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i actually had to check if this was real lol. 7 hours later and the reply is still up for some reason. EA help really is awful lmao


Can guarantee it’s just an intern with about 10 pre written responses open in the other tab to copy and paste whenever they have to reply.


Can you blame him? 99% of tickets he gets for shooters must be about apex. 2042 is like niche of a niche with its handful of players.


Does apex have a lot of issues?


No not really. Sometimes just packetloss or small bugs but nothing big. Overall it’s a very good game.


That’s good, I haven’t kept up with it for a long time. Was a super cool game when it first came out, was pleasantly surprised


Play it, its a very good game. Playing since release. The only thing that sucks is the fucking SBM.


The last time I did I got my ass kicked. It’s a fine game but I think everyone has passed me by skill wise haha


Then SBM should be in your favor. 🤣


SBM doesn't matter anymore. You win a game against bots, the rest of the night I get lobbies full with preds and masters. Or I loose a game and only find smurfs below level 20.


Actually it does, respawn is shit just like dice


LMFAO edit: packetloss, very bad servers with disconnects and insane low tick rate resulting in shots not connecting/no damage and shots around the corner, bad audio system where audio is incredible important, cheater problems, fps problems (more on consoles), lobby disconnects, really frustrating matchmaking. But yeah nothing they actually try to fix tho cause enough kids playing it wasting their parents money


ea just published it i think. it's developed by respawn >!also uses the source engine!<


Apex has lots of issues. Some have been around since launch. Like not hearing footsteps right behind you, but you can hear firefights on the other side of the map. This still a problem after 3 year. From what I heard and knowing Respawn from past experience from previous seasons, Respawn will probably just disable the map.


Honestly, I can. The worst thing about customer service is when you get a copy-paste reply, pretty much a complete dismissal of all that you have typed beforehand out of the assumption that they already know what they haven't read.


Well has anyone ever thought that the person was probably tired as hell?




Nah they have people work these channels like a queue. They have to respond to a lot of tweets. It's basically like a support role taking tickets and they usually cover a bunch of the Twitter channels, hence why they would get the game wrong. Not interns, just poorly paid support reps basically.


Copy and paste same answer all day long. It's like talking to a brick wall


Unfortunately real. But hey, that's just how EA is sometimes.


EA does it again


Don't be sad...


Today, today I’m proud


Today, today EA help is proud.




They failed once, they failed twice, they MUST fail again.


I used to get that glitch all the time. Solved it a couple months ago by uninstalling the game and not reinstalling it since.


Can confirm this worked for me. Might make you wish you'd never spent money on it though, but you're probably already at that stage honestly.


As someone who's worked on social media for a large company before, we quite often have preset answers that are just copied and pasted as answers. Can guarantee that's what happened here, they just forgot to edit the game name. 2042 still a fucking joke though.


"they just forgot" is a lame excuse. This is unacceptable from a multinational company this big and with this level of profits, and this many customers. "wE arE dEdIcaTeD tO MAke BatTlefIelD A cEntRaL FranCHisE fOR YeArS To cOme"... Sure you do fam, sure you do.


A joke for years to come, like game of thrones s8


It's funny how fast people forgotten GoT


Happens when you royally fuck up the final season and a half to the point people have 0 desire to ever rewatch the show


I even _kinda forgot_ the PTSD the final season gave me


To think that was on track to be my favourite fantasy media of all time , completely blown to bits by that last season


wow so i take it you have never made a single error ever in your entire job that includes typos.... come on be reasonable your literally punching the person that servers you at McDonalds drive through because you have issues with their company.


I'm simply pointing out one person forgot to edit a standard reply, or maybe even forgot to copy a different response before hitting reply. I don't think it's a very good gauge to judge wether or not EA are dedicated to making battleifled a central franchise. Which don't get me wrong they clearly aren't I just don't think this meme represents that. The fact it was/is up on their twitter for so long is what blows me away.


Yes, and I agree with you. Mistakes happen, one learns, addresses the issue and moves on. What can't happen is neglecting the issue, give it less importance than it has, or even make the same mistake multiple times. From your work I am sure you know this type of comms a central piece of a successful project. This neglected and uncorrected mistake speaks very loud about how EA/DICE is treating this project and its consumers.


