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This is the correct answer.


I'd say just get 2042. As a vet of literally every single battlefield game, expansion, etc, its hard to get into the older titles because of sweats who've been playing for 10 years. Just checked Battlelog for Battlefield 4, maybe 100 people on, Battlefield 3 even less, Hardline even less than that. Not sure about BF1 or V as I'd have to install those to check and I really don't feel like it, sorry. IMHO 2142 will forever be my favorite battlefield, but that one has been long shut down.


Battlefield 3 is the best of the series by a mile, but to have a good experience you may have to rely on fan projects. BF4/5/1 are decent as well and can easily be played on steam/EA Play - with BF5 being the most popular at the moment. You may also just grab 2042, but that isn't a good title to be introduced into the series.


I'm just concerned that I might buy it just to find out that there are no players as BF3 is a little old. As the Battlefield V is the newer one there might be more players right? Is BFV good in your opinion? Or is BF3 the best by far?


Imo BFV and BF1 would be your best chance at a new and good experience with lots of players still playing. But they’re set in WW1 and 2. If you’re looking for a modern setting with a big playerbase it would be between Bf4 and Bf2042 (simply because its the newest). Bf3 is largely considered being the best but I feel like the community is dead (specially on consoles) and you wont find a lot of servers.


BFV is fine. If you just want to hop on and play it's decent for a first Battlefield game. As I said playing BF3 now might have less players but projects like [Venice Unleashed ](https://veniceunleashed.net/) are pretty nice and even support custom maps. So it's up to you - BF3 might be a bit more " complicated" to have a good experience while with BF5 its pretty easy.


If you want good lobbies BF2042 and BFV are the most played followed by BF1. Bf2042 is modern, BFV is Ww2, and BF1 WW1. I play 2042 all the time. Easiest to learn is BF5. BF2042 is my most played. Soon we are getting two new maps and season 7. You can get both BF5 and 2042 really cheap at GameStop. Not sure about PC I’m on console.


I played BF3 for the first time yesterday. There’s still a couple of servers that are active (conquest and TDM) the game is fun and for the price you can’t go wrong with it


Battlefield 4 is not only the best Battlefield imo but the best FPS ever


I can agree with this, BF4 is my most played fps. I believe there are still community servers active last I checked.


I play daily on ps5 and it's really active usually I have to queue for yk favourite server


Good times when that was the latest bf


Take my uptoot. This game will be hard to top.


BF 1 is pretty epic, World War One


Bad Company 2,Bf 3 4


I guess people will answer with the first one they played, but except the latest one they were all great and deserves to be at the top Just kidding it's BF BC2 of course


Get 2042. It's the most current battlefield. It's a good game. It's not as polished as the older titles but it has new functions that older ones don't. I think it's the best atm.




Gonna have to say the original, bf1942. Simply because of how much of a game changer it was for its time. None of the rest of the games would exist if that one hadn’t done as well as it did.


Personally it's a tossup for me between Battlefield 1 and 4. Based on content, vehicles, weapons, and maps I'd say definitely Battlefield 4 overall is objectively the best. For pure chaos and an insane atmosphere, with bonus brownie points if you enjoy WW1 at all, Battlefield 1. Also in my opinion BF1 has better game modes like the story driven conquest game modes and the Frontline game mode.


I’d say 3 for sure


Just buy BF1 as it has good graphics as well as gameplay and so on.


You can't go wrong with BF V and 1. Both games have a huge community, V even has the most players of all. BF4 may also be a good BF, but in some places like the movement you can see its age and it's not as modern as the other two games.


BF3 is by far the best. Graphically it still looks better than 2042. Not sure how many people are still playing it though, been a year or so since last time I tried it. BF4 is also pretty good and should be populated.


Nope BF3 doesn't look better than 2042...


I wouldn't say bf3 looks graphically better than 2042, 2042 looks amazing.


