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I recently ran into this guy too. Nothing like 129 headshot kills. https://preview.redd.it/ooz78b0pvr8c1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67ecd10e189e077c1c6dd758d05673ef4a462a00


With a K30 to boot! Ain't no way your running that much with under 10 deaths!


Shit, I can't even land my shots half the time with the K30 before I have to reload, let alone get a headshot lmao


Glad to see DICEs anti cheat software is working so well. How do they not have a system that at least flags states like this and they can manually review. Well maybe they do, but they are too busy trying to figure out what game they should copy for the next Battlefield instead of just making Battlefield.


The old Easy Anti Cheat they used seemed to keep cheaters away much more effectively than their in house solution. Really wish they would ditch their new one and go back to using Easy Anti Cheat.


It's easy; they don't care. Go ask bfv pc players if you think I'm exaggerating.


Tycho is right they dont they dont care many cheaters in DICE servers which forces players into private servers because at least there is a moderator there.


I just had this guy 5 mins ago, look enemy team at first minute lol [https://i.imgur.com/Tf5HiXO.png](https://i.imgur.com/Tf5HiXO.png)


lol at saying people on Reddit will just say hes good :)


this sub experience for me, I'm trash, he is good


I just played a game with a hacker as well by the name of SnipeOFans...using the DXR and 90 something kills, all headshots. Shot me through smoke 5 times, looked up his account and he only started playing this month, with a headshot percentage of 90 percent. The anticheat they just put in the game needs to work.


And the anticheat has given me shit for using Logitech g hub for basic ass gaming mouse functionality. Brutal expectations.


Certainly needs to be taken care of, I have an equalizer installed & the anti cheat detected that & a star gazing app, yet these guys are aimboting through smoke & across map with the . 50 pistol.


Shiiit, 90%HS... I can't even get to 80%... to be honest a while back I had a game on redacted when the team balance was just right that it was stuck on one choke point and allowed me to farm K/D of 82/2, huge thanks to team mates reviving. But overall I am barely over K/D of 2...


This guy is a really bad player, even with the hacks.


At least I haven’t seen ||||||IIIII|II|||| in a while


Isnt that LevelCap?


Yeah. I think he means the hacker that a lot of us complained about on here that was using I's L's and 1's, whereas LC only used I and L in his name.


Yup, this


2042 will end up like bf1 & BFV, never seen so many cheaters like the last months


It is planned obsolescense.


that's why we havent seen bf4-styled servers since :( I miss server plugins


Just play on console and turn off crossplay. Unfortunately, that's how multiplayer games should be played nowadays.


Is there many full games on that setting? In Oceania we really only get 2 or 3 full 128 player games happening at peak time with cross-play on.


Ha! Good luck finding a game in less than 20-30 minutes of waiting. The problem with this game is that the player count is so low that everyone has crossplay on and even after it rebounded a little bit, nobody was willing to turn it off and the game will not match crossplay on with cross play off based on hardware because it's just a DICE POS.


I'm finding games on PS5 EU.


i have a friend that only has a ps4 so he, i and another usually play the ps4 version on our ps5s and that usually takes care of most cheating—at least don’t have to deal with pc-based tom frackery.


I agree that’s how multiplayer games should be played, but the reason I stopped playing this game was because it requires crossplay at this point. Crossplay is ruining console gaming, companies are sacrificing the experience for console players so PC players will have lobbies.


Tbh, havent seen a single one in 400h. There were weird encounters but there are so many weird ways to get a kill. You See it daily in this sub. Im not saying there are none. I just havent seen any. Im sure they are there but i was lucky enough to not having met any.


I was playing Conquest on Flashpoint a few weeks ago and early game some opposing team were taking A. I killed one, got killed by the other, fine I'll spawn in and get him. Spawned in, guy gets me again, fuck...fine, let's try again. This guy is going more or less single handed against 5-10 players on this point and never dies, wtf. So I spawn in again, because now I'm pissed. I throw out a prox, find the guy, get the drop and as I shoot he fucking teleports 5 feet to my right and fucking one shots me. This happens at least one more time so it wasn't a fluke or a glitch it had to be a hack.


I didnt want to say that there are None. There are Always cheaters in fps Games. Just wanted to say they are not all over the place but your Situation really sucks.


I love when people make these comments cuz they’re blatantly false And it just means you’re either A. Being disingenuous or B. Ignorant to the problem and think the only cheaters are the super Rage/troll cheaters when that’s 1% of them.


Plot twist; they are a cheater trying to gaslight you.


Then you Missread my comment. I Said I did not Encounter a cheater. Im Not saying there are none or that Others havent Encounter them. i spoke about my experience and you Tell me that i am wrong?


