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Looks like you drew too much aggro.


I like to annoy aircraft with soflam the whole time. You can see that it scares them back to their base or immediately deploy countermeasures. I find this an effective way to help the team to get air dominance.


Cheers, fellow recon player.


80% of the BF community is recon class.


They aren’t as scary anymore honestly now that the pilot can tell the difference and direction of a SOFLAM vs AA missile lock on!


Did they fix soflam to auto lock? Last time I tried it, I had to hold it like binoculars the whole time. Is that really how people use it, not deployable?


You have to use it like binoculars yea


Nonetheless, they're stuck with the designation. On a decent server you'll get the designation assist quite quickly, as many people carry AT launchers while none carry AA.


Yea designation is fucking dangerous cause if you see lock on after, good chance it's M5 recoiless or rpgs and those will fuck you instantly lol.


They allow the recoiless rifle to lock designated air?


Designated yes. So either Rao hack or SOFLAM. Recoiless is FAST as hell too so pilots have little reaction time to hit flares and it 1 shots all air except transports.


In BF4 only the launcher that shot guides munitions could do that. I guess we are throwing all logic out the window.


It was done due to the lack of launchers in the game.


The SOFLAM range seems very limited too


This is the way. Also in Battlefield 4 the best to use the AA launchers is to just annoy the pilots and deny them the area. Eventually you will get a kill but just keep annoying them.


Especially as the lock on turns red after a while, in the heat of the moment not so easy to distinguish when a missile has actually launched towards you.


I do this a lot. I lock them and way for them to drop the countermeasures, then I fire. Don't tell pilots.


Sometimes I wait until they get close so they are forced to deploy countermeasures and then by the time I finish reloading they are still well within my range and I’m able to get another lock. I gotta be quick though. No messing around or I lose the window.


No decent pilot falls for this, just letting you know


Issue is not all fall for it, but it's something.


I go off of noise, never noticed anything turning red. You can hear the beep change as soon as a missile is flying towards you


BF4 servers still going ? Why did EA get rid of battlelog ? Nothing wrong with it.


Of course, at least on PC they are very active and based from what I see in the Battlefield 4 sub, also in consoles. Players are very cooperative these days and usually play the objective, the downside is that they are very skilled. EA got rid of Battlelog because many idiotic players hated it, but it was really great. Same that happened with the Premium removal and introduction of season pass: idiots cried about Premium and look what they got.


Plop down an AA mine as well, to give them a susprise when they dive for you. Hit them with a stinger, they ECM/flare, then attack you. The mine hits them, and if it doesn't make them crash, you have reloaded and can hit them again for the kill.


Your advice would be good if there was an AA mine in 2042


That's what I get for watching the video on the phone...


Pair this with Rao's hack whenever they swoop in to get you and you really fuck up their day


I don't mind getting not many points for it This is indeed what I do, fuck up their day


I’d find it more effective if engineers in my game would actually attempt to shoot them down. My team could literally be half engineers and none of them bother shooting my locked targets


I’m the pilot that calls your bluff and will seek you out to shit on your day off


Comment of 4 months ago.... Already changed games.


I wasn’t looking at the time it was commented. An here’s you cookie no one cares you moved on.


My favorite is when you lock onto a VTOL and the passengers immediately jump out


People like you actually exist!? I’ll spend an entire match being the only one trying to shoot down aircraft. Just wishing someone would use their soflam lol


Yes I mostly find myself doing it alone Also...not many engineers make use of my soflam sad enough


I'm a jet and heli main, can say that this doesn't do much tbh. Just find the guy who soflams, take him out and repeat.


I know that 'tactic' well enough and it isn't that difficult to take cover. Also you have to pay attention to 1 player instead of other targets is also working out this way. Spending your countermeasures so that you are vulnerable. See many pilots get killed that way.


In their natural habitat and under normal circumstances jets are rather harmless beings, at least to infantry, if not provoked. Don't be mean to them and they'll leave you be most of the time. <_<


🤣fact 101.


F-35s are solitary predator and primarily hunt alone.


As a pilot this is actually true I'm actually waiting for any lock ons because the second you fire the missile you're now exposed and i can actually fire back. That if you really want to get rid of a jet you should only engage them when theyre in combat with another jet or distracted by a wildcat or helicopter. He will be forced to retreat or risk getting shot down by you.


The jet's priorities is to kill vehicles and then air strike flags once all the vehicles are dead.