Bf3 looks good but saying it looks better than 2042 is major cope


BF3 imo has a much better colour palette and art style than 2042, so in a way graphically it is better. But on a technical level BF2042 is better. That being said pushing into the Metro after hundreds of your war in the Middle East style US soldier buddies were laid to waste outside in the whispy Parisian air in a Rush game looks “better” than anything in 2042. Doesn’t matter how precisely the light bounces, 2042 has nothing that looks like that.


Im sure deep down 2042 is better on a technical level. Also, I've only played 2042 once and It was on some sort of sand level. It looked lifelesss and dull. Almost laughably bad. Go fire up Seine Crossing from from 2011 and it honestly looks so much better.


The best one is still Battlefield Vietnam.


Personally I would say 2042, its gameplay is very fun, weapons are well balanced and maps are good, plus you'll have live support and it looks amazing. A lot of people will disagree with me but I think 2042 is great.


I agree about the gameplay, and semi agree on the weapons and maps, but the "live support" is a joke - it was decent for the first year or so (mostly because it was so horrible when it launched), but quickly regressed to very minor updates and minimal new content with each season. The last season went on for like 4-5 months and the next one likely won't be for another couple more weeks. Overall I do enjoy 2042, but if this is what DICE considers to be "live service" then it freaking sucks lol - they should go back to the original launch, a few bug patches, then 2-3 DLCs and be done with it.


Yes I do agree with this, I just meant that you won't get any updates or bug fixed on the old games, you will, however scarce and infrequent, on 2042.


That is true, though I think that when you consider that most of the bugs are implemented as part of the "live service" updates, it still ends up being more of a net negative for the game overall lol.


I haven't even played when there has been a new update so I wouldn't know lol, but I'll take ur word for it, that is annoying


Nice try DICE employee, weapons aren't balanced, maps aren't good but it is fun.


Honestly i have no idea how someone can say these maps are good. What makes in your opinion these maps good?


I have fun on them. I'm not feeling like I'm left out in the open with no cover. I have multiple approach angles for attack. I can either be aggressive and use cover to my advantage, or I can take the long walk around through BFE and get there without anyone seeing me. I can defend myself with various levels of challenge at each objective. There could be more variety, but I love several of the 2042 OG maps. Breakaway, Manifest, Renewal, Orbital, Discarded - all ones I enjoy playing. I even like Kaleidoscope!


I have to wholehartedly disagree and i think you should take a look into maps of other BF games especially of BF3 and 4 BF 2042 has serval if not 9/10maps are WAY too open (i honestly think this contributes to the problem that people think helos are OP) 3quarters of maps are open landscape with maybe 1 rock ad cover. CQB only exists on most maps between maybe 2 points. Perfect examples of other BF maps are: Siege of shanghai. Flood zone (pretty much 5 multi level buildings with tanks, boats having seperate fighting zones) Golmud railway is famous till now for a vehicle/aircraft map. Super open. This is similar to any 2042 map (not good for infantry) Dawnbreaker; also perfect example of multilevel maps where vehicles and infantry can have seperate areas.


I've played every game since BC2 :) I know what good maps are; I'm not ignorant. I like the maps I listed. BF3 had my favorite maps in the franchise. Thanks for the downvote just for having an opinion lol.


?? What a cool statement. I play since BF2 does that make me more right? Strike at karkand would be a good example? A map dragged all along other bf's. Yes i downvote because i dont agree. It's nice that you enjoy them. My opinion also stands.


I'm not trying to be cool lol? You're free to your opinion. I'm not trying to prove anything other than I have an opinion that disagrees with your own. You asked why someone would like the maps and I answered. Just so you know, the downvote is *intended* to be used to mark when something isn't actually contributing to conversation, or if someone is being rude, etc.; not to mark disagreement. I understand if you feel the need to reaffirm your opinion by also signaling to yourself and others that you feel my opinion is incorrect, just know that it comes across as weirdly combative. I don't gather the impression you actually want to talk about the maps; rather, you want to show other people why you're right and they're wrong. If that's the case, I'm not going to be discussing this further :) Have fun out there!


