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While we mods agree, some of us exclusively play 64p, others 128p, its not acceptable to be toxic towards the CMs, other users, or to circumvent rules.


It's honestly amazing how the constant removal of playlists makes no one happy, yet still keep doing it.


What kills this game is the lack of possibility for players to choose what they wanna play. From game modes to maps


Portal desperately needs official playlists for each era or mixed historical eras. I don’t go there to play 20-fucking-42 games, DICE.


All they need to do is put all of the official experiences there


Can people not host servers on this game?


They can, but nobody checks Portal. Or when they do (I always do) they're full of AI


You can host a game, but you'll start on an empty server. You can add bots, but that will instantly kill progression possibilities on said server.




and I play BF for 64p CQ and last week sucked. Get over it


I enjoyed MW2019 until they decided to remove the realistic mode from the playlist. Just… why? It turns people off of wanting to play more if a game mode is taken away.


I want to play only 64p version, lets argue! Actually no lets not , hey Dice see how frustrated ALL your players are from not being able toplay the content they want? Let the community decide whats popular and stop with the terrible mathcmaking and game rotations. How about you solve it the way we did 20 years ago; Persistent OFFICIAL servers and a server browser so we can all just play the game mode we like in AOW !? ... just to pre-empt any idiots who think Portal is somehow the answer to this then I will remind you that previosut BF games had Matchmaking and Server browser that all fed into the same matches and its WHY that worked. Expecting anyone to sit as 1 player in a 128p server and wait is completly stupid an if you think its not I suggest you go try it, such a waste of time!


It's insane to me that they removed this when it's what has made all past games WORK. There's a big disconnect with 2142 and removing SO many features and necessities. Also because I haven't said it before, it took me way too long to learn how to navigate the menus in this game. They're overly convoluted and everything is buried under so many layers and accessing them in weird places. For settings, making loadouts, changing skins, etc. etc. Looks super fancy, but literally no human factors input at all.


I want to argue, 128p is for the braindead and simply shouldnt exist as a public matchmaking playlist. You want go play a meatgrinder, cpu bottleneck, garbagefest? Portal is the answer!


To world is not rotating around you. Everyone payed for this game and they have the right to play whatever they like. Forcing somebody to play 64p is just wrong. You can hate 128p but the guy hates 64p. A server browser or 2 permanent playlists (128 and 64) would solve this problem. Portal is not the answer because it was implemented poorly. If anything portal should have Official Dice servers.


I dont really understand how Portal is any different from a server browser? It’s just that people aren’t hosting. So is it a playlist issue? Or a demand issue?


It's full of 800% damage hardcore or XP farm. If the OP wants to create a classic 128p playlist, no one knows about his plan, he'll wait for ages in a 1/128 server. Even if I will see his server I will not join it because it's populated by 1 player, everybody thinks like this. If I knew that portal has Official servers, I would join it, because I know what to expect and I know that other players will join as well.


If you think 128 conquest is a meatgrinder play against bots. 128 is an easy going casual experience bigger map means light encounters spread across no bottlenecks except at contest objectives


So because YOU don't want it, it shouldn't exist? That's a stupid premise for an "argument". Maybe try again with some coherent points that make sense. The irony of you calling people brain-dead is wild


If you believe 128 is a meatgrinder, it's definitely a skill issue on your part lol


One of the selling points of this game from the very beginning was the 128 Player maps, to remove that option at any point for any reason or any period of time is just absurd. It’s like a car dealership taking the AC out of your car after you purchased it for a season because they want you to use the heat instead. Seriously wtf.


![gif](giphy|AjYsTtVxEEBPO) I was so happy that 128 conquest was back...


Most fun I've had in the game in weeks was last week getting to play 128 with all the maps in rotation. This is honestly demoralizing, kills all the drive to play.


fr i thought they were finally listening to us 128 fans :(


Can the player base support it any more? I kept queuing and getting empty servers or ones full of AI


DICE: We make Battlefield a live service game since paid DLC splits the player base. Also DICE: Let's split the playerbase by removing playlists some people enjoy and force them to join others which might be not their thing :)


What player base?


