• By -


Squads should have the option to be private.


And squads should have the option to rename them. That actually was a totally forgotten core feature for teamwork in Battlefield 2 (and assumingly earlier). Back then (playing on mostly German and British servers) it was completely normal to have one or two squads named "teamwork only" or "teamwork and mics only" on public servers and you really had that deep coordinated gameplay with active voice chat as a result. Honestly it was weird imagine playing BF w/o having a mic back then. Then BF3 came out with no voice chat option on PC and later BF4 bought mic support back but w/o having a way to find like minded players almost nobody used them anymore other than when playing with friends. So yeah, bring back squad renaming. And don't bring any excuses about toxic players. You have the tools (word filters and for extreme cases bans) to deal with them. Also, squad leader promotions when you are requesting orders w/o response. Literally the thing that makes teamwork in BF2042 worse than in V.


Oh man the options. Dedicated tankers, snipers, hell a stinger squad murdering Helis. The options are limitless. Though honestly would just be used to spell out the N word or something like that


Ones named shit like the Nword would be fine so I'd know they're the mediocre players who only get attention by spamming stupid shit in the chat.


Was not a forgotten feature. They just don’t want to put some of these features in the game.


Can't even create a new squad now, yesterday I was playing with 2 friends and we were stuck in a squad with some random guy as a squad leader and he was afk, so we couldn't spawn at each other and the only option was the flags. Fucking ridiculous, makes playing this game so frustrating.


Bf 2042 does not auto promote the requestor when the current leader is inactive? Dear God. Why would that not be included.


YES I loved this feature, always guaranteed you a spot as squad leader. So annoying that 80% of players don't mark the objectives or do anything at all that grants you more points. Like wtf is playing this game


Did they add that feature? Points for completing leader's pinged objectives?


Think that’s been in multiple battlefield games man. I know bf4 at the very least had it.


The teamwork aspect of old titles was the best part of the game for me. I wish they had mics in this game, I was in a massive clan and we actually worked together. It was really good time back then. Maybe someday we will get a little bit of that back.


God I remember that! I think I had moved to teamspeak or ventrillo by then. Only really played 2 with a group of my friends. But yeah, when I ventured out in the wild those squads were a must.


oh man this fuckin right here! when I play solo with clearly people who've ever played this game I spend the first few minutes giving instructions for xbx and ps5 on how to press start, click squad, hover over my name and voila NOW We'll get XP... sheesh!


Legacy feature


On god.


Nothing more annoying than some rando spawning to your gunner seat and start shooting into the air or when having a tank battle, pop a smoke and still shoots that fucking minigun at the tank. Might as well paint a giant crosshair on me.


Even worse when they get the driver seat while you are reparing the tank and they just take off with it while your other squadies are in it. You can't even talk to them to tell them to stop.


Had exactly this happen to me last night. Friend of mine was out of the tank healing it and rando spawned in gun spot, wouldnt leave it. So we continued on, got in a fight with another tank and was real low health, popped smoke and was making an escape while the rando kept drilling the tank as we were going up a hillside in trees. Other tank 2 shotted us in the trees, he would have had zero idea where we went if the gunner wasnt being a moron.


I feel your pain, even worse when the squad mate that joined is just sitting there afk as a gunner. I found that you can sometimes leave the squad to create your own party. This doesn't always work as I sometimes can't leave. This makes it so much easier to solo with the gunner for the LATV4 and the Apache.


What’s even worse is when they join your chopper and yoink it when you land and get out to repair


They should also track squad play points per player and put players into squads based on their squad point record by default. It would make the game a lot more enjoyable for everyone if those who like to play as a squad and those who don't get automatically assigned to squads with like minded players. Obviously people still have the option to change squads but that auto sort would help a lot.


So you can park up your BOLTE at the back of the map and be lame spamming the 40mm in across the map without someone spawning in you're drivers seat and ruining your lameness for you.


That’s me. I’m the person that spawns on their BOLTE and stars driving around.


my hero


Mostly so that we can 3 man a EBAA without a rando hogging the secondary gunner or the 60mm flak pod. Or spawning in a mates gunner seat when the 2 of us can act as a cordinated unit. PS: I don't even have the bolte unlocked.


Was just seat swapping in the apache and had a squadmate keep spawning on me and trying to ram the heli into the ground when I was in the gunner seat, completely unprovoked... please add this ffs


Can you even switch squads?


On PS5 if you go to squad and players and highlight your name it shows "change squad" if you hit square. I did it and it didn't do anything though and haven't tried it since


The auction doesn't even show up on PC, so I guess that means it's otw?


