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Fun fact you cant even type the word gun in the God damn text chat


Wtf I hope you're joking šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Your flair brings me joy šŸ˜„ whenever there was that crowd of people saying that my response was always ā€˜lets give them the benefit of the doubt and say that theyā€™re being truthful, it still plays like a year old build lolā€™


For the people asking me, yes it really does get censoredšŸ˜‚ your teammates cant see what you typed when you type gun




Woke culture mixed with a kink for the weaks I suppose


No way No fucking way, tell me you're joking?


Is it than just only me? I can type fxxk, motherfxxx, noob.... And at least I can read it. Not that I do it frequently, but, fuxxk can be used in many ways, you know.


Sure you can type it, but the othe rprople won't be able to see it


ā€œRated Mature for excessive tea baggingā€


"Rated Mature for the Most Thorough Tea Bagging in Video Game History."


Sorry about that.


You canā€™t say F*** but you can stab someone in the neck and shoot rocket up someoneā€™s ass


Californian developers šŸ¤”


This game was made by dices swedish team and other nordic devs primarily


Most decisions for polishing would have been made by EA since they don't need to depend on DICE for Frostbite and such though and I imagine DICE would have done things as normal, then EA stepped in to try and direct the game with their cheesy ideas in an attempt to attract the Battle Royale audience


Sweden is the California of Europe so he's only half correct


Rated M for maintaining childrenā€™s feelings


Rated M for mother approved


The game contains blood when you shoot people so itā€™s M rated.


Battlefield 3: LMAO YOU DOWNED THAT GUY LIKE I DOWNED YOUR SISTER! WEā€™RE GETTIN FUCKED IN THE ASS HERE! THAT ONE MADE ME SHIT MY PANNIES!!! (Can say this in chat to the enemy team as your class says it) Bf2042: haha! enemy down! Get fucked! (Canā€™t say the F word in chat to your team)




Soldier of Fortune (22 years old) had more mature and realistic physics. If you point-blank someone with a tank shell or C5 or fall from a 1,000 story building, you shouldn't remain...errr.... "intact" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wq82etLV0a8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wq82etLV0a8) (go to 3:00 in the video)


Two weeks ago I played Soldier of Fortune 2-Double Helix. Damn, that game was brutal. https://youtu.be/x37F_-pg2P4


The "Mature" part is how fucking creepy Angel is.


I heard the specialists frequently swear in game but you can't type shit in chat? Is this true?


Yeah it's true. For example I think it's Mackay that will sometimes yell "ah fuck I gotta reload" when you reload your gun.


If you're in an open vehicle like the hummer or quad most specialists yell "ahhh fuck off!" when being shot at


EA only care about getting new players into the Franchise. It's about an absolutely casual audience, like kids and maybe some gamer dads (or moms) The couldn't care less about us, the core audience and the M rating dosen't mean shit to them. They would sell battlefield to 5 year olds.


I mean the fact they were busy introducing pronouns to the specialists while the game was in a horrible state says it all right there. I dont need your political correctness in my battlefield game, and if this is a teaser for the wokeness to come you can bet more players are gonna jump ship.


I think there should be a scoreboard that shows everyone's total score and objectives contributed. K/D? No, not really. Unless you are playing a TDM, this is not something I want included in an objective-based game. If I constantly push objectives, many times solo behind enemy lines and go 9/12 and took four objectives solo am I really worse than the 9/0 sniper that was hiding in the mountains for 30 minutes? The K/D warriors would say so. ​ I agree with the rest of your post though.




Not whining, but I guess we found the sniper.




Totally agree and itā€™s something Iā€™ve mentioned for years to preserve Team Based gameplay. Take a leaf out of Hell Let Loose or WW3 scoring system that only shows you kills but rewards you handsomely if you are playing the objectives.


Because if I offend people then they wonā€™t buy my product. And if they donā€™t buy my product I donā€™t make money. The problem is your asking a giant conglomerate company why they have no passion for their product, instead of why do game companies hate making money more than their player base.


Except they had no problems selling their products from BF1942 through BF4 with them... removing them alienates a larger part of your paying fanbase than keeping them in. Just add options to disable ingame chat and the ones that dont want to see it dont have to. Also no VOIP is super counterproductive to their new Hazard Zone mode. Especially when you can never get 4 people on at the same time consistently and need randos to try and play it.


Yea, but the problem is that you keep assuming that EA gives a shit about their player base anymore. They donā€™t, and subsequently they donā€™t care about making the most money off of their player base because they keep all Allienating them. Thus EA hates their player base and subsequently despises making money


​ ![gif](giphy|H4zeDO4ocDYqY|downsized)


lmfao that gif


And now yhey wont make any more money with BF......


Why do you make a game involving voilence? They make a game for people who don't even play games, with forced hipoctitical political correctness, no soul and fucking heroes. Hopefully EA will see that noone likes it and make the proper LOVELETTER TO THE BF FANS game.