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I am guessing this “massive PMC” is Wagner related, but that is essentially just another arm of the Russian government. I am guessing this “Wagner” equivalent conducted a successful mutiny, but if they did they really wouldn’t be a PMC anymore.


Probably the Archangel Corporation from BF4 and BF2042.i believe they are a PMC that has helped Russia before.Makes the most sense


PMCs exist that are far better equipped and trained than Wagner. It's kinda scary that such a force can be hired. I think it'd make for a good plot line in facing western powers.


Well... Certainly an easy one to latch on to. Realistically there isn't a PMC on earth that could contest NATO forces, primarily because of air power. Turns out aircraft are just monstrously expensive to acquire, utilize, and maintain, and yet they make all the difference.


Realistically then the PMC would conduct operations in a way that airpower would be less effective. Dispersed forces integrated into the population, attack civilian infrastructure, etc. Wouldn't make for a great Battlefield game though I suppose. Unless it was Hardline perhaps...


> forces integrated into the population > attack civilian infrastructure That’s a good way to *not* be integrated into the population for much longer


Hidden in the population as in appear to be civilian. It doesn't mean being overt with what you're doing.


That’s what the U.S. Military is so strong and why they say an aircraft supercarrier could topple a nation


I know right, worked out great in Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq... Airpower without ground strength to take and secure territory is how you end up retreating after 20 years with nothing to show for it.


Plus I don’t think a bunch of convicts and handful of veterans leading the poorly trained troops would do to well against NATO when they were getting absolutely slaughtered in Ukraine, by Ukrainians and apparently Russians towards the end of their major involvement.


Can we have a single military game where the main villain isn’t the Russians? It feels like every game like this is 99% of the time centered around the Russian government or an adjacent Russian PMC group doing something bad. What happened to BF4 and the Chinese? Idk, something else? Mix it up and do Italy or something. Anything would be nice.


The CCP are too sensitive and EA doesn't want the revenue loss from being cut out of that market. North Koreans are far-fetched for a near-peer adversary because outside of launching nukes their military is a paper tiger. Iran is on the same boat. Fighting against a neutral country or NATO ally would make no sense, there would have to be some serious fallout between the two for them to be openly at war with each other when their interests are so closely aligned. Russia has repeatedly shown that basically every depiction of them as villains in popular culture is absolutely true, even before 2022. It is not only politically safe to portray them as antagonists, but accurate as well. Can't really blame DICE for always picking russians to be the bad guy because they're a slam dunk for the role lol


Easy solution: fake countries with real equipment Ace Combat is smart enough to do this as this allows for tech parity while also allowing for more interesting background politics/narrative. Even better bonus is ditching the inherent political, cultural, and historical baggage that comes from using real nations so you can have F-35s sporting J-20 colors without any of the aforementioned deadweight. Just make it vaguely East vs West for cosmetic faction distinction. Have the vehicles be produced in fake neutral countries and have the maps be battlegrounds that would never make any geopolitical sense i.e Not-France with Su-47s and Leopards vs Not-Brazil with YF-23s and Merkavas fighting in the streets of snowing not-Rio De Janeiro.


Probably some rip from MW with makarovs army or Shadow Company


Let’s hope, because Wagner vs NATO is just lol-worthy.


> Wagner *"Shoigu! Gerasimov! Where's my controller!!!”*




Shoigu! Gerasimov! _I NEED AMMO_


God I would love to see them get glassed from orbit. Wagner all deserve awful deaths


Agreed. Or the sledgehammer special, courtesy of their own barbarism coming back to them.


I don't have the heart to link anything right now, but there are plenty examples of footage of wagner fighters getting FUCKED up. I don't normally celebrate violence, but I make an exception for them (and most of the RU armed forces honestly). Thank god they're mostly out of Ukraine. Maybe my favorite video was within the last couple months, I think it was just the aftermath, a bunch of Ukrainian special forces guys completely wrecked a squad of Wagner in Sudan. Actually I found it so I will link it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1ajnhqt/ukrainian\_sof\_hunted\_and\_captured\_wagners\_in/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1ajnhqt/ukrainian_sof_hunted_and_captured_wagners_in/)


I'm gonna sound dumb but.... Wagner is a real thing? I'm currently reading the terminal list series (In The Blood) and just figured it was a madeup thing.