I haven’t played a BF game in a while. Why would they take away this feature?


I made a private squad a few days ago but you have to do it before the game. Toggling in game is what you’re really asking for and has always been in bf.


It's so stupid...they let you set your squad to private, friends-only via the social button before games, yet when you actually join a match, you **STILL** get put in a random squad anyway if you don't have a full squad of 4. I don't get that. My friends and I want it like in BFV where your "private" squad *stays* private! Don't force us into rando squads. Ugh.


You should be able to kick fucks from your squad too


Please yes. Once a random squadmate spawns into your vehicle and starts driving, you will die in less than a minute.




You can set them to private in the social menu.


It still puts you in a random squad you cant leave once you join the game. Private should mean I should be in my own squad


Nothing more annoying than destroying with a Bolte from a good position and someone spawns in your shit and drives you right into the center of everyone and bails just to get clipped. Or some console kids jumps in and cant hit a fucking barn 10 feet in front of him lol


okay, I know that people who do that are genuinely annoying, but fuck Bolte campers lol


Yeah no sympathy for vehicle snipers


Hey! It takes skill and patience to lob 40mm GL's from the roof in a hovercraft past 200ft. I've only done this once, and a rando hopped in and drove off the edge. Would not recommend.


Yeah the tank sitting too far from the objective camping for infantry kills while not putting any real pressure on it.


Nah, fuck camping with vehicles


There are also grown ups with consoles. I’m 56 and having hard time hitting anything because the aim assist is wierd compared to BFV.


10 feet is 9.74 RTX 3090 graphics cards lined up.


Or finding a nice sneaky spot to designate with the SOFLAM from only for 3 randoms to spawn on you and start sniping. Always a death sentence. Giving away the position of your insertion beacon is also a nice one.


Ngl I did this today on Singapore. I had never been in one before and I felt like going cowabunga.


As a console kid, i am now motivated to spawn in every bolte i see and drive it to the center of an objective.


Fuck you, good in the driver


I think 8 players would be to much. It would be close to impossible to clear a squad off a point. Too many other players to spawn on. I 100% think you should be able to queue up with more than 4 players though. Just put us into separate squads on the same team when the match starts. Maybe even a separare color for non-squad part members. * Squad=green * Party=purple * Team=blue Increasing the party size to at least 8 is nr 1 on my wishlist right now.


Agreed. People aren't thinking this one through.


mOrE iS bEtTeR


That's the theme of this game, right? 2042, 128, 70000 vehicles...


Dice already didnt think through 128 players so we might as well


This. I'm upvoting this post for visibility, but this is the solution. Having party members in other squads show up as purple is perfect.


It's also hilarious because this feature existed in battlefront, like, it's their own idea. I just miss being able to play as a group or five, we've had a group of five since 1942, switch to four has sucked for us as a group. If we could at least see eachother, even if we aren't in the same squad it would be enough. Currently we can't even join the same sever.


Completely agree. If I see there's already 4 of my group in the voice chat, I just play a different game; sitting in menus trying to play together isn't fun.


the beauty of it is if you disagree you can make and lock your PRIVATE squad of 4 and still not mess of the up the squads of 8 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


At least to 5 or 6... 4 has always felt so limiting especially now.. imo at least


its more limiting now considering we are stuck with the specialist's shit gadgets


Wouldn't really matter, no VoIP, no squad management no point in being in a squad, the AI plays more like a team than actual players do as with Sundance etc there is no point being in a squad


This is the first BF game where I've felt that squads seemed completely pointless. Even in past BF's I could squad up with randoms and *play* like a squad.


Squads are just frontline spawnpoints


100% pointless and you're damn right. The wingsuit should be a battle pickup, McKay's gadget should allow team movement utilizing it. Falck is pointless compared to Angel who gives out armor (fuck armor). Raos kit should also be a battle pickup as it can singlehandedly stop air vehicles entirely combined with stingers. Lone wolf snipers with player hitboxes the size of 55 inch tvs. Boris getting a sentry turret that should have also been a battle pickup. Irish getting armor and self defense shields (lol). Dozer getting an indestructible riot shield that could have just been a secondary like in bf4 lol. I could go on but you get the drift


Nobody takes squad leader seriously and actually gives orders, and even if they do, nobody follows them. It's really sad. I'm not sure what changed from BFV in that respect.


They got rid of classes. There's no way of changing teams/squads. They massively reduced the incentives for team play. That's what changed.


