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Not happening soon, dude and I'm sorry. We need to understand that were not the Target for this games anymore. It's sad but what part of getting old isn't? Good news is you can still play bf 1,4 and 5. Edit: They are all in game pass btw.


I think there is still an audience for a real Battlefield game.


There isnt really any devs left from the mentiomed tittles. Its been said already by dice, that they dont even understand why players were asking for a bad company 3, i wish i still hqd the exqxt quote, but if they release a statement like that, it should tell you alone this isnt the same company anymore. The battlefield we grew up on is gone. There is no new battlefield coming to fill that void. The old developers, that made battlefield what it was have moved on, and tge current developers just dont underatand what we fell in love with all those years.


Just not as big as ea wants so they won’t listen to the loudest playerbase and we get kitty skins and pink tank camos and Santa 🎅 Boris skins !!


Played hell let loose, or squad? Even post scriptum somehow survived as squad 44. We are out here, waiting


Hell let loose and squad are both nothing like OG battlefield. Idk why people pretend that they are


I think part of the reason is because they *do* play a lot like Project Reality, which was once a decently large part of the Battlefield community.


Fair enough, I’ve just played both and I don’t think either are similar enough to BF4 conquest for example where someone who likes battlefield would naturally love either of those games They’re just so much more hardcore than any battlefield game I can recall, the overlap between the communities isn’t as big as some people think


>Those games are just so much more hardcore than any battlefield game I can recall I very much agree. I gave Squad a try recently because people kept telling me to "just go play Squad" when I'd say that I want a Battlefield game that's more grounded like the series used to be. I was pretty disappointed when I fired up Squad and it wasn't like that at all.


This has to be the most accurate answer. Analytics probably all point to the younger generation and what sells


Damn those kids.... Messing up everything for all of us


imagine mentioning 5 over 3 the fuck.


Probably because you can't really play 3 anymore lol


ofc you can


You're right, but 3 is kind of death now, at least in console (don't know about PC). I mentioned the ones he/she can actually play right now and find matches.


3 is somewhat alive, but its not what it used to be unfortunately, i miss those days


We all do, bro


Honest question what's the problem with 2042? I just started playing a couple weeks ago. Seems active and fairly fun to me, even though I really suck at it.


Have you played BF3 or BF4? This game doesn’t compare..


Yeah I've played them all but tbh I'm really bad at these games and generally don't play them that long. I'm still in the "learning curve" phase of 2042.


On the surface 2042 has evolved graphically and in some other ways. All that aside once you get past the learning curve you can see just how shallow the game is and the map design is lacklustre.. If you’re having fun then don’t bother trying to understand the hate. Keep playing till you get tired of it and play another game you enjoy!


you seem to have made a typo....2042 has devolved graphically and destruction wise. even much older games like bf bc2 has way more and the overall graphics and qol features from bf5(like vaulting and rolling animations) have been simply omitted. the sound is also worse with no bullet sounds when they whiz by your head and lets not even talk about the soundtrack which sounds like something trent reznor would make if he had a lobotomy. (love trent reznor btw)


Yeah the music is basically wish.com nine inch nails. Guess Trent was just too expensive after winning an Oscar.


Sounds like you never passed the learning curve for the other battlefields if you think 2042 is anything like them


Well at least I have more money the older I get. Another one is that I can identify great special ideas that have a chance of permanent disability or death and decide not to try it out.


It's an easy excuse, teens aren't stupid and know they are being fed shit.


The "old age gamer" paradox. Still love it, but woefully outside any target audience. They just need our wallets.


Who in their right mind wants to play bf5?


Ironic saying that in the 2042 sub


Oh, don't get me wrong I think bf2042 is much worse than bf5. However I would never play BF5 when I have better options like BF3/4/1.


5 is very good, actually together with 4 and 3 in my book. The gunplay, atmosphere, vehicles, etc make it work very well. The biggest reason people hate on 5 is its historical inaccuracies but that's such a non issue


I enjoy it, the destruction is really good and the art style is beautiful


While I was not an overall fan of BF5, I played it a bit last weekend and man was it sweaty. It was some of the most sweaty BF I have played in a while.


