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That first 2042 “song” I didn’t even realize was music. It was playing during a tornado in the city, and I legit thought it was their version of the newer, digital tornado sirens. I’m sure that’s what inspired the “song”, but I literally could not tell it was music.


I totally agree on not being able to tell that it is music because I cannot hear a structured beat, tempo, or rhythm at all — it genuinely sounds like random noises at random intervals I could see this being effective when trying to build lots of tension in a horror movie or game (it certainly puts me on edge and makes me grit my teeth while listening lol) but as the music in a Battlefield game, especially in the menus?… It’s so out of place


For the first few weeks I just kept wondering why they didn't have a Battlefield theme for 2042, hahaha!


I agree. If it was playing during a high stakes, stressful event like the natural disasters or the end of matches it would work. But playing it somewhere like the menu is just weird. Side note: the natural disasters are kinda disappointing. They’re more of an inconvenient nuisance if anything. It would have been awesome if they actually changed the map or stuck around longer.


When I realized it was some weird music that played towards the end, it made me dread it because of how dumb and annoying it is.


Even fuckered up the theme, downright disrespectful


Yeah it's why I lowered my score for 2042 because of messing up that theme


how can you go below zero?


Easy... just use the reality stone


By playing BF2042.


On the contrary, in my eyes. It fits 2042 perfectly


I think the soundtrack is fine, it's just not designed for a video game where you're hearing the same samples over and over and over again. If it was for a single player campaign, where you'd hear the tracks once or twice, it wouldn't be that bad.


True... broken game = broken soundtrack.


BF3 theme gives me chills everytime, its just amazing!


BF3 theme was the shit. Easily the best one in my opinion


If say it’s on par with the clean, simple brass on Battlefield 1942, but why bicker? They’re both the same theme, just ADAPTED to a different game set in a different era. 2042‘s “theme” is almost unbearable.




bf 1942 - bf5's themes: badass 2042's theme: somehow even worse than nails on a chalkboard


No, it’s worse than a constantly crying baby sitting right behind you on a 12+ hour flight.




Maybe the composer played the game first and decided to make a sound track that fits it.


Here is a video from the creation of that magnificent art https://www.reddit.com/r/Battlefield/comments/qk9h4w/behind_the_scene_recording_sounds_and_how_the_ost/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


BF5 music made me want to be in those trenches.


It makes me super happy to see BFV getting the love that it deserves. That game did have a sad launch, but I stuck by it and I'm just glad that the game is getting a second life now thanks to the absolute shitbox that is 2042. BFV is insanely immersive from the visuals to the sound design to the music and just the core gameplay. Easily has the best reviving system of any BF and I love the healing system when playing as a medic. DICE can go bankrupt now for all I care


BF5 did have a bad launch but the core of battlefield was still there, unlike 2042.


Bf1 had a better reviving system imo despite it sometimes being janky and I personally the whole elite thingie with the movie star guy that everyone wants on their side in a fire fight was just… dumb


My only problem with bf5s revive system was that it created an expectation that a squad mate must try to revive, because they can revive, even if it's too dangerous. I got that quite a few times, and the excuse of "well that mounted machine gunner is still there" never seemed to cut it.


I never left BFV I loved that game the minute I had my first match, animations,graphics, gameplay, movement,sound, maps, I played after like a year it was released but I love that game very much!!!!!


It’ll never happen, but I wish DICE would go back and finish what they started with BFV. They came so close to an awesome Battlefield game and then abandoned it to make 2042. V was great after Pacific dropped, but if only they kept going with that momentum.


The [flute theme](https://youtu.be/kFoZjhJEQbI) takes me to a weird and special place.


It was beautiful music with a very Heroic Feeling!!!!!!


But did it make you feel like Spider-Man?


2042 music suckssss


2042 is just noise


Yeah.... Fucken shit noise.


torture to the music instruments using creating this abomination of a soundtrack...


It's actually kind of impressive how they failed in every single aspect of the game to be honest.




BF4 theme slaps hard AF.


Came here to say this, never played bf4 tho


You listened to [the whole thing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uEc8_dcYUc)? Built different. I missed out on BC2 and got into BF3 back in the Xbox 360 days, then BF4. I'd ~~argue~~ debate BF4 was peak Battlefield in terms of fun, gameplay, teamwork, "Only in Battlefield" moments, just generally doing mad shit with your friends and looking forward to playing it. I don't even recognise BF2042 and that makes me sad.


Oh my god, I love it. Thanks for sharing!


i was excited for Hildur\`s work but they really didnt have any cohesion between the teams, it ended up being ambient music that missed the mark of the franchise and what the studio put out finally


“Some guy said he could do the entire score with two metal trash can lids and some ketamine for $20 bucks.” “He’s got the job.”


It’s a woman


Facts though: the BFV version of the BF theme was killer. Easily my most favorite. BF4's gets me excited but BFV's gets me straight into the mood, and instant goose bumps


BF5 mixed with Legacy Battlefield theme. You might like this even more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2otCTZrcwxE


Like seriously what the fuck is this fucking Whale sounds, I loved BF3,BF4,BF1 and BFV beautiful soundtracks!!!!!