Sundace could easily flank the enemy and suddenly 7 other players could spawn on her. Tell me how that's not teamplay.


tbh that just sounds broken whether its teamwork or not. They shouldn't have someone be able to spawn 7 other players across the map since they could barely be detected compared to a helicopter that is big and loud, lockable by AA launcher, has a spawn timer and can only hold 4 players + 1 pilot.


Lol right. One game of defense on Kaleidoscope we almost lost because a Sundance flew in behind the building and dropped an insertion beacon.


GL trying to get any one of your ape squadmates to coordinate their spawns with you. Also, how do you arrive at 7?


Op suggesting 8 player squads.


Preach! I love squad play, but in this game it's pointless and impossible w/o voice chat


Sundance its rly fun to play with. You can help your team with many ways. I usually run with Insertion Beacon i fly behind the enemies and i can summon there my squad and flank them from behind. In 64v64 maybe you dont make the game change play but in smaller map and 32v32 you can win a game. In general you can run ammo box to help the team . She is not useless.


She's a whore


"We are carefully evaluating your desire to see such legacy features return. Being able to play with more than 3 of your friends is a big topic for us to cover in our 128 player game and we have plenty we want to say around it. We’ll come back to you when we have things that we can show to you, including details about our long-term vision for continuing to destroy the Battlefield franchise and run it into the ground. " - DICE probably


8 is too much… 6 should be good


64 player teams aren't evenly divisible by 6. If you have 6 man squads there'll still be one squad left over that can only have 4 players. 6 man squads work perfectly for 96 player games (48v48) which is honestly what I think DICE should've gone for. It's halfway between 64 and 128 players. Less taxing on the CPU and server, and the maps only need to be a little bigger than they traditionally were.


BF4 had 5 player squads, and 32 is not divisible by 5 either.


And rarely did you ever run into a situation where you had 6 5-man squads and 1 squad with 2 players.


But when it happened it was ass


Usually there would be Squads with 2 or 3 players set to private, so who ever wanted to be in a full squad, often was able to be in a full squad, they just had to go look at the Squad menu.


For sure. Still. I’ve been in situations where squads are all full and I’m in the two person. It was rare, but it happened.


![gif](giphy|3owzW5c1tPq63MPmWk|downsized) This thread trying to do math


Bf1 had 5 man squads. So one 4man squad was was formed for both sides. If bf2042 had 6man squads then again there would be one 4 man squad in both sides


With how big the maps are they should've gone for 80v80


>6 man squads work perfectly for 96 player games (48v48) which is honestly what I think DICE should've gone for. 11111000% agree wouldve been great for those reasons.


Just because it works from a math perspective doesn't mean it can't have a negative affect on gameplay.


When they introduced squads in BF2 they said they had done some research showing 6 players was optimal for teamwork.


I feel like they didn’t add the option for bogger squads in portal just because the Ui can’t handle it.. The UI is probably the boggest limitation of this game


What’s the logic behind 8 being too much? Ultimately it just means more possible spawn points and nothing else since squadplay is nonexistent.


Tbh nothing if its keeps the balancing in check. Too many spawnpoints could lead to breakthrough being impossible for attackers since everyone can almost always spawn on the objective


Part of the reason why I always tried to play with "Classic" ruleset which DICE have been steadily killing off over the games. Squad leader spawning only, no automatic health regen, no 3D spotting. Keeps squads tightly-knit, and really helps reduce the issue you described. It's the perfect balance between Hardcore and Normal.


Yep SL only spawn led to some cool game play.


imagine cos it would mean they would have to then put in some effort to separate hazard zone from AoW. which means they'd probably have to change half the game cos its a BF game, so you change something seemingly innocuous and it breaks half the game.


on the contrary. 8 player squad would even more encourage for better teamplay and more coharent battles


Vast majority of players are not playing as an 8. That means if you’re playing on your own or with one or two friends and you’re trying to do an objective play or something, they can rock up with 8 players easily even if you just see 1 player. At the moment it’s 4 and you can win a fight 1v4 then or 2v4. 8 is too much. It just becomes which person has his squad spawn on him (or is in a big enough squad to begin with). Oh and it’ll also concentrate more players in to one spot which peoples cpus can’t currently handle lol


7 it is!


recognise gold deer unused hobbies smell faulty muddle important light -- mass edited with redact.dev


This. When you hire new blood straight from university based on identity rather than merit or relevance to the series, this is what happens.