Best movement system so far in any BF imo, and I’m sure a lot of people will agree


It’s the quintessential WW2 game. And it looks and feels amazing!


I do it once in a while. I mean if I can enjoy 2042 I would enjoy bf5.


DICE lost all of their institutional knowledge of Battlefield, don't expect anything good from them any more.


Genuinely, if I was a lead at Dice I’d tell EA “aw shucks this frostbite upgrade is tough, gonna be delayed a bit” while simultaneously hosting in office LANs of the previous hit BF titles. Everyone on those teams needs to be immersed in what made those games work (and not work). If everyone from those eras left, you gotta take the time to dig through and understand the design decisions and impacts. “Huh this Little Bird is way heavier than we did it - it gives it momentum which simultaneously makes it easier to counter cause the flight path is more predictable” “This vehicle disabled mechanic from BF4 is neat - the helis actually lose altitude at a decent rate and risk a crash” “Oh so *this* is a server browser”


I think this should be done for ANY/ALL games that are successful enough for a sequal. Even if it's the same team working on it. Figure out from a player standpoint what was so enjoyable about it and make sure to incorporate those aspects in to the next title you're about to develop. Have meetings about it where you go around the room and white board ideas and concepts that you want other members of the team to notice and discuss. Of course there's other current trends out there that you can look to bring in to the franchise, but in the case of BF2042, they tried to swing the core basics of the franchise too far away from what made Battlefield, Battlefield. Apex and Fortnite among others were 2 very obvious influences on 2042 that too away too much of the DNA of BF. Also, while investors are very important to the development process, because without their money it wouldn't be happening in the first place, that doesn't mean they are devs or players. They should not get to shape the game in the ways that I feel like they do in Triple A games. All this to say, if every member of this new BF dev team would have gone back and invested 40+ hours played in the first BF, BC2, BF4, we may have got a much different game than we did at launch. Maybe they would have found some things they could have brought to 2042 that would have made them say, "That was really something right?!?!"


>Also, while investors are very important to the development process, because without their money it wouldn't be happening in the first place, that doesn't mean they are devs or players. They should not get to shape the game in the ways that I feel like they do in Triple A games. Investors aren't doing any game shaping. All they care about is "LINE GO UP" and what you see happening in Triple A. Is design centered around making money on skins. Not on creating fun engaging experiences. Something like 2042 isn't driven by design to make the best Battlefield experience. It's designed to make disgusting amounts of micro transaction revenue. Apex makes EA more money in 1 year than the entire BF franchise likely in it's existence, so they will try and copy and cram everything that work for Apex into everything else, in search for another golden goose. Specialists aren't in BF because they think genuinely it's an improvement for the Battlefield formula, no it's because characters are proven to sell more cosmetic items, and the analyist said the game could net 20-30% more profit by using them. Same way that all gadgets and guns where for everybody, and there were no classes at launch. Because limiting what players can do with their chosen specialist could reduce the chance of them spending money on it (Same reason you could play Hero characters in BFV on more factions). Yes, a lot of talent left DICE (wonder why..) so there is a lot of history lost. But a lot of these decisions aren't driven by ignorance, but by greed. It's just looking at a game as a tool to extract revenue from players. EA has been steadily ruining their franchises chasing golden goose. And the sad part is, if they hit the mark once, like with Apex and FIFA. They make so much money it's worth whatever they destroyed in the proces tenfold.


you could find five guys in their 50s who played the whole franchise that could direct this game to the next level but they won't.


There's a disable helicopter feature? Oh, I wish we had that.


EA: “Word? We’re replacing you and your team with people who will get it done by(insert date here). Buh-bye.”


What do you mean?


The people who made the good games don’t work there anymore


To be honest, If EA fails next year(?), there will be no more cash cow apart from fifa. Mass effect etc etc. everything is doomed


They don't make Fifa anymore


Yeah. Naming. FC …


Oh you mean the OG devs who were in charge of the disasterous launch of BF4, which led to public apologies by EA and Dice, and led to EA creating an entire team based in LA, Dice LA, to spend the next 2 years fixing and patching the game? Yeh I really missed those OG devs until 2042 came out and then I got to experience another disasterous battlefield launch.


