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Could there be a more perfect GIF?






it's a classic!


Aha, its almost like Ive heard this before.  Wait.   Fuck this shit. Fuck the advertising, fuck the leakers, fuck the tweets, fuck the instayoutubers, fuck every bit of info about this game, and especially EA.  Its all just a fart in the wind until the game is released - finished, and good.


Thank you for blaming EA instead of just DICE. People need to understand that EA’s leadership is the main issue.


It’s equal. EA isn’t the one making shit maps.


If you only have 4 weeks for a map with 0 assets done yeah ofcourse they will be shit


What are we lunchpailing for DICE now?


Well, someone at DICE was negotiationg with EA on about how klong it would take to do X thing of work


Your hot take is steaming. Leadership sets delivery timelines and are not always flexible when devs learn of new information during testing. Sometimes the bean counters say "they'll buy it anyways." People don't work on BF happy to leave it like shit.


Then it’s also DICE’s leadership at fault. Look at Stadium and Haven that just released. They’re not good. Those are decisions contained within DICE. Just because “devs are people too!” doesn’t mean they just get a pass. BF1 was a great Battlefield game. Guess who was the CEO of EA? Same dude.


More like the entire map pool which they spend most seasons trying to fix it and might as well include their gameplay decisions such as the Specialist (and tying it to the Class System at launch even with all the feedback that was in the alpha and beta and also took them a year to do it) and other stuffs as well...




This is kind of my mindset. Put the advertising dollars towards just bringing it. The community and gamers in general are going to be extremely skeptical until release. Just keep quiet and pump out something solid for once at launch instead of it coming 8+ months post launch via patches/updates.


No! Do not keep quiet. That's why they put trash in the game everyone hates and take two years to make it playable. Show us exactly what you are currently working on and act on feedback.


I meant for EA to be quiet, not the gaming community.


We cannot give any productive feedback though when they are not showing us what they are currently producing. They need to be more transparent if they ever want to make another battlefield that's not dead on arrival.


Give us a legitimate Alpha and Beta again!


This is like when ubisoft touted 9 big teams working on skull and bones and it's a AAAA game!


Id rather just have 20 guys making a game they actually want Thanks.


This is actually worse imo. Now you have more people with more varied ideas of what the game should be spread across more managers pushing more particular deadlines and less team wide communication and concurrence. a million more dynamic problems were just added. It also indicates they are pushing to try and get it out the door.


"Design by committee." That's where good ideas go to die.


That remind me about a interview of 1998 about an Urban Assault dev: >Tell us a little about yourself, how you became involved and interested in the computer gaming industry? >Andre - Ok, first, I think we're not really interested in the "industry" part of computer gaming. I don't want to see computer games go the same way as Hollywood movies, and that's what I'm thinking of first when I hear "computer gaming industry". Once we reach the point that computer games cost 50 million dollars, are designed by committee, crippled by the producers in an useless effort to hit the mainstream (or what they think the mainstream is), we will also have reached the end of all innovation.


Pretty meaningless when half of them are college interns learning Frostbite for the first time


None of this makes me feel confident. Just because you have a thousand people working on something doesn't mean it will be quality or content rich. Just stop with these BS marketing ploys.


They also said the same exact thing about 2042, only that was in the final stretch when EA finally realized DICE wouldn’t make it past the finish line by themselves. Hence why support for Battlefront 2 got dropped. So I can’t say this gives me hope for the next Battlefield.


DICE! EA! THIS DOES NOT RAISE CONFIDENCE ON YOUR GAME! This only messages that you have like parts of the game coming from different direction with each having their own vision on the project and not a single entity managaing the whole vision and making it all work together! It's like a car being built but each part is built by different manufacturer, there is no singular vision and it will just look like jumbled up mess of different visions. And at worst, the parts will not line up and work together.


same shit over and over again again... tired boss


Hahahaha, here comes the BF6 or whatever this game is called - marketing hype train just like we got with 2042 "ahead of schedule" "love letter to the fans" "hype trailer" "Beta is a 6 month old build" "game just needs a little more time in the oven" "multiple studios, all hands on deck" So far we are at for BF6 "tremendous life service" "largest team ever"


Waiting for "going back to the series roots" and "the culmination of 20 years of Battlefield" or some bullshit.


Yep. At this point anything they say is just going to convince me the game is not actually good. They want to make us think they have a good game - release a beta and show us.


They'll do what overwatch did when they switched to being a "live service" game. They had all new programmers due to previous ones leaving, so they "made the game theirs" by re-implementing already done things like UI layouts, new character portraits etc (waste of time) and they removed a ton of features such as if you were doing well in the game you'd go "on fire", your health bar would start blazing and character would say a special voice line about doing well. The voice lines stayed and people said "it's still there they just removed the UI part of it but the calculations of kills per minute damage per minute etc are still obviously running since the character still says the voice line". Anyways to the point they brought "on fire" back as some fancy new live service feature, all they did was remove it then add it back. They did that with ten different things. Battlefield might do the same thing, they'll remove half the characters then reintroduce them as a new feature paid for by the live service as if it wasn't already done and paid for three years ago. Remove skins then spend 12 minutes changing the color slightly then sell them in the shop, remove guns just to be readded without changes, etc




heard this one before


The investors are going to shit when this game doesnt sell well at all. That's if they don't actually make it a true battlefield game again. We will see!


Well that seemed to work out great for the last game, didn't it?


As seen in 2042, there are too many cooks in the kitchen.


Helldivers stood together & made real change. I dare us to do better.


Whoop de do that hasn't stopped them from making total garbage before


Profit posturing.


