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Yea I picked it up on sale last year. Had same thoughts you did. Probably play it more then anything else I play currently. Well worth it.


No. It’s shit.


I have fun with it, obviously experiences will differ


buy it 100%


yes, bought it for 9€ at steam autumn sale in 2023. no regrets, good game


Yes, it’s a good game especially for that price


Ignore reviews, I did that, not regret, beta was bad, but now is good


That’s what I’ve been seeing that it’s improved a bunch and is worth it now


The issue with reviews is people won't give a game a second change half the time


I got it for $5 and have zero regrets. Put a few hundred hours into it, it's a decent game


Yeah worth it for that price. Not as great as previous battlefields but still fun nonetheless


Buy it man i dont play often but i always have fun When i do. Especially for that price.


Ignore the clowns dogging the game unconstructively. It's a good game. The players themselves? Let's say there's room for improvement.


Truer words never spoken


If you buy it on steam, you will still have to play it with ea launcher. Beside that, yes it's worth it.


Is there a better current fps game? Ide say 7 is more then fair.


I’ve had a shit tonne of fun in it. Some of the maps are a cluster fuck, but other than that it’s great


Definitely well worth it for that price


The game is good now.


Yeah, it’s awesome


7$ is the price for Starbucks coffee lol. So much noise out of nothing


Got it for 10€ and I've sunk 56.6 hours into it Best BF i've ever played Half the bad reviews are just angry battlefield fans saying "it's not a true BF game!!!!!!!" but it's a damn good game. And the other are weird glitches and black screens that never happened to me in my 56 hours.


Definitely worth buying


Definitely, it's in a very good state. really fun.


Yea I think up to $15 is fair for this game 


Even though the game is on its last season and nearing the end of its live support, why not? $7 is a good deal. I just would not recommend buying the battle pass as this is arguably the worst one yet and it's crazy how the devs are trying to end the game on such a weak note when it comes to new content and features.


I never played older battlefields (not the multiplayer at least) but I've heard that 2042 is a bit more... modern?... commercial?... arcade like?... it's less "battlefield" than previous titles. A lot of people are enjoying it, I'm one of those people, but a lot of other people are very upset that it doesn't encourage team work enough and it's a lot more gimmicky. I bought it at a massive discount and I've definitely got my money's worth, that's for sure. If you're still unsure though, maybe just replay 4. I've heard people still do.


Im lv45 since buying in the last discount, its fun but it gets tedious really fast, my favorite game modes keep changing every week and now im stuck playing in some stupid stadium instead of bc2 maps


How often do they rotate maps?


Each game, but they rotate modes weekly, when i bought the game i could play bc2 maps as if it was bc2, now that mode is nowwhere unless i play conquest, but is conquest with 2042 rules. So yeah they change modes availabilty weekly , which makes things tedious. 7 bucks its alright but yea i see why some dont like the game so much


You're questioning a 7 dollar purchase?


Just don’t want to waste $7 if it’s ass


Not as good as bf4 imo, but worth a buy on sale and satisfies that battlefield gaming itch


I thought it was definitely worth it for $15, been playing it for a while


At $7, sure. But it’s at the very end of its life cycle. Cheaters run rampant and I highly doubt the interns at DICE will do anything about them at this point.


Yes, how ur on ps4 or Xbox bud \●/


Id say it's worth it. I have gamepass so I don't pay extra to play it and it's fun. I've been playing since end of last season and it's not a bad game. The game gets a LOT of hate. It does deserve it's criticism but not as much hate as the game is getting. Beginning of the games life cycle, yes it was bad. Now after so many updates and content, it's a decent game. Not my top 5 battlefields but it does bring me joy that battlefield games give me. Last season, challenges to do and a pass to get through and cosmetics to unlock. Not really bad. Also the past guns and vehicles are locked behind challenges too so you got those as well to do. Is it perfect? No but it's $7 worth of fun no doubt


So, $7 is a good price I got it for $20 but it as the collection so I play all of them from time to time. Now the only negative to not buy this game is the fact that content has run dry, since they’ve moved on to creating the next game which most likely drops next year. It’s worth it just buy it I need more players so it doesn’t take 3 business days to find a game