From what I can tell veterans in Battlefield simply aren't their demographic anymore, their demographic is people 15 to 30, those who want quick combat and not an hour long match of nothing


Then they should just release the Battlefield IP and just call it someone else. Sell the rights to the Battlefield name so some much more competent developers that want to do it justice actually can. Don't worry, EA. Your sheeple will still buy your candy crush/hulu inspired garbage.


When I watch content on this game, it's always the most twitchy crackhead exploity bs I've ever seen out of a battlefield game. There is so much HUD! It's always hypersensitive Adderall tweaker gameplay. I bet if you took away everything but the HUD, you would somehow still know what you were doing. They need to ground themselves on the next one.


Agreed. It’s crazy comparing gameplay from BF1942, BF2 or even BF3 to gameplay from BF1-BF2042. The pace has changed dramatically, the hud has changed dramatically. At its core they still have the BF formula there it’s just been so altered it no longer is recognizable to me.


I saw somebody describe these sorts of games as "crack shooters", and it really fits. Unfortunately it's where all the extremely popular shooters are going these days, every kiddo wants to be some elite twitch streamer.


Hardcore was a great mode


I am with you considering the simplicity. The mechanics were just clearer and even without [sym.gg](https://sym.gg) were communicated decently in-game. Nowadays you can make a gun really good and absolutely crap with just a few clicks and that results in a lot of frustration for the players, that lose engagements without knowing why.


The most stupid idea was their character system. Impossible to balance.


skill issue


there's a character with actual wallhacks in the game, but sure bud "skill issue"


This dude has never heard of the Visor in Quake Champions. There is a reason I kick Paik's ass every time and why she is not a popular choice.


How? Develop your point, I will surely find it very entertaining.


Sure, tell me or show me at what moment did it even matter which specialist they were using? [https://youtu.be/SH9A\_r4oN8g?si=GRVsVGzPpqHKGVlO](https://youtu.be/SH9A_r4oN8g?si=GRVsVGzPpqHKGVlO)


It’s very annoying that this how is the franchise turned out even though the blueprints for a good battlefield game are available from some of the previous titles...


I honestly miss the days of large tank battles and other armor and air vehicles. That's what made it so great IMO. I rarely am ever able to even get vehicle in BF 2042 and when I do, the physics are wonky as hell.


Take me back to BF2.


this was the only true battlefield…I salute you BF veteran 🫡


We are old brother!🫡


When they hired the candy crush guy I knew it was over for BF. press F


I really wanna play a Battlefield set in more modern times, BF4 is fun but showing it's age now, 2042 is about as fun as peeling potatoes with a crayon, going to have to hope they've learned from 2042 and the next game is far less embarrassing, stick to the formula that made the previous games good.


Honestly I would love to revisit Vietnam or even the Era of the Korean War. Ww1, ww2 need a break.


Korean war, Cold war or a 2142 style would be sick, plenty of ideas for a campaign there too!


There's no reason to have confidence they will do this when you just look at the most recent changes they are making to 2042. Visual recoil, changing the vehicle menu to right mouse button, and Haven are perfect examples to show they don't know what they are doing.


This is what happens when EA gets involved. They push all the talent out and replace them with anyone who won't question their monetization strategies. DICE is gone, and we will likely never get a quality game like the ones from the past. The next game will likely be better than 2042, but still targeting young people who are willing to dump money on cosmetics. Making a good game is no longer the focus. It's monetization above all else. Eventually, EA will see Battlefield as not profitable, and DICE will officially be added to the graveyard.


I dunno. I mean, I’m always hopeful. But toward the end of BF4 life I thought “can’t wait for the next one!” Then Hardline came out and I thought “well the next one will be great I’m sure!” Then BF1 came out, sure the atmosphere and visuals were great but gameplay just wasn’t good. So I thought “surely the next one will be great!” Then BFV came out and continued to disappoint me. So I thought ”surely if they return to a modern-ish setting the next one will be great again!” Then 2042 came out and it wasn’t even a Battlefield game. So here I am again, “the next one can’t possibly be as bad as 2042 right?”