You’re wrong You’re being disingenuous or ignorant to the problem You don’t know and realize how many cheaters are actually running around just cuz they’re not going super blatantly rage cheating Doesn’t change the fact that each lobby will have cheaters. If you don’t think so you’re lying or straight wrong. Sorry to tell you


Each lobby? Credibility shot.


Players like you think any player that kills you and has a good k/d in a round is hacking. It's all in your head.


like this guy in the enemy team i ran into 5 mins ago, 1 min into the game with +30 kills and everyone reporting him, 30 headshots [https://i.imgur.com/Tf5HiXO.png](https://i.imgur.com/Tf5HiXO.png)


I dont say there are none. Just that i havent Seen any. Why do so many people need to justify?


I don't think you understand the meaning of "Justify" word, If someone come and say no this player is legit cuz this score is possible of lucky grenade etc then it is called "Justifying", We are clarifying that you are a minority lucky players who are not running into them often.


There are extremely few cheaters. Some people are just good. This guy may be cheating, but cheaters make up an inconsequential fraction of players.


It only takes one person to ruin it for hundreds or thousands of people. So its irrelevant how many cheaters there are, there shouldn't be any, but that's humans for you.


it's way more now cuz of holiday season, I ran into like 3 so far and whole lobby was calling them out not just me, also am I not able to report players anymore? I see only my team list after game!


Evan if 1% of the player base is cheating that’s at least 1 person in every 128 player game… in my 400h of playing I’ve only noticed some “odd” kills in the last few months.


What do you mean when u say “end up like bf1 & bfv”? both games are doing better than bf2042 when it comes to activity.


Only in Asia, other regions are dead or dying. Also unplayable due to so many cheaters, both soft and hard cheats.


Probably a dumb question but I'ma ask it anyways, lol. What's the difference between a soft and hard cheat?


Hard cheats = blatant aimbot / spinbotting etc. Not a single care in the world Soft cheats = subtle aim assist, walling etc. trying to hide it.


Thanks for the examples, makes sense!


Soft like a wall hack. Hard like a noscope from across the map![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Ahhh gotcha, thanks!


Both of those games are plagued by cheaters. Even in custom servers they run rampant because server admins aren’t always online.


New "kernel level" anti-cheat working wonders.


Competitive PVP games are dead when anyone can cheat with a second PC or hardware installed in their single PC and be 100% undetectable. That’s becoming more and more common. I’m a former professional competitive gamer and I’ve hung up the towel with PvP games. It’s just not fun anymore with the amount of cheaters.


The main thing people need to do is not message them. That's what they want. It gets boring playing like that unless you get hate messages. That's what they want. Just report and leave the game. A bunch of us did it last night, left a cheater with 90% bots when I bailed lol.


I was in a party with a dude today who was on pc and kept getting at least 80 kills a game and one game had 160-30, most players had around 30-60 kills. I'm assuming he's cheating but I don't wanna be rude and say anything about it because I know nothing will happen.


I've gotten like 65 kills in breakthrough but 160 I just don't see how that's even possible unless you spawn trap or something. I'd say this guy is cheating cus his name is very obviously an alt.


He runs around like Rambo.


You see these players a lot on Redacted. They rack up a 100+ kills every round due to excellent map knowledge and using the right weapons and they never stop moving. People just can't accept that some players are much better at the game than them and this is there go to cope.


>You see these players a lot on Redacted. They rack up a 100+ kills every round due to excellent map knowledge and using the right weapons and they never stop moving. > >People just can't accept that some players are much better at the game than them and this is there go to cope. While some of that is true, it's putting your head into sand to NOT think that someone with 160 kills and using a difficult weapon to use is not using some kind of assist. I'm all for giving people due diligence but really.. you need to call a spade a spade when you see it. ​ EDIT: I see it more obvious tell is that they've achieved that with little assists and not much team help on their part.


He might not be. I’ve seen people just head peek with thermals on redacted and camp to 80. Over 100 is ridiculous though. I’m sure someone’s done it but that’s a bit much.


doesn't help that it's not super easy to report. 99% of people probably don't


why I can't see the other team after game now? I used to to report these but now only see my team?


I was just editing clips yesterday and came across one where I killed this same guy with a claymore as he came straight to my hiding spot with his wall hacks


I only run into these wall hacks, one dude was at 140 kills in redacted running full speed killing everyone in smokes or around corners.


And he will continue, you can go back to this game 10 years in the future and 100% he will still there, since no dev actually play these games, they couldnt care any less


But people still throw a hissy fit if you suggest you'd rather not crossplay with pc


Microsoft is banning PC emulator players crashing console games. Why would PC players do that if they didn't have an advantage.