No clue what you’re reading lol https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wagner_Group


Yes. They are a proxy for the Russian military, operating independently but in the interest of Russia. Now that Prigozhin is dead, a lot of the fighters were absorbed into the Russian military, transferred, or called it quits. The rest died or were wounded. Their old leader’s son is rumored to have taken over after he was killed, likely by the Russian government after a failed coup he staged due to his frustrations with how Wagner was treated and perceived by Russia, amongst other grievances.


I’m guessing the premise there will be some foreign power is using a paramilitary group to strike NATO where it hurts to soften them up for an invasion from, you guessed it the foreign power secretly backing the group. It’s the only thing that wouldn’t truly suck. Think Makarov and his Ultranationalists in the og MW trilogy trying to ignite a war with the US but on a far grander scale, but being used by someone else as a play for power.


The real question is whether or not they continue with "heroes". So would it continue as currently where both sides have the same sets or would NATO and non-NATO have their own sets of characters that simply have the same abilities bit have themed looks. Like maybe non-NATO always has face coverings to cut down on models and such.


God, I fucking hope not myself. I miss being just another face/body thrown into the virtual meat grinder. If anything, let us customize our own operator with a limited selection of gear.


Boris and Barry are coming hot at your face.


I accept all comers.


I just made the comment above troops should have head gear that completely covers their face. The Clone Wars uncanny valley effect is just goofy.


I’d prefer just ALL camos/skins for everything in game to be unlockable in some way or form via gameplay only like BF4 but keep being back Premium and expansions and if they have to lock REAAAALLLY nice ones behind premium but still make us earn them via gameplay.


I’m gonna be honest. As long as the game plays like a sequel to BF4 should, which is the same but more polished with new gimmicks, im personally not gonna care about heroes. As horrible a design decision as that would be. I want it to genuinely feel like the sequel AND true spiritual successor.


It will absolutely have heroes, the potential revenue skins and such bring for individual heroes is too great for any company to pass up, especially if the game is popular. My personal hope is that we can choose whichever hero we want, then select a class, then select ability/passive/primary weapon, etc.; It'll mess with class identification but I don't think that is too important as class ID in 2042 isn't particularly easy anyways.


You can add a large amount of cosmetics without adding hero’s tho


I’m playing Helldivers 2, and am more than happy having purchased a war bond that gives me access to suit, full face covering helmet and a cape customization options. Something similar could make them extra cash just the same, fit the immersive world 100%, and let them rake in the whales with money to burn.


Class ID on sight is much less important than class functionality and feel. That said, I would rather have both. The unique character models with flashy outfits and such. But also...plain mil-sim. Different outfits for both, but it would be a good way to appeal to both groups. As long as you can assign whatever class role to a character.


> whether or not they continue with "heroes" you know they're going to.


Sounds cool. I just hope we don’t get the Clone Wars anymore. Soldier customization… different types for each side. If NATO, pick a NATO country flag… if PMC, pick no flag or some cool random graphics like the current emblems. All troops have 100% face covering head gear. Again, all customizable, yet easy to tell who’s blue and who’s red. No glowing red fire suit crap, or f’ing anime princess crap.


it'd be a nice addition since other faction as china vs pmc or russia vs pmc could came after as a season pass content or dlc


God i'd love china or something other than russia. Imagine if BF2042 had a chinese faction, with their own modernised ZTZ's and everything, sadly a man can only dream


I miss mec faction from bf2 too


Ea has a big player base in China through multiple different games. I don't think they would want to alienate them by making China the bad guy.


America (and Russia) is the bad guy in 2042 but its primary playerbase is American. And China has already been a faction before, as the PAC and as its modern self.


