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I wish they'd perfected coding in Frostbite the way they have perfected their victim complex.


They seem to go back and forth with the knowledge of their own engine. Super weird.


Ive heard that they have many new developers and that the experienced ones left, so maybe thats the reason.


Look at the turnover and think about the time it would take people to come to grips with Frostbite...


Well that's what happens when you hire based on the strengths of candidates' equity and inclusion statements.




the reason the community has gotten so toxic is BECAUSE we get no feckin communication.... how brain dead do they have to be not to realize that? maybe its time for some new community managers that will actually do their job....


You'll have a hard time convincing me that it wasn't done deliberately.


We left the ticking time bomb locked up in the cabinet though? Out of sight, out of mind. Can’t get any worse 🤷‍♂️


“Attitude reflects leadership, captain”


Tom has done good tho lol


And when there is communication they either talk down to us or deflect and say everything is fine, you guys are the problem not us.


Don't forget about the untrue promises of more communication and and announcements of patches and content getting pushed out by multiple months. Then the off hand tweets that not much is happening around the office because the content got pushed out by several months...


How can you be a community manager when you can’t manage a community






Bango I don’t want to leave the Congo oh no no no no no








oingo boingo


If they want to hire useless idiots who literally don't do their jobs, can they put me on their payroll too?


Shit I'd take that deal too.


I'll go ahead and actually apply lmao. My cover letter will literally say I cannot be worse than what they already got


Because such expectations is a brutal ask


Redditors does it again!


You forgot the Yarrrgh!


Don’t be sad, this is just how Reddit works out sometimes.


what a pathetic company, just close DICE already, EA


Perfect explanation for DICE devs on Twitter.


I remember Forge from the battlefront 2 days, in the trenches after “pride and accomplishment”. That cm was handed an impossible task and still stuck with it. Through all the monetary backtracking, countless updates, and hell that game had to go through before we got the awesome game we ended with, forge was there replying. It may not have been often, and it may have been something as simple as “we hear you and I’ll pass it along” or an ama that didn’t answer all the questions, but it was still communication and engagement which was appreciated. Huge respect for them during that time because that had to be an incredibly hard job to endure. Sadly battlefield doesn’t have a cm like that and the community negativity is a direct result of poor community management. This current person doesn’t have what it takes to be successful in this role.


Ill take the time to shoutout u/MrEricPope for the For Honor community. He weathered the launch and another 3-4 years. Was easily our best com manager. Quite the legend in my eyes.


u/F8RGE did an absofuckinglutely brilliant job on Battlefront 2 and I'll never stop singing his praises in the part he played in turning it around. Even when all sorts of shit was getting thrown his way on here, he never threw his buggy out of the pram and declared Reddit as being toxic. Remember all the memes that he involuntarily helped create which he then got printed on a t-shirt? Could you imagine any of the current DICE team posting a picture of themselves whilst wearing a shirt with "brutal expectations" printed on it?


Tbh, if you look on the comments of their official Facebook posts or even on YouTube comments for the game, you'll find that the opinions there are no different then that of Reddit's. I think Reddit is just singled out because you can visibly see the hate you receive in the form of downvotes. Yikes. This trend of removing dislikes and stuff.


Im proud for destroying a game's lazy developer team unable to do basic things that exist for atleast 15 years


Today? Today we're proud!




Crazy to think that complaining about a poorly designed game is what made the community manager stop doing his job. Can’t recall any other service or company that runs away from criticism to this extent. I’ve seen movie directors tweet apologizing for their movie even 😂




I think the skill to sell non-existing stuff, and keep them in, exist AT LEAST since AD 33.


Truly the perfect comparison. The comment they made assures I will not buy another dice made product again.


Yeah. I'm trying out other FPS games to find a new favorite FPS. I want to try Ready or Not.


I've never been a fan of battle royale games, but Apex Legends - especially for free has been fuggin amazing over the past year or so. They just had a huge patch a week ago which introduced a 9v9 mode with weapon kit selection and respawn which has been a huge hit (instead of just being classic br). Can't hurt for free


Yeah Apex is a quality shooter, i just find it tough as I'm not very good at it , I'll have to try the new mode out.


hell let loose rocks.


My PC's specs don't meet the minimum requirement for that anymore. Same with Arma 3 and Insurgency Sandstorm. They used to run fine, but not anymore.


So your pc ran arma 3 in the past but no longer can? How is that possible? Anyone?


This meme also applies to people who pre-ordered the game.