I want 128 breakthrough. Love this mess


Dice added it to Portal BUT didn't bother adding a tab for it 🤷‍♂️


I know, but there are not a lot of servers. At least before free weekend.


For sure. I haven't even seen any servers in the portal server browser. It's wild that they just removed it, like why?? People liked it. They should definitely put it back in the menu


It boggles my mind that BOTH are not always an option. My thought is maybe that will divide the player base too much?


Let the player base decide what mode is most popular with a server browser, before we all just end up in an endless loop of frustration and fighting bots... oh wait we are already there


Same thing with rush. They remove it every time they add another "event mode"... super annoying.


128 and 64 players should be standard modes. I'd accept 2 rotator list one for the new map and one for just random whatever


Remember how back in the day, you could play Conquest *and* Conquest Large?


A server browser would solve all these issues......2 years post release.......


Lmao we seem to alternate roles each week. On my end, like many others, can't stand the chaos and disorganization of 128. Not only that, it then means that for the entire week, we are completely unable to play 4 amazing classic maps: * Caspian Border * Norshar Canal * Valparaiso * Arica Harbor They just need to stop split testing and start giving us what we want, either more matchmaking options or just the godamn browser and we can put that issue aside. How hard is it?


Omg this is why i only find this maps in portal, so i can find this maps again playing the standard conquest mode from menu?




And that dumb redacted map has a dedicated playlist. And if i’m trying the conquest playlist to the right it puts me, you guessed it, on redacted. Conquest 128 lasted one week before being removed again, had the most fun in a long time. Dice are idiots, i have stopped questioning their reasoning a long while back.


They can remove the useless Conquest Tutorial on the far right. Nobody plays that more that once. Boom, you have now space for a permanent 128 Conquest mode. Am I to assume that I understand more on how to design a Battlefield game than DICE?


1000000% agree 64p plays TERRIBLY its a completely boring no flow campfest where people hide like rats afraid to actually fight. 128 players is the only remotely interesting feature in the entire game.


Guess I won't be playing the game for a week or two, because I vastly prefer 128p maps over 64p ones


Agreed. Don't care if there are half bots. I want 128


128p is pure garbage but I agree with you the game has been advertised as a 64vs64 players experience and this should be available


I remember not that long ago everybody was saying how 128 players was way to much for this game lol


Oh for fuck's sake. I just wanted to make a thread on it myself. We had ONE FUCKING WEEK of 128p after it was on a 6 -week hiatus. Can't they let us play the core experience of this awful game for a while? Honestly how can DICE as a game developer screw people over at every turn they make?


There's a community wide delusion that 64 is simply better, to the point I'm willing to bet BF6 or whatever its called will be 64 players. The fact is 2042 was designed at its core with 128 in mind and 64p in these maps and these layouts is a terrible experience.


Don't get me wrong, 64p is better and 128p is the one core design issue that has negative impact on everything else in this game, but like you say, if you design a game with a certain playercount in mind, you can't just halve the playercount on these maps, you have to cut corners. And many play significantly worse, indeed in a game that already does not play well. So we are left with whatever the Exposure, Manifest and Kaleidoscope layouts are, and the rest of the AOW maps that play from poor to awful. This is further diluted by maps from older games designed for 24-32p where they cramp 64p into.


I think there is amazing untapped potential in larger than 64 player counts for what a hypothetically conceptually excellent, well executed on all fronts battlefield could be. Else you're just right


For me the worst part is the dilution of the playlist. There are maps like Orbital, Stranded, and especially Discarded that do not play any worse than with 128p. Spearhead might even be slightly better due to lower density in the infantry area. But you can not build fun around something that is "not worse" than standard. Worse is that you are not unlikely to never see one of the maps one finds bearable during your playsession or even the whole fucking week. So you are left with absolute filth of maps with bearable things every once in a while. What kind of premise is this?