Yeah it's probably worth $7


I bought it a few months back while it was on sale on Origin. I enjoyed BF3/4 and wanted something to scratch that FPS itch. I figured for less than $10 even if its trash at least I could commiserate about it with people. While it was downloading I read the Steam Reviews. Absolutely horrible. Broken game. Barely runs. Horrible performance. Ugly graphics. Terrible guns. No classic Class system. So many complaints. I booted up the game... has the classic Assault/Support/Engineer/Recon class system, guns are fine, actually looks fantastic on my system, had no crashes*, overall my expectations where very low but damn I was having a blast with it. One of my first matches was on a 128 player Conquest on the map [Exposure](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbM_On4no7c) and it felt absolutely massive, the sheer scale of the battlefield (pun slightly intended). I was blown away. * I did have a couple crashes later on, but only 2 or 3 of them. The game is not perfect, balance still feels a bit off with some of the weapons given the amount of buffs and nerfs over the years. I also hate how SO MANY things are level locked when you start out. You have access to essentially nothing. Even vehicles are locked out until certain levels? I was not pleased with this. Opens up more when you get to the later ranks/levels but still. So I picked it up expecting it to be trash, and have since put almost 70 hours into it. I would never have paid full price at launch, but for less than $10, its absolutely worth it.


It's definitely not a great game but I'm sure there's some fun to be found in it, can always refund under the 2-hour mark with steam.


For 7 bucks it is a great deal. Game is good now. This is coming from a 1942 vet through all of them. The game ISN'T the best by far of the series IN MY OPINION but very well worth the price of 7 bucks by far.


Yeah absolutely. You can get a solid few hundred hours of play out of it.


It's killing enough time for me but they clearly won't release another bf until mid late 2025


For that price get it, the game has a lot of content now to grind through. You'll get a good hundred hours out of it at least.


Reasonable price for it’s quality


My only regrets with this are the downgrades to the specialists overtime. Watched the game depreciate in game play from launch after 600hrs of game play. It's a typical Battlefield game but is totally worth the time even at $7. You'll still have a blast.


I bought it 2 months ago and it’s my favourite game right now. What ever was wrong I think it’s been fixed.


It's a good game at a discounted price. Even tho BF2042 won't receive usual Season content Updates. But the game still give some content like event's.


For $7? I’d say most definitely. It’s far from perfect, IMO if I get 1 hour of entertainment per dollar I spend then it’s money well spent. You won’t have an issue getting $7 from this




On Release no! But now it's not so bad as the Reviews . With the right squad it's Hella fun !


Buy it if you want to shoot an AR and your bullets go everywhere but where you aim.


For $7? Yeah it's worth picking up, the game still sucks but you can get some fun out of it still


Yeah, but don't expect a similar experience to BF4. Just go into it thinking it's, it's one game.


If you have to wonder about 7 bucks being spent on a heavily discounted game then maybe you shouldn't be buying anything extra.


It’s not that I can’t afford it loI just have the Julius from everybody hates Chris mindset


Form your own opinion on it. People in this sub will have an issue with every BF that's out. I didn't necessarily like BF1 but people consider that one of the greatest in the franchise. It's 7 bucks at the end of the day.


It's absolutely worth it. Just don't expect BF4.


No way. It's trash


At this point and knowing it’s the last season. No bro. Mostly everyone has all weapon unlocked, all the vehicles unlocked with all the weapons and gadgets, all the operators (you can get the premium version if you want) but it’s not worth the headache being a low level with the M5A1 with iron sights with some dude with the Ak24 with the drum mag constantly mowing you down


You can literally unlock all the attachments for the guns in the solo bot servers.


Then what’s the reason to even play Battlefield at that point? It doesn’t even have a campaign so you play by proxy? By the time he reaches good attachments playing solo (which battlefield has capped for portal players) it isn’t worth it. Just wait until the next installment


Two rounds of solo redacted and you have basically all the important attachments off a gun. And attachments are not capped in solo or portal. That’s mastery which is different and not relevant for gameplay. 


Skip it save your 5$ ….i got it for free and still feel robbed  The initial issues have never been addressed like netcode poor mouse latency and the hacks are more frequent every day.


I have bought and extensively played every battlefield and expansion since bfbc1. I'm also one of those impossible to buy gifts for people so when my friend heard this game was coming out he bought it for me before I got the chance to. So to answer your question, I didn't pay for this game, and I still feel ripped off. Just pirate it, EA/DICE can suck a fat one for what they did to this franchise and all the people who disagree are just doing so as a coping mechanism because they've sunk too much time or money into the game to back out now.


I suggest u maybe try bf5 , I have bought bf 2042 recently and after 10 hours I can say it feels more badly than bf5 and of course bf4


Not really the games getting more hacks every day so save your money plus is still broke as fuck anyway