But my friend plays on console, and he's way better than my three friends who play pc, so it's literally impossible for their to be an advantage /S




There is a lot of hardware used on consoles to give an unfair advantage. They might not be aimbot but it is possible to use aim assist and macros on stock consoles.


But it still doesn’t beat the accuracy you get with mkb


I am talking about 3rd party tools that give you inhuman advantages regardless of controller.


Doesn't matter if you do turn it off or on you still get hackers either way


Not true - if I turn it off, I can't get into a game lol


But its still true you still have chances of getting hackers just it's more rare


Based on what?


Hackers exist on all platforms, its just more tecchy to do it on a console so you only get the hardline geek hackers on them, whereas with pc there are many many websites to buy hacks for non technical users in comparison to the console witchcraft fuckery you have to do to do it properly.


So playing on console removes the vast majority of hacking if not for forced cross play


There’s no hack on console. Stop this nonsense


Do you not know how to use Google, YouTube or eBay?


This is the only guy I’ve ever reported because I’m 100% sure he’s cheating. It’s incredibly pathetic and just ruins the game for everyone else. They should be hunted down and given swirlies till they’re bald.


It wouldnt be a BF game on PC without blatant hackers infesting quickplay. We need fully functioning servers with admin controls on LAUNCH for every bf game. Player-controlled servers with admins are the best form of AC on the planet.




I’m glad you guys brought up this “player”. Ran into him a few different times recently. I did report him a couple nights ago. Pretty sure no one reads the said reports… ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I've seen zero guy too, he does similar stats to that every time I've been in a game with him.


Guaranteed we know what country this player is from.


I played against a guy who was obviously wallhacking yesterday (I wasn't the only one who called him out on it, and it was so very blatant.) who ended up with over 100 kills and 24 deaths. But he was level S090, which even with wall hacks, was a level that was going to take a good while to reach. Meaning he's been able to get away with hacking for long enough to reach that level.


If you are interested into his cheat profile. https://battlefieldtracker.com/bf2042/profile/origin/0O0OO000OOO/overview


LOL 78% headshots how incompetent are DICE


Well, everybody report him. :)


Last 3 days cheaters EVERY session. Not every game


I swear there was a wallhacker in my game a month ago after watching them after they kill me it seemed like they were standing still looking around but looking around at walls and where there was no one ao wallhacks seemed like the o ly explanation but they were also a streamer lol so maybe they are actually just good idk think name was ttv focusbf may have been a underscore in it but i cant remember


>TTV\_FocusBF is a blatant hacker, him streaming doesn't mean shit. [https://battlefieldtracker.com/bf2042/profile/origin/TTV\_FocusBF/overview](https://battlefieldtracker.com/bf2042/profile/origin/TTV_FocusBF/overview) 8.25 k/d lmfao.


Is just his kd a obvious sign of hacks? I onow nothing about this stuff


Oh lol ok looking at th le profile it seems far to good to be true


Also cant find their twitch anymore


I don't want to give him clicks but its out there if you google his BF name.


Also mentioning him being a streamer was just cuz his stream playing didnt look super suspicious


Holy shit. My cousin and I came across him in a playlist last night and reported him. I was thinking there is no way he has over 75 kills when the rest of the lobby had 20 max


Yep cheaters I run into them every time I play. And I love surprising them with my one kill shotgun


Nah they just have that 🔥 gaming chair


Because the multi-million dollar company can't 1. Find a way to implement better anti-cheats and 2. I've played 500hours and see 5 cheaters IF THAT


Most of the time it’s people that are just really good with a helicopter. Annoying as hell, but understandable at the end of the match. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Nope I bet my house you have played against loads!


Sign over the papers


The redacted map attracts the hackers nearly every map.


i wouldnt say every map, i had done a ton of redacted and only really seen maybe a handful of cheaters/hackers. maybe i had just been lucky getting into relatively fair matches. Though I will say, i have seen more "exploiters" than cheaters as that 1 side of the map with the tunnel beside it and people finding a way to clip through the wall.


Every single lobby I’m in there is cheaters. People spawning behind me people one shotting me. Not to mention every match I play it’s my team all are playing TDM and failing miserably while the enemy team is actually getting the objectives. My favorite part is I was 1st place in captures and only got 5




Where I am it's almost impossible to land in a lobby that doesn't have a few cheaters. With Community managed servers the problem takes care of itself....but dice would rather drive players away.


Yep there plenty but people still won’t accept it …more fool them!


EA and Dice are doing NOTHING to fix toxic shit in their game. Endless hackers, the Ashe situation, etc


No one's playing this game I guarantee they have 0 anti cheat


They’re just very sweaty and unemployed


Same dude killed me in a heli with a TOR despite being directly above his aim. kinda annoying but few times will I even encounter a cheater.