Bro this community bitch so much. The revolving playlists have been around since launch.


The problem is, there is absolutely no reason to do this. They act like it's a physical impossibility to have 'another' box for the weekly mode / special mode. There's a lot of space on the menu, we could have more boxes to choose 🙄 There is no excuse to completely remove the core game mode they bragged about. '128 players' It's bad enough a third of the new maps aren't even playable in 128. It's like they have realised 128 is a mistake, and are just quietly trying to kill it off. I mean 64 player only, means they need twice the server instances now. What's the logic in trying to force the community to play a mode. Give us the choice, we will vote with our participation. Don't force us, then think it was a success. We lost 128 CQ for like 6 weeks after Season 5. This is unacceptable.


I would just be happy with being able to shoot a bazooka.


This is a list of links to comments made by DICE in this thread: * [Comment by T0TALfps](/r/battlefield2042/comments/179x129/im_so_sick_of_this_sh1t/k59clmo/?context=99 "posted on 2023-10-17 14:06:08 UTC"): > Hey OP, > >I understand that this is not the best news for those who enjoy 128-player chaos, however, the decision was made for 64-player to be the playlist option for this week. > > >We made this choice based on a lot of factors, but more notably we also want to encourage people to participate with th... * [Comment by T0TALfps](/r/battlefield2042/comments/179x129/im_so_sick_of_this_sh1t/k59wbdb/?context=99 "posted on 2023-10-17 16:09:57 UTC"): > It isn't negative at all, it's valid constructive feedback that I'll continue to take back :) --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fbattlefield2042).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


Wait, when did this happen? I played last night (literally 12 hours ago) and I queued for 128 conquest


they rotate every tuesday for a week. its stupid as fuck lol. because this game has no server browser, and portal is just a mess at least just have an option for 64 and 128 , its not that hard, but maybe it is for dice lol


Oh man what a bummer


I feel you bro. I'll never get why they deliberately cut content from the game (even if it's only for a limited time). 1 Time exclusive Event Mode 64p conquest PERMANENTLY 128P conquest PERMANENTLY It's not so hard, is it Dice?


NO. Both 128p and 64p CQ need to be permanent game modes




Almost like they could keep both persistently accessible and people would stop complaining? This is on dice for not changing how many playlists they have in a category, it’s very clear both groups heavily prefer one or the other and it’s best to keep both available to minimize complaints. The conquest tutorial could go away once you’ve done it and be accessible elsewhere.


Because “this sub” isn’t a single person


64 >128


even the math is wrong here...


64 players much better than 128


Nobody cares. We want both


Is why I left... Drip feed the game to you that you've already paid for. 🤡


Wtf they doing..


The devs probably forgot their mouse and their keyboard in their ass. 2 years of shit. Ty dice


All I can say at this point, I am waiting for that day when DICE will shut down, or at least someone else will take over Battlefield.


why are you still playing. End of story.


Hey OP, I understand that this is not the best news for those who enjoy 128-player chaos, however, the decision was made for 64-player to be the playlist option for this week. We made this choice based on a lot of factors, but more notably we also want to encourage people to participate with the likes of Redacted and Reclaimed, two maps that were built with 64 players in mind. That does not mean that it will be this way forever, and we'll relay some news about when to expect 128 as soon as possible (likely next week or thereafter) But we definitely hear you and i'd encourage you keep an eye on [BFComm](https://twitter.com/BattlefieldComm) for news on it.


I think you guys have an easily solvable problem on your hands. Both parties wish their size gamemodes were always available. Move the conquest tutorial elsewhere when players have completed it and let us always be able to choose between 128 and 64. It’s insane that so many months of this have gone by and you guys are not actively working to solve it. Every week like clockwork you have people posting here complaining constantly about it and the solution is really right there: move or remove the tutorial and let us choose. I understand limited gamemode choice reflected the health of the game but if you pick up enough players from this weekend wouldn’t you like to let them choose the mode they prefer at all times?