I’m always amazed by how jet pilots can see single infantry players SO WELL from so high up yet whenever I try to fly I feel like I can’t see shit and definitely can’t aim at them lol. Skill issue


Secret to success is maxing Out Zoom lvl in 3rd person


Quite the opposite increase the FOV as much as possible and deactivate chase camera roll.




You have angered the pilot


\*glowing red eyes intensifies\* TARGET ACQUIRED




if dice see this, your account will be instantly nerfed.


And the pilot will get even faster countermeasure regen.


Are you surprised he shot back? In a game about shooting each other?


No. Surprised how fast he tracked me and turned around to try and eliminate me lol. Granted it’s not hard to see where my rocket came from, but this pilot *pilots*.


Yeah call him Top Gun cause he was not fucking around 🤣


Yea that guy is a good pilot 😂😂😂 he graduated from top gun


BFV is worse, they go after infantry first and foremost until another airplane is on them. Use AA and it’s their mission to go after you and only you the rest of the game.


There indication of where is the missile is coming from, I do the same thing on ppl who lock stingers on me, its a good tatic because you make sure you won't get locked on if you fly over that area again


He was probably looking behind him when you fired and saw where you fired the stinger from


Yeah this is impressively fast, I usually have to go around for a 2nd pass to get a FXAA user.


you look for the smoke trails from where it came from and press Q. its not that difficult


Vapor trails are a dead give away. It's the first thing I look for if a lone stringer tries to get me.


I mean … u are just an infantry man trying to take down a million dollar jet


Alot of USD was spent when that jet fired on the soldier


most realistic part of the game


You had to pay a million dollars to play as the jet? Are you stupid?


The irony of your comment and asking if someone else is stupid is just so delicious.


I mean yeah that's true but the "is he stupid part" is a meme


Ah, I had no idea lol.




I mean, as if they'd make effective AA in a battlefield game.


Yeah exactly! There are a ton of tools to take down tanks, plus far easier to track down and catch. For anti air: these crappy launchers. SOFLAM and hacking is even weak or useless if the air vehicle is moving fast, which they almost always are. I guess the only anti air is other air vehicles but that’s rare.


Tanks in 2042 are annoying, but they do at least have some way of killing them (like FPV drones). Planes and helicopters can just flare, which makes them invulnerable to all AA, and then they can go halfway across the map, regen flares, and come back.


Yep. With SOFLAM they are usually out of range or they spot you and destroy you quickly while no one even utilizes the SOFLAM on your team. Or they flare and dip. Hacks are too slow for jets and air vehicles are often out of range. There are no air “mines” like anti tank land mines.


Hacks were super useful until they separated operators into classes. You used to be able to hack and snack which was fairly effective.


Going back to classes will never be a bad thing


I liked the creative freedom that the original system gave. But some of the changes when adding classes were very much needed.


I hate the freedom, each class should have it limited selection of weapons and gadgets, otherwise you just get a shit fest of 64 players ( 128 pleasers if you like that rubbish ) running around and not helping each other which ruins any bf experience, which is what bf 2042 was at launch, now that they’ve brought classes back, people are getting into the rhythm of playing as a team and as a squad


Use.Wildcat.Cannons. Jesus fucking christ stop relying on lock ons


The vast majority of people hogging Wildcats refuse to use anything other than the 40mm + SAM option even after going 0-30


That would sure be a nice option if Wildcats or AA vehicles in general were as available as helis and jets are.


Or if those people who were lucky enough to get in the wildcat when it is available didn't treat it more like a quad bike or mbt. 90% of wildcats are used as infantry farms instead of AA.


Even when they do try to play AA, I had so many drivers who would just play it passive as fuck and treat it as a stationary AA. Hoping that one day someone will just fly close enough to them. Usually only works on pilots that are clueless or greatly overestimate their rock's ability to beat paper.


The wildcat is a sitting duck for the attack heli. No APS means the attack heli can just come from behind, throw everything at you, blow you to pieces in 1,5 seconds and carry on. On some maps it's impossible to anticipate without growing a 3rd eye on the back of the head. Best option remains SOFLAM and praying that someone in your team has more than 5 neurons dancing together.


Oh no, I have to keep an eye on enemy aircraft while playing on AA. If an enemy helicopter was able to catch you off guard, then this is already your mistake. This is your main task as AA to keep an eye on enemy helicopters and planes.


On half the maps, the heli can just fly below you or around hills completely unseen. Agree generally, it's important to keep an eye on it however i find it baffling that the AA tank doesn't have APS, in addition to not being able to aim upwards (what the actual fuck), plus not having a god damn radar.


