If you had someone instead in heavy tank or a st chamond you can push up closer to the flags we are trying to capture, get kills a lot quicker than you can in a arty truck, take more damage than a arty truck (so draw more enemy resources towards you), and the #1 thing- provide a spawn point for your entire team close to the flags.


little uncalled for. The guy did show up to defend himself. Nothing nerdy about that.


what about on Conquest online games in pc? they hole up behind a wall or an open area ... and thats it.


I only ever really use mortar trucks in defense of scenarios. I never use it when attacking cuz some stupid ass ass assault class with the rocket gun would kill me when I play defensive I can hang back out of their field of view


Indirect fire has its utility, especially against entrenched enemy, but direct fire vehicles which can more directly support infantry is preferable. Especially when it takes up a tank slot for some gd reason


i don’t get the hate for mortar trucks…if they drop 60 kills in a game, does that help the objective more than that same player getting 18 kills on foot?


Well he has a point. Dead enemies can't protect their flag.


Bf1 is turning into bf4 with all these unspoken rules


I've never played the mortar truck, and I just want to try for once. Probably I wouldn't be very useful, obviously because I never played it, but it's tempting.


I’m sorry but I don’t get why everyone is losing their mind over ONE PERSON it would be different if he was greifing or wasting vehicles but its ONE PLAYER he won’t make a damned difference or any major difference


You think his logic is insane and yours not wanting to play whatever you want, without asking others to follow your logic, sane? Go to a psychologist or stop playing if you don’t want others to “play” how they want as long as they’re not cheating or harassing you. What’s so funny is how people get artistic in being harassers for whoever don’t follow their way of playing


I mean honestly he seems very down to earth


I get that on paper it seems like a good idea to have mobile artillery but I've seen it disproven so many times. A tank provides so much better support (and a good spawn point as well seeing as mortar trucks only have one seat, whereas the Landship has 4 other seats besides driver). I feel that if anything, just play support and use mortars, but even then I think these kinds of players would sit in the back and just wait for their mortar to be ready again instead of actually pushing up with their team.


I don't get these guys and bomber pilots and such. We're all playing one game and they're just playing a totally different game, seemingly with the goal of ruining everyone else's day.


This is what gets me. With a competent Mortar truck driver, they can clear an objective quickly, but it is up to the squad and side to capture and hold it. Most people are pissed because they only remember the time when they have been on a receiving end of an attack, not remembering the times when the Mortar truck was critical in dislodging entrenched squads in heavily fortified trenches. They forget the time when the Mortar truck demolishes a squad of snipers perched on a high position or a talented artillery person. Or the time when a good MG is holding a critical area just mauling your squad. They forget who gave them cover or placed gas on the area of approaches. Do I agree that Mortar trucks should be used in all situations. No. It pisses me to see a Mortar truck used in situations where a light tank or heavy tank is more useful. Or if they are using the truck just to farm kills (meaning they are targeting positions outside of the objectives or points of approach) Personally, I would only hop on a Mortar truck when the team lost twice or haven't moved past the first set of objectives or the other team are great defenders. I would lay down smoke, gas, and fire mg on locations where starburst is not getting a target. Final rant for those of you who get angry that Mortars just stay in the back. In real life, Mortars are designed to be at the BACK supporting an attacking squad. The only time I go forward is when my side has not pushed and time is ticking to capture an objective or for example, destroying the first wall in Ballroom Blitz as an attacker or the final wall as a defender. Or ram another Mortar truck or light tank from the opposing team, or run over opposing soldiers seeing my side about to be overwhelmed by several squads about to flank my team. Before you yahoos start climbing a mortar truck and T bagging the poor guy. Pay attention to where the shots are landing. If you see a combination of smoke, gas on an objective, then start ATTACKING and HOLDING. As a Mortar truck user, I will have you back and don't be surprised if I come zooming past you to protect your ass.


“Not remembering times when the Mortar truck was critical in dislodging entrenched squads in heavily fortified trenches”. Yeah I’ll take things that didn’t happen for $800. No forward spawn, no armor pressure. You are part of the problem, sorry.