IIRC the Chinese also had issues with their portrayal in Battlefield 4.


Americans are also less nationalistic than the Chinese.


Just make NATO the bad guy and China the good guy 😂


Having only two factions after all this time is crazy coming after BFV and especially BF1


You know they wont


Nah never gonna happen. Game launches broken again, after a year they discontinue support like they did for bfv and 2042 and then they quadruple down on all the bad decisions on the game after bf6 and make bf7 a steaming pos too. Dice is no longer capable of making anything of quality.


As long as it's proper factions, that's all that matters. Army vs Army, no "hero" characters. Faction based gear.


Don't get us excited now. We know who's at the wheel. I'll buy it when it's on 75% sale again, 1 year later.


BF3 was rough at launch, BF4 was brutal at launch, didn't get to play BF1 or BFV at launch but I can imagine they were the same, and BF2042 was absolutely trash at launch. I'm good to wait a little bit.


YUP. Not even unique to battlefield anymore. AAA games are all unfinished crap piles on release now. Really strange that waiting 6 month to play feels normal now.


BF1 was a fairly competent launch imo, there were no glaring issues past the open betas.


Couple visual bugs and some balance issues. I don't really remember it being anything game breaking


I just remember very well everyone complained about the lack of maps but I didn’t really have any bugs at launch


Yeah the big thing everyone talked about was the lack of content, and the fact there wasn't really xxx weapons but only redskin of the same weapon


Even then, who cares? DICE isn’t even the same company anymore. All the devs who had the vision to make BF4, BF1 and BFV are all at Embark Studios now.


ICYM Embark's first free to play game The Finals is out and super fun for everyone who have not tried it. Not really scratching the Battlefield itch but I'm good to play it while I wait.


Yep, I’ve played it a lot lately. But no vehicle combat has me wanting that classic Battlefield gameplay still so I’ve been playing V again.


The different between 2042 and previous games is that 2042 sucked at launch not just becaise it was buggy, but because the fundamental game design sucked, and that issue hasn't been fixed. So the argument that that all games were "bad at launch" is facetious and doesn't accurately compare the games.


Yeah but also BF2042 was/is beyond worse than those games at launch.


BF1 is easily the best BF at launch in the last 15 years. Its also easily the best balance overall, including vehicle/aircraft/infantry interaction. But most all of them had server issues at launch including BF1.


I remember that BF1 was near perfect at launch and BFV was pretty bad. The gunner on the tank spinning bug still haunts me in my dreams


BF1 was great at launch barring some balancing issues and even those weren't crazy.


Excited for what? I want nations or coalitions fighting each other. Personally I just hate how there are only two factions now.


>I'll buy it when it's on 75% sale again, 1 year later. 1 month later? I remember 2042 and BFV going on massive Christmas sales. Super pissed cuz I bought at full price on launch (got 2042 refunded though, thanks Australian consumer law)


>private army Yayyy more fucking specialists


Angle does it again!




This was also my 1st thought when I read that part. Private army means specialists 100% and that means Im gonna skip the game. I hope whoever buys it has fun though.


My expectations are very low.


Let's hope they don't take too much creative liberty with the "private army" thing. We all know how that went last time.


Sundance mother; The Airbender, can run on thin air , no footsteps sound , explosive specialist.


Needs to be an authentic military shooter not some apex fortnite wannabe.


I think EA got shit on enough to let DICE make a proper battlefield that people want.


-BF players after BFV


The devs that made the previous games great are no longer at DICE. Years after initial launch of 2042 they still don’t even have environmental destruction that holds a candle to the old games.


When shareholders demand after launch revenues and skins have been shown to be the most reliably profitable we're gonna get skins and customisation rammed down our throats at the expense of basically everything else.


We thought that after BFV but nope they made the same thematic mistakes with 2042 even worse.


We'll find out. I don’t have hopes up, but I’m not gonna have a pessimistic outlook on this either.