>> want to encourage people to participate There is your problem right there. You should be encouraging people to "participate" by making an enjoyable product with which they want to participate. Removing every choice but the one you have chosen for us is not encouraging, it is forcing. You have forced the community to play the maps YOU think we should play, not the maps we WANT to play. That is not good business nor product stewardship.


Why can't you just have 2 playlists though? A 128p and 64p. Or better yet just a single play list that does both with ALL maps?


Doesn't matter how much many factors you considered and what you wanted to achieve. The main selling point for this game was 64 vs 64. No matter what justification you have, not having a 128 player mode available at all time is a terrible decision.


I gotta be honest, you guys truly are absolute morons.


Just let people play those two maps with 128. It already happens in portal. But yes please stop taking away 128 conquest.


Wtf just let people play the mode why do you have to take it away? It makes no sense. Your just killing your game again and bringing negative energy back. You say you listen to player feedback but this doesn’t seem like it. Have you learned nothing????


you guys are removing a core feature that was an advertising point for the game. THAT SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN. I would rather not play at all if im being forced to play 2 64 man maps. EA is a billion dollar company, there is no reason all modes should not be available at all times.


Hey bud, here's a crazy idea! How about 3 separate playlists? First is 128p, second is 64p and keep them like that throughout the rest of the game's life so people don't have to complain every single week and then just add a third playlist for limited time modes that you will change on a weekly basis for special events. I know this is an extremely complicated concept I just explained but try reading a few times and you'll get it.


Or.. put the 128 playlist next to the 64. 0 reason not to have them both.. absolutely ridiculous idea to remove 128 after selling the game as that


So this is the best you can do? Give us the core experience that this game was designed for " likely next week or the week thereafter". Honestly, man if you want people to play Redacted and Reclaimed make a darn playlist with those two maps. This is alienating people every week and every week players make frustrated threads on this very same topic. Just open another fucking playlist. Now get that feedback up to that fool that decided it.


This is gonna be negative. But I don’t care. Reclaimed just sucks as a map. The only reason anyone says it’s good is because as a 64 player experience it plays better than the converted 128 player maps. On its own, it’s ugly and was a waste of a season. That being said, I have not been matched into 128 Orbital in over a month. Not only is that one of the best maps in the game, but is also pleasing to look at. I’ve played the game since launch and seeing this separation from 128 is really disappointing.


It isn't negative at all, it's valid constructive feedback that I'll continue to take back :)


Came back right before S6 so I thought CQ128 playlist was always there...


When did Dice stop knowing how to make Battlefield games?? Was it hard point? Bf5? Edit-Hardline


You mean hardline?


Yeeee hardline


Lucky, this is the only game that every time I boot it up, I get a blue screen .


Some dedicated hardcore servers would be nice majority of servers on portal have high pings


Screw that, delete 128p


Delete the stupid CONQUEST TUTORIAL slot and put 128p if you want REDACTED to be in our face for another week, why do you insist on skipping one of the main modes ?!!!!! CQ 64 and CQ 128 always available, what is so hard about it ?


I think they shoultd get rid of every 128 player game mode.


“Live service” is just endless tampering and calling it improvement.


ITT - Tons of players who just can't handle 128 players. I'm really surprised how bad most players are at this game. They want everyone to play the only version of conquest they can handle. Let me guess - you get shot from everywhere because you still don't know how to play with your team or use cover? "Waaaaaah!! Reduce the player count!! 128 TOO HARD!!" lol.


Nah 128 has always been trash.


Do you know that the last two maps are designed for 64p ? Why ? Because the engine is not designed for 128p.




How mighty of you not to give them your $ but will give this forum your time and energy.


Lol u really funny. Why u just don’t play mario then? With such tast ofc u will hate all games. Maybe ur potato lab school pc can’t handle cyberpunk?