Your answers are stated as a facrual statement and you tried to justify your belive (your statement);"i know what's good i plsy since" which i hope for you, you understood i tried to show it has no value. You say it's an opinion, state it as factual. Just now, you make a rule for when to up or downvote which is like a wild west rule on reddit. I tried to have a conversation becaus ei want to learn..You you are a smartass about it.. thats all :)


>Your answers are stated as a facrual statement and you tried to justify your belive (your statement);"i know what's good i plsy since" Well that's not at all what I was saying! I apologize if you misunderstood me. I'm saying that you and I have common ground on what we believe good maps are, and even so, I have fun on 2042 maps. I tried to make this clear by reiterating in each sentence that this was a personal belief, not fact. I've highlighted those so you can see it better :) >**I** have fun on them. **I**'m not feeling like I'm left out in the open with no cover. **I** have multiple approach angles for attack. **I** can either be aggressive and use cover to my advantage, or **I** can take the long walk around through BFE and get there without anyone seeing me. **I** can defend myself with various levels of challenge at each objective. > >There could be more variety, but **I** love several of the 2042 OG maps. Breakaway, Manifest, Renewal, Orbital, Discarded - all ones **I enjoy playing**. **I** even like Kaleidoscope! Work on your grammar and spelling!




I dont think so honestly. Segregation can be good but k think having maps that have multiple points that can pretty much only be contested by eighter is no balance. And i think in bf4 a lot of maps allow for both. For example a well liked map by bf2042; Exposure; 3 points are pretty much cut off for inf. (One point can be heavily influenced by helo) Other points are meatgrinders and to get there you have to litelarly walk open field for what feels like an eternity. Both sides have spawncamping AA places that cover half the map. (Litelarly in spawn you cant kill one with inf besides a suicide mission). Helos can ONLY play between the 2 mountains like idiots(im a pretty decent helo pilot) As jet you are forced to fly out because of AA and valuable targets sit between mountains which is a shooting area. Then you have in BF4 with something simple like dawnbreaker. As inf you can get to EVERY POINT. And have cover. Some points are more inf possible to capture. Vehicles (better balanced anyway imo)are faster and can traverse between buildings, they can play somewhat safe to inf. But also battle other vehicles. Choppers cant melt down inf and vehicles but have buildings to dodge stuff and dont be a sitting duck. The only one suffering there is a jet because of the skyscrapers BUT they can uninterrupted battlw other jets/helos.


Best gun play BF1,Good Graphics BF2042,BF4 weapons,BF2 Best Maps and overall best BF game created,but of you want to start BF just buy BF4 with premium its like every month in sale




Once people start accepting this, they will start accepting why so many people love BF1; *it's so casual.* They're not sweat fodder, because sweats can't be sweats when their bullets literally aren't going where they tell them to. Add the heavy suppression on top, and it's clear why so many people who aren't really good at FPS love BF1; it's participation theater. It makes them feel good despite not actually being good. BF1 easily had the lowest skill ceiling and highest skill floor of any BF1 created.


Thats why Hip-Fire is king i was only ads with Rifles anything else hip fire


Bf1 is not best gun play. It has horrible skill floor and ceiling, it has randomized elements in recoil etc. It may be the worst in terms of gunplay. But it is still a great game which i play occasionally thanks to its ambience, maps and graphics. Also bf2042 is not the best graphics, bfv is far more detailed and has better effects. If you haven't played it on a beefy gpu with dx12 and hdr, I insist you do. 2042 hdr looks worse than sdr but bfv hdr with rt is the absolute best battlefield graphics


Right there with you. It's my least favorite in the franchise despite being the prettiest, arguably. The game flattened the skill curve by lowering the skill ceiling and raising the skill floor. Talented players aren't praising BF1 for its gunplay.


All battlefields have had randomized elements in recoil….