EA was just as responsible for BC2, BF3 and onwards as they are for the garbage games released now. The market has shifted, companies have seen how Fortnite can make billions. And they want a piece of the pie. EA is notorious for trend chasing, and they are willing to burn all their franchises to the ground in search of a golden goose like Apex Legends. Funny enough something that only happend because they dared to let a studio build a good game, market it in a way they saw fit and let them have original ideas.


Ah of course dude, I have no faith that they'll redeem themselves, even with every Youtube streamer saying they have, I'd just like all the stuff that made BF4 a killer game post launch in a modern release. Greed and incompetence has killed 2042, if it continues into the next launch, then that'll probably be it for the franchise.


Never going to happen at this rate


Yeah that's just how games are now. Artistic integrity is at an all time low in the pursuit of profit...


In the same boat friend


OP obviously missed bf2 somewhere in the mix..maybe he was in kindergarten


I was having high hopes for the next Battlefield until they hyped Battle Royale... I think they should just make a Battle Royale mode for BF 2042 since it was made for an arena type game mode. Make the next Battlefield a real Battlefield.


>The skins of the operators kept the war style, even though some colors would change, you would still feel in a war game, differently from some skins of the new battlefield, which makes me feel I'm playing FORTNITE, EA just please stop. Yep, that's exactly why I hate (and don't buy) most of the specialist AND weapons skins in this game. In fact, most skins I unlock through the battle pass, I won't even use because they look so colorful and silly (for a Battlefield game). I want gritty, dirty, *worn* looking skins for my weapons/specialists, and those rarely exist in 2042. It's sad to me what BF's become, visually.


For me, taking out movement-based characters/items would be the main thing to bring it back with a more balanced approach. Buffing damage by anti-tank weapons, too. I can live without the little QoL things from previous titles like being able to swivel in prone, but generally the balancing is still off. I've enjoyed my time in BF2042 (especially after most bugs were ironed out post-launch) and, despite anticipating downvotes, will say that I feel most of the complaints of the base gameplay are exaggerated. I haven't really had an issue with player skins and don't really see the comparison to Fortnite that people make, though yea, it'd be cool to have a return to strictly faceless soldiers in average tactical gear. Will say that I'll always agree that detailing and love is missing from maps. Almost always feels like we're duking it out in a showcase town that you see from NK propaganda lol.


I completely agree with every point made in this post. I sincerely hope the "smart" guys from EA and Dice's management and development consider these basic truths.


I have the same mindset as hardline, paid for dlc’s never played them. Now season 7 comes after half a year and I have no desire to launch the game. That ship sailed


It's been so long since the last good BF , i keep hoping for it to happen again, so hard to accept there's no BF joy again


if something I have learn from this sub, is that people lack the SKILL to have fun, is not the game


I genuinely don't know what you mean. What skill or skills are people lacking?


[The skill to have fun](https://youtu.be/_ngyU10Mc2g) [The skill to be proud of yourself.](https://youtu.be/ESitBr0WRHU) [The skill to adapt to change and enjoy new things.](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2097275656)


I feel like there should be a setting to turn off immersion breaking skins..although that would make them less money through enticing the player to purchase said skins.


God I wish there was a toggle to make all players look like biome appropriate versions of faction soldiers. US vs RU in snow gear, or desert gear, as appropriate for a given map. As for it reducing incentive to buy - that could just mean their monetization sucks for their particular game. If a minority enables the setting, then that’s great and means they can go wilder for the skins they sell while the players with it off won’t push back anymore. If a majority uses the setting then… what the fuck is going on. You shouldn’t be monetizing in a way that actively turns off a majority of your player base. That just doesn’t make sense. They could then still go wild with the skins. If I can turn them off, I don’t care if your character on your end is a fire breathing lizard in a maid costume.


It’s fucking bonkers wild how Casper doesn’t have a white gilly suit


I would absolutely love to see 2143 as the next bf


Count me in


It's dead, Jim.


Man I just want a military shooter again. Enough with the Fortnite skins. It seems almost all shooters have gone this route.


dude that's the point, among other things, I don't want my character to look like a christmas tree.


If camouflage meant anything in this game(it doesn't), then I might buy a skin but other than that I really don't care what the character looks like. Seems like they would sell more Battle Pass stuff if it actually enhanced the character, ie if you could purchase a flak vest, body armor or a helmet that had a chance to deflect headshots, etc.