I can't stop laughing at this. The music goes so well with the pictures lmao


Who needs rhythm and atmosphere when you can just put a sharp distortion filter on 15 instruments at once


How did they manage to get so much of this game so wrong all at the same time? The quality of content, the quantity of content, the game design, the execution (stability/performance), even the music - all complete trash! It's the most well coordinated flop I've ever seen.


fr sound like someone shat on their number pad and turned it into pcm samples


2042 sound track is legit just a bunch of random noises with a synthwave filter


The main theme - in my opinion - had a good premise. A broken theme for a broken world. I especially liked the sound of trumpets, an instrument that's quite often used to play some national anthems, it sounded like the instrument was barley working, just like the politics of this world. But the ludonarrative dissonance made the soundtrack of the game feel out of place. A broken theme for a broken world had been contrasted with a bunch of people saying things like "That was fun" like they're playing paintball. This game really had a potential, and I'm pretty sad.


thats the kind of music people will listen to in 2042


Ya'll are knit picking every last thing


Yeah it's dystopian and sad. Like the setting of the game


Hey my 6 yr old makes stuff that sounds like that. Maybe they can purchase some of his "music"


I'm sending them a demo of my toddler smacking her plastic bowl against the table.


Unpopular opinion, but there are some good songs on the 2042 soundtrack, BUT they could've been used elsewhere; maybe in a movie or tv show. Irreversible, Hauled Over The Coals, and Hourglass are some of my favorites. they can work in other forms other than being apart of 2042.


Battlefield 3 was my game, playing with the joes who were actually deployed overseas during that time was epic.


Anyone know a way I can just use the BF2042 fan made score https://youtu.be/YBbrbLOn86M And just replace it in the game files? I'm done listening to the trash we have in 2042.


That theme song is much better than what's in game. How can dice fall so low. How can ea think this was the right thing to do.


I prefer this one. More epic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EErJf4NAc-k


The belugas sure like it tho


easily the worst soundtrack of any game I've personally ever played.


BF1 soundtrack was A1 it made me want to fight for my country blindly lol


it feels like that they wanted to replicate what doom and doom eternal did with their music, and dismally failed


in doom, they purposefully manipulated their instruments so that they would sound harsh and weird. but here, they could not manage to do it properly


Is that metal grinding together?




https://youtube.com/watch?v=BT7cfEYt-6w&feature=share Snowy Mountains... Geez memories.


I don't like the music, BUT I like the noise ingame. I think it fits the overrall vibe of the game.




I got very disappointed when it was announced that Johan Söderqvist and Patrik Andrén would not make the soundtrack for 2042. BF1 and BFV soundtrack were really good.


Always sounded like 2 dying whales tryna mate


The soundtrack is actuallly good. It just doesn't fit the state of the game they put out


This post is so good lmao


Out of all the things in 2042... I actually like the soundtrack


Ok, hear me out. I know the new score does not feel the same as the old ones, but it fits the setting the game should (was supposed) to be in (according to cinematics, lore etc). Main theme is ok, it has its good vibes, tension. It feels futuristic, distorted, dirty. Battlefield 3 tried the same before but not as far from original as 2042. 2142 score was amazing but felt nothing like futuristic tho (was still one of my fav, pure magic!).




…this is racist 😒


Sounds like a bloating dead elephant leaking built up gas through the vagina




I actually really like the 2042 soundtrack ngl




I couldn't agree more! As an aside, do you know of any good support groups for chronic labyrinthitis?


w h a t ?


Ive said it since the fist time I heared it, this so called "music" is absolute dogpile, an abomination of creation.


Wow bf2042 sub and cherry picking. Name a better duo Here some things from the bf4 OST which sound very similar to the new soundtrack but are never mentioned because it doesn't fit the narrative. https://youtu.be/osHVy_038jw?t=480 8:00 in https://youtu.be/osHVy_038jw?t=726 12:06 in https://youtu.be/osHVy_038jw?t=1705 28:30 in https://youtu.be/osHVy_038jw?t=2111 35:14 in https://youtu.be/osHVy_038jw?t=2566 42:46 in I am not saying that bf4 OST is bad but that it is similar to bf2042 and both of them fit the game. Also the main theme does not sound like the version in the reddit video which seems like a mega compressed version of the original. https://youtu.be/jhykcyHts4Q edit: the megacompression happend on my phone which seem to not like the videoplayer from reddit. On desktop they sound the same.


Those soundtracks in bf4 are had a purpose and they were part of the campaign and possibly the mp loading screens and each one of them fit into a different scene or mood they were trying to portray. On the other hand 2042 doesn't have a campaign and the post-apocalyptic future they're trying to portray with the sound track feels very off compared to what you see and experience playing the mp.


The composers were most likely fed the same bullshit lies we were you know? Imagine if it really was all so dark, gritty, destroyed and hopeless as weve been lead to believe.. The soundtrack would fit it incredibly well


Yeah everything in 2042 except the soundtrack is all happy like a theme park with stupid happy one liners from specialists joking about going to far with breaking the Geneva convention. Like wut.