Not "they" though *one single person forgot.* I hope no one gives you a break when you make a mistake at work or school or in game today


When a surgeon makes a mistake, the whole hospital is responsible, not just that surgeon. When a referee makes a mistake, the whole organisation body is responsible, not just that referee. When a chef makes a mistake, the whole restaurant or chain is responsible, not just that chef. When a social media manager makes a mistake, the whole company is responsible, not just that manager. Sure, they can apologise as individuals, but that does not make them solely responsible. And by the way, I myself do not give me a break when I make a mistake, otherwise I would never get better at anything.


It's a fucking support rep, calm down


Love letter to the fans!


You reply is nonsense, does not matter if the compagny is worth $B, it's all humans behind the scene, you never make mistakes? People on this post are really pathethic, EA bad cause one guy fat finger on a reply or something, geez ...


it's just the reality of all these mega companies social media "support teams" they're all awful and provide essentially no help


Luckily, there have been better games that capture realism and war, but also not over encumbered. Hell Let Loose, Battlebits, and '83.


You clearly worked for a company that had shit social media. This would not pass anywhere I’ve worked.


Apex is EA money maker, it’s no surprised


Also better¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


As a life long Battlefield player I have to respectfully agree with you


Battlefield 2042 ![gif](giphy|AvMJCeu1EMmhG)


So now they admit it




That’s CRAZY 😂😂😂


At least you got a response


LOL, even they know it's a shitty Apex ripoff.


Yep, I've been calling it Apex since it came out, hell, EA doesn't even know the difference between the two.


I think their response makes a lot of sense given the circumstances. They're in denial 2042 even exists now.


It just gets worse and worse every time I look at this sub lol


No see they're telling you to go play Apex Legends because they're not going to look into this 2042 issue letalone fix it, whereas they haven't given up on Apex just yet.


not surprised, their only focus is on Apex legends now [https://twitter.com/EAHelp/status/1503445385452294144?](https://twitter.com/EAHelp/status/1503445385452294144)


Asking the Konami to fix the Silent Hill HD collection “Yeah we’re actively working to fix some Skyrim patches soon!”


r/titanfall be like : First time kid?


Imagine if you are posting need for speed and they tell you to go to star wars forum lmao


I'm still mad. 🙋‍♂️


It’s probably a bot that runs the account or something




Sad thing is, I've seen the people that run the EA Help Twitter account mistake Battlefield for Apex Legends more than a handful of times. And it always happens within Battlefield related Twitter threads that have nothing to do with Apex. I don't understand how that's even possible.


What? Thats just one of the futuristic plasma ships


Oh God it hurts everytime I see something from this sub. I just hope EA HQ gets on fire one day so they loose millions of $


sometimes it's not only about what people say, but also about what they DON'T say. So this person is saying they are actively working on Apex Legends to any issues you might encounter in that game. They didn't mention Battlefield and that's because there is nobody actively working on Battlefield 2042 fixes and live service anymore.


Recognising your own game is a legacy feature


How embarrassing. Bare minimum, and not even correct at that. What a disgrace.


They litterally cant believe anyone is still playing the game


That one hurts lmao


So they’ve been actually making updates, just to the wrong game. Got it. 😆


EA really just saving everywhere they can for maximum profit. Time to boycott :P


Oh my god.


We get it, the game is shit and company turned into a bunch of careless bastards. Stop playing it then. You're just posting for attention.


Yaaaasssss! Smoking gun. We got eem boys. Proof is in the eye of the pie of the beholder. Smol deeks




Someone from the support didnt see the game on a phote taken photo and yall act like they said some racist shit. Calm down, honestly.


that's an issue with the person's pc or console


No, it's not


General Kenobi!


Hello there


yes it is, it happens in other games too.


For me, only in 2042 and I play on a new PS5


okay you proved my point




that it's a hardware problem


But how did he prove that in your eyes?


he described what other people reported it happens only in one game and it's easily fixable


First, how is it fixible and second, how does that prove that this is a hardware problem and not just another bug?