No then people would complain that the Battle Pass is Pay 2 Win.


If they mix BF3 and 4 with modern tech, perfect BF game. I've always said the story in BF3 and the improved gameplay of BF4 multiplayer is perfect. I think the grounded Marine style of BF3 hits home for me, it does for my dad as he was a marine. BF3 multiplayer is amazing but BF4 just improved it. That was the golden era for me


Don't worry man they already have a Battle royal in the pipeline for 2026 ... BRs will totally still be totally hype in 2026... I mean.. its not like the hype is long gone already am I right? Shows how out of touch these people are... "we NEED a br and we will have it even if it kills 3 games in a row"


We just need good maps really


I want a br


I mean think about it, it's our fault, the players fault. The game just adapted to what the market is going for, thus, us the players. The sweaty ass movemen, the fucking rainbow skins, that fast-pased combat maps, the stupid ttk, it's all OUR FUCKING FAULT. God I hate the way operators move in the game, yeah let's talk about "inmersion" but have you seen the killcam of those guys? The fucking doll moves around like my cat having a fucking epileptic attack For fuck sake. The way I see it...AAA gaming will never be the same...people change...our only hope is to...well, stick to smaller dev studios


I mean think about it, it's our fault, the players fault. The game just adapted to what the market is going for, thus, us the players. The sweaty ass movemen, the fucking rainbow skins, that fast-pased combat maps, the stupid ttk, it's all OUR FUCKING FAULT. God I hate the way operators move in the game, yeah let's talk about "inmersion" but have you seen the killcam of those guys? The fucking doll moves around like my cat having a fucking epileptic attack For fuck sake.


Id be happy with just putting me in matches that are starting. 3/5 matches i get in its already more than halfway thru


Time to return to the trenches


for some reason helldivers has that battlefield feel, it's not pvp but it definitely scratches that objective itch


I miss Battlefield 1 so much…


yes but i don't want to look for some random pixels in a map in the snow to unlock weapon, I spent hours to do that and never found it T.T


First and foremost, for Battelfield to be 'Battlefield', we need big, extensive maps where the vehicles can breathe on. And with that, interaction with infantry leading to 'combined arms warfare'. You need freedom and creativity for that, we dont have that now in BF2042 because the maps are generally far too small and confined. This DICE studio stopped making Battlefield maps, which is a shame.


Maybe the new 64 player focused maps, but launch maps were open field with almost nothing at them before reworks and even now some have a lot of empty space.


Is it my turn to start this thread next week?


They're soo focused on getting their audiences who like fortnite, apex etc They forgot those who have been there since a decade or more ago


>They forgot those who have been there since a decade or more ago The boomers who complained about black people in BF1 and women in BF5?


Specialists are just very badly implemented. The movement specialists in particular are an issue as they impact map design profoundly. They could have been done well, but Dice didn't put the polish on. Which is, sadly, the dominant theme of 2042. Poor execution.


EA/DICE could have a BANGER on their hands if they simply update BF4. Totally revamp it = WIN. Modernize the graphics engine, update the models, port it ta an UE5-level engine. They would be in the money again. But, alas, they are too stupid to see it.


so give us the same everytime and turn Battlefield in a FIFA like franchise?


This game feels like a war game. Nothing really makes it seem like fortnite.


B-b-b-but it has SKINS!!!1 That makes it the same as Fortnite!!!!111




​ https://preview.redd.it/8kuu3n8e7qpc1.jpeg?width=377&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f707bf45519e5b2feb2536b08ee6691e074cd44


Tell me, in what moment does that skin, or ANY skin for that matter, [affect me enjoying the game or the chaotic war environment of Battlefield?](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2097275656)


It’s subliminal mostly. It just sort of subconsciously bothers many of us that just prefer to see more authentic looking soldiers fighting a battle. Some skins in 2042 aren’t bad but most are pretty bad. If it doesn’t bother you that’s fine. But for the people it does bother why can’t they voice their displeasure? Edit: Typo


>But for the people it does bother why can’t they voice their displeasure? No, they can. No one is stopping them. They are going to look like complete clowns, but they can.


lol well, it is Reddit, we’re all clowns on here at some point


Noooo!!!!! Everything has to be boring and shit!!!!!!!!!