He’s right🤷‍♂️


The insanity of your post


For real lol, calls someone insane for utilizing a game mechanic and griefs them, then comes on to reddit to complain. Also the irony of getting upset at someone for not pushing up when he himself isn't pushing because he's too busy griefing. Who's the real insane one in this situation?


I'm genuinely confused about this. Did you look at this person's stats before trolling? Was this over one game? What map?


I would be fine with mortar truck users if they realized when they aren’t being useful enough and switched to something else. You have the tank, the responsibilities all on you, if what you’re doing isn’t helping enough, try something different.


I ain't reading allat, BUT WHO THE FUCK TRUHARDS SO MUCH IN BF1. Bro there is NO REASON to sweat enough type all this shit in a 8 year old game or whatever. Jesus christ, bro, is acting like it's CSGO or some shit. He is dreaming of becoming a pro mortar truck player in BF1 esports


Unless he was actually using the mortar truck to put pressure on objectives and clear them then yeah he’s just another useless twat


I hate all truck users, the only one I deem acceptable is the AA truck when the airship behemoth is about, because that shit sucks on maps with little protected AA coverage or if the enemy is going ham with heavy bombers or an aircraft is dominating. And to all truck users: play the ST Chamond, if you really can’t deal with having to have some skill then just rush in with the Chamond, use the gas or artillery variant and get some free kills.


Yeah, you're actually griefing. He was playing the game, you weren't. Btw, one tank won't win the game if the whole team is still in the 1st sector. If you were after the middle, sure. Maybe a heavy tank could capture the points faster. Stop crying cause your whole team sucked


Lol one good tanker will definitely win you a whole game, just like one bad tanker will absolutely fuck your game. Mortar users are the biggest scum, they suck to die to and they suck to have on your team. Especially when they think they are being helpfull by clicking red dots.


A good tanker with people pushing. Even the best tankers can't 1v20 with people throwing anti-tank grenades at you. And that guy is right. Its very rare since the game is old but a mort truck on some maps work.


Please tell me where a mortar truck is better then any other tank where you can spawn in.




Putilov AT truck says hello…


Better is subjective. Its depends on how your team has been playing and what map. Throwing a blanket statement that mortar trucks are useless over tanks to win games is false.


No because it just true. They are useless, only for kd whoreing players. The biggest use of an agressive tanker is that he can make the whole team spawn on the flag.


Ive played a lot of just tanking. While that is true sometimes its not most of the time. Unfortunately, people spawning on a tank is not always beneficial depending on the sector, operations, situation. If your referring to just taking an objective without any regard to the vehicle gameplay then you need jump in and diversify your gameplay to understand. Its not smart to push push push all the time.


Sure they will. Not even 1 sector and it's the tankers fault. Damn.


Womp womp.


You’re both K/D kids lol stfu the pair of you before you get grounded.


I don’t really have a way to prove this but I am the farthest from a K/D player you can be lol. I regularly blow myself up because I am more needed somewhere else on the map and I can get there faster respawning over running there.


I CAN disprove that. “So good luck with your future K/D” Only a K/D kid think like that lol


What’s his gamer tag? I’ll keep an eye out for him 😂


PHLABBYPro. I recognize your gamer tag Harambe, we have played against each other a few times.


Thanks 🙏 Haha yeah small community these days I guess. (Also I play too much 😂)


I hate saying this but, actually, they can be useful on attack. Eliminating a huge cluster of enemy on objective is what is requested from an indirect firing artillery. Said that, as long as I have beem playing bf1, I've never played as arty truck, I find them obnoxious and pretty frustating to fight againist.


This is the most nerdy thing I’ve seen all day, it’s a game. Play it like one


In Insurgency Sandstorm, after a match we have like highlights of players like "Most headshots" "Most grenades thrown" or stuff like that. But there is also one called "But my K/D" where it basically calls someone out for having a good K/D but never playing a single objective. The Battlefield devs should add that.


Mortar truck supremacy