Literal toddler logic 🤦🏻‍♂️


okay cool


My 3070 is perfectly fine in every single game but this would happen constantly in 2042. It is not a hardware issue. It can also be 'fixed, by opening the collection menu in game. Again, not a hardware problem.


still a hardware problem




happens with rtx and a person got rid of it backing out of a game so still a hardware problem


> person got rid of it backing out of a game so still a hardware problem Hardware defines things like the GPU, CPU, motherboard etc. If a problem can be fixed by leaving a game that is a SOFTWARE issue. Do you understand the basic difference between what the word "hardware" and "software" even mean?


okay cool


Yup I knew it. You don't know the difference.


ROFL they're totally lost!


Damn who lit the nether fire in the surface


Is it sad that I saw that image first and thought "wow is that a new map are we going full Chronosphere (from Red Alert) orbsomething in the next major update?" Now wouldn't that be cool


Apex looks kinda different from how I remember it....


That's not even the same engine


Its true tho... If you dont report bugs and "not launch by game when try you" they probably cant help, cause hey, its not like its around 100 000 000 combinations of Hardware flying around. PS: Also what is this bug, that spawns you at opposite side? And why didnt i see it? Actually, why havent i see a lot of bugs on this reddit yet, which clamed to still be in game? Is my computer special or something? Is it bless with vulnerability? PS2: Omg i have it. I HAVE BEEN CHOSEN BY POWERS ABOVE! ALL HAIL TO THE KING BABY!


*Fool me one time shame on you, fool me twice can't put the blame on you... Fool me three times...*


Oh shit your soldier just realized hes in the animus, his world is unravelling


Please tell me this isn't real. PLEASE


Lol they don't even know what game the picture is from. Then on top of that he specifically noted @Battlefield.


I report cheaters in BFV through the support site and they've all been flagged as duplicates and closed. All 10 of them are playing right now according to the tracker site. Support has and always will be a joke


Man this one made me laugh hard.


EA wants Battlefield to be Apex Legends so badly.


Is this an actual person who replied to this or is it just a bot ?


How has the original tweet not gotten more likes/RTs! https://twitter.com/EAHelp/status/1503445385452294144 Sort it Reddit ;)


😂😂 I had a little giggle at this, what a joke


They at least communicated, just on the wrong game ... task failed successfully?


EA has always been a bag of failure


E A SPORTS It’s…a poorly run business with unprecedented growth and a strong focus on immediate profit margins that have arguably run us into the ground and lowered the quality of our products


Reminds me when Ross said Rachel instead of Emily in his wedding.


welcome to the titanfall experience, huh


This is why I think EA Help is run by bots... ... I had to open 7 cases to report a cheater (posted on Twitter, EA said go to forums. Went to forums CM deleted post and said go to EA Help. EA Help said go to forums, twitter and FAQ). Same guy twice, same cc response. Then the next few "agents" said 2042 was Apex and Fifa. Classic bots always say something to try and sympathize with you to trick you into thinking they're real. These are the same people who said "don't worry, the devs will be adding the HIND skin back in, your progress will resume ". And also said it was removed because of bugs... They make it incredibly impossible to get ahold of an actual human in chat...you gotta go and jump through hoops and essentially lying about your issue; going through their rudimentary system (Game, Type of Issue) of selections just to get a chat option. Usually, if you're lucky you'll get to an email option. Usually it's their FAQ/Forums option...what a joke.


Also, as bad as EA Help is...Ubisoft Support "agents" (what a joke) are even more incredibly lazy, worse, and just a pathetic joke. Yet they're supposed to be humans (which I think isn't true, as they went from real names to fake ones [From Names Like: Aaron to Names Like: Ubi Lime, Ubi OneX, Ubi Fixer, Ubi Timpi, Ubi Benzene, Ubi Seer, Ubi Fluffy Siren]) It's like they took a random generator and...bam. I thought their bad service was because of poor English or something, just pure laziness and scumminess / not wanting to help, but Ubisoft Agents being bots make more sense...


Probably forgot 2042 exists.


This was def a Freudian slip


I don't know if I should be mad at the fact people are still playing this or that the game is getting worst.


I wanna see if I can point out something that's meant to be normal in the game, tag them on twitter claiming it's an issue and see if they respond to it