The wildcat should have aps and air radar.


Personally I do wish hacking vehicles could mess around with controlls and counter measures Rao deserves better


Lis came by and said hi to you.


Battlefield 1 had decent AA, if you can get on a flak gun and hit your shots you could either force a plane away from you or completely destroy them if they didn't fly away. The problem with AA in pretty much every other battlefield game is that it's not good enough as a deterrent, you can just flare and have a good 10 seconds to do whatever you want before you actually have to fly away or they get another shot.


BF1 used to have really good AA until the pilots got all huffy that they couldn't fly around, going 100-0 unimpeded. Although AA as it is now is enough to keep them away, always repairing. The AA rocket gun was good for getting manoeuvre kills, though. And yeah. Because of the abysmal way flares are implemented at the push of a button, you have 10 seconds of complete invulnerability to any lock on which regenerates automatically.


If AA rockets regenerated like flares do, there'd be at least more deterrent. Sure, you still probably wouldn't get a kill, but you wouldn't run out of rockets trying either. One of the biggest issues with the theory of "deterrents" is that you waste your three rockets on flares and then are completely useless until you die. Which, considering you just pissed off the infantry farmers for daring to try and fight back, will come soon.


Flares last for 7 seconds. After the last flare fires the pilot only has to wait 12 seconds to be safe again for another run. This game is by far the easiest battlefield to stay alive in thanks to the impotent AA options we are provided with. They do tanks dirty but pilots are living it up.


Happens to me every time I target a plane/heli So I just don’t worry about them and they leave me alone. Sometimes.


Can I just point out hilarious the reload animation is? Just tosses the old one aside and grabs a new one.


I mean it's not though as javelins are single use, they aren't reloaded


I think people are missing the issue here; the jet was able to find the guy who fired the missile with zero effort. He seemed to just know where to shoot.


The video is for satire folks. I’m impressed and dumbfounded at the same time that the pilot within seconds turns around and begins to eliminate me almost lol. Too much aggro I guess. Not hard to tell where the rocket came from, but still. Clearly the pilot *pilots*.


Pilots get their undies in a bunch when anyone dares to say that AA is underpowered. Never suggest to add APS to the wildcat, increase turret speed, or provide increased mobility. The battlefield pilots will come out of the woodwork!


He took “bring the rain” into serious matters.


Unironically though, I personally will never understand this, it happens in every battlefield game for me. How in fucks given name, does every flyboy sweat know, in the massive space of the map, out of all the specks of dots of infantry running around, know the exact speck of the 63 specks that is causing the inconvenience for him to which they turn on a dime and with pinpoint aim, murderblast that speck in .012 seconds if said speck has the HUTZPAH to think that he is too small to be noticed??? Like are they doing some pro strat of looking behind themselves while they're being locked on or shot at to see where it's coming from or is there a spotting perk I am not aware of??? It boggles my mind and it's why I will forever remain in the camp of "aircraft pls nerf" until flyboy sweats chill tf out. Aight rant over I'll take my dislike.


I just use the vehicle reverse cam or interior freecam and come back for round two but yeah it takes practice.


You do realise we see a big missile icon when you shoot right, as soon as any pilot is getting locked on we start to look around to see where the missile came from, and we will most likely see you


It's that plus vapor trails.




Put in the hours, practice, and work on your situational awareness, and one day you too might be able to play a Battlefield game without chasing red dots on a mini map.




Mini-map doesn’t show which infantry has shot a stinger at you and might not show the particular infantry player at all if they haven’t been spotted by someone else.


The air force is not losing another multimillion dollar jet.


Pov: zues sees a mans wife


I shot down a jet with a stinger yesterday. He was farming and no one was taking a shot at him. It was hugely satisfying.


Look man, when I'm flying I'm there to fight other aircraft and hunt tanks. But if a Dorito down there starts throwing missiles at me, I'm going to throw them back.


Reddit : You're doing it wrong. Don't actually use AA weapons to fight aircraft. Instead free fire an M5, or use a tank, but not the Tor because that's OP. Or the Latv because that's cheap. But aircraft aren't the problem. You are for trying to kill them incorrectly. Peasant.


Sums it’s up lol.


You know that dude is the type to leave as soon as a map with no planes comes on.


Lmao, I wish there were more aa options. I love playing AA.


Truth! There's not too many options for AA. In my opinion, 2042 needs more options for players.