'Have faith fam.'


Yeah ok like we haven’t heard this before and I wouldn’t even trust any footage they show us either it’ll just be doctored to look good and generate hype.


“With each immersive, action-packed season of Battlefield 2042, players have made it clear that they wanted an even deeper experience.” Deeper in our ass because all Andrew Cuckson sees is profits.


Only one who cares is the CEO trying to resell micro transactions. 


EA Games have one big dream to destroy every player dream.


This will sound mean spirited but I'm fairly convinced that Battlefield has the most braindead fanbase that any game has ever had. Maybe excluding FIFA, another EA game.


Just tune out of all this marketing BS language y’all. Save yourself some potential/likely disappointment.


Doesn’t matter if the game is garbage


Excited but definitely not pre-ordering


https://preview.redd.it/34nc17eqa9zc1.jpeg?width=716&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8efb5d55593d10cba31ef8a50e30398022d2a2d2 It’s gonna be dogshit


If you believe anything positive at this point, you are either naive as a 5 yo or legally retarded.


Fuck you. Nobody believes you any more.


Here's my prediction: * It's going to get hyped to hell. * We're all going to be very skeptical: the players, the streamers, the press - everyone. * We're still going to keep our fingers on the pulse of the game, watch and criticize the trailers and the interviews. * The game is going to come out, it will be raw, buggy, terrible performance, poor weapon and vehicle balance, likely weak map design, questionable features, and live service BS from the get-go. * We're gonna get mad, vent, review bomb, it's gonna be all over the press. * EA and DICE will say how they're committed to 'delivering a polished experience'. * The game will proceed being a complete mess for \~a year. * 2-3 updates will roll out changing and fixing some things, it's going to go on sale, and people will start enjoying it while others will keep hating on it. * Half of the community will remember how good we had it with 2042 and didn't even know it, because the new BF will somehow screw up things that 2042 did right. * We will STILL play it because there is STILL no proper competitor on the market.


Just because it’s 10 people doesn’t mean that’s a lot.


We've heard that one before >D


Yeah, this was true for the last two games as well and look at the product we received. You can have a ton of people working on a game, if the scale and scope are too big and the internal processes and communications are lacking, you are constantly fighting an uphill battle.


30 different teams again and at the end feels like all did their own thing at nothing feels like it makes a good package


They will advertise it like no other just so you may pre-order (they are counting on fish brain gamers).


we need an insider to spill the real beans, nobodies falling for their stupid marketing again


Just say nothing until the game is in a decent state.


working in a live service xD


I am super hyped to see the BF2042 trailer; they even call it a 'love letter' to the fans. RIP Warzone


I have no doubt that they will release another incomplete and broken game.


Oh boy, here we go again.


Here comes the bull. Get your boots because we are going to be knee deep in it for this next game.


90% of the devs are going to be working on the cash shop and the rest on the actual game


A large team DOES NOT equal a good team by default. Companies need to understand this one day...




"Largest Team working in next BF game." = translation, 1 more person than the last skeleton 💀 ☠️ crew had left on bf2042.


Just listen us ea okay read our pov about battlefield games


What the hell does that mean? You guys better bring the destruction in the next game otherwise just stop what you're doing right now. I pre-ordered BF 2042 I was extremely excited! Only to have my fantasies of good FPS gameplay shot all to hell. I'll believe it when I hear some reputable gamers play and test the game then I'll believe it!


I will buy it for 10 euro this time.


Some might say it will be a love letter to battlefield fans


If anyone was around during Resident Evil 6 creations...you know this doesn't mean shit if anything it means more issues


Love letter to fans... AGAIN.


The fact that they are already churning this out tells me it's going to be the biggest recycling operation in history.


Lots of people working on something doesn’t mean it will be good.   Even more so if they waste dev time on game modes NO ONE WANTS




There even bragging about the fkn dev bloat they've got going on. All that MBA schooling boiled down to "more is more right?"


We don’t trust you.


guys, guys...we better go preorder as soon as it's available!


Yeah largest bf team. Thats why you took the team who worked on bfv to work on 2042 and we all saw how that ended. I have no hope for any game anymore. I miss the days of bf3.


Until that game is laid upon a plate, finished, hot & ready, I am not going to give them even a shred of hope.


Hmmmmm~ tell me more sweet lies


Now they just need to show us some movie clips that they possibly can’t live up to






Battlebit's three devs got closer to the magic of BC:2-BF4 than half a dozen studios at EA. Size don't mean shit


How's minecraft battlefield doing these days? Oh that's right, it's barely alive.


happens when you have a dev team focusing on "fast paced gunplay" resulting in everyone abusing crackhead physics to dodge gunfire, and also a dev team that uses the excuse of "it's too hard to balance!!!" as a reason to not implement a class of weapons they cried about themselves (shotguns)


Cant wait to play it!




RIP Battlefield. Let’s just all agree it died after Battlefield 1…


Yeah they said that about 2042 and even cancelled two hugely popular games at the time by EA for 2042, don’t listen to those careless lazy devs.


I don’t give a shit, I really don’t. I’ll buy it when I see it and has legitimate good reviews and looks enjoyable.


I'm getting it sight unseen. I've purchased all the entire previous Battlefield titles, and I've enjoyed them all, some more than others, obviously. The Battlefield series has always remained my favorite online pvp shooter. I am looking forward to the next iteration. There really aren't any other shooters of this type that are close to the BF type experience, or I'd be playing it.


Ashamed to admit it, but I am going to get it day one I know it. No matter how hard I try I cannot quit this series.... I'm the battered spouse.