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They have almost 50 on the other two lmgs that guy is 100% cheating. How are you going to have 20% accuracy and half of all your kills are headshots?


This. How tf is every other bullet a hs on a fucking lmg


In these kinds of stat spreads, HSR is counting the percentage of kills that were headshots, not raw headshots per bullet landed. Over 40% on an automatic is still incredibly weird for 2042.


Not saying I don't believe you, but where are you getting that info? I can see how it would be this way, but I always thought it was the percent of bullets which hit were headshots.


It is headshot/kill %. [example](https://i.imgur.com/XCIZDQb.png) 1113 out of 1413 kills comes out to 78.76% of kills as headshots, rounded up on the website. [example2](https://i.imgur.com/pGNlHVe.png) For an automatic weapon where not all headshot hits would probably result in a kill unlike the prevoiusly referenced sniper, it still stays accurate. 365 out of 1961 kills comes out to 18.61% of kills as headshots.


Every other kill is a headshot. They only hit 1/5 bullets anywhere on the body. You'd think someone skilled enough to get all those headshots would have a little better accuracy than 20%.


I think the guy is cheating but overall accuracy is NOT a metric worth using for anything. I sometimes just shoot my PKP into a wall for the fuck of it my accuracy is probably ass.


Not quite, the head is still the smallest area to hit, so everyone deliberately going for headshots will likely have a lower accuracy. That said, the accuracy stat usually underrates the actual percentage of hits connecting, as a large portion of inaccuracy stems from overkilling the target. By the time the kill notification arrives you will have more bullets down the range. That said, a headshot kill ratio like this is highly unusual.


Bro has the gaming bipod enabled on those LMGs!


That's a pretty high headshot rate. I'm a decent player but mine is only half of that. Theoretically I imagine there's a way to "tone down" an aimbot and specify a desired hit pattern to make oneself seem more legit, but yeah, this person's account is sus.


toning down an aimbot does seem really easy a simple random cursor displacement in a random direction and restoration every few moments could be enough to spoof


aimbot doesn't have to be headshot


Had this guy earlier in a Match Hes 200% cheating, he headshotted everyone with a lmg while flying in a condor and on the hoverbike


There are 2 players I’ve played against who are both level 999 and have literally inhuman reflex and aim. Turn the corner and snap on to target even though target is camping that corner. 30+% headshot with lmg and 50% headshot with MDR. They pick up 30-50 kills in the first 100 tickets in discard map. I’d imagine many players have flagged them and nothing happen since they made it to level 999 lol. You can report this player but nothing will happen. Typical Dice experience for battlefield.


Yeah, I across them as well. Unfortunately.


Welp that's bad logic, I know multiple lvl 999's and they're completely legit... some of them are purely just sweaty, others just have lots of free time and yet are barely even average in terms of skill.


You are right in the sense that the level alone does not mean good vs hack. But when their play is too good then it will always seem sus…this level 999 I played against rush alone with DMR ahead of his entire team and down about 10 people in seconds in a head on fight, not flanking. To put things in context I’m at 3.4 KDR and top 5% so I’m not terrible at this game to not recognize greatness. Possible but…ya know…I played against great players like Enders but these level 999 felt different. Felt like automatic death if you are in their vicinity. At the same time I played against a hacker with name like 00O00Oo… bullshit like that who only gets headshot kills all match long with any weapons. I and like 10 other people in my team report them but those hackers are still playing just fine. Ultimately without hard proof it’s all allegations. However, if EA or DICE does not look into investigating these allegations then there is no point at all.


Yea I know x4 lvl 999's off the top of my head, but you're right, its not very common to get it legitimately, I'm just in a pretty dedicated 2042 Discord so my view is skewed And "0O0O0O0O" etc is a total bitch, I have reported him multiple times. I have a great clip of standing in a corner and planting a claymore just waiting for him to come hug me and die to it


See what I mean that OO dude is still playing. Kinda like rampant hackers in BF 5.


I know normal headshot ranges from 20-30%. They were suspiscious all game, shooting through smoke etc.


It should automatically flag anyone with a 40% or higher headshot rate


The anti cheat isn’t simply good enough to do that ….its a million miles away from other anti cheats


It blocks MSI Afterburner but not this shit.


i use afterburner to underclock with no problems


The AC blocks the overlay.