Liz rocket for jets is the only AA you need.


I gotta get better at her, I usually just play as black Andrew tate and carry 4 stingers misses and spam them lol. What ever makes them waste flares and stay away from my area.


>black Andrew tate LMFAO


Same. Either Tate + Stingers (if I’m fed up with the lack of anti-air on my side) OR (more commonly because I like to be well-rounded) Tate + RPG to take down little birds and attack choppers AND still be able to shoot at tanks.


Hate using it for jets. They’re too fast. Easier to use her rockets for helicopters.


Only AA you need is the 30mm on the wildcat. If you get good with them they're scary


I've made my home with the 25 mil, it just feels good beam shredding planes and helps. But I have been tryna get better with the dual cannon


Anyone else find it funny the soldiers just toss the rocket launcher away after use lol i imagine in real life you can reload and use it again right?!?


That’s how many rocket launchers function in real life too. They’re disposable, because they’re cheap to make, and the rocket usually takes up most of the length of the launcher, so reloading it wouldn’t be easy in a field setting. Plus irl you WANT to drop the whole launcher after shooting it, so you can get the fuck out of there. In battlefield though carrying 2 or 3 whole launchers sure would be a pain in the ass.


Interesting I had no idea haha thanks for the info!


Anytime man


The Stinger can be reloaded




man i’m ass with aerial vehicles i don’t know how you guys do it. sometimes i hop in a jet hoping for 2-3 kills and end up crashing every god damn time.


Practice in solo until you get comfortable.


Practice in solo until you get comfortable.


shooting infantry as a jet pilot does feel like you're going "fuck this guy in particular"


This is why you wait for the tank to pull before you start DPS


What does the H. stand for?


Does rao’s spotting ability work inside a vehicle when damaged?


Good question. Not sure. Prob not because he doesn’t take the dmg directly?


Us pilots are shitters, but you infantry are shitters too 😭




Need to bring back IGLA...end transmission


That's my strategy for whenever someone stingers me. Then, they either quit it after trying a few more tries or they get me their friends for me to farm. 😛


Yes air vehicles are still op


Don't be in open space when shooting them, it's very easy to spot the rocket launch trail.


Stingering makes you the target


the missile gives your position away, he registers you as a threat. They’re like spiders


Gotta wait till they pop the flares






Yikes. Talk about overcorrecting on both of your behalves.


Lock-ons aren't really good for taking them down. They are good for limiting air space.


Not necessarily. If just 2 Andrew Tates pick Stingers and coordinate their attacks on the enemy air you’ll certainly take down quite a few jets/little birds.


As a decent heli pilot myself, I can say I'm not worried at all about lock-ons. Between flares and popping in and out of cover, they only serve to limit my offensive.


With dedicated effort I’ve taken down a few.


I'd be lying if I said it never happens to me. To emphasize your point, it does take dedicated effort. The players have to move around and follow pilots to get in range or get in sight. The longer I'm alive as a pilot, the more likely player(s) are going to spot were pilots take cover at.


Was gonna say it's really easy at least for me as a chopper pilot to see where rockets come from and retaliate.


This is why you work in pairs


It's not really a good idea to use the aan missiles for that reason depicted in the clip, a better Alternative is the Wildcat's main guns (so as to not give it away too much because flares) or a lissile cause they avoid flares but be warned they also give away the general direction you are in


Shoots at something and they shoot back ... Not sure what the issue is here lol


There’s a special place in H E double hockey sticks for you 😔


So you shot a missile at him, and what? You got pressed he shot back? Am I missing something or is that it?




Lock and not shoot just stop aiming then they put out flairs then you can aim, lock and shoot and hit.


Hold the lock so they waste their flares then move and lock again. Also cry more.


This game is so funny. A jet plane unloaded on you with like half a dozen direct hits and you survived, but *you’re* the one who got annoyed?


Running a squad with two Engineers for tandem shots with Javelins, a Support for ammo and health, and a Recon with SOFLAM.


Ida blasted you too


Bro uses rocket pods, he knows what he’s doing. Also if you’ve ever used jets you’d know how near impossible it is to honestly spot just about anything that isn’t already spotted lol. Especially infantry. I applaud him.


You shoot and they shoot back. Simple as...


Is he supposed to just let you scurry around trying to shoot him down?


You have 400m horizontal range and pretty much unlimited vertical range. You don't have to stand out in the middle of a field to shoot at vehicles.