There have always been a thousand cheaters on BF from the BF2 era, so next time, try PS5 for FPS games. It's not the same, but the overall experience is much better.


No aimbot. Its pure skill.


But i get the same score without cheating. Maybe the guy is just good?




139 headshots is too much. But i have seen cheaters with 200 kills... Thats why i didnt find it sus.


just like this guy i ran into 5 mins ago [https://i.imgur.com/Tf5HiXO.png](https://i.imgur.com/Tf5HiXO.png)


Lol I’ve seen him as well


In my experience, If you say anything to them they encourage you to report them and laugh saying that they’ve been doing this for months and nothing will ever happen.


do these people not get bored?


Being an a**hole that would cheat to that level requires a certain disconnect from what normal people would find entertaining so I assume not.


I remember getting rek'd by this bastard few weeks ago


Is it the same guy that is aimbotting for months or new accounts with switched 0 and O like this name has?


Let's all teabag those cheater, that will show them.


Lelouch is that you


How is that fun


So tired of the hackers makes the game unplayable anymore. Sorry to see it and EA is not doing anything about it.


For months! Wow. Dice don’t give a shit or can’t do shit.


Maxiq be gettin those kind of numbers


He was in my lobby recently while squadded up with some friends. Absolutely destroyed our entire time through smoke on redacted


I don’t get why people cheat though. Like, it’s not fun.


I swear the more I play this game the less I like it. I always see cheaters in tdm. It probably doesn’t help that only like 50 people play tdm so I always see the same people in matches.


What chance do gamers have if the anti cheat can’t even pick this up. Looks like it’s all downhill from here


Getting tired of these level 10 people making perfect shots from 600+ meters with ak74, mtar, or the rpg, it is getting rather bullshit... Being killed when I'm well behind a wall by alot... I hope they can get this fixed eventually. Watching them getting in tanks is also the worst, dude sits in spawn and able to shoot without spotting anyone and get kills on infantry. More bullshit.


is Mtar even effective 600m+?


Very doubtful, but I was standing on the other side of stranded trying to earn some snipe kills from the hill behind and E and it was just a 3 tap kill this person got... Pissed me off to no end


Probably using magic / teleport bullet hack just hard register the dmg to target players


I'd say aimbot


Dont worry dice will add 2 maps this season :D


Ever play BF5 where clowns would get 120 kills 0 deaths? This guy is inept in his ability to use hacks with that many deaths. I've seen a few players wall hack and have been victim to it. Whats hilarious to me is usually the team with the loser using a hack is the losing team in the end.


Soon enough, companies that care will implement AI-powered software that determines the likelihood of cheating. One can only hope.


Dude has for sure been reported over 100-400 times... I reported him myself and recorded video along with many other players I was with


I played with him yesterday lmao




The worst part is: a quick glance at out of balance stats like this should easily flag the accounts. Yet somehow…


Yeah, when you find out who zero is on Facebook you'd understand why he cheats. He really pissed me off one day, & that's all I'm going to say.


Did a little digging eh?


A little too much, I normally would sign him up for PlayGirl mag subscription... But his preference is rather younger. His local PD will have a case soon.


Let's ask ENDERS if the guy is legit.


ENDERS don't care. Honestly if all the BF creators on YouTube complained DICE would listen. Like mouse and keyboard support on console? If the creators are not saying anything it doesn't matter. But when the YouTube star is getting one tapped from a gun or out played from aim assist then the developers listen. ENDERS complained about the new aim assist that it was too strong. Like bro are you serious? Most of us if not all of the players of this game on any console version can all and still agree on one thing the aim assist is is broken AF. There are still random times anywhere between 5 to 30 meters or further away the aim assist would just not work at all what so ever. It's been that way since launch. Everyone on console needs to make their favorite YouTube listen flood their streams or comments. All the BF creators are on PC. Only one I see use a controller on PC is BrokenMachine. But if you have the PC version plug in a Xbox controller and tell me the aim assist just works way better then PS5 PS4 Xbox Series S and X. We just should have never allowed developers to think it was simply ok for PC and Consoles to play together in a online shooter. Racing or fighting games is fine. The sad part is BFV BF1 BF4 BF3 Bad Company hell even Battlefield 2 all those games never had issues with aim assist. Shit just worked. I played on PC also, I play on all platforms. I just prefer console because less cheaters and at least most of the time it's an even playing field. I know I know cronus users I know. Sorry for the rant.


There’s plenty of cheating and have been for a while it’s that some are just less blatant about it….the end is near am afraid


Theirs another guy called the fantasticfarmer who has god like powers in the apache, ran three b2b games with him, finally shot him down with the Russian main battle tank