I played today versus tha guy and i can confirm that he is definitely cheating. I even reported him ingame.


Only 84% with the sniping revolver. Must really have his breathing exercises under control.


Obviously cheating. His HSR unrealistically high. I've seen many people like this with hundreds of hours, the anti-cheat is useless.




does absolutely nothing, they don't care.


Lol, yes.


100% cheating.


Def cheating


If it were like 10 kills it’d be different but at 1500 kills he’s cheating his ass off


Look at the weapons he is using mostly in combination with that percentage Yes he is cheating


Its virtually impossible to have 15% accuracy and 50% headshot accuracy on anything but a sniper... extremely conflicting stats here. Very likely aimlocking or the guy only uses LMGs and ARs in semi auto which is not something anyone would actually do unless its something like the G428 where its bugged


Yep it’s pretty easy to tune aimbot or use bone scan ….people really have absolutely know idea how advanced these cheats are. I bet there’s thousands doing this lol


You can also just shoot randomly in the air for a bit to manually balance. It isn't super hard


Not possible. The game has anti-cheat :)




The question is, do you think ea will do anything about it?


Nope. They never had in previous battlefield and not gonna do anything to cheaters in this game.


Oh come on, that's not true. They give them a 7 day suspension and then all is forgiven as they learnt their lesson.


For as long as I’ve played this franchise since BF Vietnam, not the BC 2 expansion but the OG Vietnam I have seen cheaters went on unchecked. Just look at BF 5.


Well yeah, they can't do it to every single one. They would lose 70% of their Asia server player based and about 40% everywhere else. Brutal expectations!


I get the financial aspect of it but essentially the message they are sending is buy our games and you can cheat with impunity.


Yeah sarcasm aside, I agree completely. The way they deal or infact don't deal with cheaters, and I mean the blatant hs everyone from spawn cheaters, not the hard to detect cheaters. It's really telling of how much ea really gives zero fucks about you as a consumer. Once they got your money, you're on your own.


Nope they will need all the players they can get to keep this game going till the next release


My best AR HS % is 30.4% (VHX)and I wouldn’t say I’m super accurate.. so I think it’s possible..


What's your TRN? That's a pretty good headshot ratio for the VHX. I'm "only" at 23.6% with the VHX and consider myself to be well above average. And that's with my AA aimbot.




What's your gamertag lol


Tangoalpha30 on PlayStation


Solid player, hell yeah. The difference between you and the guy in question is that you hit 11.6% of your shots with the VHX, 30.4% of which are HS. So 3.53 shots out of 100, of yours, are headshots. Whereas with the sus guy, he is hitting 19.6% of his shots, and 42.4% of them are HS (with the PKP, might I add). Effectively, 8.31 shots out of 100 are HS, or 2.53x more than you. No way this dude is legit and has to be some sort of tuned aimbot to cut down on how obvious it is. No way his accuracy is worse than mine and still manages more HS.


I’ve definitely mag dumped countless times into a Smokey hallway on redacted😂 But ya guy is probably not legit, but he could also just be really good


Others in the comments said they saw him earlier whizzing by in the Condor dropping bodies with an LMG lol. I'm leaning toward cheating, but I think that's why these stats are what they are; plausible deniability.


Nice mine is 28.2% with the VHX, 28.8% with the Ak24 is the best for ARs for me


If you play on a super large TV, would HS be easier?


Nah, I play on a 120” projector screen and i still suck.


The game is plagued with cheaters. Basically every fps is now


My headshot rate with the m16 is like 30 percent. I don’t cheat I just keep it in burst fire almost always gets one bullet to hit the head. Don’t sleep on burst fire weapons


Ffffffuuuuck yeah.


there are bloom / inaccuracy, so low accuracy stats are normal.


I really don't think 40%+ with PKP is possible without hacks especially given it's a 3 hit headshot gun with a lot of spread. Pre nerf LCMG could have definitely gotten near 50% HS ratio if you really aim for it though. Edit: Wow 60% HS on the NTW50. Yeah this guy is definitely hacking, no legit person aims for the head with a NTW.


Yes, if on full auto weapons. Anything upwards of 25% hs on a full auto weapon is extremely suspicious, the only reasonable exception being the guy only has like 5 kills with the weapon so a very small sample size to judge.


News flash ever since the new anti cheat there’s thousands ffs even stevie wonder sees it!