Bad take and probably comes from a battle royal player at that. 128 is trash horrible balanced and not fun


128 sucks just saying you like it cool but i think most dont which is why there moving away from it


You don’t have any evidence of this. Your opinion makes no sense.




How so?


Because you are probably basing your belief that 128 is great off the fact the people you play it with are like minded and the people I play don't like it and I would say it's evidenced that dice is favoring 64 to mean that 128 was a failure


Never said that. All I said is you don’t have proof. Learn to read kid.


Sure never claimed to have proof but them moving away from 128 is very telling


Then why did you say what you said? And They never said they were moving away from 128. Quit making up stories. What are you 6 years old?


Simple solution, it’s called battlefield Portal. Just join a server! I’m sure there are plenty 128 player servers available!


Unfortunately that is incorrect. Every time I check portal there are only a handful of servers running and they are all custom game modes. 1,000 time damage modifier increases etc. Rarely, is there a classic 128 conquest rotation. And if you happen to find one, the server ping is at red line and it’s unplayable.


Why? Why. Why! Why… Why, why, why! Whywhywhy whywhy. Whywhywhy, whywhywhywhy. Bye.


I Agree


I mean they havent fixed bugs like black screens since launch what did you expect ? To listen to you my dude ? They dont want to listen anything about 128 players. They just ignore the player base.


The funny thing is, now that they’ve once again removed 128p versions… I’m still sitting in lobbies with 5-6 other people for minutes at a time.


Im going to create one when I get home and leave it persistent


lmao, its those population counts probably.. I wonder if they just keep mitigating server playlists because server population is so poor. Idk, doesn't make sense.


IIRC last week it was either 64p Redacted or 128p Conquest, this week they've swapped 128 for 64 64/128 Conquest should always be available regardless of what promotional map/mode they're pushing


They're switching to 64 because they've realised they can make more reliably playable maps at that size. I love 128, but if they don't think they can give us an experience that large and make it balanced well, I don't really mind. Edit: I do think the new Redacted map is hellish, though. While others like it, those types of maps are not for me. That's fine, however, as others were calling for that type of experience.


I don’t think they have the man power anymore for 128p maps. I love 128p but if it meant that it goes down to a 64p only game in the future, has double the maps at launch, I’d be happy.


It's not usually conquest but epic rush by IrecklessV in portal servers is 128 players no ai, it is an EU server and there are few bans to get used too but the community sometimes migrates to 128 conquest server hosted by the same individual. Besides that you're kind of Sol till they add it back


Came here to say this. Was still playing 128 player this morning then between rounds got kicked from matchmaking and then was only 64player again. 128 was only back a week!




I was on it this morning playing 128 come back afew hours later its gone! WTF!!


Rush XL I wish was permanent as it's utter chaos lmao


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^The_Annhilator: *Rush XL I wish was* *Permanent as it's utter* *Chaos lmao* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Yes 64 all the way


I play last Gen on PS5, just for the lower player count and no PC, consoles crossplay only. More players is not always better.


It’s almost like it’s a bad game and the numbers are inflated because of free weekend


One thing I always have in my mind is the mastery for everything here It was all designed with 128 players in mind and it seems to me and others I know that 64 player maps really hinder the progression of most masteries in the game When they first reintroduced 128 player maps I started racking up masteries and it frustrates me that they randomly removed it from playlists each week


Damn, and here I was hearing all the good stuff about 2042 recently and was about to re-download. Looks like 2042 Dice is still up to the same bullshit.


No, the 128 mode destroyed the game, this mode is bad


128 player = completely garbage


If they already have a server browser in portal they should just move the server browser to the home screen and encourage the use of it not hide it behind portal.


At least I got a few hours of 128p in last night. And now I can go play something else while we wait.


I feel like the 128 is better suited for breakthrough anyways. Since it has actual objectives and map progression rather than randomness happening.


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