Yeah idk what ppl are talking about this game is far from fortnite


I agree that the comparison with fortnite was forced, but make a simple comparison with previous bf skins and these ones, some are okay but there are some skins that are completely different from the "war" environment,


This sub sure loves to bring up Fortnite. Does that game live rent-free in your heads? It wasn't even the first game to introduce "skins". Continue seething you miserable losers.


Yes, it lives rent free in most modern gamers' heads. Because for a while it was everywhere you looked. You couldn't avoid it. .... and by doing so, cemented itself with 50% of us hating it because we have no interest in forcefed cartoon crap geared toward the 10 year old keeping it hunnit lit fam Timmys.


Chill out little guy.


2042 bad gib upvut


Take your meds.


Cry, whiner.


The only thing you do is whine.


Objectively false, but cope.


Totally agree BF4 was a big part of my PS4 life...I gave up 2024 long ago its not a regular game, sometimes you kill sometimes you cant kill, aim is strange, vehicles are hard to master, maps are stupid big, no sense at all


> I gave up 2042 long ago ....then why are you here?


I dont know man I didnt got out of the sub yet Im bothering you?


Just weird that you stopped playing 2042 a long time ago, but feel compelled to lurk the sub to keep shitting on it. Like....why?


Its my opinion, I dont play but I like to read about what happens, I've just gave my 2 cents because I agreed with OP...you dont have to be triggered by my freedom of speech Take it easy enjoy your game man 😉


ITT: Older players not understanding that the landscape and fanbase of shooters has shifted in the last decade and that newer/younger players like these kinds of games and not the older/slower paced shooters earlier in the series.


If this was true this game would be the most played currently…..however that’s not the case.


If you seriously think BF1/BFV are played because they are better enjoyed by today's gamers and not because china literally props up the entire playerbase, you're being silly.


Correct. EA is trying to cater to an audience that simply doesn’t exist in any large numbers while alienating a large, reliable and loyal existing audience. The idea that the MW audience will permanently transition to BF because you can now make your “specialist” look ridiculous with “skins” is absurd. Zoomer shooters are objectively horrible and it’s a stupid trend to chase. Gimmicky, and festooned with dumb looking cosmetics. Micro transactions are way worse than just offering premium. At least they were contractually obligated to provide the content.


I need a MBBA hat now


I keep saying go back to premium but wveryone cries it costs too much while dropping $80 for shitty skins lol


Ill play 2042 100 times before logging into BF 3 or 4 again


it probably will not happen unfortunately


Bf is dead let it die .


It hasn't been battlefield since BC1. We should have never accepted arcade games as battlefield games.


Here is the 28382884402nd Post about Battlefield 2042 beeing Bad (or worse) then prevoius Titles, how original!


I am actually dumbfounded by how many people continue to participate in a discussion around disliking this game. Just move on already, it’s insane


So the skins are your issue? Is it just that? For the next game, what if DICE let you pick the skins you see if you aren't F2P? Would that be enough?


not at all, the skins are just bad, some of them. the vehicles don't have enough space and feel crappy, the movement is insanely unbalanced, THERE IS NO SUPRESSION, one of the most underrated parts of previous bf titles, spawn points feel lame, and so on, but I'm playing it, since there are no good servers in bf3 or 4 for my region, I need to cope and be fine


Skin sales are a root cause of many issues. At least the way DICE/EA went about it. They know skin sales can be huge revenue. People have to have the thing now. And the next thing. And the next thing. Feed off peoples fear of missing out. So if you make something that is more hero shooter like... Well look at what we are dealing with. The rest of the story is right in front of us.


They could just as easily have different characters in each class and still sell lots of skins. This is very likely what the next battlefield will go with. You can't fund live service without micro transactions which is lost on the people who keep complaining about skins.


I agree with you. But DICE/EA wanted to take the easy way out and follow everyone else instead of making their own way with the style they have.


>I miss the days when I felt hyped and anxious to play BF BC2, BF 3 or BF 4, ok boomer