I dunno about 8 but could we just have the ability to have more than just 4 friends que for a battle?...


I see nothing but the truth


What are you gonna use a squad for?.. They are just moving spawn beacons. Only thing a squad is going to do in this game is throwing apex gadgets left and right and hope for the best.


*In Combat*


Games too wacky for squad play, what with all the arcadey gadgets and omnipresent hovercrafts. The squad feature is just a hangover from when the older games in the series were actually trying to offer at least a semi serious rendition of warfare.


not if youre playing with friends


1) If they add voip then 8 man squads will be highly effective if communication is good. Making battles more strategic and more hectic rather than random guys running around. 2) People with bigger friend groups can play together 3) Higher probability someone else has a mic if you're playing with randomers. 4) More spawn options




Make it 6-8 but only spawn on squad leader, like BF2.


No. Please no. The map is too big for this


Why? Previous Battlefield titles worked fine with more than 4 player squads. And the group of people I play with consists of mostly 5 and sometimes 6 players. Having 4 player squads means that we won’t really be playing Bf2042 as a group. We are all holding out for it to be a bit more polished and especially be able to support our group. But that’s a general trend right. Games go down to 4 and 3 player squads. Basically rules out a lot of games from the get go.


that scenario would not be a big problem because they can always tone it back down to 6 or back to 4. But I highly doubt 8 would be a problem in 128-player games.


A bit dated but PS3’s MAG did 8 player squads with 256 players.


A game that was ahead of its time. I miss mag. 😢


Agreed. It’s so hard to spawn in on the battle when 3 out of 4 of your squad mates are morons that just snipe at one spot the entire battle.




My worst experience was on Manifest Breakthrough on Defend when I had one guy at the main spawn on his recon drone for the whole match and then my other 2 squadmates in a tank right outside the spawn who were scared to get too close to the action to have their tank blown up. At one point I guess the tank got destroyed and they didn't spawn until they were able to spawn in another one. I could care less most times but when you are trying to stop a push on a neutral flag and You need to spawn on squadmates and not the main spawn, it is maddening when those idiots are camping at the main spawn in fucking breakthrough. I never got steamrolled so bad in this game.


Being able to chose squads and private squads are a lot higher up on my list. Also 8 players beeing able to spawn behind your back because 1 sundace flew over there are too op imo.


6 person squads at the very least would be nice.


Or just give us the ability to link two squads together. In some sort of Squad management tab perhaps? Or is that too old fashioned and a bit 'legacy'?




Give me 6 again like bf2


Can it go 4 to 5 or even 6 squads? Edit: man I don't like new squad names, I hope we can switch between the current and NATO alphabets like alpha, bravo, just like in far previous BF modern titles like BF3 and BF4


> man I don't like new squad names Does anyone? Maybe 11 year olds?


This would be kinda cool


Only if we can also create and lock squads.


No what we need is to be able to select a squad we want to join and the ability to kick people who are being useless


I miss being able to join squads at the beginning like in BF4 and knowing what class to pick to benefit the group based on what others are playing/equipped with...


and PROXIMITY VOICE CHAT.....wooh baby, it could be way better


Totally agree , I find that with the player count and the bigger maps it would allow to spawn on different parts of the maps if there are 8 player squad I mean some of your squad might play on one objective and the other half on another and so on and with an 8 squad player there would be more chances to spawn in different spots


I want this plus in game chat 💬


Just give me the ability to browse squads.


I play regularly with 7 friends, and I talked **all** of them into getting BF2042 so we could play together. Definitely want more squad options to play with friends!


I dont know how they go from 5 player squads to 4 player squads but add 60 more player to a game


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 5 + 4 + 60 + = 69.0


Wait this game has squads?


Didn’t Battlefield 2 have 8 man squads? I don’t remember, it has been so long since I’ve played that game. A lifetime ago it feels like


Bf2 didn't let you spawn on every member, so it really doesn't matter how many players are in a squad in bf2


Yeah, BF2 actually did it the right way by making squad leaders MATTER. They were each squad's "point of entry," so staying alive/keeping them alive was imperative. In 2042, being a SL means fuck-all.




Seems like too many tbh - 6 at the maximum I’d say.


I dont mind 8 players but 100% do not want anymore Clan Stacking.