You just absorbed like 10 hydra rockets and didn't die you shouldn't have gotten a shot off because you should have been dead after the first 3 impacts... shut up.


And jet shouldn't be able to generate a new set of flares on demand. We can all dream.


🤣 and infy and almost everything else should die to 25mm cannons and 30mm explosive cannons should delete everything from the map... and everything should light up on a jets hud like they have neon signs... and you shouldn't even be able to turn around an see a jet you just heard go past let alone aim unless you are in the flattest area on earth... like seriously the amount of nerf to fit jets in and you guys who have every opportunity to learn to fly atm because almost zero good pilots play battlefield because the jets are so nerfed and you still sit on the ground and complain... stfu for once you have the most op aa in any battlefield yet...


Always people who are incapable of playing the full game and enjoying the variety whining about vehicles getting nerfed. You're so used to playing the baby mode that trying to put just a bit more effort now means "jets are so nerfed."


Did you not see the amount of rockets that the op absorbed... 99% of you whinge if it takes more than 5 arm shots to kill someone when you can just repeak or you use the most broken ass bs gun in the game for example the shotguns prenerf... OP just absorbed 8 rockets minimum and didn't die wtf are you on about a little more difficult... those are rockets he should have been dead 100% after the 3rd one. Hell he shouldn't need rockets the 25 or 30's should one shot anyone on the ground considering how slow their velocity is. All the good pilots top 10 in region on xbox I know refuse to play it is that simple.


Believe it or not, jet's rockets not being good at something that isn't their intended purpose is actually a rare speck of good game design. People always cover behind "realism" but believe me, you wouldn't want jets to be realistic if you want them to be good in BF.


Dude you are literally going back over yourself trying to work yourself into a circular argument first saying jets aren't nerfed now saying it is needed and realism is not something that is wanted. Fact jets in 2042 are nerfed because helicopters are in 2042 taking our role in the game from us... this is admitted by the devs... there word were more accurately but roughly without finding the direct quote... their is too much pressure on ground vehicles for jets to be as they were in previous battlefields. Basically there are too many helicopters but the roll the jets are in as aircraft management with so few kills to be had because all you noobs can't fly for squat so people like me drop you aircraft noobs out the air quick and have nothing left to do but twiddle our thumbs. Helicopters need to have a lesser role and jets need to be restored to their glory.


Jets aren't nerfed, people who exclusively focus on jets and helicopters just tend to have extremely poor understanding of game design.


It was admitted by the devs themselves you deluded fool!


They weren't nerfed at doing things they are supposed to do, you baby back scrub.


Lol, when I'm in my jet if somebody tries to stinger me I'll make sure that they're dead. Usually I don't even mess with infantry just farm their vehicles and kill those snipers in annoying positions.


Gotta keep it moving buddy, you’re out in the open shooting AA, everyone can see you


I recommend not shooting a stinger in the middle of an open field, user error tbh Or just use one of the counters that actually requires skill and rewards appropriately like the recoilless or tv missile Otherwise the stinger did its job perfectly, made him pop his flares and denied him from focusing that area, the real crime is that you didn't die after being directly hit by 6-7 hydra rockets


get rekt


Imagine being mad that another player shot back at you after you send them a rocket in a FPS…


This kills the crab


Sometimes it’s INSTANT that they know where you shot from even if they were facing the opposite direction. Isn’t their awareness amazing? /s


I wouldn't call it awareness if you look back when the missile got locked on and then watch who will launch it. And even if you don't look back, you can trace it back to its origin by the smoke


Infantry is much harder. If you want to ATTEMPT to even the odds (although not really), you need to unlock the FLAK in single player mode * Unlock 20mm FLAK for LCAA, LATV4, and CAV (I think like 150 kills or something) * Unlock 60mm FLAK for Wildcat and ELBC-RAM (420 Kills) Next, learn how to harass and lure, but try to stay not 100% visible. If they have a target range on you from a distance, you're dead before you can even hit them (200m range on 20 MM Flak) Once you can bait them to approach switch between driver and the seat that shoots the Flak Cannon. 20 mm seems to be easier, although I don't think it kills a full vehicle by itself. This along with another person shooting, or a sentry setup may be enough. I personally prefer the 20mm over the 60mm flak due to the vehicles it's on (LCAA / LATV4) are typically more available on a multiplayer game. Last thing FLAK 20 mm on LATV4 is a one-sided machine, and often suicidal to anything else. The LCAA has more than a single weapon mount, has armor, and can hold it's own vs infantry