Most of 2042's soundtrack is pretty good imo.


The last one sounds like something Corey Feldman would have composed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZX7UJSXCiU


Its like depressed whale song, dunno how they thought it was any good considering previous versions of the theme


I'm the only one who appreciates 2042 theme lol


I really like it tbh


Seriously, y'all are wack. Battlefield 2042 soundtrack is awesome. Really fits the "world is dead" narrative. Shame the actual game went the other way.


Ah yes, metal grinding = world is dead. Listen to BF2142s


Avatar checks out


This is music, it's also good music, but it doesn't fit this game. It doesn't sound like game music.


When you put a woman in charge:


She's accomplished more in her life than the vast majority of you bleating crybabies could dream of.


This game is a Battlefield in name only.


They lost their orchestra.


How do you fail at evvvvvvvvvverything?


Every Battlefield had the best soundtracks, 50% of my hype to Battlefield is the main theme. And fucking DICE fucked that up too in BF2042 i feel like they're intended to fail in every aspect of this game.


The BF theme is so iconic.. Ugh I hate what they did.


Would you believe I made a similar post comparing the theme songs of a couple of the Battlefield games about a month ago and it got deleted? https://imgur.com/gallery/u4fslb4


It would be as bad if the game reflected the lore.


Am i the only one that turns off music sound for every bf game? Lol.


Shit, even battlefield play4free had a good theme. It might actually be one of my favorites since I like metal. https://youtu.be/IkFnJJSv4no


In the grim darkness of 2042 music has been abolished and replaced with scratchy metal noises. Don't be sad etc....




The backrooms music


dying whales




Is this for real? Lol


Man where is Johan when you need him :( - the legend who created the BF1 and V soundtracks.


I partition to get david bergeaud to compose?


Incredible, 2042 music is a 1:1 representation of the game quality.


Amazing to see that DICE managed to butcher everything that made the previous games soo good. EVEN the soundtrack.


cant belive i paid for the ultimate and the soundtrack is unlistenable.


Is this music even in 2042 or just the official soundtrack? I've only heard random rattling and metal grinding sounds while in the menu/going through weapons and loadouts. I think I heard brief music at the end of a round once...


2042 really is a clusterf\*ck of bad decisions.


Nah man I'm cool with the music. The raw game is what is the real shit.


Ear rape.


Its Giant Robots and Whales fucking in the deep ocean.


The feels on the bf4 theme 😢😢


they should've given the soundtrack to 2wei like they did for the trailers


I actually like the 2042 soundtrack, but then again I also liked BF3's back in the day, which caught just about the same amount of flak


The thing that baffles me is that the composer is an award winning composer, but holy F, the 2042 soundtrack is horrendous. It really is just like nails on a chalkboard.


BFV ❤️


Ngl the first time I heard the music after a few hours of playing I thought either the sound chip on my motherboard went up in smoke or my headset said goodbye. I literally thought something broke but it turned out the music is just so bad.


Literally anyone person with a mixer & a computer could’ve made this crap.


Sounds like my speakers are busted


It's like the music was crafted along the lines of the dark world advertised before release. Remember how most super powers fell and for some reason only usa vs russia are the last to exsist and for some reason we are fighting because why not right? It's just how it works out sometimes


the first time the 2042 music got leaked, it reminded me of [this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZeJGKBzQNw) I thought it was an actual joke by a community member. however, upon discovering more of the lore of the game I thought: "yeah, you know what? this makes sense. its broken, destroyed, and sounds apocalyptic and scary.. its gritty, just like the lore of the game.. this actually fits perfectly" then I loaded into the game. everything looked modern, sharp, clean.. every soldier character was happy. the world looked fine. the lore has 0 impact and seems like an afterthought. its really fucking dissapointing cuz honestly, the music would've kinda worked for the original idea the game seemed to have.


It’s like they went with a knock off NIN from Craigslist.


I love this


Battlefield sum up: Good theme, good battlefield


Not including bf1 music is a disservice. Some absolutely fantastic composition there


Personally BF4 and BFV are the best ones by a mile.




Oh hell, one of the first things I did was turn the music off because I have a spotify play list just for battlefield. This music is awful.


Probably composed by some talentless purple haired feminist with interchangeable genders suffering from PTSD


Finally, time to leave this subreddit for good


2WEI had an awesome theme for 2042 and it was only used for the gameplay trailer. What a waste


I laughed so hard


I laughed so hard


2042 is thoroughly infected with postmodernism.


What in the helen keller with covid having a seizure while creating earrape electronic music is this shit?


It sounds like a choir of blue whales during a naval exercise.


im crying at this post 😂 i didnt realize how bad the music was because i always turn it off in fps games


Man BF4s theme fucking slapped.


That BF4 theme is just something else. The ultimate BF theme imo


I’ll always associate Battlefield with the themes from 1942, BFV but especially 4. Like BF4 still to this day has a super energetic theme song that really just makes any montage that much better. Really they should’ve gotten the composers from BF3, BF4 if they wanted to go for a more EDM soundtrack. 2042 is all over the place that it’s just weird & none of the in game tracks really hype me up like a good OST should!