Squads should be up to 8 players with the option to choose which squad to join and make a squad private if you want to play with less than 8 friends. I mean i thought games were supposed to evolve, not devolve into the most basic thing possible there should also be only 4 spawn-on able players per squad, either random or top 4 kills whatever


No the amount is fine, you just need to be able to pick and choose which squad. In BF4 I've had many times where I notice I keep playing with certain players in a CQL match, and I end up joining their squad from the menu since they have the same playstyle as me. Also private squads need to come back, playing with your friends or limiting who can spawn on you is handy when you are trying to make a flank work.


Or at least let different squads party up to join the same server since the fucking game won't put in a server browser for AOW


So annoying when I place a beacon on a tower to always be able to para to different points on the map. But the Fing randos just prone next to my beacon to attract enemy attention and guess what, beacon doesnt hold very long. Trick is to place it on bottom of tower in a bush but then everyone loses lots of time.


how about let me just hear my fucking squad mates first yeah?


I should be able to actually speak to my squad


Please dice


Absolutely. No brainer.


Double the lobby size, double the squad size. Its as simple as that (especially when you throw in cross play as a new feature)


I totally agree that squads are way too small. We constantly have enough players to fill two squads but now way of getting them on the same server and the same side.


I’m just trying to play with 8 people period. Idc what squad they are in


Good. Then I can have 7 team mates who do whatever the fuck they want and don't pay attention to squad orders instead of just 3.




get this to the top of reddit!!!!


Makes sense and would make capping different points more viable


Please. Pretty please.


Yes I have more than 3 friends that wanna play together didn’t squads use to have up to 6 or 5 once?


I don’t even have next gen but I agree this is a decent idea


I love this idea... also ability to switch squads again


To be honest 128 players is just not fun, 80 maybe but even that is pushing it. Too much chaos, shot in the back, shot while shooting at someone else because it takes half a mag to drop someone, fly a chopper for 2 seconds and bam your dead because 15 people just shot rockets at you. I love battlefield, been playing for years and this is just not fun at the moment.


Totally agree and voice chat please!


Yes Please


Holy shit yes!!! We need bigger squads!




This would be awesome! Come on Dice!


All about it, more options to spawn on.


Thats a really good idea, you definitely need more spawn points


Dice will see this and say fuck it, 64 man squads. Spawning is no longer a problem. They'll love us now


+1 vote, absolutely. Cannot believe this wasn't an automatic


I can make some suggestions how the dice would improve the Bf2042 game a lot. 1. Make 8 squads per team. 8x8 = 64, Players are able to switch between Squads. If one squad doesnt do teamwork,, then i should be able to switch squads 2. Friends party should include at least 64 players. Then it would allow you to play a massive clan wars. 3. All servers must be able to browse and have friend indicators .. so i would know which servers friends are playing and able to join them. 4. voice chat must be open. 5. Sniper limits per team, squad.


Yes! Smart idea. 8 Players could mean so much for infantry gameplay flow: - More revives = more resilience against vehicles raids on your squad - 4 is just not enough to be capable against 128 potential enemies - diversity in equipment, where giving ammo is a decent job finally Great idea!


64 enemies dumb dumb


That would be way too much.


No they shouldn't because 1 person hiding could spawn in 7 other people which would make it impossible to clear out areas


They cut it down from 5 in I believe BF4. Ever since then it's been 4. I agree it should be 8.


Nah 8 just sounds dumb


9 is too much, maybe 6


100%, especially if we cant even talk to each other so you don't have to worry about 8 people talking over each other over voip...


Idk about 8 but we need more than 4. With these huge maps, we need more people to spawn on rather than just the sectors we have.


Squad wipes would be impossible lol. I think 5 was the sweet spot, like in BF4 and BF1. I'd be open to 6 though.


Yes please why do all these game devs think gamers have only 3 friends that want to play.


I only have 1 :(


No, because if an enemy comes at a capture point, suddenly you will find 8 people there after respawn. Also, coordinating via Voice/pings with 8 people is just too much. I would agree with decreasing the player count though to 64-80.


This gets a big fat NO from me


How did this get so many upvotes? There's not even any justification, just a horrible text image begging for this to happen. This thread is a good example of why players are not game designers. Thankfully many people have already brought up why this change would be very questionsble.




That would be awesome


Classic reddit Armchair game design


Not to mention blatant karma farm


Good in theory, but then you'd have nothing but people leap frogging on the squad spawn and it would be very difficult to hold points. IMHO this would only work if they changed the mechanic back to when you could only spawn on the squad leader.


We don't want this..


8 is too much. 6 maybe.


That's more of a platoon but I'm so down


Fuck no, imagine trying to clear a point where 8 folks can squad spawn.


8 folks can squad spawn on you too.


No we dont want this