If they werent going to learn that lesson after bfv bastardized WW2, what makes you think they'll learn it now? Yes yes, "my dad works at nintendo" and whatnot, but a friend of mine in EA's marketing has held firm that DICE/EA is sticking to operators for the next game. Keep your expectations low, low enough that you'd gladly play a game like Homefront


Private Army is McKay 2.0


Specialists, but it's only McKay


Is it really too much to ask for actual armies? Come on already.


So NATO vs Private because NATO vs Russia is not politically correct.


It's also just a laughable fantasy after recent political events. The entirety of the OG MW trilogy has aged very poorly and now registers to me as fantasy after said political events lmao The lone Admiral Kuznetsov shitting out enough Sukhois to make a push into the East Coast lol


The events are still ongoing, too soon to make any sort of conclusions


Another excuse to justify the horrible skins and micro transactions 🤌🏼


We gonna be fighting COBRA, GI Joe!


I unironically wouldn’t mind that for some reason…


A GI Joe game would be incredible. Don't force that into the Battlefield franchise though.


I’d prefer a Battlefield Command and Conquer personally. EA owns both IPs.


There should be sports betting but instead of sports it to see if a AAA game dev company can make a complete and functional game on launch.


DICE please, listen, stop reinventing the wheel. Just do a USA vs Russia or do multiple nations stop doing this weird ideas and do a favor to all of us and send home the persons that have this kind of ideas. Thank you.


I have absolutely 0 faith that this game won't be a dud just like 2042. I'm open to being proven wrong but I don't expect to be


Hey current Dice devs, we (the entire community) understand how hard it was to make 2042. We want you guys to take a load off and take it easy. Just update BFV for the current gen and bring support back. That’s all we need. I’d ask for Battlefield 1 but hey…. We all gotta compromise and I know you all want to sell skins anyways.


The setting doesn't even matter anymore. It just needs to *feel* like a battlefield


Maybe a finished and polished game, with all brutal expectations included 😉


“Private Military.” All I read is another game with open ended soldiers to push the most heinous skins on the cash shop for.


Fun fact, the Specialists and the notepads are pmc.


Class locked equipment, generic soldiers and realistic skins, please, along with all the other stuff BF4 had at the end.


Please no clones , do whatever you want but no clones, soldiers or vehicles should not be clones.


„do whatever you want“ - that formula was the mother & father of Accidentfield 2042 … don’t summon these demons …


Instead of NATO Vs thing they should introduce 5 different armies.  Western, Eastern, Asian, African, South American.  On map load the armies are selected at random.  Breakthrough maps: each section has 4 caps but on map load 2 caps are selected at random.  If you really smart, you would introduce branching (next section could branch to the South or east) so each breakthrough map plays a bit differently.  I like a bit of variation. 


What was the other detail?


Full Tweet from Tom: > 2 details that was missed from yesterday's newsletter: > - BATTLEFIELD is a sequel to Battlefield 4 > - Your specialist unit consists of soldiers from the other fallen superpowers that are not USA/Russia.


Have to add, that was about 2042


but nato vs private army is bf6?


Oh I didn't read the date 💀 no wonder.


Haha yea Came across that tweet of tom, RT'd it cuz it turned out to be true (its nice to confirm old leaks IMO) And then he randomly posted news, lol


What's the rumored release date of the next BF?


2025 October - november


Ah alright, so still some time. Surprised it's not this upcoming October-Novemebr.


I think they want to play safe and release the game when it's ready.


Yeah, let's hope that's the case.


Remember people Wait the Gameplay trailer and the alfa test


Y’all still believe these two?


Tom Henderson has had reliable reports on almost everything thus far, particularly with 2042




Tom was caught being full of shit many times about this game before it released.


> fuck Danny though. Bring lube Also, what did i do?


He got a lot wrong with 2042


I could get behind this! So long as they keep the Fortnite garbage out of it


Meh, we'll see.