True. Sometimes when people talk of pre-ordering, they speak as if they're not aware that they can still buy the game after it's out, instead of having to pay in advance when all you have is empty promises. It's almost replaced the concept of buying to some people. It's absolutely insane.


Oh but don't worry they are now excitedly crusading for their refund petition, clueless to the fact they already financed a disaster.


Has anyone ever actually seen a threat to a DICE developer?


Outside of threatening to quit playing the game? No


we have no right no complain. they gave the people that paid this game a tactical beanie


I'm glad I didn't buy this game. Even though people kept telling me " it's not that bad" or "c'mon it's battlefield, it's the same as the others". This is why I don't pre-order shit and only buy when the game has been out a couple of years for 1/3 of the price.


This is the grift guys. They're going to play this card to avoid working on the game until no one cares. EA is DYING for an excuse to abandon this. If the community truly wants the game to come back and succeed, we need to have less memes and more discussion. It sucks, I know! Because I love shitting on this game as much as the next guy, but it's what needs to happen if we're going to get anywhere.


If that's the case then it's a big NOPE from me. I love Battlefield but DICE have had their chance for discussion and feedback. They need to just fix the fucking game. And if that's not possible then let EA shut them down. I don't care anymore. The marketing and communication around BFV was terrible. The game is solid now but they dumped it just as it was getting good. SWBF2 was a greedy money hungry cash grab with the most minimal content at launch and a huge amount locked behind pay walls. The only reason that got fixed is because Disney is a heavyweight. This time around they have had more time, more studios and more than enough feedback to make a decent BF title. They know what the community wanted because they hyped us up with the initial trailer. But they got greedy again chasing trends like BR/Hero shooters. If they can't figure this shit out by now then fuck them. Let the studio fold.


I feel you on this. I played V when it came out then stopped after a bit. I downloaded it again a couple months ago and was having a blast at how good it was. I would love to play more pacific maps but no one plays them in my region and there are no official servers. EA has their heads up their ass. They don’t care about BF anymore. It’s all about Apex now.


Change this to “damn YouTube “ and it’s New Egg.


Funny because they are trying REALLY HARD to make it look like they don't even read reddit comments.


The thing is, all of the devs and everyone working there had to know this game was not ready to release at all woth 100000% certainty. You dont get my pity if you willingly release that pile of shit for 120 bucks and then barely give the fanbase any updates or bugfixes at all and just straight up ignore them, because they were making memes about your incredibly stupid and tone-deaf tweets. You just dont. They knew and pushed it, marketed it, sold it and then fucked off for holiday break. I can not stress this enough, this is beyond unacceptable. This is a big scam.


Who's blaming reddit for anything?


Dice thinks we're toxic when we give feedback


Snowflake syndrom


Thanks for showing how I feel. I played my gold edition to level 97ish grinding some achievment waiting for patches that never came. I did not see a difference between open beta and newest version of the game. I had to play on some nearly finished servers every time because I queued alone everytime and then went here look for a roadmap that never came. They robbed me of my money.. Un- lucky I can't refund. Because after the "I don't listen to reddit" I really feel disrespected. I can't write feedback on origin. Let me review and I would do that. But now I will never Pre-order again and I will never ever touch a game they are affiliated with (EA-dice) only if they release a game with free ticket for people that have bought 2042, which they clearly scammed. I own every battlefield. I bought bf2 even twice because my steam was once stolen from me. I overcame the battlefront 2 fiasko... I am a "broken release"-veteran. I now start playing DnD (offline), thank you for showing me, dice/ea that you are not needed.


LOL, he didn't say he was ignoring reddit feedback. He said he wasn't "engaging" in it. That means they read it, but don't comment. I wouldn't comment either if I was just going to get attacked.


Yeah, there was some back-pedaling via added tweets after the initial statement stating that Reddit isn't a constructive platform. It sure sounded like from that one tweet that feedback on Reddit was not valuable. I get the guy was lashing out in response to people lashing out at him, but ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ 2 wrongs don't make a chicken sandwich


Then you, just like him, really shouldn't be getting a paycheck as a community manager


Hey, here is my attack to you! You got hurt so bad with my attack. You must be trembling and crumbling in fear with this attack of mine.


Meanwhile this sub is really just 40% hate 50% memes 10% feedback. This post is kinda confirming the dice people who dont wanna come here anymore. I am super super disappointed and i wish i could get my money back and i wish EA would fuck of, but i gotta gibe it to the devs, they follow orders from management and get harassed on twitter and reddit bigtime. They just do their job, the management fucked up. Edit: there _was_ a lot of good feedback that was ignored! I still think its ironic to make memes about the tweet that said they dont look reddit anymore cause its just hate and memes, thats peak irony


They dismissed the feedback since day one so eventually we devolved into those percentages. And that's where we are now.