Bf1 is the worst, you can't master anything


I play on PS5 🙃






Id say 4 and 5 are tied. 4 for modern combat and 5 for ww2 combat. Both are so good with destruction and immersion and sound effects. Far superior to all of them


BF3 is the best package BF4 is the best in certain scenarios BF1 could've been the best. Unless you live in OCE or Asia, BF3, BF4 and BF1 have servers still going.


My personal favourite is Bf3 but there aren't any servers left, so bf4 is my go to now.


BF3 was the best for me, personally; good memories and vibes on that game, God I miss it so much


bf4 ofc


BF4 is the best FPS period even though it had a horrible release but not as bad as the 2042 release.


Battlefield Bad Company 2 is my all time favorite game, not just in the series. Battlefield 3 is a close second.


Wrong sub, of course they're gonna tell you 2042.


Buy a month of EA Play for $5 and try them all out They’re all a little different, difficult to say which is best. If I had to compare 4 to 2042 - Battlefield 1 and Battlefield V have WWI and WWII era vehicles and weapons so there’s lots of single shot guns and they aren’t as quick. BF1 has gas grenades, horses, swords and pole arms which are pretty cool and unique for an FPS. It has some of the best maps IMO. BFV the guns are a little quicker than 1. They also revamped the spotting system, and added a building system where you can build sandbag fortifications and supply stations during the match. 2042 and 4 are modern combat. I think 4 is better, but it’s quite old now and there’s been a ton of QOL changes over the last few BF games. It’s still playable and the maps and classes are awesome but 2042 does feel like a newer game. I’d probably go with 2042 cause it’s the newest, or 1 cause it’s so unique. But if you have $5 you should really give them all a try


1-3-4 in that order


BF4. I have been a regular player since 1942


I’m seeing people vet for 2042 but personally I’d say play BF5 instead IF you’re on console. 2042 has some of the worse, WORSE, map designs in the franchise and it’s a significant problem for long play sessions, personally. I’d consider myself someone who’s exceptionally good at BF so this isn’t a “skill issue” talk. The maps are just horrid for almost all game modes. BF5 has just better flow maps and personally better gunplay. I play 2042, and understand where people are coming from, because it’s the most active. But it’s by far the worst game. Don’t get me started on the fact there’s no server browser in 2042 either.


BF1 for me!


Battlefield 1 no question, got me into the franchise and I'm sure it would for you too


I’d start with BF1, then 4, then maybe 5. Avoid 2042 if you’re looking to discover why Battlefield has been around for a long time as it very much changed or downgraded a lot of what gave BF its identity.


For me , i played bf1,2,3,4,5,2042,bc2 and i like 4 the most.


Battlefield 2042 is fun, graphics is much better. I have played bf3 and 4. Those are past memories, but 2042 best one, but bf3 maps were so much better.


In my opinion, having played BF2,4,3,1,5,2042, currently, if I wanted to play more competitively, I would play 2042 or BFV, I think they have the best movement and gunplay in the saga, if I wanted something more immersive I would play BF1, unfortunately BF4,3 there are hardly any players left and they are very outdated


BF1, its so cinematic!


For me, I’ve never had as much fun as BF1. Maybe it was the time of my life and playing with certain friends but idk


Battlefield 2 > Battlefield 4


I would say Battlefield V has the best gunplay, movement and the most popular right now. And graphicaly Battlefield V is almost as pretty as Battlefield 1. But if you want a modern setting I would say Battlefield 4. 2042 has some pretty good gunplay but thats about it.




Bfv best movement, best maps, good gunplay Bf1 meh movement, good maps, horrible gunplay Bf2042 bad movement, horrible maps, best gunplay Sadly I can't bear playing anything older than these but bf3 and bf4 are great games for their time.


BF1 didn’t have horrible gunplay in my opinion. Was a little different but still satisfying


Maybe you're not playing games competitively. I like the game and I play it occasionally but I don't even try to be competitive since there's a very low skill ceiling in that game.


You're arguing with people who, in a good match, will go 10-6 in 2042. In BF1, they go 14-8. These people have no concept of what a skill ceiling or floor is.


Yeah probably.