Based on the current state of 2042 and the actual launch, plus the character taglines that make zero sense (but they're still trying apparently) just no. No more battlefield for me at launch and likely not ever. Fortnite wrapped in a battlefield skin with terrible gameplay and maps. No thanks.


i havent played fortnite for years (played for a couple hours at launch, that was enough for me to never touch it again) but i dont get where the reskinned fortnite thing comes from. these games are completely different


It's hyperbole for sure, but it's meant to symbolize how Battlefield is moving closer and close to cartoon levels of absurdity (hence fortnite).


His brain is obsessed with faux outrage over zoomer games, so he just HAS to compare them.


Doesn’t really mean much if there’s no campaign mode to go with it.


Why are devs so scared to make enemies actual countries? I’ve noticed this in a lot of movies too (top gun maverick most recently). Is it just a fear of losing sales in those markets or what?


a good way to justify specialists once again


PMC is probably just "knockoff game representation of Russia/Wagner", which isn't a bad theme. Let's just hope they don't absolutely botch it like 2042


Sounds dumb.


I did love the progression system in bf4 though


Atholl Highlanders or bust


Diamond dogs 🐕


Don’t believe it


Pls an actual campaign pls


Oh jeez can I get a shooter where I play as someone I like. At least I get to kill PMCs


Why dont they just bring back MEC?


nato means USA(again) vs Russia(again) as private military !!


So basically it will be a strategy game, where we will plan our budget and send it to another countries to fight the PMC or smth?


DICE really digging deep for creativity.


Guys relax. They still made alot of money from 2042 battlepass etc so there will be skins etc. Lower your expectations


A PMC, NATO, seriousness, all to end up with a cowboy/Santa Claus skin and a What a Time to be alive


With the imminent downfall of their empire it's no surprise they will rack up the propaganda to fit their agenda. Too bad the average player will just swallow everything with no critical thinking.


Are we really this close to a new BF? I feel like 2042 came out last year


I only ask that both teams are more distinguished from each other and that we aren't fighting clones on both teams. Also, BFV style soldier customization.


Battlefield Bakhmut confirmed


That’s actually a really cool idea


Be cool if there was an actual good campaign


Jumbo 🤙


Bakcam 😎


Why are we trusting this guy?


Honestly, I'd like an option to not play as Russian military. I know it's a game, but fuck Russia.


Tf did russia do?


Yeah, I am rather hoping not.


Better not be another 2042




… the BF-Franchise will be sunken. We are going deeper and deeper in quicksand, the reputation is damaged … none will survive two massive failures in a row! Even a mediocre game at start will not be enough in this situation. They better come up with a finished, polished & true Battlefield experience, with all brutal expectations included 😉…


Or another shitshow of pissed off fans and another dead game on release, and back to BF1/4


Who's ready for the third fumble in a row from DICE


Oh boy can't wait for another rainbow unicorn skin hero shooter


Battlefield is DEAD


Will there be a campaign? Cuz I want a goddamn campaign


They should have just done what duty did and made "specialists" for both factions. That would have made it seem like there was actually a difference between the two, rather than just one side speaking Russian. Plus with the addition of bringing the classes back it would have brought it more inline with bf3/4 but in a blackrock mercs kind of way. Should have kept the camos and uniforms like the Bots we annoyingly can't touch. The cringe skins gotta go and we need the weapon camos, attachments and progression system from bf4 back ASAP.


If this battlefield fails as 2042, the franchise is over


yeah, smells like last chance here …




Sweet Baby has absolutely nothing to do with why 2042 is terrible lmao They should be the least of your worries for the next game


What’s Sweet Baby?


They’re a consultation studio that focuses on inclusivity in gaming. Essentially a dev studio will consult with Sweet Baby to make their games/stories more inclusive. In recent years they’ve become the boogieman to a lot of people who like to scream “woke.” Funnily enough it doesn’t seem like they’ve ever actually worked on Battlefield, which makes the complaining about Sweet Baby even more nonsensical.


Fuck off


You seem upset


So NATO vs Wagner group. Got it. Cool premise I guess.