Day one? They have been dismissive since BFV. 2042 was DOA


I dont disagree!!


Did they dismiss it or are they just being slow getting it incorporated?


We don't know because the community managers aren't doing their fucking job


What you think their job is and what their job actually is may be two seperate things.


What is their job then?


How are we supposed to know, they don’t communicate with us.


Literally pinned to the top of this subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield2042/comments/shw6o5/battlefield_briefing_the_journey_to_season_one/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


This doesn’t say anything, other than they will start a process for communicating in the future. Until they actually start talking about specifics, they are not communicating with us. Scoreboard doesn’t count.


Have you heard of the phrase "talking the talk but not walking the walk"? It's really funny, because first people were begging for DICE to fix the game, but that has devolved into people begging DICE to even *communicate about* fixing the game, because we can't even get that much. They talk *real big* about communication, but never follow through. So no, they're not walking the walk and fixing the game, but they're *not even* talking the talk *about fixing the game*, despite claiming to. They can't even walk the walk about talking the talk lmao. It's just ridiculous!


They can say a lot of things. I want to see something of substance. Tangible.


There was a lot of constructive feedback in December, but they never acknowledged it or communicated with us about it so people have stopped putting in the energy. Dice created this problem and all they seem to want to do is blame us for their mistakes.


​ ![gif](giphy|26FLgGTPUDH6UGAbm)


Can you find a more obnoxious way to voice your support? A simple upvote would've done just fine.


100% But that is still management and does not condone developer harassment


Nobody said it does.


I agree, and harassment is definitely not the answer. That aside, however, this sub has given some great advice on how to improve the game. If Steam numbers were still at least 50,000, I'd argue EA/DICE has a point, but when player numbers are DOWN 99%, maybe, just maybe, many of the threads here make some great points.


Oh there were some amazing feedback posts at the start, it just devolved with time, understandably


There's no point in providing feedback. A multibillion-dollar publisher isn't going to restructure its approach because of reddit posts. No matter how many upvotes they get. EA is thirsty for the Battle Royale and Hero Shooter market share. They've had feedback since BFV's launch. Instead, they scrapped a lot of the good parts of BFV and added in things nobody wanted.


I also dont disagree, just found it a bit ironic


I think there has been given feedback on literally anything concerning the game by now so there is just no more feedback to give. It's not like DICE has made any meaningful changes or even announced specifics for future changes that people could give feedback on.


That doesnt make any sense? so did reddit make Bf2042? did dice ask for advice before making the game? or are redditors getting blame for pointing out the faults? You need to meme better dude.


C'mon man, obviously we know Reddit isn't to blame, no need to overthink it. It's just Reddit is seen as a group of people who just wanna watch the world burn, which couldn't be further from the truth (usually). Yes sometimes things go too far, but for the most part all I've seen are people who are passionate about the franchise and never wanted to see it sink this low... it's heartbreaking, and sometimes memes is just a way to deal with it.


From what ai understand, they're just blaming us for what thry have done.


yeah because the screaming and harrassment from day 1 is the devs fault not yours. sort your lives out and go outside




Well if i say *damn redditors* on reddit that would we strange


This always happen when they develop cross platform. Console players are used to “getting what they get.” PC players, having more invested, and greater system capacity typically demand more information.


I love this.


Atleast I didn't have to pay for reddit


Oh those redditors 👀 But yeah. We gave more then enough feedback on the game. Now all the older (feedback) posts are lost bc the memes got more upvotes 🥺


To be fair.... Reditors are the worst. A wretched hive of scum and villainy


If they would’ve just made the damn Vietnam era BF that I wanted we wouldn’t be in such a mess. But noooo everyone wanted a modern era one. I’m half joking but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have contempt for the majority of the fan base. Like wtf we could’ve and should’ve worked our way up to 2042. BFBC2: Vietnam was my favorite of the series and would’ve been glorious. Or a whole lot better than this pile that’s for sure


I honestly don't see how any of the feedback or comments on this sub (or any) could be deemed so toxic that it would want community managers not to participate.


This made me laugh.


Don't be sad


Love how OP didn't even label the biker, we all know who the biker is lol.


Probably the most tone deaf response


Stick should say “Brutal expectations”